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November 15, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-15

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ONE7GUITAROOD GAME TOMORPROW . iPIrinceton sn defensive play, but
PURDUE HAS A GOOD TEAM inleffecttive, and1(1they exhibited their
Is enough for one person to AND WILL FIGHT HARD. costly tensdency to hloldin~g in the line.
play on at one time. One Have Unless the tine braces greatly, thle
guitar is not enoug h, how- 1 We e Met Betore-Some In- tall gemit h unrsiall tore
ever tosuply 300 tu- formation About the University-
~ft dents. That's why we have Her Football Record-What theqiky i~.tl ulbc sbte
constatntly in stock several Detroit Tribune Says. pirotectedl 00 kicks, Hlarv-ardl will eer-
do- n ogutrofvarious Ttl a en ado u taia:ly be diefeated by Pennsylvania
ookes nsd gitrso i tteeasbensadof ounam 01tile 23d."
~ makesand prces. withI Purdtue tomlorrow, istt it will be
BETTER LOOK( AT OUR thte hardest of. the year on thse isome YESTERDAY'S PRACTICE.
U. OF M. GUITAR. grounds. Purtdue wasl one of itdsci- Improvement Shown Over Preced-
It's good as its name. g an's old-time rivals, andh Mictigan ing Day-The Line-Up.
hasnt always won sthen the two
TEANARBORORA CO Yesterday's practice was. an in-
TH N OGN teamls met. Ttse 'urdue game was
S. MAIN ST. NNawy n f h etrso proveosent over that of the dlay before.
N!1lay 0 f h etue ftile s-ea-I
son nti lat yarwhe n Sain-Thse Scrtuts played hard and Inearlyi
setured a toulchdowvn, but were heldI
AT.."" + "factory slate could be arraaged.
en the live yard line. Hll anti Sell-
eehaPurdue tUnieersity is located at La-
Sh'eiia n s fyteted, ar steCete fair were both out for regulartprtice.
The play of both. teams seas ltli
You can find the largest and most great (teal of football enthssis. 'he
thisyea is lie al ofitstresetariser thlanlit has beels before tis
conmplote stock of teamtis erilklllo.ilpe
dlecessors, a stronsg one aIndltnumbesswe.'ieln es
SW A ESA D'Varsity tts.Resees.
SW A E S ADamssng its ltsellbsrs seeeratl of thse Selster. I .....e. .... .Ayt es
motO piromsinen~t footbsall iplayers itstie To......,It .. tikss
Wet. 'l'ieir record for thse year is: tlosper. 1 " ...g. .7liilsoss.
GYMNASt!]M S511115 due,32; Kentucky State, 0. iDenby.......cBae
Purdune, 6; Missstsri,16t. Hal......... ...g. ..o isson
in tho it.We mitke them to HPurdueris;.Attics. t.....tore
order,, in; anyscolorgedeii.}, or Fttrnitii .....i . iken.
style desired.clr eino Psursise, 3.S; Minnesota, A. ttolssses.s..if. is......liresltss
____________Pusrdue, Ei; Northsvestern, 21. liollister. I is.is ..Grdn
Agents for the celsebratedl Last steelkthseir best knsossn.iplayer,. itelarsis... . Ii. .. aens
U £0. . PARER FOUTAIN EN.Buschmstan, left hatlf tback, joistedth e Bioossingstons. .. .. f .. ts Showsalter
_____S,_PARKERFOUNTAIN_ PEN.tetamtansd oill be hsere for tile gainoe The 'Varsity's lilnestork was very
Strotng, Denbiy sat center la yin! all
Engraved visiting cartis we sup- tslsltaly ssrigae.Are lsld.
ply ini fiee days. Tihis molrnling's Dettroit Tritbun~e i goodsiowosing at etnd.
- ,inl srticeeo01 footbsall at the I_'. of 11.
SHEEHAN & co..,itas tile follswtiltg to say about tite FRESHMAN FOOTBALL TEAM.
30 S. STATE STREET. galie: It Gets Into Trouble by Not Heed-
TTT'1~"Tte firest gamse whiichs conlsitassss ing the Board of Control's Rules.
atti~ton s tat iththePurue j-n XWeths le 'tt) football teasss wenst
THE LEADING I vIer t'sity eee tth sltc il etter to Ypsilansti assdi psaysed tihe or-
TALRStsrday. All reporlts indsicteth'at111(1 elevessthsere, titey dlidsto50 ttitot
AND IMPORTER. this strossg elevess is; evens better thaassfirst askin~s eeessiouas of tileIB o-si

Lively Interest Shown--Preliminary
Contests Betng Held Early.
Mtose insterest thsass ever is beisg
siswss ill thesIstercollegisstelDebte
tis year. Tile various literary so-
cieties ihave hatssissdtebate ill viewt
es-er sice thse cotest, stlls Chicago
stas arransgedsforins d httIave lseens plan-
nsing thseir work sinso 1 as to butild
-II) tiseir msemobers ill debaste.'Thse lpre-
lliinary contests sore beinsg hseld easrl-
ier this yearl ill order to give thte suc-
cessful contestasts ssstre tissse to psre-
pare for tile linnlI debate.
'T'he AilspsaNss constest hsaslreadsy
1beets helsd, thse Adielpioswtill tsake ptlace
Nov. 23, ansitise Webster asid.Jeffer-
sonissa will soon followe.
Thse inlter-soc-iety cosstest will be
ielsd befssre thse Chsristssas vaceatios,
psrobably abosst Dec. 14. Tisetissal
contest trill comse early itttFebruasry.
yThese ociety constests are oisen to allI
nsessbers of tile societies ant use conl-
dhitionss, for society msembsiersip are so
fewsthtlno1stunsst sseedtbe sdebarresd
Sfross tryisng to gain thse honor of rpe
rer-senting "Olsd Michsigan."
iNew Furniture Comes Which Will
rBe Used in a Reception Room.
'The Vs-ivsrsity hsss ree-iv-esd frost
(GranssdRaptisis ass elegasnt sit of readi-
issg .10010 fuss-situsre, cotssisti-1g of
twtelve chairs slid a hreadinsg tsable.
'Tie ossly sdirectiosis r eceitved swith
them w osese thsat thsey shsossld be slaced
intshle gysssssssisss. Siltscethse cons-
tpletiosn of thse gyssllasilss there hs
bseess mutc-h talk abosst fiar.Wisinsg tile
tlooms at the rigst sof the esntrasnce fotr
lsuse as as reasding asndtrcepttions rositi

The lttst and most Fashionahle
Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear.
The Largest Stock in the City.
College Girls,
By Abbe Carter Goodloe. II-
lustrated by Charles Dana
Gibson. For opinioins ask
your neighbors. Now on sale

suals, asnd like thse othser strong tenns
of the swest, ansxiouss to dtefesit the
team whsichim ase so stear trailisng thse
criinson in the dssst.a fetv days sago.
For tine sstsne re-asons, it still slot is
for thse stutrdy ssess unsdes' Capt. lHen-
nisiger to risk losisng thseir hasrs. earsned
latusels to the eon) frosmsInsdiana.. Tisey
twil not cousrt defeat by putting up a
gamse osnetbit wteaker thsan thier best"
Another Favorable Comment.
Tise followitng is twhsat Caspoar WViit-
ney sasys in thsis week's Htarpser's
"H-arvard's gamse against Miciian
Saturday, withl they just msanaged
to stin by 4-0, wass notable chiefly for
the very excellent work of thse West-
ern university, whsichs played fast and
stronsg, was especially good. on inter-
ference, anrd lprovedhowss sear the
East and West are approaching in
footbsall science. Harvard shsowest a

of Cosntrsol to lesvetownttit. Astiste trttnd it is for thsis pusrpotse tat tiss
of Rle 11 gives thse Boaird the regut- ftsr~rttre still bsesusedh. It. is slot
ltstiots of leasves orftabsencse for ails- ktnowtnt whtesr it hsas beenset-s a s
letie teatmss, andtsclsass as swe'll to 'far- tift or t't thte orsher of thes regents.
sity teastcomsse unider tis rule. Itt The November Inlander.
conSseqstetsc' of this insfractlion of the
rusles it lias beets votedh by tin' boardT h Iie Inlandoer fosr Novemsbs'r still bes
"'Tht: h. W. Norritgot ansdi'fiotitas iplaceid otssalehetst.Monssday attthis
Nt'il isal rsigs teirisottiti susatl psles. Not s-atisiedttith the
tsssststger anssicaptasin of thte i-reshsmnt itse o iefsisl sttia
Foosttball tesits sici tnt ite'allotwsd to tts'sn hs't monosth, thse edsitosshsave se-
paricpae n nya~lalii cntst-o cresd sItinse'haslf-tonet-of thse tsett so
this college year antihtiat thte freshs- hplyedt at Htarvardi togethter twith. tse
Iats football tta shdisband.ss" strossgest players amtotng thse Reserv'tes.
Thse article of p lotar isite'sest is thes
Article by Prof. Adams. siccount of thse Harvaird gamse swritten
tProf..IHetiry C. Adiants has anI.arti- by Manager Baird. Assothser feature
she intsissmsonth's Citizens' e tttin" of sioeial interest to stusdetnts of Ensg-
fortis the putrpose alsd history of tise 1-i antdss of genesrtal iti~s're",t to all till
statistical dit-isiots of the hIterstate rsteso-l ets is ssslsso
Cottioserce Commtiissiots. It is sttirstet- of "Stusde'tts' Slsasg," a swork compstiledt
is; mstuch attentiots, throsughiost' the isy- Prof. Scoutt sld Mr. (tore withsthse
country. Wednsesday's University of assistassee of thseir cltisses itsnItinetorlc.
Wsisconsin Cardinal quotes frosts it at The U. of IP. vants a newc gysnsss-
length. sium.


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