THE U. OF M. DAILY f # 1+ f TROUBLE AT C -ICACO. TO MEET WISCONSIN. f 4M fr'tj~ " Students Refuse to Comply With Northwestern's Challenge for a An Order of the Faculty. Joint Debate is Accepted. Published Daily (hauitay escepted) during Thtere is troublf at 11sf University of Northwestern, NMichigass old op1p1o- the Colegbyear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. this-ago over the following notice psoet-toenthboo chsallensgeu thte lUniversity of OFFICE: Times baildilaf N. Frainsts., apposite ed.bysthetos faculty: Nisonoin 4a a joint debaste. At a post office. "By order of the snit eroity cuuiil isseetitig .of the udifferenit literary sori- EDITRS. ust its tak ing, work in thesr nuni- eties recenotly, Wisousin derided to J. A Letus '5, llasalsgEdior. siumsswill offer liTsn. 1 be requiredl to accepst the cblleuge. C. R.Gsvs, Ge.9, ssistant. "fisi' asseslatonhverusst eqy es-ieSt itlsstepofcsen byvesrslso- .. CRG.L sitneece nta fcoe yF. THsOtAS, '97, Assistant. Tesuknshv eue ocml- 'I .5. N Eres 5, Athiletit Editor. wills this demandtt ous the fasi-ohy is itosry rontests. Essels literasry society L. O. WALKsEs, '96. Busoiness Manafer. stlroiedto orcd frm ii'eessrpresssv otissst- It. C. FAULss. 0 M1.Assistaatte.mndntorc d.,folIte eet l ersnaieadlnatrsoiaeEios tn thstkn ilmscaritntieadfo hs neetrlCl Asoit dtr. sos ttn sks.Btlioi -it1i t1il-iv nn-t from1'these...sonteiin. rss cot- NOTICE. Thse Woman's, League will give a. Chsristumas psarty Friday evefting , Dec. 13, at 7:30 o'clock promptly, in Mc- Milloto Hall, to which all members of thse League are invited. League tick- ets adnoit. NOTICE. The first '97 sociol ovill be hseld at Grotiger's Academoy Fridasy, Dec. 13. Tickets are on sale at one dollar each aud the tsumber is liitied. GRADUATE CLUB. Thse Graduate Club will useet at thoe residtsnce of tresident Angell, Tues- stay, Dec. 17, 1895. 7:30 p. tso. trof. Spsalding will read a, paper upon "Ex- perimelsiol Evolutien of t'lauts." Wssnted-Somseoue is ploy for danc- ing a hmlf hour a, day in ecrhange for suse of psiatso. 45 Wor shiteuow ave. Closing Out We have left a fair stunk of all sorts of L. A. P'ratt, 'Fi. A. IK. Petrie, '98. C. A. tioughtoa, '96 D.G. . t.Heath, Si 5'. Katherinese end. 7. It. i3. Gamooso, '05 1M. hi' accused withsosst acertaonanuosber if gyullstssino cedi-ts, so 'there is sni B0. . Metse assy, '00. 1R.tR. tReiiiy, '99. itercsig ( ulse ill tprosptect. E. C. tBuck,0'99it. SusasnnahRltiidsoes,'98 Conce-rninsg ilhs'rs-o'inisforte(lii-siser, F. A. Mitner, '96 tI. ,N. L. Geismer, '985k. 'W. W.tHauses, '95. ussr of the counisil s-idt: "Stutdenits hsave beets inthie Issbit of Thse price o the toastywilit remaio as here- tefsre, (2.50 a year, inveariabiy in iadvice, roiliisson th le gymnii um fiiliossiorill notwitisstssits the fsict thast pubicatios :sorsIsandit osis titssof garsri, anitOhs' swilt be contisised util'Commsenscemiest. 'sacutyhaiss ieriitit iiouslditfi-u-u sll consredei to hasve suits ofusisformisits- Tlhe tDaily would roll tlii'attesitison of sll stutisess intelierar dpatsign. Isisisaipurely a scesse of prorsi'- tiseit vlss sies oissriedso tti ely so-Ilets dictatedl tihi police puirsuedi. A s-iitstilisst Isris tonne-cieit wisits list tuisersndytornsthasotrevaitodtweichesa- Unierit ogaiztin.tothene rle o fleadiiii4tritvebote, u libe-so shoick-Istotis' itter I"eisltilities lsies inIt'yestersay'ssis-sues'.ioiten-of Sptatsors, suit to retisisy thists,' acsitioninstsregstrditto tuniformss sosis forcinig tseroltss itIo sthletis, the Btosardtof tionlriol hsssse hsaitoftentio __taken._______ tieet thei'plies=it ignosrsance. I-sltlsan- Dobate of Chicago. tisiiiistiiti ts~ tisoliss isstitO The IUsiversity of Ctliiago Weely the adinsiistrative' bissrd, -aoustilios I