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October 22, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-22

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gt4.of fi. at .
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dring
the Collee year, at
OGeno: Timen building N. Main t., pposite
pet office.
J. A. I leoy, '90, Managing Editor
G. B. HlARRIsSON, 9 L, Asistant.
G. R. Sns, ', Assistant.
C. D. CAY, r. L, Assistat.
S. E. KsArruw, 1%, Athletic Editor.
L. C. WALanot,'9. Business Manager.
It. . Fsur~s, '0 M, Assistan.
Aoiate Editor.
L. A. Fratt, '90. A. K. Petrie, '98.
C. A. oughton, '90 D. G. M. Hecath, '99 P.
Katherine Reed, '97. I. B. Gaumon, '(8 M.
.. . Thosas, '97. W. W. lisge,'90
B. B. Matheany, 'S . It. Reilly, '95
0. C. fic, '99 M.
Communications regarding foreign adver-
tising shold be addressed to G. B larriso.
Aul business conected with the local sub-
scription list of tiis paper is in charge of P.
(. Meyer, d E. WilliamS t. All other bsiess
matters are under the immediate direction
of the business maager.
The price of the Daily will remai as here-
tofore, $2.0 a year, isvariably lis advance,
notwithstanding the fact that publication
wili be continued ntil Commecemet.
Numerous Reolutions Paned Sat-
urday Aftrnoon.
The executive ansd avisory boarss
of tie Womie's Lesgueheitd a three
hours' sesioni on Saurday afternioon,
deidiig vrios simiters of iterest to
leagueimsemsibers. Slit jproositios of
Prof. Truebloodl extesdisg o sle
leaigae te privilge of litening99 to
Mliss Minit oses, si weli kiows
teaciier of Dessrte a0n1 elocution
froim t'lPhitllihia, who wil give a
free tsk oin "Piisstmlt'ois" in Rooms
24 eary ini Novessber, was receiveti
antI accpted wills aivoe of tianks to
Prof. Trueblood. 'hus'isvittilons to
join t1st MichiganssFs'deristion of Wos-
en's clubs was readl discussed anti
unsniousy saccept'd, Sis Hannahili M.
Soule beng appoitd as the leigtse
delegiste to ue smeeting of tie tFeers-
tions held in (GrandiliRapidsslit fist
week iii Novesmbes. Srs. Elles i.S
('susiiirt was iusades'aii hoorry isess-
her of thelea ige iso i slight recogni-
tion of ier seep iterest i the lege
work and her efforts for it.
A motion .wsas crried Isol theffect
that, ue ficulty ladies whio so lis
pidtably estertass is tleguesesbers
is grotups of twenty-ive sesersl tnses
encs college yer, be sot expected to
do thils smore ltsnosseeamcssemiester.
The decoristion cosistitee for list
temsporary ls'sge qurters ill tle est
endl of ississslsl wassasutoredo fit
0119 these roosss sitillsucstistan-
tial isrticles of furiiture asiswoulsi be
of use safterwsard is the legue qart-
is in list Womie's gysilasiill.
Miss Hisriet Tieriliwas, sppoisteit
clhairnmin of is cosnmsitee to post is
bullein of he current eveits every
day iii the idies' reding room, thss
folloAfing out he pla successfully ad
profitablynugurated at Wellesley
The bord also decided according to

piecedent to fine each executivec boad
mnember twenty-five cents fo asn- at C losiug O u
lesidosce at business sessions without We have left a fair stock of
stisfisctory excuse. all sorts of
MisinayClsss - - WRITING TABLETS
Missionalry clisses will mseet for th which can e closed out s
first timse in Newblerry Hasll, Satur follows:
dsay, Oct. 20. The course consists of MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
eight weekly lessois on ials.Tougi GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
comsplee in itself, it Is ose of is series GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
said wil be followed liter in list year. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
by studies oss 'Nos-Clristian Relig- BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
ions" andt "The Bible ind Missions.' WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
Mr. C. A. Younsg will haive chirge of This stock will not e replced.
list men's class and Mr. tObenour . Come quick for first choice.
tile wosni''s. Alci's clss meets at Argus Printing House.
4 o'clock; wossesn's st 2pai. 5
Oracle Literary Contet.
Thse Orsacle boardl lt its lst meset-
lng forsmuslatesd cosditioss goserning
its literary comspetitios. ''eni dollars
ill be givesn for the best prose coil-
posiions betwvenu S01) sndt1,500 words,
sinds ive tdollars forlthelbest pocu.
'T'e cosntributionssmusst nl be st 51
before Nov. i5 to (. C. Shirts,siau-
aging editor, at list Alpha Dela Ihi
house. _ _
Pleasant suitser.asd single ooms fu- ,1 " i
ishsed t to order. Batroom and tnt
sace. Two blocks from the cimpue
sired. 102 S. Stale st.
_Swass Lisnen has a flne, eveu finish. R iui irt
Hasa the only fol sie tables in the city
Wholesale cigars and tobaco and ciga-w
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers.
Mosey to loan on personal property.
Captain of the Mott Haven Team, 185.
This uique boot is an athei ymsiam.*
cotrbued to by well-kanown amteurs, e--
P~trts and tollege team-captains. tHarvard,--
Yle, and other leaddang colee are repre u t
sented. Foobull, bsebal, tenis, gol, B tt e Pe sa ts
cickee, hurdlin,, and tack athletics, yacht--
ing, stating, bicycling, etc., are practically
and suggetively treated. One vol., cloth, Whenyo wheel, wl
vo., profsely illusrated, $1.5.YO
For sale by ali boosellers. wheel. We'll pro mptly f
92 Pearl Stree, Boston. est wheel, the lightest w
Take -the
eating Wheel C
wft .

Grand Opera House.
First time here. The Season's Novelty..
Hurry Wlliams' Ness Scenic Play,
A Bowery Gi'rl'
New ad original scenic effects. The.
record brraker everywhere. A great-
company. 6ll prosle on the stage. The
latest fBswcry op'ti alties.
PRICES, 35C, 50C, 75C AND $1,00..
Lowney's ,;Chocolates..
Hot Lunches.
TUTTLE'S, 48 s. State Stz

3 F

eof these is Wheeling
heel with the handsomest'
furnish to order the speed-
7heel, the wheel of wheels
G Wheel..
Jo,, Holyoke, Mass.


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