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December 13, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-13

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the . a


Is enough for one person to
play on at one time. One 1 Accomplishments end Conditions
guitar is not enough, how- in China. Cores and Japan Are
ever, to supply 3,000 stu- Ij Briefly Reviewed-Outlook for the
dents. That's why we have i Future.
i~constantly in stock several ivriyalwsfleiystdy
101dozens of guitars of various 00Uiest alwsfle etra
makes and prices. of ternooniil to hear ex-Secretiary Foster
Ii en " liss4ions in the F;air Vast:" The
)U. OF M, GUITAR. and tlieii thel distig isbedl diploin ate
It's good as its name. soefrhlanouupnteub
STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO19 P et:igiven above.
j - S. MAIN ST. 1
L a J ws fist gven n -N liih atribulewa
tild to tewr of theeicial tiais,
fHOLflAY PEIN iries sent slit fromn this counitry.
II ULI Wi I P[NIN ~ Tsiomspeaker thieistoolk upi milsiis
_________________________________ in (tinia, Corea, aind Jalsin in their
--ATI,- order. The masses of f'the eole of

Chirisrianity oi is to lie allowved to
give up its piresent religions to sink to
the lower level of athseisii depends
11110 whether tlie Chistiais churcies
do their duty. 4
Given Before Fres. Angeli's Class
in International Law.
tHon. J. 1W. Foster, who is the guest
of President Angell during his slay
ill Aini Arbor, gave aniniiformal talk
biefore P'resident Angell's class in ini-
teruational law yesterday on the office
of isecretary of state and diploma~tic
iffairs in genieral. Ile explainein i
ietail the workings of oar state do-
piartmsent, spoke of the siplomnatic ser-
vice of thse fUt-t States as comspaired
with that of other natios and closed
by givinig a udesciption of thiewily ill
which the late Chiisa-Japaonese treaty
was made. His personal conalectioin
with the affair miade the dtesciiption of
especial value, and the usliole talk was
of great iiiterest in connectioniAlwI'th
the work of ttie course.
They Are in a Flourishing Condi-
tion-Coming Frograms.

Proposed Fian for a Union of the
Two-The Societies to Control the
Debate-Prizes to Be Ofrered.
The discussiuiisconceining °at union
if the Oratorical Soc'iety andtheli Lit-
erary- socileties lhis at last takeisom005
i(eiite furim. The point at issue is
the contriil of lie annual iaitereol-
legiaite debate and.tine Oratorical As-
sociattioismakes the societies the olfer
"Tin' l'niois shall be knosvnt as the
Oiratoiical Assiiciatiion.
"Each of the fotur societies, shall
elect at representatlive who shall lie a
niimbei-osithlbsexei-utis-eissard. Tinso
society replresentaltiu-sshsiall foim a
comiimittee foi the Iianagent oif ide-
baites, ei soitity ireliitiary bei-
tuig noinaged by its respeiv-es ri-pro-
sentaitive oii the executive hoard', who
sliall have ipower to naaiciir Its1sis-
tasts. This commnittenofinou' sm11
also save cliargi'of hLo inal tdebate.
The entire exec-utiv-e boardl shall h1ave
-blarge iif the intercolli'iate dlebaties.


You are invited to our book
party to see our now Holiday
Gift Bdooks in choice bindiiigs.
Oxford Teachiers' Bibles. All the

Chlina.lire on, the 1w11010favoirably sits-
usised lowarutdiiissiooiaries anditrti-at
themr wtth retpect. The gooil that is
ilinm'lby'miss~tis is ieiilant si'
the iiis-iiiial'ii' are left nihoihsleih
biy .tie niajority iif the ptrill' The
r-eceiit oiitbreaiks, were iciaracte-rizeit
as tralicichit, thie work of the Clitiac'e
litti-ratti, iir futlure othice hioludeis.

nesv books or tue season caii00 Thisse haltli-cfear11h11 Ctistianiiy will Tin hi'bating societies in thie liter- "Thi'e lreseihtativi'sfco iinilii i
seen at our store aisd will be sold
to stiideiits at wholesale lirices. ihhe-ii'liitiheli'existing religioni snil ary depatmueint ire iii aniruiissially laissi's, seioriih, juiorti, sopihomoirehit-
Beautiful Gift Books 25c each or (g0ierillelit uiiiihso they stir 011 the flhourishing ciiniditiionthits year. Tuie iciry, first, secoiiihiaid thirid year boy
five for $1. wsosrst relments sgainst missions. This Alhia -Nutelissdoiibledt its smhsirshitp shall contriil ands armange for the csa-
-- Chinueseaultihrities, protect the mi is- i'ethe hegilsuiuig if thsi'yerandutolisccihtroite-t,.
SHB{IB1'- AN 00QQ sionarhill aswell 10 possible andu tiheli'Aslelhohitis not fuir hbehind. "IEiheu Comiitteelts' ay cuialici met-
Wholsaleaia Retil hok- the whole thesy ace iiiuilisuifer anii The AlpihiaNu is arianiginig for as ihg of the exe'cuttiesiiarid tossecide
sellers. obtuainreidriss niich-isire promuptly proifessurs eveisii. 011onthe, sme lan' ih anliy questionl that fills iuiieis taIs J -
Sthan so hituinese luiborers in this as that given by liii AsheltilaIsst yr aur, stictioii. There sheeall hi' 0110sit of
"NA AA~L..D, countiry. Woireui'aisle to hroltect our hoc -hue second t urday eveinhg, ill officero for the two onoiilin is.
isitahi s inl China withut the uise Janhuatry. Thiis soieity will also dei- ",The Oruatoricall Socitly shiuil iover-a
T HE LEADING TAILOR wistinnse of Elirulisuhipowers, for v-ste an es-cuing(, in Jauauury so ths prize of .$30 to he is'idedi into,11t-e
Chinas a lsways shuownhesl will- prleseitatioin of Snhkestpeariani scenes. pirize'ssif $ 25, $15, mitdi$tf, for the
AND IMPORTER. tig to granit the eandussmaide hsy A joiiitptoramil will be ren bsy this winners of first, secoistasuithttirdl
The latest and most Fashionable the Unitedt Stasi. Alpha No aindtAiheiphut societies siounhplaces resisectively iii the inter-society
Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. tus Cores, missions will go fiurwoart after Christisas. Onie of ths featuires udebate.
The Largest Stock in tlho City. miuchi iiore rapidly nosy that condi- if this pirogramwill tie is contest de- "All ceseslhuis in the final. iebate
NO.2 , WSHNGON T. NAR AIlions there have beimplitroved by thie hate. mist be iiieiiihers osf tin' Oratoical
I , .ORGAN FOR THE S. C. A. Asoato.'tiecissamsiiil
a[[Japaus iiade tilenuistakne of accepit- - oliates insst tie mi'iihss'i- of oise of
iii 'ill 00oumprovesd methods of mmaun- The Regents Give Them the One the liteiai-y societies. This' tiriin-
ufnistue transportation, ant ic Formerly in the Chapel. ariin'uhraetolett usi'
t Jtute wathiout acceptinag our religion. ''u oteogssfiuu'l sn nta -iis
The Shocker culled tits accepingug lihsuatiel hiss heen ripesenutedl by thur "'Theui t-ail or anuy Hiri'osifthe
Special sale this week, ressults wvithioumtacceping the cause.-cregents to thur S.-C. A. aund hiss breen societis's imy at any hume dtssolve
Illustated otwith,,tanding this, missions have moved to New-berr-y Hallt During the this uniom."
maude great progress in Japan. As onse past iveek it was set up is thue andi- Time shove propossitionus with come r.p
G I F1 -B ~Q I(S illustration of this, lime fact thsat there torium op stoics and tuned for use. for constiderathion uat the various so-
GIF mBOOSare at present 23 T. 31. C. As in After the holidays it wsill be desticatesd ciety mmeetimugs this evening.
Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Japan ivas given, by appropriate exercises. '97 Social Fostponed.
c xScrtaTfse tik htms hsCaleniders and Diaries for 1896. ExScea'Fse uk ta us his organ wvas presenitld to the
Juvenile and Toy Books, sious vill ultimately triumph in fluetUniversity by the late August Wider- The h07 social wvhichs was to lisie
Teacher's Bibles. Largest East because, anmong other reasons, man wvhen tlue old chapel ivas finished beeni helid at Grangecs tomighut hls'
stock in the city, 1,000 popua- the doors are now open, the facilitiesil17adhs been ipueeerhenlostpionun mtil JIan. 29.
lar books at 25 cents each. for missions have greatly increased, since. Mr. Widernoan wvas formerly a The regular ivork of time lasv classes
an e haveleaedy many ev aable
AAMRA H'S 'lessons along the line of missions froni here. The amount necessury ror mov- Saturitay so that the department may
Up Tows, Down Town, our past experience, tug the organ is beinug raised by sub- close Thursday, Dec. 19, for thme Christ-
Universitsy Boosstore, Opposie Court House x
20SS. State St. 4 N. Mats St. boether the East is to be won for sertption. moss recess.

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