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November 25, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-25

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the . a


VOL. VI. NO. 49.



i 1

S Is enough for one person to
S play on at one time. One
guitar is not enough, how-
ever, to supply 3,000 stu-
S dents. That's why we have
constantly in stock several
dozens of guitars of various
S makes and prices.
It's good as its name.
You can find the largest anid most
complete stock of
an the city. We make them to

Our Men Played a Snappy Game-
Not Once Was Michigan's Goai
in Danger-4,000 People Saw
the Game.
About a thousanad sluidents went into
Detroit Saturday, to see the MIiciian
team get away with tlie University of
Minneseta. It was expectedl ly very
few that Miniiesota: would tbe kept,
from scoring, but every oue Zwas per-
fectly confident as to the result ef the
gamie. No one his reasonl to be dis-
appointed in the gamie as the work; of
the 'Varsity was fully ut to extpeta-
lions. The game was a clean one
from start to finishi, and alt the toucht-
downs made weireiii clear cut plays
withi no suspicions of a Stoke. It was-
Michigan's game from start to finishi
timd iiot once was there any dainger of
Mlinnesota's scorinig. When they sue-
ceedledin t gettiitg possession of the
ball they were absolutely unable to
make gains either through the line or
around the ends.

Mfichigan's superiority lay enltirely ini
tier ends. The punting of Parkyn was
lime imost Inoticeable feature of their
pilay. Larson played- a. strong gaine at
guard and kettHall svell on his met-
tle. Aitauns played a sharp game mit
quatrter baick.
Both teams wore rallier tate' in mak-
tog their appearance, Miiiiesotate'iiig
niuch the tardier. Michuigan, won tice
loss ainid chose the north. goal. The
teams line up as follows:
i elmigaal. 3Mi nnesota.
F'arhmn.right cud. .,Khose
tHenninager (C).. right tacekle ..-Walker
Hall. .i'iglit guard ..- Fiuilayson
Deiiby...center ....ultou
Hoeeper...left guard -...Larsen (C)
Villa....tenfttackle.. -..Dalrymple
Senter.... . loft end .Harrison
Richards...quarter ... Araiiis
F'erbert..left halt ... Gilbert
H~ollister.. .. right halt .. Loomis
Btloomingstoiin full buck.Parkyn
'Minniesota kicked off amS Bloomlin'-
stoinecrriedt the hla forward to time
25-yard line. Villa mail' ten yards but
the ball was brought back ainS given
to iiacesotaemonfside. Adlams tutu-
tbled anti the ball wcent to Micuiguim.
Farinhiam, Seiiter,;XVilla andIHenimnger

110! 110! 110! FOR CHICAGO.
200 Must Go-The Team Leaves
Wednesday Morning- Charles
Baird's Communication.
The 'Vatraity teani will leave for Clii-
cago over lihe'AniiiArtier ILt. iiioliih'
excursion. train which leauves Aim
Arbor Wedm'sday iiiriing at 9 a. it).
and reaches C'iciiagomt Sp. iii. To
secure the excursioii at $5 for the
roiind trits, 200 tickets must be sold
and all desirous to go iire requiesteid to
leave their inines with either Messrs.
Saint, Gireenwvood, umyself, or at
Wmmlr's, Slicilan's or the Cook house.
Tickets, are gent firoi Wediiesday,
Nov. 27, uiitil Monday midnight, Do(m'.
2. 'I'he Aiii Artier will senid a, spcimal
traia to ,Milaii to iieet lie *Wabmshm
train leaning Chicago MIonday after-
noon at 2 p- in., thus .assuriiig a viery
quick ride. These tickets are good oii
all Wuabmish trains retuniiig fromi
Chicago, including thin tratincvhich.
leaves Chicago it 10 p. in. aiid arrives

order, in any color, desigut or Mliuutesotmi. n-as absolutely untuble to' each. gainued from ive to teum yards ar AntiArber ar S a. in.
style desiretd. chieck Mliciigu's adtvances thuromughm thd thieballi wenut to Minnuesota, for 'T'he AlS. C. ariunmtes tnattIhey with
thin line anuS commit;rhoutothingugwithnhter 'Michuigani's hohding. Minniesotma gaitmit unot rut inexcuimsie ait $,so mis otto
Agcits for the celebrated stronig interference arotund time emitsive yards ou t weomdowsamnA yes t-mniniterfere with thu' football excmursionm,
S EO, S, PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. On time othuer hatnd Michigta's lhue was compeled to put. tHeniiuger gaitued amid as it is desired thaut as mianmy as
abseoluely impregmable autd nothing feur yards thuromughm tckle andrtihmen Possible ac-coumpanmy time lenin to Clii-
Enguaved visiting cards we sup- cotuhd get tiast lime enuds. Very sedors cuter with thme it of Stlomiitraiiter- cage time footbuahllumanagemment requests
ply itt five days. was Minneissota able to tmake 'tihe itemes- ferenice carried thu-batll for foirty ymard these expedting to go to huandin i thurt
~~ I-I ~ AiN & co nary ive yarits on itdownms. Dentby auround thtie endm, whueni te wsemidownmed nitiesmrs seoon as possibule.
h30ihm uui imu teumtriti by Parkynu's brillianut tickle. Fietbert CIIAS. BAtID, Migr.
__________________________________ o tlen ummcceeid in gettinig thuroughi to gmainuedtlifte-mmymards. at-omid1time endu
Oratorical Board Meeting.
_- A'I1I Ai1 - thin bath. iHmlltandSHooter slid hercim-anuitafter Hlooiiimg~onihind bucked
tuteaun miwoik s guarids tumd see veiny timecenter for is-c imuchsthe-bliwsent At a met'etinmg(if time bonch of dir-
THE LE ADING TAILOR 'active mum Luckling timd getting into to Minntesota out hobiug. 'rte backs ecters of teOaoia soito
pilty. Heiuniger 'ndVilachrgedt c-i-e tried for emal ituhmssanut thie btlru thtmweek, thie questionm of holeding time
AND IMPORTER. thmeir mmeni wel amid vere sent through cetutriedt to Mihimganiout Miumesaa itdebamte contests ani ithe imtercoitegiatte
The latest and most Faishioniable thue line repot tlldy for geeod gatini.hodimtg. Villma, Stemumimgem' tidS Bhomim- debate litter their auspices cvms ceut-
Foreigon Fasbrics for Men's Wear. Senter playedt n briliant. gaute out emditnmgstontecried timehiatt to!.-xturd ifteenm sideredt. Thuey decidedt to offer a
The Largest Stock in the City. amid huts work shuoud surely entitle him 1yardis tiy shtin rucishes, limt cme i'near trtu' of at tin-Ififty udolltars to be
CIO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. to a position emstime Alt Amnerca. teani. hosing time ball on downs onmi iiunese- given to the svinners of time hntl Umi-
Farmim also play-ed a goed gmame am Imue 10-ymard. lithe. SHemming er grot versity conttest, ifthtie literacy neehe-
I I ~D. enid as sid Greenleaf, ccotiel'ievei thruought thue line andc-thiin a toot of ties swillstur-enter to- the Oratoicmal
Senter iiite mtiddle of te secondiithie gonltlhue, wchi-re! .i Lamll ccastfumei- Associttiom time righut of chiosing time
A T H S hnit. SRichards mt qumarlec pisedthtie tiled aiteSItmllsc/c_ ie timth alamid scan debmaters curt ahso time iutigemiml
bath accurately anti got into play pushed'tSover 'tine tithe fir a toucihuouci of thme preliminmary and imuei-colleg;iate
quickly. Mtorley celieved ltiuszii in e itsfuruteets minhintesmu. lteeutiinga ii -'s debiates. hoc thme puirpose of suuhmnit-
Special sale this week, seconud hamlf. Holli-tec, Fuebect, andii.tfoot ..lippedt tumid h,,inissedi o~L t/. iing- their otfer to the secieties, they
IlsrtdHolumes played She halves in good Scoce 4-0. witlhohld a mneetimig this eveninig to
shapce amid gave Minnesota's backs Bloommingetomi ltook thuetumulfrtruth ie whiich the societies hcve beens invited
G IF 1 - B O0 0 IuS' many lessens in interference. Bloonm- m ext kick off andulcarlriedut back Sothue to sendel:repsresentamtives. Sn answver
imgton puinted well amid buckedthilie 20-yart line. i'ttnhmuit and Villa to Sheinimvitation time Webister society
Stadar an Micelaneus ookcenter for good gainus. Ilis gaol from gained and .delter went grounud tihe at their umelimg Fridlay eveninug con-
C edesand Diaries for 1896. thme seconud touchudewn was one of the end for twety-i.a ytards. i'ccbei i idered timeinater, but no conclusion
Juvenile and Toy Books, umost difficult ever attemnpted on time Seter and Villa inuts genii gmains amidsemis reacehed andinitoe uwsas alpsoint-
Teacher's Bibles. Largest home grounds. hFarnham w e-ut aroiti S taue emit for let ed to represent thamt society. 'rho
stock i the city, 1,000 popu-
lar books at 25 cents each. Minneotoln's ,game was steady ansi yards, Senler, Vilta and IIenniger Altuhma *Nuo sciety consiuered time moat-
there was little fumbling, but her play wet through thimene mum successnmamnd ter also at themr heeling Satuday
W-B rA H sn S as slocv and her interference weak. then thme ball wet.tSo Mtiuuiesota. i evening and while thin society dial not
S The team was unable to gain through downs in their 10 yardl line, approve of She oifer they appointed
SUp Town, Dews Town, the line any more than around. the itiuesota conul int giin andl Ptr- Mr. Heddick to. act as their represent-
Vnlversit BSookstore, Opposite CourtiHouse gsasrintht (otne nSeodPg) aiettu heig
20State St. 4 N.,MSle St, endl(s, despite Stagg' seto ht (otne nScn g;i atv ttemeig

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