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October 15, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-15

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S Vol-.VYE No. 14. ULYE~l+'STY OF MICURIAN, TtF3SI)AY. OCTO"13GPi15)1, 195. -Fos PAGES-8 C(1nq-w.
l noon--The Entries.
IKI Is enlough for one perison to 1 ioii-acel alIrla eiiiiii
t0 lay oen at one ini. Onle N Games With Olivet for Tomorrow wi1b ll oniii eiAIle Viiicourtelslathii; Total Number of Students Wil
uI guitar is nt encegli holy- It Called Off 1-ollisters Injuries Not Reach 3000-Table howing En-
2 ever, to siiupy300) Sta- IN Serious--Hall Also Rleturns to ,_..r i-t' Is llecliiireln rolim nt of Each Deartment in
I R ets. lafcclac we have cl Traindag> Table.lo xua eiea tsol eti the Uniersity.
"Ilf ocilatlllyiii l e vecci al I{~I -
Ii)lw tru lsf n at i h.lrb ,n h oun m n seXect'
f tdirmsiiof i fare of vari neous iili. i- ii eic S .1 ( iilii 1..111 ii'hllllltll CIu ii-cit ii-hil W ii' es ja r ilii-iiiiii aii
li m kes aiid pricesiftsIII) s i 5 (1(. Holeper )i-liinecil c-a c i arouse the proper-i teiire.
' heetre re incceca- ilsead of a (Ikelmelihtiithei
NN BETTER LOOK AT OUR 1cr, K) o -Iani beIs fedmc llteAlirr eatet
SU. OF M. GUITAR. ii lu-u hu. icl ls tn leh Mher'- Es. fail. i - eI1 iiya iiyh's
1 iA' i gl d li ilii li i a si IIi a tC -in . Keithis':i ll oI- h eailidictli it yconfidiel
sIodIsit a e. I l yill Ill- Wea l;- I f0u mei i ns Bye{111hr111, - - I-til-s-11111iar c11 lwi ass te :,00 mrt.if
i1K S. MA.LN ST. vrdllrtnn
I 1 li'eis all aa1111 il,cil a Ililiil 22)i Siio-il ls sn h it - - e it s. iiis111 0l55.Illal-u pi ii-
_ I'pon s. Ca c aL is T i-. Iali-Nsy di ll-u-tsaler hem dia apu
l c stedt'tiWswiT Ii cel asl e ry1111 1 s1-diig ITil Hnr 1eV. 511151 ss . 1 1111e1d1. Pli-att, Io
B a r o ' a l n snisei ii.kuAu.e1.,i-la V llciD ye, I -iiiip'riceI. ucii seo f tiat-ihe-feIllhi-
-u 1. the to 1 lam work l was eye ile ill-i-li-i I -p i ii'f thl i cii oulfilse11ti--u-ireIe 111years
_ iutefet~r~tc of othitenisllji111 illpIth.iByI ii.si-rsiiy 111 Ic last
IeF I.LI liU'AlVANT c.I. ii iii t SUCy.Aa E Sr S 'FU L O P.BeING.s ien l --is idn ISth 15 lif in t21 t 1dflu
B argks n si1iit. . ce.; fillalci. nity lub D naugvsaroweyIt Eighr esee ne enthierale ill e-
C A l. Al'II b ilifi 1i i-rIec-I rl-lT he'.t.talclkem
tfhieiii riii ch.ll- l Ilil , llh SilillI. sii 1c'hal i-nmr.1)1 l e 1 f. th11111111' sfieihi up'11 o1'hissi
L~ly il 1 ~l~dtII Bllic- (rh c ib i1i-eiiuii a iu1. h t tti -a-.tc r h Blsil.Iilllc~' 11 c 111 laliiiff110 11111',asiilii T hirllmhient
loge '1'o t I lsk vteh'O ilftuli lite ;iiu1111 7ilh. fl-liil ihl .I u I.;c C i eeillli inulSeaoiclio 1111emesteiandaigood inlan
I huifeu Ai' II 111 hir cuha. cfPll i ri'uih IiluI -l 11 llalcliiilr ~~cI hI lliI'entrsithellics ecn ." ia en°
tictl i 9t. D a e n h f t l l i f t i l i e i l ~ - c i l f 1 i l u Ih iii uf lii' lll'O ifi s oli I i llu hi ilts i u rl w sh u lu -'a h ula s e a aieus i d c e a r yI l il t h u
Il W) IhhSfil-fIlhs11111.fuinlui'rTul 111' li fiu'uslce fli'I'ae.his'y - - - - - t i f ba i
T T tu ent ,slred w ellauom1.thetends. I- - - - -:1114d41
More Good News. ne~t~iI ''ll)- Illal lIlIIpr~itedinl'Iasll lie II li-'- e follo ing- - - - u ishw hel
da111'Dli1)111 allly, onisedoffi rhstral nuberui ll- - - - -1711 1711tmen
W SELT E BE T A D lii aice and1 oth-c'i'uwlil prohab lihie SrltilulfI'.nd twol'giverlbylI'- - - -17 2
TilEAPlE ST and mst Eiohai 111 1PEN f'fl 111' cllIIIY'fTirtn y en a t h sraning Tab ole d tth cors nigtmeat
For E ., Fllrc fl' M n' t 5 hardll llorkin t feuI as. in l2 111 1111111 o Pa esy e Iluaril:f~efil.lr Iri
It Is ilhlIlihhi I ha e uhnedl' ut ot al oe.i iu'ii C ni'tr'th a rs
Tileaiest ocA n theC .,l s rmraswsntfsthog.
- f If ihuis 11111'Iic k T ter ry .... ..1 1
T-n bo e li Iliiua-i iuifl 111111 1 fi i ai 11s'en.Ah ul f iffi 'lhi' ca l I-l34l- l e 1s01 11
- W f11 13ff YOiC neaMore luGSood1. ilul' Newsl' uiiTuheliu fue-lll asil fu'lh iagl'i 11111will'b eIe-lh auu 0dw uhi a,'"i7Ihlil 607Ilii
ss'a oftex-ho kssuplies et., o f1 10' 1111' II 11' lhI~h'l u ' C ril Ihihe n l 111nt eergi c l 11111ff sflhig Dnutal 1.i76sghilII'fi iile'le
m T E r wha yot Ir r dLO Rt- G ood'suhh w"; sta orer o C. 1111 lsufth d ac t. 2 ,ll byll Re.i :I.u' aWil 111 liord, o 5f Ph ear acyil... . . . . . . 7
haver tlae right haledratpthew sCw ani t,1g__aw_ I____e___ _h_
prie, Irin PaOtidaR T of. t en1 iithD iafly lin IChalt F511 I.Sll li, T1o)111tallIrt 2u:ig548iiiriuuf il2om uictin
avans; f tialpurcase is he elii 'bar- i en°uau, had halso 1 Sf11- il 9 Fe OOl iiuT-iBALh~L TAM.ilfl
i T hdif ate as t o avhierestiFa shio tble d h l' itIh c lus r a y t l ay.ifII 1 1 11 11 il I ' I u'hI ia fI i a l' ~ i i 5 fI I'll)' 'lyei) M icff' uiN ot ieasg. tllig
tradinPrnetnen alld 93an TityMe year.rinngTal
'he and goostinSlageqn t ites.an f11111isv lifflislr
f50 ffe I'fl pecil brgansn d e 1S fltha erilif about Ab111' 0 Cosmunic atn: ut if 111omelf tngaph'ufil erilllke fioe
E, WASHINGTO ST. NEuRiMAN.iiqu'lIBard, ucusperinduifu'l aceon flirhi i
tlc celebrated Watermaerl-cifaer fountainry ye illfin
peneveyo I g aa ee. hruee(l-f;ffeal adiios toSoief sq-iud. th e hfhlhfI ihffr111 .f l~hl uchu uuffoocbali.t'lny' hrpouhlu'I' lii
'weatorscfc at secial rTesotble- ll1111 i u e'111'B air riung f aI flucfa-n w 'it Ilhe ueAnn ifArbor hilh h'IfIIs, 111f lo ciulroisa oupt e oi-
'W S tII', Ifs-Imysa hlself up in luut flu c1111' tomI rriwi fter noon10111101lII 30lilSl t ur If it. r m 8t 2a.m n
1 lietmaflusatngthasher-eu-so' l a . 1111ff irill rit mdflI ctfI'I' tor.uf",Am.fort bnf IIlIl i .)1- o'fI 1-1 ( ass.
Wel .. 1 1 'ca metyu ned inte!wib inpoorIl- ne eir e d to(caiu l e nra~;i wth te etot . If M o .f i'i 1111.'n1 isChr oe
mentu at-l ie fu t er o us es '11 d) wes- ilb o d h n o u ein e sle n e ih oel "o sd r
wantsatil pur aseis the1b111 thei 'arslhiiit -esru es adlt. Sg- h tem hea Cerithse Ilif. uet i-nfitheat tahhfeyul.

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