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November 11, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-11

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VOL. YE. NO. 37.



- -- : - : -S i)VPVI .\Tai I11 }111\tl T _. xis leg It I w'x' zneclxdso Iivoily Gay. Ashley Tonight.
tlli 1 : IIlL 1 tI 1 ) MW ~ ~th il- on o e ~ts
Gut lii______Il i vi olxieie1wly l Tonlightl~ v Asliley oif Ohlio,
ylINTHEY WvERE GREETED BY HUN- ixiasi xxnd coay not ' xl x alx 1o 1w
)II0 "TRld DREDS OF ADMlIiRERS. Alxixhsxxx'xx l sIe 'itiii thel ~ixix .11 Ashlseyi
Oi is enoulgh foir one person to- li ---telumiiichr. o sly
oi la n at oile tune. One }II Their Noble Effort--Every Man Flir ~as~ ani. loltler lxxii -whox xvxs
01 guitar is not enoughi, howvx- lit Played Football -Coach M~cCauley no(, inl x'oiiiltio 10 iliy or it. woiuldi lx' xx1xn)c 'ii iel vii iii
ili ever, to su py1,0 tti- vI at Oberlin, p si l x to eli of sxxxxe of' 11J.- lxx ixxx Li'xlx lixixg Ile 'i' x
it" den to. That's whiy wve have tiI rliitw1.rc dIaslte niwt-
4 eoniotaintiy ill stockx 1seruxxvxe'raxxlxxxxr ii ' ix xx ii ie lxl iil l y cx xlx'i"xi'x'xedx lxy thexx lxix' ie
liii dlozenls oif g itars of variotis 11 h lx Al ix'iigxxx Centxrxxl xLpo .0,x xi xx 'xxxilY xxidx l xxklx'l 8,1x1(1-x'x'x ax I -
till m kes aniid prices. t0 i'i'clixi' this xtcix'eiii xi'lix'i thx 'A' xx''il xx Hx llister' .tined. Ise Lxxxlxx Cit (lxie . 'xxxxI. h e Axii''i x i
olo BETTER LOOK AT OUR iiik~ 'ile fron 1110 train axi -1.ix , '' od'xx lixxsl lei'i'li Z' lxx Al ix'iiii xxxii si hI ixiiiiixi.lx ''xx'lx xx 1'xx'h
U OF MGUITAR. Ixiy lx li'gxxx'li lxxs lxx t "iixi'iix Al xlix' xxx xilixil xxI. lex xi is
Oil tt's good as its iiame. !!fl x'i lxii ix'x xfi' lxi xix' 'xx li'lle u' -lixxiixxl ii~iy xxx e l ws' i th g xx ' xli'81 'x iixxx ili
TH ANN ARBOR ORGAN C , 11 lxi vi''xilxgiilx lxxix I i xx tix lxi iss li x Of x 'li'x' xx'xlr I s~p
I__ lion.i xxxiiiultot '1xiix1'i ll xxoi effor lxxii xxxiis mu li xx xi l
___ __ S.i~llli' MAIN S'.11 xxx Fliii Evr 11ixi) 1n the' teItIl+elHI.odr. Iobr -r
--ixxk xi lx ll' "ixxi ii xi 'ixs'xixig~ xi- a'iiixix aixxx sli lxx' ixixsxxx''l W i ix' ob ~iiixthe xxriiit

xxi' xi ixigix 'lx.''. xi.,ii, iig.xj, xxiii'.ixig lxixixi'lxxxiii lixi' lxi I.ixAslleylii xxii xxxii
You clan itin t lioe lax'ost 'and1 lixSt ,lxxiilih ine1111 1lxih xiit ixp'lxyd xix'' tn. NIs i ti i ii liionce115'lxic lilxiii). I liii____
Comllplefte Stock o(f 4 I' l'xx 5'i anyi 1 d lxii.lx ii 'l. xxxxhld ixi'ixlt'ii ill'llx hli lx.' 111(1 Aloha Nu Preliminaries.
lixilli lxi' espixaixil lixli ie iltl i\o l lxx' xlxxxx'g'xl xidown.i oix l xx'i' u lxi'i(vx'e to 'Ixi first if, the prixx'x'i iex'xs fori'the
S A E S A Dixxxixxssiixix. ('apt. I lx'iiiiix 'p iiix 'xi xStillxa.lxkik. Ilix' xixxs' Mix lxlii ix'xxxily i 'lixixigix xii'lxxi lx vvsis i'ixi'ii 'lii z'ixy
xxi x lii xxx'li xx sx ii iiixx i 'iii5'. lxi ii i'i iiif'x l ig i . lx x' ilx Ni sxley xi
ix lxx lxxxi ;;;mwxfromisi'x'siiiol'xid"ii sofix'x'iiiig billxitiwasx'elfii' 'xx]is
hip siidely ~x n k he i ixi ' xeli Ifii'11 xto iootba l ci _' wsi llxxi er
xixo' n il1cxxx'rlsl~ oixisl'ly is Aligxxliii I11E Ix i n.visix'a}xxi ;r id ' I xix'r 'ipi t il rl iii' ily 11.xxiii x l. ' l jiiM. C ii'xi'' 'x
style di ed x. x'x centerii'l. tI xxi'theii111(I.111 ;Ii51y. 1Blyii'10.li li ii ii ill i , ys ly hs iii' C'siiils, 1ix'. Sitixa ss xxan l '. N. I lili-
plye~'x'l issixixixi'life' <I 0 lxxiii ilxbo i 'rotested l lllsi 1hali.l', xoii lilig llii, ilixixi. xxix hir xi' l'de sxc xison lixisixise(
Ax uts lfir Itle .cl i-itcii x ;igxilsi Shixix ,1liii )xxxxx''ifix. I l i i i oh l lix''. i i nk . , i txile'iiiil' xi xi'is''x'axii
S3 EO S PARKER FOUJNTAI N PENI iuoxsi lconspicuouxxis lxxxix ihipsire 11xli his I xxxix ioff'Elie ildx. 'lxis xxpxcx'xi lxiii I li'si x xixne. iel i' texx i
fli , iiii t11i ll', xadiihi I i 11 i v is effec l'xxx xi xi ix)x xiiffo rIl ir ;1( le y iiilet i l 1iis ( lx'' propoxx sed' bylit Aixligxxi
l'ngi'axex vsiting cad s ll s upStl- luilxlx xli 1.lxi x''xi. li le i. 'I'll ' l nxtickll _; x' x 'xxxxx xi'li' xxxixxixx '.'i
luy in five (dla s. flxx', g'xxxxxx ill sitexi. if his ixji'i' erx' 15'lll xhxxdon xii i ldiii ndxii luxiilxxs ixxi.'lxl li'sxii sxxxx xl i
310 S. STA1TII ST'REE T. xliii.lilixiixI iixi''tisIitx x ixx e' i' x)
I L A ,Ix i xxof ixe rxxori sitxxhaxxl xxii' liCoch lx(xiii il xxxi did to. ixix l r1 ll ill le111ig lli'siixh' eI S 'xxii '51, huh e gixu
THE EAD NG ~ l L R xxi I lxxxxg'x iiiix xxxxi xxx lT'.xxi- e ixi'iii ii l'il ii 'lll ixi'il iii' I ii lixt
Tiolaetan ot ahoiax e rlx'liil ili giiixiiglliiliiVuillaindtathe SO eant o retur ixe 151 nnes t ivao.y
oci aiiioloieons erho'si(' x'x'i li'nx'i.. llix xo'1lii elii'li i liilxi lit. i hi Ixixon
The~~~~~~~~~~h LwgetStcaiktl' iy.oint.'llxllx'a ixixx'lliiivry nfil. hlpxxigx;' iilii«-1111xslhe tieamiililiiio'xixgx'xxxIxllxi lia.k''i xi
NO D 2 W S INGT O R T E R M I . ''i ii i x i' the g l fi fx xlxl ii ix i xiixii x ii i x ili i .l i' i nviy. II 15'ls x xi'xiss lii i' xx x
RA E YU"A x li i x xxs xli'' xx'' l . ' xi'o xxxlin. x l xx ii l acexs (x1i'i saxlx
NO £ .W SHN NS.4 1 , N A AI. iii ;xxndeisxiii'l lxx liliflt iit' 111111 'ill 'lli lxx It\\-,isiaiSucceis, butiiIlle5\lxe
ixekx'in r iixopix' l t l ay.x' 5 iifll Surayn. ' s o otba\\ll cn<i 1 Cames worildx',Aixreco iies. x'r c Al c n11lor
bii xsueltxxy-llineIxi' liit ol- gsn ndo~u~ ; rjielt1ei ileidaix'exis illt'''5I S.liiisx
By A be9Crte',(b diced: i orin fe\i' yxi'ard t i me.xi sixx i l lillxfrli io t('xx i'cx an0. l\' ' 10'gfxill xxxill,'xx' lxx illx1hug hixl it
I 0aiu lx thxei Ilix i iii ' iixid ie fi uir osiix cla r vie w of the xxx'i Ii. lix' ' il xi'li' i il i xi' x' xix x,;'"})-
supritraytedt, oby\ dCharles1poo lissxx(uri'i2.xvimlxsic'In ;lob 15.
yo rnih oshuw o a e a]th is'i ie wasegh xx t grxpx yd oalf'rie swel <1A alpros vi:tl oI 111,11fe:5 lcis;'llinhi
" e('A. I-{ F..' ixE'atels' x gotolelx of r__n__e________e__re
10i1iinxigAml,;and so xi(leh<. I) ee'. .1.bPoSxi xl'i hupi, l3xisnui' ux
:Isirvi its Book'.-re, Oppoito StouLtuisusa
ByA eSt a rter N. laie. I ixnng ixesnxI-iePrinex .ton (t1, CDexnuxc llege II. °la frfu oi li e f irdSaul in.;ithatxat

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