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November 09, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-09

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On BSTN APRSTHNKMIHI ~ F(ti'oltdottlrao~O~itVgow3
TO EETIIA{Y I{DTO doYeI is 2 3ear old. 5 ft. i10 ern. tal year heo is also sb lar. His
Is enough for one person to if" CAN WOILL SCORE. riot. llarit 1\tij i tl hl ''arsity, btInt. Mitoley, '6,t.ribts qartr,(nt(red
play n at ne ttne. erbert Is Bettr-A Brief History
guitar is not einough, how- 101 kith 't6tbut is also tki i toediio. ties. Itt' has laye~td footall for s"
4n evr1t'opip00 t of Our Team-Its Weight, Height'
10 eer tosupl 3,00st- ouchd Age-The Harvard Team. Ilie 'ighsO ut 1.3:. ]rounds, is :. ft. 7 ralyears ut is light.
1I dents. Thats why we have 101ii. lll til 211)yoarofoh!, Williaim loliors08lit , sub half, is
filt constantly in stocksees- etrath anwaagigier
dozens of guitars of various Jn.Xtse'tt i't li ii gi~ iii .aioesiltli it6 . 'l 'Stitir Chiagoa, crileneliof Massahuistts an was
11 makes and prices. I iii tb s t niioae oss . ylas tbeen the('\'Varst'slpoutltr aelir n lti' 'arityiteIi( ast optitg.
qnn wir h 're1the iiireStopping. I lreriwas t5 iatirbattik in twti ribes Years.Ileifirmei'rly layid football at losois
BETTER LOOK AT OUR It1101iiintotii thrtiri'.btilis thought t tylgto i ii n rurI.8 1nrriy l'uegi ttln~ll
U. OF M. GUITAR i t l e ii oitiitioti to line tillwithithelii' Iials tplayeid sortstop on tie %A adi s 1( ,tO ft. 1 ii. f ll.
til NNN It's good as its nanme. inititi tr ths afti'itnoon. This tiittoin theti Vtrsty afri. '".litimie" is 5 ft. 7 i. L. 1. tilt, 'CTil , stibihalf', is wtll
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. tt NN ilthittiiotalir gt 1 onsadi 2yaknw i etrfedrolteWIst
I lAIt ti tit iinte ithere t y tey will gii tii i.~tels mt'yas ntiiit
Itot lnoitS. itiMtAtI. 'IiN IoSr.ll te Vrii o i'tlidiiti y t'.Iir i 'l.he Mut.,ioilt his it s d l tia ist
lit. Cop ltur iitl' titRutottstonauri ottillii li'Aii Xrir liugili'lii fiftorr ilyiln fte
S heel-lan s~~hol liiivari lts, Ltltey'think alh'eI.S. hIs biotiii'is (leelttitil. i.I I'tam~is. Ieihsi'1t61ploundiils andiiis,
You can finda the laigost anti itost 'taiiioictuatci of witnig. iriglia1t0, is 5 ft. 8 in ill. titnid:2 u ft. 8 I..tlll.
comleite stociktf hallolog is ti briefhistry 'f 1lit 'eaitol.ThHavrTem
ititit t r ite wo'illiim're t arvtard tudy J .. W. I llitirri'igltthialf, f ('tioh lulotwing at hii sfttlistie of the
SCEpIEaiANBFret\ IW. l KE, rigeN.T.. Iti' ano'th a suln avadeee oete il hs
G Y M NSIUtM SI f IS totlt.O, I wthth l:'it" di etkona Jc"Iolitr ftepicplsbttts
SUT frhi orhiea il layn e ice n b riyn. Iii' Ca'tinttiArthur I. Breiser 'tit6, of
gn il thti AitniArboir Hight Sllool ltd 1 foierly l8'etldtitstitll tinidtfttotal l oston. ight itr. Ie is eotlno ilt
in te cty.Wteiaiio torntitlhe htts talwayi~s playeditright guatrti uintil tit Willikuas'Clegi. IMsaeight is risat amliiatnt iyi:it i
order, in tiy oiar tosoi li a r, ent.w hei li'is atoila i ng~t~'itig (tight li t 5 ff. ti in. hid tge 2. otlii'aily lirgti'iat tti
X.t cottaesi r te ceetitni tug'usul gh hto ' ti tiha. ttiidHel lilt. A. t'tiu't gtu ittili 'N". hu ftt Isi Ete wit 1 cl'i'l'I i A~l , le Iit 5or1
Ag nsfrti ee rtd ty i, fall tutd is 22 yeirs itON. tcilt'he it' dittl ' h aiihits el aihits full li ites, uui'ghi 11.
GEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN . ', 1 1 lr, titter rtstll ydl ef~ h'itik coaltinto he'ru'fromuti Iittsyhu lia I . 151 ttiu'iiuitfiatlil'hit, f Botonl ight
gu otit t he suit lii' iti a tst yeart. Ittis Miilittitry Atadettmi'tiotutlitiitttpledhit l eke. lie nai o l a uty tautIt~tisitry
Engiaved iisitng' cutids i)' stp- ti gito itsliaexpiirien'tii'' sthlthet'tlu tltt'Iueitufuttt . I' ~iii Siuih ttti ts gut i
ply iii fire days. Atttutin"A tetut. Hts ttu'is 10 (10I 'ititir wsta tls ottth hti b stitniotilIai ,er's seit. A e 18 egt5f it,11
Slutrtga. lii.. andtheitis 1tlt'nir '0 tsi ri uitI sis iau'is 22 tilghit nus, -weigtlit 11
S HEEFJA.N & CO.. ttuthit. Wigt 1516 ptouttuheilgti 6i16i7 tandheight ft.19r0 li ~. ' .if'ler, '9,tightt guaud.
i3) i. STATE STREIET. rfee~tutudtg' 2tyr. ittili':Ia uhuoy'ttsitli Wtutua
- T /I1 [.1. I. I ltut'i'.ofiif htti. Mont. tutu" Eutwiuni tlitt siriu'te l'e, ntuitutt er ;lou'tul tuit f Ntiw W utk. lu is
d'ueft acttut id ie 'il 'uity and' 111th 'tl ,I. sfrontut roiiii tt it and hp luld siniro g ioit' thitaini' yur. Aga 18
THE LEADING TAILOR tuttitu dtIriiis odshut utthis titiaO~ iltesu'ui'a hlat.I'tii'su o21i *yea luieht fifht, 3.1 tit i". =a
Heu'beugtanuf'ootttatll ta t' iuiigiiauolu. itft. Ifan hu. tll tutu sighs'204)) A C DI t itut t'tt C mb idtg,'i ub-l
AND IMPORTER. .0gittultl C i I'hol'gtutudhust tla-tio iundus. sittut ii-ttur a'dtiulughth.guar.u'h.latyd
TIhe latest aid miost Fashionaba 'le isiti. ii-itchth iPrteA. C1.ul'venu. "Rig ,.1 f. W'iutithi'itr,i' , tf Pe'or'iaIs, eiteru'n' hasiltai s tis a mIttt.eI a a
Foreign Fabrics for Mn's XWeair' uw'esighsa'2011 ituuutsis,tttotls 6tiastla tynter 't' ilt' li hlassltus'te Jsrui' tureg' 1 tihi uut
The Largest Stoeok in the City. feue uti hiltait is .21 yutarsolu. tuand o tiIt'est'ser'eshutdis tils year1 i iItes,''ighth 22.
I'. i. lull i i9(S , ighu tturu, washO sutb gurti out tti' 'Vrsiy lu' eighit tu k I hts,'i' uslittt i
'NO, E. ASHIGTONST.,NEAR MAIN. guith outil t' riiiet'iti 92 ttan'd 91 15 itttuts t;antis 5 ft. It ii. tali. teFak.1'hl~e d'1,o fIl ~ehl-
hi'urush Ilisu ut ii
'\Al n. ieeu'ts itt'is from .Jacksiontt tCeni. 1ter . ;Ytu1.9'hLC tf Intuik, Nb.
O., andlearne his fthisllatiPrice-un tdionilt'v'utrsity latsyear'.
1 til iuiauutlla itttltil t tit' a.sisright tclunlit e Va sit los t'. i D ' titi 1iitt. .17' 21
- ~ lt ilii noteulerIhie iulisi 1y'etr'atntthis 71ea1'11111" ii Iltuititr bheight It fe, 2 tutis, sueighti '21).
It t year iutil attftrt~ihit'fott shtt a-t5't mtoedhouilto t haut positionto mahit
--suit. I sis footbautll lie Tiles ta ru'c'ou'r uittotfor illl. Ihi' is 35ft. t, f. tall, . KGI. IHblt. 'tt, i t hLtturu'utu'Au' . ,us
ofh4-tft i 'it,''iiiutting tie oto' d 'huh tr s l ad webut8 puds e t gutru. IHI' uuuuto ply t u l-
HAVE 'YOU READ I? ( 't .,y'tstuu uti 'iha11hultu r. su''It' ply a sitn~1111 e init i
112 ft at biuutucati's thitug. Ills lie t' uiiu''y plaltyd. tllit Nu'lrtsktt n y ti 2 omshih t lm -f iseeyrese . A e2,hih et
8 ile otirsisad 2e21lututuuthslheght 0 ft ilc.m'iihsft'msh1tJ. iynhsuw'u'lr t' 1.J6. iht hfui
Colege Gils, F. V2il11, lhf: tckleis asoasen Oa, 1h., ait begaun otball Robrt 11. Halowel, 50, of Wieast
By Albbe Cartei Goodhoe. I siIt'111li''osly-i'lltutgiit i
lustrated by Charles Danla t'noil th el't enfor the itlttihitslt e astiltwiestbuendtl utliI yuIi's cas.tn uinIi oiimr
your neightbors, Nittyon sale l'ailuo ftttitl htSf. Viiiis2 Ii i'lgtl.iti 14'9 t. I e is tustggealifiiite'
at" Fears' od, isehohs 10 iuundus titl is 1111 ug' 1.e ~'21, hiighti.It fit, isilt:171.
ft. 1/, i. tll. J.1D. Rihardtns, '98, ones tutu Norntti IV. ('tab tt, '18 itt Broklkine,
- s H. i H Stuter, ut Iotghttui, Tlul.. tos stugitu, 'yuuo ,1111d it lso atistatnth lft '1nth.:htyt'tlefthed utu th l ie '111-
yI(let inch oiithe 'T intity foi'rthe thti ofutttii l taiittgr. II' played t tSt.ciylaItst 01)1. I tt flnhet'e11)1ridt
UpeToeti. hoseTown tytir sohavtntg lbegniifoeibtall wthhtau's pllrl'htoitry' tictiol ,m11was lis rssu d a nu' 11 hs withltthur butll tine
20 SeS. t'Bs t sat e ept s sfc. . ae Iis a Clts lie is at i lt u-shut Ialf ot t he 'arity hulst yar.T'this (('unttititietiouitthidl paga'

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