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December 13, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-13

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f 4M fr'tj~ " Students Refuse to Comply With Northwestern's Challenge for a
An Order of the Faculty. Joint Debate is Accepted.
Published Daily (hauitay escepted) during Thtere is troublf at 11sf University of Northwestern, NMichigass old op1p1o-
the Colegbyear, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. this-ago over the following notice psoet-toenthboo chsallensgeu thte lUniversity of
OFFICE: Times baildilaf N. Frainsts., apposite ed.bysthetos faculty: Nisonoin 4a a joint debaste. At a
post office. "By order of the snit eroity cuuiil isseetitig .of the udifferenit literary sori-
EDITRS. ust its tak ing, work in thesr nuni- eties recenotly, Wisousin derided to
J. A Letus '5, llasalsgEdior. siumsswill offer liTsn. 1 be requiredl to accepst the cblleuge.
C. R.Gsvs, Ge.9, ssistant. "fisi' asseslatonhverusst eqy es-ieSt itlsstepofcsen byvesrslso-
.. CRG.L sitneece nta fcoe yF. THsOtAS, '97, Assistant. Tesuknshv eue ocml- 'I
.5. N Eres 5, Athiletit Editor. wills this demandtt ous the fasi-ohy is itosry rontests. Essels literasry society
L. O. WALKsEs, '96. Busoiness Manafer. stlroiedto orcd frm ii'eessrpresssv otissst-
It. C. FAULss. 0 M1.Assistaatte.mndntorc d.,folIte eet l ersnaieadlnatrsoiaeEios tn thstkn ilmscaritntieadfo hs neetrlCl
Asoit dtr. sos ttn sks.Btlioi -it1i t1il-iv nn-t from1'these...sonteiin. rss cot-

Thse Woman's, League will give a.
Chsristumas psarty Friday evefting , Dec.
13, at 7:30 o'clock promptly, in Mc-
Milloto Hall, to which all members of
thse League are invited. League tick-
ets adnoit.
The first '97 sociol ovill be hseld at
Grotiger's Academoy Fridasy, Dec. 13.
Tickets are on sale at one dollar each
aud the tsumber is liitied.
Thse Graduate Club will useet at thoe
residtsnce of tresident Angell, Tues-
stay, Dec. 17, 1895. 7:30 p. tso. trof.
Spsalding will read a, paper upon "Ex-
perimelsiol Evolutien of t'lauts."
Wssnted-Somseoue is ploy for danc-
ing a hmlf hour a, day in ecrhange for
suse of psiatso. 45 Wor shiteuow ave.
Closing Out
We have left a fair stunk of
all sorts of

L. A. P'ratt, 'Fi. A. IK. Petrie, '98.
C. A. tioughtoa, '96 D.G. . t.Heath, Si 5'.
Katherinese end. 7. It. i3. Gamooso, '05 1M.

hi' accused withsosst acertaonanuosber
if gyullstssino cedi-ts, so 'there is sni

B0. . Metse assy, '00. 1R.tR. tReiiiy, '99. itercsig ( ulse ill tprosptect.
E. C. tBuck,0'99it. SusasnnahRltiidsoes,'98 Conce-rninsg ilhs'rs-o'inisforte(lii-siser,
F. A. Mitner, '96 tI. ,N. L. Geismer, '985k.
'W. W.tHauses, '95. ussr of the counisil s-idt:
"Stutdenits hsave beets inthie Issbit of
Thse price o the toastywilit remaio as here-
tefsre, (2.50 a year, inveariabiy in iadvice, roiliisson th le gymnii um fiiliossiorill
notwitisstssits the fsict thast pubicatios :sorsIsandit osis titssof garsri, anitOhs'
swilt be contisised util'Commsenscemiest. 'sacutyhaiss ieriitit iiouslditfi-u-u sll
consredei to hasve suits ofusisformisits-
Tlhe tDaily would roll tlii'attesitison
of sll stutisess intelierar dpatsign. Isisisaipurely a scesse of prorsi'-
tiseit vlss sies oissriedso tti ely so-Ilets dictatedl tihi police puirsuedi.
A s-iitstilisst Isris tonne-cieit wisits list
Unierit ogaiztin.tothene rle o fleadiiii4tritvebote, u libe-so shoick-Istotis' itter I"eisltilities
lsies inIt'yestersay'ssis-sues'.ioiten-of Sptatsors, suit to retisisy thists,'
acsitioninstsregstrditto tuniformss sosis
forcinig tseroltss itIo sthletis, the
Btosardtof tionlriol hsssse hsaitoftentio __taken._______
tieet thei'plies=it ignosrsance. I-sltlsan- Dobate of Chicago.
tisiiiistiiti ts~ tisoliss isstitO The IUsiversity of Ctliiago Weely
the adinsiistrative' bissrd, -aoustilios
I<ssthli'foiltosinig suits' siltsheli'lic--
woiasres-onnesstedsIitssissy ossy switls,it-ti-iistbl:
anty sits-tiorgsisimisitiis sh oiuldtsee' to
"Tlss l'tesatinsg s-ntstlto si-li's-s Htre-
ittist its'es-egultsiosasre cuumplsie'd seosssss isotrisI or-i'
soills.;sentsthlUii siriy isir-the lsicgis-
INLAND LEAGUE. li'-tlitninsssetisig ti-xt Aprsil, 0as5hlei
htsttTtsttilsit's'evenissg its tis'li-i-Iis-i
First Number in tho Course Givon halt. iThs- consssrissts wov e lssrs.
Last Night.
-McstIlsilan, Aoigi, Vsaughasns,SWilsoni,
The first sisssis r its tis' InilandtitMelislorls, Whly se. ltltiell suit
Le'agus' Soissssogisi-ti li;t iigist st Is-Ikss.Ftot' so-sri-sttsect: (Vls-ts'.
the ('lsts--ti ot 'Irist. Te s-ourse- 'sisglliiansisirtSitslll.regustsr, asuit
ossstsclstssful year. lot t the Ssettttl. stiuss.Sr iys ss
Thei' sonce-r't lsast inights was0givsen 1by
Alpha Nu Program.
P'rof. FroseI). Yort,.osittoiit. is-____
sistesdlib iss i --oh' (sirtitti', ssllsrsss; 'liii tssgrosssosothtes-AlphaisNuiios-
lilt. lHsrmanssitruc-nter, sisoluist, suit siety- fit, Fridasy iglil is as followss:
Mir. Alfrs'dt toffmassn, titlist, slt of Missis'. Iighselsosol Stoirstottis slists
D~etr'oit. resising-. Miss (is: Sybl, Sit. tR-odiclk;
'T'es'nesxt isusmster its the csisrse is a visolins solo, Mr. Millir; detet'f tle.
Ladls''Evseninsg, Jans. 11, unisesrthes'i- solvest, Tlist the amsounst of piropeirty
re'rtisotn(if Prof. t-resderit~kitt.Pe's'esr. thatimasy tie left to ,su: it' eur-isiti-'
of Ypssilansti. dsalshioussittldse lismitest bytlsow," sit-
Philological Society, ftissstive,Sir. Issustis oast Sir. Gui--
- sss~ulrr.negsative'. Sir.RitsiotstandostSy.
Theis'regiilsr moouthlyl'tmeetinsg of tiesiehsls;inusis, ttigli School Stuoliit
l'liitsologicsil Society tusoks 1h"5e' last cluit; impstrompstutt, tr. Astasms; chiest-
eorning its Roons 1E, labs 1Hail A hutis, . .tiis-'tir:violinO soo.,SMr.
laries nutmster of lie fsaculty os-see trrs- Stiller; critic's retoort.
tit to liste'nssto Irof. Ilsisshulwoss
Webster Society Program.
spuoker'up~o 'htlsyitis'rechnsiits'its____n
Chanicter." A sisgisisii clea'lyi't llsts- Ds'antHthittnis soill addsress tie
trats's thie rhsymie iislsrilies of thie Webster society on tFridtsy coeniug.
pout, ands Prsof. Itesistl's scitific anst Iis subject luing, 'Wetster os a Law,-
tuinnts' studly of thei most htsoi'ltit yrr" An essasy by 'sFii. Shct osisiicls
sworks of ('haucrewoiths as-less-to asirpoinfiiblt'Heisty IE. Nsiihoisb, drosiso-
olotitg for these impsutrities. Pro- tinatiots lot'J. Caspiar Ssauer, debxate
gress in versification wavsiery evidesist and inuasic by the St. IE. Quartet.,ite
in all the work'-s illustrasteut in the sdia- comsprised ito the programs. tree. All
gram~ invited to attend.
Wanted-Another steward. Apply Waited-A steward at 19t N. Uni-
to Mrs. H. C. Eamceo, 7 N. Slate st.I vet'sty ave. 61

('ueati socie'ty-Chooses threinesul to repo-
i'sosintths'untiver-sity,. Ths' cstio
sansdiothrplac ifishltisig ths-sebsats'
haveiot' su t:e n dsstosecistesdsihon.
Utit(Iis yeasr. S-idgsss lissdse-
losil itNrtsoorstsrssannoually for tthe
past thirees'yer;.
Dturinsgtir seconses m uesier si onr-

hour cosursse wi11 he offeredtinstArabicrRTIGTABLE TS~
(See A'sniouncets-spot. 14). t, is osftsr-- h l i ID L
ed fssr the first tisse andid s recosus which can he closed out as
mensessuto stoudetess of lanussges andu follows:
to thosse solso expec't hoto1akeIteusor
or Assy riasu. Sseesal stiusients- haves MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
alresady expresosetdsi sesire In J5)5s5 thur GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IN
classs. All stuideists woswotish to jooth GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
the clsass sore restuessted to sud thesir CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
name50s to thseundtsersigned,- ho thurES RAELINEN TABLET, - 35C
bsooks sissitibe ordisredsbetreuthe hats BESTINCRAER YTEDR
44 50 isos t. Tb's stosck wilt not be replaced.
NOSTICtE. Come '!nick for fdrst choice.
Alt msususters sit'1uti toostbalIsute usre Argus Printin g sHourse.
reqsuessted;t'to hi- st Ral'ssssupto tuiit
grotob gallery Sattrdtiy, Dlc.i14, it. Grand Opera House.
1:300 to.It. Pompuot. 1t2 NMsI E1.
sishe Castiiis llt oihsfts's-eithr aFIA EVENING, DUL. 13TH.
lou pise of not less iliun tsen dolars THlE CELEnBtATEI)
or at series of bosonsof equtt aut-ie sia ,on'Ia
fr thus'bteet poru s ubmoittedt ounor
before launry 15. Possus pertasinsing G Y B 1 T
to colts-ge life preferred. 28 A RZTISTS.
Prufosor tiurtae tos uto ests-ed The Gsy Bros. havee spun-ed so expenuse ha
uptosn Isis}osonnu srisess otlecturseit- seeuiring'thesryt'best liltossi-el utslen-ist h
titlest,"The tutlusesoce of Ctsristiauity oseison.Ente ew srho-(sisnesepeopule, nw
program irnsH anda10diOediistia travel-
tousAsnienu uuSsot ad ssiavzit Eriue- iso. See the bug sureet parade.
thou.' Thur lectures noose Tutestday,
W1eitnrsdsy stud Thursday,sit3 osclock PRICES: 35C, 50C AND 75C.
sit Tappatn Ball01. _________________________
B. A. ttINSDALE . At W. 0. PARKE 'S
'Strudetemooubero of this Political
Sihenri Associationsciougee thspub-C' ndIs
'icatious, at they comoumt los sallinsou
arom1,Tapn ala11am.on any dlay exceput Satturdot'. Five We'swelcomer alt. We hsall every easelt
tnumbers are uoov out ansI a tixth, sic to elipe the ursality of our can dies
pisng each doe Every effortmensucs
voted to city governmeuot, is prnig. t s.
'Memnbershuip, wshich includes the pub- Fresh. Goods and LOW Prices
icatious, is opens ho all stuns'u at $1 isertt.ArsioouCads
a year.osill convince thse moot critical.

TIPK't' r.
tf you travel oie thonustdlathes
shuring the tear yoguistill ssaveu ioossey
by purchasing a Othousat uti keuht.
The beat in the tmark(*t nine those is-
sued by ageuts of (Slits Centrsaluties.
They are good over all the imopotnt
systemsa including the entire B3. & 0.
system woest of Ptittsburg, ttoe Big
Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central
Lines before purchasing. Price $20;
good one year.
For Rent-Front suite, heat and
bath. Board if desired. 37 Forest.

Cor. S. State and N. University ave.
If yoa want good reliable life insaratnce call
on Fred T Mc~Ober, office No. 1, S.
Foarth iso-.
Advertise Your Wants
in The Daily.

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