VOL. VI. No. 25.
t' l Win
I i i
j} Is enough for one person to MICHIGAN SATURDAY.
S play on at one time. One Our Men Played Somewhat of a
guitar is not enough, how- iiLueGm-LaeFrs Mn
~ evr, t suply ,000s~i Lank Team Work-Score 40 to 0.
dents. Thats why we have
Wl constaistly in stock several The'm 'Varily reg isterest snother shut-
Pt dozens of guitars of various t o t ganseiliturciray. d15(t111s ton itt
make an pries.tin'fore of the, strongest line it hs
BETTER LOOK AT OUR r been Ltiltagisttisyear(01 Mse~lis's
3U. OF M. GUITAR, t('sltt work was falr inosre rssggedthatn
it ?"Wit
0 It's good as its name. H is any previousn gamss' this year.,ssl-
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO si sthoghlat it slis sr isittsrfer'ceC was
strntg. Thes'linse bted ess-ry slitecess-
411 1fully 5asd echargedtht ntof Lasks'Forest
lL"I~xm I"with tellinsg effect. Heir bloekinsg ands
AT ..""l saklitnstires'sto v ei y etliieis ini
S robbing, LEsies'Forest sf gastnse. loott-
Sheehan s it wnthog h cne e
You can intd the largest ansi nost pits'sestly'for gossd gainstisd sisssut-
comuplete stock of ig sis'afr stronsgser tthan esery be-
f'oci'. Hosspssr playedla stronsg ,gatit s
SWEAUDRS ANDgtadai il.an liiii rpyd
Hosrse wsithsthteitr otpponeiitstibeseides
GYMAIUMIIIRR C goinsg throussghirepeatessly fotrIig'gaiss.
lsf basekiso distasoloisensiat tilstls.
its the city. We tak-te them to ensiter tsssst Gresenleasf had little troubitle
order, in ally color, desisgn or
style desiretd.it slsgsrssllseeiofrsii.
__________________ itLke Fsrettsolineis'anlissloy, bts
Agents for the celebratesd they- Isskesl tse teasm work, slsiels
B EO, S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN,.; motrespraictice'wsouldI itse giv esis~i.
Engraved visiting curdls we s t Bths Lake Forest Unsiv-ersityandusthRoot
ply ill five days. .Medticsal Cssletge', listitutllis which Iare
sur es-i i-tn ss.srated froitsFisisli tEi.
bust lst it attains. Lsske Fssrst issde si
shoirfntptuitsswhicshtloissgstoss re-
tssrnsesd.Latiet'Forest fosslesd andsthle
tiust wesnt to Michsigans. At thsis psoisit
Me~arry retplsse Safser whso was
sititigest thu leave thes'gasinesswills i
lsrsslesi elto. Sselstser sililtolmsss
ilial'gootd.tginsil and 1Blsstiitisgsont
55(11tlstrouigli Ilhs'censter lotr asothier.
ltsslin simadle asnoitser gain asnt Villa
wesnt thiroughsthse lisle fosr a touchl-
sdowns. Nosigiosl. Scisse. 10 to 0.
Stesiter tosok thie bush fromssthse next
icsk off sait csrriedi it btack to the
'lifty yardsine. Lakse Forest got thss
tsallonta funibsle sandt after inseffeettual
siatemsplIts to yiiu, punited. ilonsg-
sossputelid anss Peel retussneid it wtilts
aIs0 of twesity yasrtd;. (reesleust iand
Ssenter' gsainseds asnst lei'ssissgei'wenst
ilrurssglsltheItckle fsiorasessn yards.
Afts'r Od~inOsby itoosalugos,FIotis
i-'irbs'rt.IHesissgers. tSntersandeT olts-
sontanItlei'ssiiitssgesst osvesr thline
fits a iihiitwit. tBloomsinsouskik
kist e gossl. Se'li to 0.
Lake' Fosresot lkicked' osff andt t-'erti
casrrbsit'e bsll fiiss-ir fifteenssyardis.
l-'s's-tsI. Sensltr sind Blooinisgstont
gssinedst and(Villa west-slttirougs fist
fifteess yars.. 'Thesbalus wsssruosed
dowtithe ties lds ty 5a iritsof it e ilt' trt
sait Villas iisise si totuichdssswn.(tool.
tScisre 22 to 0.
Ilssuiisgotosi re'turned Pel'''s hiet
iil' sasdi LukieForeo sthad tse tiall sit
ttwst enty'slvysardl ti'ine shentims' osso
carled Assilsthithescore 22-Il.
LakeFoesttkis-kedl sif sasd Villsi
issethietiibaisl istoSetserss-lio icarrieid
President Angell Makes an Inter-
eating and Instructive Address-
Song and Refreshments End the
Thle Wosmens's L~esague gas-i' its tirst
soil ntetirtsainmtsstfof the seasns 5a1-
strdasy sifternsoontsfrossi3:1to (lit McMil-
list tHsll, intshis'foris of a5 tess treeedI
ty si prograinslofladidresses. About
-lol wseeipriesettby fssr lt'elargeto
atltendancuse sit iso opseningis' sss'isg in
lt'e feaigusn lhisry, sassi1.0t1tness
iesitiernss-were tenrollesd.
Thie progsiramss opened'l withs the '"Yel-
low sassitBliss'" sss'cosissssiestby a
lsaiy smandsiolin quatsrtet. Dr. Ansgel
hutsnsose sissinnuaisl storsd of griet-
isle1 sisdl seleosise tIthle Lesagues'wo-
isets its Iis usuaisiesasy sssy. IHeof'
ftesilds tleas for the apprutitsiie a'
cctsianuss- of tile htsptitality sextended's
bsy facutysinditowis-sn slaths eesicos-i
le-ge'yeasr 1o thei'leasguIteisibi'i'n d o
s'ssiilsnis'sasiz stecially thei' atlttsse
of flust'tersusilatutdress, toi 'every sol-
lege iwomansu. lHe metntionesd.Iby mtisist
si tnssssbsr of ws-smen-s, formertly stutts'sts
hetrt, stho haseo'snislopotedioisn of
udistictionsanth toweir, 515i15s' lthisiss
'sils s .isist Hasll, M.ISs. tteedu- itotw'll,
M~ins MoserMss Siliiis, Miss
tisitit, .firs. Elizait. Sunderlsand, Mrs.
t'slssss'i'sait Miss ('lipiss. Tfist' lii-
vetl-ity huy; furnssised.Welleslsy Cosi-
lt'ge' wsthsriiftesstirns i tlisiss, Poili-
cl Etoisosiy, (t"rusis, Mstlss'issliss anI
tPhilosophsy, s0 thislt'Presidenst Anigill
fe'lt imsself ientitledsto loothu postnsits
S I1iEEH'1II & 0CO., anditenst-ti e es'lt'tss ousitlid nost tave
3e S. STATE STREET. tlistuliisttof praicecs'stessry ftc
ILu.''efecstitng thirteatisssorlsi. At timsss
- ~ ~ - I'i'iPet's pansstings 'ssoitog bttthesir
THE LEADING TAILOR tuness it stansifarossi01stisat it 1od
AND IMPORTER. ' tLakei'Forest snetiIos s adsitise
The latest and most Fashionable the wesot gosa llithafsavsrinsg swil.
Fsreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. A h iia ii soisltttoia
The Largest Stock in the City. follows'
Mligati. Positions. Lasies'F-srest
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. tesntetr-....1. e.....-tohson
-r q- LLdD illa- - -1;..:: 1 -t 's...Wsolsev
Hooperliss.- - - --. ssThongs
(ILA ~ ~ sT .1a1.. . ...tinot e.s.-- ....- hIsisitit1
WEHAsWHT O WAh1I IHtenninge'r-Jhp .r. g. .slle.s-..isld-r
We can meet your needs in floe lreu-isn'af-.... - --.te.... g....':
way of ,test-books, supplies, etc., no ihadsi ..l1o- .......hu Woodt
matter what your class or depart- J-.,tterf - 1 ... . ii - ......Last'
ment, at either of our stores, and we iol1sisso -...r. 1is- - -.....Leeu
have the right kind at the right -'e
price. Bring aroutid a list of your httootsitststeO.. f. hi- - -ci...
wants, a trial purchase is the heat thoisussiugstiis kicked't off andsull hli-
indicator as to where you should
trade all the year. "5111 got the hail oni a fum1ble. Bloost-
We buy, sell and exchange second- in'gston and Ferbert gainoedl ait Hooti-
hand hooks in large quantities, avid
can offer you special bargains in sr by a brillissnt rust toolsthse bluos-er
this line. WYe are sole agents for theclhne for ai touchdsoswn. Btosusssiig-
the celebrated Waterman, fountain
pen--everyone guaranteed. You'll ston iclkedtgolllands the score was
also find the best University Station- t>it10.0
ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies,
Sweaters,. etc., at special rates at) Villa tiok the boll fros thie next
ick 'f and after gains buy IFetbert.
-AL X ~ ti-sesleaf. Hottmes antt Senter the bult
tUp Town, Dows Town, swent to Lake Forest on a fusmoble.
Uivhersity Bookstore, Oppasite CtouCese
20OS tate St. 54IN. MainSt~. I tlictiigan oSoniirecovered ii on itottl'u
it fssu'sssu'i. Aftser silli gainsio oisii- grihusstesas issgut lshiss''s t
luisol u tedtittothflifts'ssit'littyard I linecnlsuiig isisremakssssls is' masles'refser-
anuItIhesblstl wans-cusght bty Pee'l wtso esuit' povifinsgly lt this'lIuingusiof
on aftemstiiig 1t to ussssw ussas hkesh. wsuomesn othis'fascility of thit' Uitur-
,r'hes isuire' failedslto set'this' platy sniulcil'uty, nd fat'hsitdthusis invatiohn
Laskhe Itori-f wssgivst ffh'te toshrs.in thse not distanst fturse, expreusosng
ttis-liigiu got this'hassl on downsssss ansh t as his othinions thttsomse of otur wsel
iatrgosod gsainsobt-Jhnisons,hBlosom- sttuslifiedutmnussesss'oulhis'givesnfullh
intollt, uVilsi, Ss'ssfu'u uandstItoluse , hisofessos'ssl. siiothbeginnsuinsgswith its
Villa, madeti' sIliouchdsowsn ansislooms- os'tstrshits.
instoons kitckedthgsoal. Sc-srs' 28-0. thus. Ausgell's addsreso i'tiuhi'ed thou
tI~oius cau-ssghst thse ball firioitu'escrteelhfosr collegse somsenustoisvsisdthet
nesxt icks'hosiltsuitaftet- Mitisigust hasd sielfisth tellits-usciso uf esolltgs'lift' hit'o-
rustiestit foirwa'trtd, loossiisgst u ntst- opesratfing hea'srtilt ints he'leasgtutetwosrkh
tid to thsefist' tarutliue. h'(Irettiure su i m'ss. fSe salso sdseltithponilths
this psuunt 51a1d1gssistby Sentter, Itohuis usessrleaguei'homin iithe'ytst unretalizedi
sndtVilassssete-'fsihtiuss stbhut' iouiss-t- s,'ntsissitui.Isn5conclhiusiinthis'Isis'-
(towtnsbty Hennssinger. Iltsiistigstutiilor. this'letagttutpresidenf.oiuftinseditthis
ksickeidgisal 1anththisctoreswsss34-0. leauessosrganuizasftu it nd srou'iusfur
tlsioiniitiottretsurned'uhLalse Forest's this yatr its ssgratetfult ousdpleassinsg
kisck ssff tysa lutit sshsih Ps-i re- smanners-t.
turnetdt. After a gsafno it' Gret'nleaf After the is-tils ongs, "Slugns itu ict
hflsusislugstsi u ted andh s tLake Forest 5tle fsair Egusito," (tssescosmpanys ' euc-
msiite sa.tsoor sattemspt to retiurus if. tdsswn stuirs for ti-usatus soc iu nteusr-
H~olmsitmaisds a gosod gsainsandshVilla ctuse. Tlhe retetptin cosissssthtee sser-
wsents;uover fttr sitosschshsssu. tGuias. Dr. sasist'ths. Atig'lh. aMs 'Tayloir,
Sosre' 40-0. :Mrs. tLusshuurst, 'Mrs. aft'ttss'ti, afro.
Villai touokslthsall fissmsthis'kit-isosit' ('iuhisrt oust lt-h. ('ssrruss. alts.
anuitltBloiniugston umnustd. Laskte Fosr- Gusthe asnsd thins tuhisa Ansgell presidhe-i
so r'eturnedsthis'ntitnsdtBloominisg-asiet eafsstsable. aMssiatterssn, aihs
sopmagoimpsuntted fsur a touchbackt'. Sticke-k y as1Mitaiss issusums ached as
ttitchigsangetfitebsal011 a fiussbls'andisthntesrs. Four this'tvsrty succtesssfsul lans-
aifter tserierl hsaistgonme arousndfthut's-sit migoustfart-isig (ust sifthis'entlsrtaiii-
for fiftseen t'srsotims' wasoc-slted Nvtfhi simtthankushu arsitu'eut' llss iuu
time scori 40-0. , tooley.