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October 23, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-23

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*af 3 ali

!F I ME iss _M" i-IM NOT UP TO T EIR BEST. Wrinkes new staff' artist. Itit o
SNEN UIA 'VARSITY PRACTICE SHIRKED BY the ittiblietition.ofwrye
Oi seouhfroe esnt SOME OP THE PLAYERS. The th ler (drawitugs are 1),Cv P
play on at one time. One " Good Cause for a Shake-Un in the JKeninedy, wit-o contrihuies te frotis-
gouitar is not enough, how- Team-Yesterday's Practice Not pilece, "Belt" Wag ner, l'arsoiss.FA. M.
eetsupy,00s- ,5Satisfactory-.Practice to Begin tith and X'.N.11,Itr()wit. ,eryI.ft-
dent. Tht's hy w fiae Earlier Hereafter. piieitueottsoii ierpeel
constantly in stock several Pi~ct h caini rerpeet
dzisof guitars of various MN Th'It 3trsity Upetr'ii ~lit'tile.t' tot tiontof *Sentiirt'D. 13. 1l1ll, who tin
Tnak Os and prices. tgtprteisgt etDt' ii tl-Iears ftere 1, ritty inighit , iIt' p'ttsin
SBETTER LOOK AT OUR IFIIsequceutly ft'eIpractice Withift'e scrubiftI(of. the T'l'tttiotiy''1igei'.
UOF M GUITAR. Iisted onuly abiot Itiltfit or. 'fT'e Aitititg tihe etfitoialtis is site tithi
S lin' Siftotis:somse iiiierestiiigsipecultiionis ,is tthe
N Itsgood as its name. cuVriy letie.rtss of '00t. Aitiletics etoieriniftor its
THEAN ARBOR ORGAN CO0,,i"+ Senior.i.... e. 3..ic'aiiley ttottt-1 etdfitriail attenitioi.
ANN MAIN ST.,' Villta..... .I. t... .Itiies Thumbitr is well, filleti with bright
I-loopie. I . g ..-.. Itkor selections in btoth si-roe'-i prose,
- f-se. . .e ..... esibyamtonig wichitl iay he mentioined'Ati-

Lawvqanti Metdical Botok, Greek
Latin. Mathomatical and all Col-
lege Text Books at reduiced rates
tos stiudents. D)rawing Instrumeonts
Rod Iiaginoors' Siupplies.

fieniiiiger ..:r t_ ... ..itionoii
Yiitt... - .....e. ...-airnti
iBaird-I....q. b.i. . '(f1orfey
leetn .. . i.iht.....Feundt
Riiicai'ds-. . .Iis. ..uffy
Illooiston. . b. .tceinzie
all liii- pratice has blit-i-tisftottry
aitnd everythsing lias iteen ;goiig s-try
smtoothslyhotut t'e lissiton sititist
bty somte' it the itittyts's last niflt. to
shsirk theu' work, wiltlihate to fit
i'hanigedififlue teaitis. to ki-epupSithet
highI stansdairdwhsichiit has iiiiisfSir
masintatinei'd. Outeisian objects to tat'
iing thei-fiallibecaunse he lis.soriste
fiigsei'aisdfanothler'becaiuse lit hias a
it's-retoe. IHenniinger fplaysihis very
itist atilhle time, tatd the oslendidilex-
ampilte si-i figthe ceatiliti gtiii.o
putt toi saite ainy slothtful woreks.
lFrom noon05 t'eacice-will hi-gist
Stiore fprompttly bticause lasy is stop-

viessto (I'iilrisfioniiitts" andit"T'ile
liigliiof ai litituorisi:'
'IT'eWrtinkle' sioardl lisslaud somit
aditiioss atdtu ,sus cots' rgaiie-i
standis: A. M. Sithl, '97f, piesidt;ii
11. Mi. hiowniiii.'l98, tssistast. Sttfi-
g.siiig iditor; E. It. iHuitphrey, 'l97,
itisitiess ss ioigei'; sassi-iiti-etditoirs" 1.
Fititrr, 'liii1,, C..Ii. Pairsoins, '1)9, .
11. I-iris. t,)S,.1. L. Lairless, 'SiE.
I'rry, '96iL1.
He Appears Before the Oratorical
Association This Afternoon.
'Tlits ai'teriioon ta t, 'ltik Piof'.
(li-orge L. Ratymiondi, of ii'iiieiiii,
wliiiis Ihere is ift'eguest of Proif. 'trSli--
biloodi,still give' a lctiiie beforeSt'o

Athletic Board Settles the "$5
Rate" Fake-No New Grand Stand
This Fall-'97 and '97 L, Get Rep-
resentation on the Board.
At the iseeting of thei'bitardt of (Ii-.
sirctors of tse Atliletit, Assoiatiosn last
Sfliht the tquistion tif sitsexcursiton to
I tostoif to cs-etilt-Har rdsigiit',
wthi-iichhs hi-i-tisithSorouighily dis-
cuslsedi, the piast fetvdaiys, ss-as brouight
Sip. 'There wai tsls stirioisity is to
is the imaititir shatliies'ir ieenisSiftfor
maitteir of ss $5 rellbleing labosurd, io
,Amiiongthe misies stofbsinestraiis-
itt-i at teeetinig stwas a vite'ini-
;strueiisg ftse fotbattsll Ilianagir ini-
stiruetting lihefootbaill mainaisgeri to go
aiheadii sinsitiurellassw teatsojerses
aiiidistoekings for St'efiotbati eam'ssible-
0. i. Wright, '97 L, and A. ('asit-
bell, 'S7, s'ere ielec'tetoittfill.St-etwo
va'tciects:5oilie btoardi.
It wsdieto tssret-lias mire ,,opt'
e'iiiri'ly lirounditthe foostballiesldI
unitderto ldisset'of till teirowsdl lt
liii'gamelis, soss' that the granid sitn
hsbutiriiedldostn. 'ATetquistionsif
itt bedile towt'ard rtebuiiling this fa4l

- 1ATIT'ped cittuty by idarkness.
THE LEADING TAILOR This Jest Is Offered for Your Con-I
AND IMPORTER. sideratton.
The latest and most Fashionable T'e follossing is frosm the Wiscoitsiii
Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. ('ardinal with. referentoe i the retisons
The Largest Stock in the City. why Shere still lie ito Xiseousisi-M is-t
igifis gassie this year:
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN ,"'Tle onsly cause for ft-eri- being510
'WAl 1 D. WLiscotssiss-Michiigangameit is thle un5-
wsilingness of Biciigait. T'Ai' -tessi
WE-HV WIIHiT IOU l NATN for flits tnis-illingness canlotnly lit
guesse'd at. 'testoultd hesitatei'to !ini-
We can meet your needs oine fibyf-sir of «'istittsis's leant bitther-
way of text-honks, supplies, etc, no
matter what your class or deptart- bstpo somte masfy infer thiat 1i0Nue.
meot, at either of our stores, and we Sitheainiferencee sousld problhy lie
have the right kind at the rigist
price. Bring arouisd a list of your titjust to Micigian, bi ut'eciairi'-
wants; aatrial purchase is the best stove tie reaston for it."
indicator as to whsere you, should
trade all She year. WikeN.2
We buy, sell and exchange second- WikeN.2
handbhooks in large quantities, and-
can offer you special bargains in Wrinkle msakes its secotidiiappetar-
this line. We are sole agents for since among us totday, tsnd the Court
the celebrated Waterman fountain
pen-everyone guaranteed. . You'll Jester shiottsitmproretmetwsift age.
also find the hest University Station- The second nuttmber of V'oliuit' III tj*
ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies,
Sweaters, etc., at special rates atj es-en better thian the "Freshmatinoistm-
W A H ' Syher."
~.A .A. I IR S touceter piece depicts "Tile IFresh-
Up Town. ' Dews Town. man's Direatm of Initation"' according
Univerity Booksore, Opposite Court Hutst e ideais of Charles I.l-rsn,'9
105S. StateSt.k 4 N. Mai St. ioteI sn.tf

timmbersof.ite Otitoti-sl sassocitions uttlesstetmastter tas sotta.inewuts'-ts
in, the ll chstire' Sroomt tlt 'iRtlatitun ect. It is also iketsly tut a te'mporat'try
of Oraitory to te Othsur Art-'." stritei for te use of the playe'rs hut-
Afeitiers.ittfit-eOratoricati assoelia- fisti gIst's suitbt'twreentthe hlvles
Shots sill hut'dsittiihedl 0th iresetatstion wuttill lie ispteniseditthl. Thiecrnst-ilat
if thirs tickets at this' door. *Thoise ftisthe itemaning gamles this sasontillt
swhotihiatet-,01ygt bou~ght thi-r ti-lasll standu at the' side-lines. At itsiiy
buershtip ticki-etisiall lso guttfhettisat pisin. tsths-Estatushelsewssheire itslie
flue door. The annl due Iiss of the as- West it is cuistomaitry for laist o
sot-iation tire tt-etiiy-fivet'cents, tand wstrli tite gas sfromtheflt-sidlinetis.
istsftembersipi is ste'adily- increasing.
Harvard-Princeton Game.
irof. Truseblootdtinform Sic that os-ver___
set'''iy-fise'perienttotf iisCs ets itt Arrntgetmitss for his'he itiriu-
tue-a hat'epausrtmtenit are bu~yinticSents f'nhlticu iigamteithaivet'eeuti. utfintely
antI nosiny as tiuschscaiiifit'sail fur titade hby til twofnnmanfagens, attdlift
file litnrary tdeparstmnttiwtisthuhhut ilayet- itlrintonfiiiSlilfiriay.
M'ieiiftr,s of ft'e assoithionistill t'iilNoveber 2. Standisstill tue er's-ti-u
sontttihitve iiioppouurtuntity iii listeti to iIttt0t peoplet antd onliy thiastntust'
sitotheur intere'stiing spetaker. Nasues still be adiittedllt this'gameti. (lil
L. iligh, the' stelltknowniuChit-ago lifts-- reasoti" for fis is fouindt in tile ittie-
yi-u, is ftlit' tore atdti l-is-en a iluitt rilroadl ftacilitieus betsweesn
sipecial course of leetures in.use lass' Prinetiontanait PinceitotiJuttctiotl.
sdepartmmeit toat week atid he htasetun- The fprimist'caset'howevter', is ft-eitt-
sented to «apfseir beorttle Ose(ratoical tu'tshhtinif thie mtnitigsent inotakei'thii
sissot-iation antd deliver sin. address on initiatist' ini brigig fototbasll ft a
Nt-sline. A ostait admuission fest-ill pu5r5-ty ucollege galtii'andlreuc~sig Ohio
hut chitirgeth ose nsot snembers of the -spectasii susnearly is itossile to col-
aissociaonu. li-gs e lopfle. Tisisstwhat then itat-
A. K. Petrie, '98, a isseititi.-of sartd faulty has heen ls athig at.
life Daily botard, is sick svthl pleutrisyN
anti in thle inisversity hiosithal. lis~ All solicitors are re-tiuestedltfitisrsa
nsowvconvalescing.hi in bscrtiptions hooks flits ste

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