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October 22, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-22

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ONE GUITA GRNDVpersonDDESRto 1 Will Lecture Here Tomnorrow Night 'Varsity Team Felt the Effects of
- I TLTI:FEDYETRA.on Oratory.- Saturday's Game.
Is eltougtafoloeATHLETIC FIELD ,.Ramodpocssr f YESTERDAY.ti sowd t e
40 play on at 055, time. One I The Loss Will Be About $500 With ~ T.ilseslrteot's tsttttyslreisstosli f
1 gitris t eoghow No Insurance - Boys' onfires Asheisw feit rietsio111lrsient ttinftse st l'iff game1 111put pby
00 ever, to supply 3000 sf- p Probably the Origin. oftineit'Newt Yortk .iutilotri clbiti l-tile it'tiy ol Sstr ilsiy t''trtlo(f
dents. That's whly we fhave Its ie e lmst f Pro. Trueblod.a it tle n ri'also trid If.1 n1w po1si-
14 colstaltly it stoek several i1At , atrpt'.4itsitw~v els 'ct'raS tis f Thiticweek. its lasskidlye itni titn tto( heirsltiwasosa. fallinglf
doesofgitrzoensosI srkewsdiofre ssngfrmhitlittarsebfoeth ofi, Iricn or.Te nereecewt
vHrots iire gran s tand, atsso te Iisttiss f tetdo st (11tslIsblnothe latri'eitu ro re tin teepti1onttlof 'it'w illits t'ttw'a s ll
SBETTER LOOK AT OUR p01 ItistItlst' (ttar sittd ir. (e0it ' . e 11s''e ltli'st stii s i'ittgglttig strtdlansttt i te ft e r ''it
101rei s 'usd- o lt a sy Itselit' o t heis et'A ic. 5105tiltt. 'llt i'115 tt'I it
"i U, OF M. GUITAR, a 1111111u llt'e senelt' titos t iti
t It's gsod s (itsn11 . 101Sf. Raymonxssit~l ilIstti 't ~55~5d tea 5 s strm t'l f t5t'. tilstt
i1 4$ha b iskbe tit s butttinglss 1i'ite'usssil it it551't .
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, 01 h loo~r in the otwstlioreti oe , Vi ..... .. .. I>slkle s
iN itt'Ns {0iltoshststatt.i'I'llttl Il '1111: lhat uiveri y lis take Hs peri.tt1
$14 S . e. N ST. ~ 4st lssl 'l'itt'asiitAlihasiEsilolt . ii5a5' . 1 5 . 555155
~ ~lfrtsertity costsite, in liiu 111l~s s~ltt ist' Ledei5'litli's'ffse s. 1t. . . . . .Denbty
Ile i ists athortil if sessaly il s'on 1Hili.. . g... Wosilistetr
ST DENT stiliesb' hsisnlts as set1 itt eist ora stiiisitorykinredsijc i'. I. sttssttgist t'it . .....Johsn
Si LiD E nn..ttsis hflame hsitis. list site ie ItsuIlst wsisitmaysicbss sentsii'il " ror:s;ssYntt. . t ..... . itlti
sIF YoO ANT ;tsinetois io smushheit'siit sy and bly Ills' 5itsttsal''I'h It" Si e'sslser,'Wrlit .... t. .iarsii... qib. hMsrly
it.t'meishe titsicisi despri'sstt'.airioe' erbe tr ts 1ii .. it .. erno11
s'. hir, oes)i ollsI iss tttt'iistittiittss c rf Drmhllr its . . it . eaIti
o s t Irtuitet'i'asis irunuts. l t '. StOitts of( tfiststty' sititlil gs I itl'.C sh ististg gl
'lii lstliwtg sstseeilssai l d ee his a d i ve lt5'hitit 5 5,55151 0 iil ig sh 'liiiiltiti. Isllo is
li si t r ight 'tutsri tntu ( 'siiirihii -
CALF,. AT TIlt'totasissistnceii. 'lTe irig~itii t i ti' iseAfsr isMe 'bers sof it'e01:1 i us l 'ui.t5ss t ttiu'' ttstis ots t hth-'. cii
STDETSgBO S OR tboseohvt siclsiover tol11 tli'ackleiieifmisi vts'tis. li ih
sisst' ii. utlss its' itiht ati s I ts gssutsstu iisill
S T ic' NT 51 ii O Etl B iil', (ill i y, osiusitg hs sis s''st ttitl is'be ssadm siitt fe t a pre i 5'flatt ft' tti' tl e. IIststititltttand tttiII 'litug
Latin. Mstlisniuiti[Cul and is!! COIl-_to lils theii is fst 55 st ls. Fi s tre sosend. lo i gsit' toil anitttili iett
legs Text Books at redistleti rttes BUST OF PROF. WELLS leesa ~edo o _ ers il otdd:oego tuia n
to) stnllIelts. Drawing Instr'nmelnts 51"--tli tdmissisil tenct'l sl'. T'lt ii 55's' c;liiti' Muly'andst i cl itt alsouis
11111 I'Enginers' Susjpdes. Donated to the University for the t Iligas tt till at ip, p.it. tcklid ol. Iiiehsttisssi ids'iu'rt
WE SELL 7'HE4;REST AND Law Library.
('IIEAI'E't' ItSUTASN PENUNITY CLUB COURSE. issili'sometisi'rfsi stro tu~gi a11t
IADE.' ' Tlt tivtitsity i t tt i t'issistii ar ist's'e stod s iis 'ilisiti'sitlgii
-_in___________o__tela iro. il Second Number, Lecture on Dane.
litti' 1 C ., l ilsi1i.i' titislwhic i ll e lt' I''I''sf in iGiven Last Ngit., ake
STATE STREET. .ilit' iss lity. If N till';gft of Mr. RiticJ. I. Wiliford'tIof Sglunisscc-I Freshman Girls' Srad.
tlg i silitre tis's' iehlfhe is' stl sic trdto III a itt s'' iatud ie c ti't' i ii I a t tissitng'ofisi 'li ii''0 r~ls in o st
- VV D - Itis' of liti. W lls. saii I s'e itirk It' '15thlalinigt i l 11Dntt. wco'ltt 1) i at0 4iIosclock sy'sleri'l sit ys c i deds'iii
TH E LEADING T AILlORDliii n1111di Philadie'ilph esiia ctlts, lh'sstt manedias'it i'ge'tstsl0f etilwrsitr.lilsillt s'stust 115s
and 1.liii F eiliriiihtis'nt. liof. JWells 'Tiii'seak'ri ut't Itdslt froit (Gladustne, ev.ening, 5111 . 1 Isiai 7 hio 1. i 'iloc .
AND IliPORTER ci was iii t olisss tf lca hsl.Iitirta thlDen-islit. Shieluy I't'llgt, Tits heitt lsgt'ts haeindistily ,ratedisilhe
~I~~hulet ard rost achinab e rcit tic onIs sits h tcfrl1:s 5 tds ii O i n ,1. lBrtoninig atisi lfstt'i shoIts li gilll"t' ii'use fthlt' tsasict o fr t'
li'th sit Iis idesth. thinkeris. lit' u'hssrssgisthit~s lts ii iit list'1toveithe t s forituuily tt~iu
Thh]lit aLbenalgosetis ll, Stock ino 1rui 5gi thef 1011,Cittatpup.e
N. 2E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. 'i'stuIrys oi-i'. hbit s noi t e stsn tiil pistri '1e itth eili'athouuliiy A lti as i 055 it ilatll '19gils
VW lI 11D hsihiuiisi'L.It scIll his plitiitsed is it - iofShtkssisls'sI. 'isichgu ltt iitishexis'l- uantd tll suecil giNil i lhirsit consdt
isihtdi,. positionssitthla luibrariytsuns (ingiitn s c ilus's' phr. .As lDsante,511ea t hrto' ei der u c e at i'' theIliner i ii'tiy
FHI1V1[ f 1 Y WAN~T Ih iiuti ithndom ipdstl. bosii hisi PItis e'ai c ssh'syoi iis iss uttt Me esit ofsic ile list ulisesusmmittee i1,u1h
FALL TENNIS TOURNAM~iENT. ili5ititiuti('iiit.u'111sli'iils'sihc't'siigsitiiiii
Wu''ecats neff your Sfe115 il thicpituaidol ' odhernsuu (u'' cap'' iit riati h l lt'iiy hlsli ''su'di~s1 uty. l istlsetry
'say of tet-hooks, supplies, etc., 110 W, D. Herrick Wins First Class in approhtin thiisis mahstrpicut'with it ii'Ihisuis' susdidali 'ori this liii hul
bnatter what your class or depart- Fnals-Concusion Today.
tLent, at eithier of our stores, anil we ____vi__wotoIsis tmte.Tis h'. 'is e tis 5 ,t'receive is'liii'thu.
have the right kind at thse right '~s iuichshels lisi ii usuhiisssii su sisu iu
pric. Bing roud alistof ourInspected the Library.
wuants;ssatrial purchase is thte best fallh hustss'uussste oere fhisheiiud 1 i5. 1't- ('ulieut viti 05liIire'1pesented ai ll the.i
trade all the a nah year. erc e-acietrlida f h ctnifeo roietctzn
We buy, sell andl exchangs second- fuuihlg Auxadehr 75,IC.Cl, 6I4. courl. f N'hti.Newr . ..Irsit AnsiAror
Iandbhooks in largequantities, and'hists
can offer you special bargains in ' . liiinachous chss iand cebll'l 'flie peiuakers' c' a isii'hisul ass clitisy (oInsec5~tio ushli'b1rary11. Nu-
this line.- We sre sole agents for d(hitilithits unfao'abtle' cwether. glioisigdu rllss fht'Iiii'(lss tsik i susi i iiuu usse Sui
tie celebrtted Waterman fountain cpiooftl:DvnConwahsabutoeex.lrgpbic
pen-everyone garanteed. Youll Ithlbsseond lclass Shermuall idefe'at- ll'd i'Oi''cr ii'i'u' I'isizin ithelii lhu'u1.ibrradt his commus i ' ic s ita
also find the best University Stattion- sib ,\usek iC2, (G-; Mireyudefiatei'sIihih'iiPu' of lututiu'uupon this 111,'s iltuf iision ohst f 1110lenig'fis
ery, Note Books, Drafting Snpplies, aer-4(-4RusldeatdDvi ae ndhogi'
Sweaters5 etc., at special rates at] . lu''f,('l bisr hfstuhDsi 'iis ssllshuhh ualus of lisp'ticsltihy, hvingsig esuitsil
S -3. 62. CII this 5i'liin1t1IS urc'sx'The nxtsti 'uine tisseUshty
"\J' 'f S qcshssso.ef'hd ls sc.14 C. ht i'oor;'( wi his gienss-No otcon, Newo laolk 51111oisitirlarge
yetraydfatd Ser a -4 -.4 hit',EdlaOdsll' als iui'l'oal, a ites. 'They lpronoiuncediuri 1'librry
lipTown, DoewnsTon. IThiescostulsswcillhpfobaly1' iibesistn sets of Etiphl WuiEeitrson, 0110 ofthiss'best sutanasgdl 1111dsarngd
Unitver Fhy Boteoctre, Oppsite 5 sielllse fnse 1 oay n"hra. tehdytsvn
COPS. Stale St. 4 N aS t. s IhllhdliI115' 15"''e'u. Isy hulyt ses

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