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December 19, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-19

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tc in:. of

A t. Wai j 1.

VOL. VI. NO. 67r.



Is enough for one person to
play on at oue time. One Will Investigate Facts Concerning
guitar is not enough, how- + Professionalism in the West-What
ever, to supply 3,000 stu- jI the Chicago Papers Say or His
dents. That's why we have Mission and Its Result.
constantly in stock several
dozeiis of guitars of various ( sar ~iWhitneiy has been in Chii-
makes and prices. (4oga Sev eral days this weet, Seiit by
~BETTER LOOK AT OUR 1111arpers Weekly to make at full inl-
U.OF M. GUITAR, I estignation iiito thie facets of the co~ro
It's good as its name. IN altalso h ei.Acritt
STHlE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO, 1 the ('leitao isailers hie is ready is ad-
UilS. MAIN ST. Ii ithtmnoftesamesnI

The (esuit of these inestigmations we
sha11 lay before etir readers, in a. later
AN the All-Amierica teani wZiil apipear
in the iiext, issue of 1Iarlper's, we shall
irobabuly bear societlitg more about
Westerniprofessionalism in athe issue
of January -4.
New York Post Thinks It Should
Not Die Out. 0
Tue \Neiv York Evening lost gays
editorially of deieiiiug:
"Senator tGay snaid a itrue and needl-
od swordtW-leilhe remnarked iiiat do-
biting is still riiuired la our ipibi

No Railroad War This Year to Cut
There will be.niany niore students
reiiiatiiinusAun Arbor dtiring the
Ciiristiiiaos vaeatioii thlis year than lost
year. Last year tiiire were exeep-
tionil cuita iii railroad rates, and siiu-
ciits' fromiiilony soutthern aiid west-
i'si states quite remote tooks adv*ant-
age of the railroiad tar isto io 1ie.
Tlhis year there stillhi' no tuts mt
ill, osnly tin' iegular ireduictioii ts one
and sin-third fare for tihe rouiitl trip.
This artist was d( 'eidi'd upon by the
railisoadls last sseiek. At a coinfeirenice


werinincoirret,but iieliolidsfitrmly lie lifie; tihat in acotuitiry of free) inassieiiter a gelitsthe llieliiiia.t Ci-
HO -D Y . othe position lie' took in general. stitutioiis aidil fee slielihthe apa-ia riltiutideinstyot
110r LID Y O E IGwhitiley is said to hase lhad sty to conisnce ones fellost-inen lby thof so A n irboa1 d o aatep
wit hi a unde o atiol;fyts pre th foce f agumnt n ds,"~ssontii diaswbusiness fromiihire, >hut leave
-AT- lxe reitrstatciiiisb ,ii',oitmiuilist lwasys bei'of liihe . Eale.si s-olune. the _wo ___a_______to________ -e
H ~ ~ ~-~~-wA N.T S ,Iie iiiiiit shomicis harges of toofi1sioli- Aiioutihie limoif the outibreatk of lthe SENIOR LAWS
S 1 .<17 j4 ~ ih'i si irenode, hottiie (laiols is )civil isair, a reaetitoii ag aiis~catory11a13 ySucceed in Electing Some
lis-i' loon unable ts secure speeificeemus to have sit in,swhieh tue 55IvI Class nay Officers.
You are invited to our book denials ini11its, fiiramfrsni thes"esIn. itself iliiiitliess iliiinsiiiedl. "Whlere stos
pat osee otir nosy Holiday Tiii' siutor lassfiielid iii seeond
patoloaglaniiland torkynwhoselii'char- uiniqiestionably a lyhi8sofinsithfea-
Gift Books in choice bindings. 1 ei o h
"i s('iecwertiffierei money for' their foot- tioii fur if, so tar as it sane a protist meeig u iniuiose of i'liettiig
AR UIALENlARS><?FOR 1896 l1 ill ins ii-.at AWinnesoi,t "are nun- alista liitii-ilowsiiand"ed ~thiiiiir li'etivoclass daofftihers, Tes-
tiiiiiiiitadiatoihei'ater.Sti'i-i'ii-eagle' style iof pilie spieakingich.iiliday-at 11 a. in i.,i liivy succeeied
.'Ofod eahes'Bililolth ill planigup iii'iithat svei-i'then
~OxordTeaher' hibls. ll he s iishoaccorii-iiugto 10i11swas of- his ii'i'iitioiiiiih in S oeuue. hit, as
,new books of the season can be tiiiiumylipa i.'ti ai satt ippn i -otii tn choice iif the class. Thei, balloting for
secil at our store and will be sold . i-i- a le--ioianw'iioll ae
t:students) at svholesale prices. say1s0 noi lihig, iiiii Ito-rshermaii 1(a10too far, and. tiii-ri-allValue oif otitts - . irai il gi ani
Beatitiful GifttlBooks 25c each or deietiihat lhe, u-uer niadieStiesi-nsonin ipublic tdi-ate iiuis teiiipiirocvihy hi- u n fe eea alt r ~b
five for $1. 110y suici offeiri ~ ,(a1eei. s-uired. and Mr. liriloks ithdriewiss in fav-or of
Mr:. Wiiituiey- u-ainss hlas-i hi;siosv- "siiiutorCrSi 11ytOitgrit iitin 1h its - Il. P. OtYelr, aiid lin-Nstas (hi-i-ill.
S Li EEFAi~41 &'CO.. i-i-il that J.iiiis hBairivstIn thi-1till hint ial lsehi by-a pubi'liii oheu-aerodfices flleiii see lti' eof-
Wholeale Lud Itlail ook- East for threeii'ssiks his taii to aeee i'aii itstaiilii alnii i-it u~hise iiitnautils iiliit )
sellers.gmsther, althoiughi Batirdbsias PO iti-al eduitation of ur ple-il- ti-it. Whtiarihiii ii iiai- u
liii-f1011(heiloly four clays. 11I0-si-i-caininit ifford to hose. It iwiiild lii A. A. llis iiiaii tiele at er. Thie ic-
, ]1IJLA.D, - iatoes ciiirigis iof iirofi-usiiiiiislii tzs a e-at ioisfortiiiic-if our 1iiiiiversities Ililtlnt'i i-h- day(11(3 ill ae ' ((11-
toi then tiiulii itll iour-tea nif stil' tio ciise dev-elointiiti'ihel-paity )- liitiii ianibthey siulii-bihfildlat-i-.
TIHE LEAD!ING TA!ILOR bt Bairdi and thlolici'. Itideatly ho thisna fufr good thoe public ospini- FACULTY CONCERT.
ANtiIMPeiTtR Interesting Program for Tonight's
theDIPO TR. iistteof 31h-tiligan fur lie sas e1ffiratFreziHll
The lest alnd m2ost F'ashionable o ihil not see hnow sv an1ifriin such ATTACK PRES. ADAMS. Afi tFiz al
Foreig~n Fabhrics for Men's Wear, a far-assay tuate 00 buutbe, luiit., Legislation Investigation of Wis- Aiitir11-hlyciiitsllieh-
The Lurgest Stocki in the City. fromi vliicli Hoolier carnie, coiiulhi- consin University Imminent. iii at lFrieze' 3bi-ioriial Haill thisi-ein-u
tug. beginiungt g o(loctk. Ali ex-
NO. 2 E. WSIGO WASHINGTON ST.,HEAR MAIN. 103-ylg hiri. - Sonic of the eudu-ationial athoitis ccl-i ilgiii115l-i uiaisi
T1hie abosonre soiie of thic'staite- oftthie-state of Wisconisiii are- uttidbslili s xi'-t'lha hsi-s---Is-l
- luts attribtuted to Mir. Wluii icy by iiig, attentin to tii-iissilsaby attack- adi n se~e htticnetwl
ii'(heg oiss vicsle lt-tinresthunt C. K-. Aiala i, of bSi s suiiu-li la-i it is thi e lit 1 iir tiifiiiu
j 'I' 1,/j JLI) 9 iliiit'oareiprintedlthit ore eidenil'itly' c-lia-illi tutiii'refty. Ise ia ch1urg I- le iu' tlitiiuas re-es-a harge ittendul
fi iblid. 'Mr. Whitio's-'osOitioni is the isithl behuigtoo airistocr-atic aniish.silionce' is i'ao-nc-uid.
umtr o h h'iii'3 u~u'uuu fonsulttgcriipiatiE-yhiii'u ht Gym Open in Vacation.
Special sale this sweekt, swhat hei sill sauy later ini llais-r'.s thiu' tiu the initrest, of theni' tut--
IlutatdWteekly. otty lsoii uiui-fhssriu uoa Dr. l-itzrag'-hl ainoum--c1a t thli
Minnesota Now. ad u iu tiiiigeiu ilolo'dias. Theyyallgyiuasiuu isill hi'eopiien every lay
G 1 -B O IS Caspiar Whitu- ney s in. the aiinteur i-g htbueul irt'oua511ixeilt Ct'liistiiiis 1)a13duruuigthiieccuii-
sporit coluinus of thie'lasst issuec of Hlar- iii-- sacation, firiiii illtii 12 o'clhuhinterimleuinin "ivriyex
StnadadMsilaeu ok er's Weekly: theo- lliiina fur wocuienilainilfromi
Sta' nlticlaeus1(os eion tsiirses, sslii- tliu toss.1es lire :-; oIiati'at--io u mi
Calenders and Diaries for 18916. "Just asste ,ire goinig to press, fur- tuh y isritossu s xant,'1toifr5guli' heusat'si-l lii'oi eldtl.
Jtuvenile on-I Toy Books, uher faicts have coiie to our knioswledge ii.hsyasadrlgaotv uvaio
Tahrs Bbe. Lret in regird to the Tjiiieraity of 3liiint- Chicago Debate.
stock in the city, 1,000 pocm- <t. he eatsuha to.PeintAan asotsfr
lar books at 25 cents each. sod.Ti3 eetsal t10 o eluted it storliheslile to repluy to Mii' ii uestdilonifur thei di'btil ic tih
aftailis that swe fri-h bounid to stuuire bus tik.(hiugittvriywi lgil ha
''( ] J ' S y iather time nor eXpOns5O in investi- sated iii yesterdays Daiy. It shiotilul
'1\T . Ii.J17. ,giating thiem fully. 'Iluis ste pr'opose Whitne'y W triau. fornierly it '97, be "Is the principle of a grausuate'd
tUp Tows, tiown Town, to d'o for the sake of purity ia athletics' io attendiiigthe (Cillege of Physatcia i la loy tx one thuat should be
Univers8ityBookitore, Si psite1Cocci douse 1 and in justice to the uniaversity' itself. and Surgeoisat NestY Teak. adopted by the statesy'

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