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November 22, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-22

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.d AIL

VOL. VI. NO. -fi.



_ = ' ~READY FOR INNEI{SOTA1. i tets fees reeeivedi by teIes toeel- WINKLEINUMBER FOURI.
ONE_______ sts dliisut he yer Inlutding ttitiot,
I'rIIE TEAM IN 0001) ShtAPE FOR itltettttitltt nastidtlaboatoty fee, is TE COURT JEST'EIt OWS TO
Iseog tOproil TOttGiliOW'S LINE U'. $11145~-31:l. ATHLETICS TODAY.
±# play o't t one time. One I l Practice Yesterday Was satisfactory I'"-t1ot tte ate. Iti) retptot of t A Football Number-xcelent Jraw-
guitar ii not ettough ow- 11S0 p - W'ny v11Kst 'loda y-RowvWe visit to ta tnttttbeof estnTI ett ltito lgs-Poetry of Merit-Good Prose
ever, to stupply 3,000 trit-I? ,,Il "0-hey have Arrived. and was girit-I t ef.thiitinttks t5- and Jokes- Some New Features
dents. 'fTatss-hy we Iave tte boartdi. igtteett sttdetts whot etke ttttle et ttitr
ton tantly int stock several 'te ' arsity teamindilitsititils.e' ,rnl u br fu per
l ti d zettsof ;;u-tatrs ot vairitus IStl ncltig tteIts rtis.s iittbe ((uhaet. aidwte it fitioits e tttittt, te' ti s itl .tfotbattltl fitti e ie
toakesanttO riees. 1- tttielit-its out pttrsidttt t-reittc
itt ETTER LOOK AT OUR 'totmor-owv atdtiliiitemto will stoti ttt te iet a ~t iitwts ellittt otisattitt rtntts ti e lli-I
U.Of hM. GUITAR. N8 'the tRssetlIhiiuse s tey dit ilt tstEt(-e tteucessive nttttteeof Wrike
S10'Tthe'degee oitD.I wa.utis granditet tts yeitr ihas tie-tn tt ittttnteientt
t1 It's good as its natme. I itt.arl re t. 1,.I aittwei 9,lI tIede it-kl
Fi-is itiii Iii teiii I . titiet-was givenli. 1. t-lass of 5 t xipitit ti ite eitte
THE ANN ARBOR URGAN C0.1 H r ain othetgm e are o- all , ale e: Ra Theie cor. it* I is mexcItetions Gtte rtitettttttttues ot
ttttIM Ttott lit50 ttnd am eotie o f Ott itty u numibgttitttttte we ttilets tite andtttw o wet-i-goo, ttttt-
i= fthedie t i the itiA ttthl e o Juettc Asttkns er tewstter11. disutber tfou
S S itt fooltstitttnttetoeDrsi-sleettut tEtOa'tvtttt00;,iststotibeseettire11ot
c-elat iatin oworaiiliidpo tmoro
lii'wt-rnit)nttgtttletttt Tttt- ftro nt istoer ' is thi'nFity
tnitlet'[p i t iu-i a tt0_it ();tAtets thwlis tn htwtime b t crofWeIt rt sty -
tIi-inht tere it ndnti g furtmeis l , TI eorgI f LGaMho e stOD . Tuel u-ot t- pia0i-dois in eciuruand
Y u cufn h a~etad mo ll tilt.ittettstmakitot' tue with tof
Co peesO f egt.~e(aottit slthant, aite'will stin- two The tr gCaler Citaspodetdti pWil t h ii iolti ittil t ii
s {L. iosheteil. 'as rntdfoIur im.isThe'frot 11isceis will fr yt
fet til ll ithe e iltbtins ptli e t oGte fitu tob stit dtl i tlo)' te yit itis - il
ply in use days tay, ut ii' ityr wilitt' lu hateot itt 1 n ti,,' . ttttri-titrltt 'ttttomi-tg.ti
q y tes Ii, pre arati n for he wo k of- rettittittit<11.g-M Eitt-li-tile stork hi-4 ] "I' It.da~t
-n thjeECi-{W a k{ the Oecusint i s ut etroit ltf istomrrw...Dcde t - '- . nubr trersns ilalr
Sty 0 esre. AESRE titls i ut lti l -b v - .It ttis yt.hV.(uuan is iti tol iti'rawnlua
itrd t itime i rlttt sttt i lt gu t el yIs- b i tull - - - - 21nhi il t p ae T o tk py itc f w r s a pe r d i rn l
- \A(± L Iirth l ebratDd. giveti tout gttfroims-ith e iepo t itruti ..iw e ) ad'6 hstoe 'ii'le-U st'A ih SI.t.I,
IDAeOR t i'gi tte st-illti ue frleiu- hii-ori ttut siT e 'ie t-,ly m t S td fi- a-
GEI HE AR ERFNLIEAD Of gi.ametiti ' illasttttb t1t5 - 1s ns Poti- l lsu'ty (es Ila it.,fthisn
Fn ae viiig' au t w icehategeits'Mting.0 Ittcl s itrt - -a s te I - I-ulcn s'tape. ii-gtuulY Ftt Ity .° ' 1'tt'
'rhe rettutnand tttstns'awill leave Pe-___The 'iu' 111gt il tltbtue1e(tl1t-utvith4 sixtrkwhichlitypofseto,
Fo n i e Fdarey ft nsWe tro'fti'one u'tl t a theSthea t y't'' a ii iiilt tt 12t tttiti-- ''t'u s tun hut iu tu lti
r10y rg s So k nthoil. liicatilst-etcrd itsm iio il ii Smatltle. of 2 . ut'. s.-itt..lit' t itttg e n. ut',ts tit r wigis situ- it i T heittti
O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 0.2ce.ASIGTN.T..NA.MIN...... 1.Sotlsttttttt n-tor 5t5 HEWO E ' LAGCE uiess--r-tteeiworlt:yi C.6.-.
hrtretoth av atine itot ete d b y B net....yr ti.ttittiurky r yd. iti
tuti-lalDuu- S tuda . ira ti t, w i hlth gv; tit ils-u' tuustuust i tt.liii' .V.tttit o ore pegu- ii tryt lis y u. 1,uSi .lt.I3.,uut
slimtoIn Ilstit, tall-ion'ttt i-ettsdtss hii ul 'tu uu-.... t.nc outi. li.. itlsic-G'fItu li'tiigt.i. n G o I'. thtiitL tut'ytor
T HE V YL EAD N A ITOR , 728i;titt Pitihie ttstitb. uuuiut is liu-- ii'tu ls- Ish T eT irtlilty5 t S.,ti u t outs--nut-
n Tutt, e3iiIt ; Gt ulaeeing.ttintu uli - '.f.b . ie s akt blyt il i-t i in- h h
iThstlatestlanby osChat-lo Dna-l-e- Tiss ttamet itubectalout tuet-xo'culock woruthofntet.usliltlt ti t
Foribgn.Fab rics opinins W ak Theio nltsotmeitttu1 itin. yester- atuthe thnl etcl dan l tiuThete slltorie prse-ni' sl ttthits
yoeuarng ah st-est otikin te Ctt.lay-nd Ott' tr eson 4liedayst ile, ee ofstill tena ts;wle ei to itupu imbtiiso suhakn tatt
at. $.:ASIGTN T, EA AI. Tre streS tita nnug a al r out li-r tl i tts itwa y Il~s tituGui- X ttie es At ery'cucueptasttles l i'ctut
oh fir $223,722ar.30 'rflu o'itril'(~ihtsllt ie tuutiutslloligT' etod.J t s mi - l iii'boal
liiealhue Coiigrthe-eort
Receipetest-taltantiiexiltiriaItryluJuly tooh np
A l-i R 9 S totetili$44liT,3.4;fosti' atetsu -t iserdaautli' eeut'tulintotil e'e- galf-oni te lifthi u's'uti and73
Up ATos. rocspTcs.a$5100 ro i t iontus el,00 foolthe lt' ireseboatd 'Stheuttuen'g s-ila eotMichtreslteams 0il thees u mberal
ss iyBostrOps ttieustr ea re $20cFure xpnesotti ss Iu ayh T ayul'tttiocrloe er si hafeel ts e li 1g n o utege. h
H AE YURA T " 2;6 rne Stnsmsaln-nto sdietradMs otsceystdn ilwn si ovnr

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