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December 19, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-19

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Published Duwly (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE- Tines buildin N.liMain st.,opposite
pest ofic e.
J. A. LElloY, 'Oi, Managing Editor.
G. R. Pixie, '99, Assitant.
C. D. Cres, Gr. L, Assistant.
t J. F. ToneAse, '9"r, Assitaiit.
S. E. KeArrEx, '98, Altsletic Editor.
L. C. W~iVALesi, '9iii. Bdusiiiess Mlaiisger.
IK. C. FAsUiLiS, 'lii 151Assistaint.
Associate Editors.
tL. A. P'ratt, 'Q0. A. K. Petrir, '9iP.
C. A. liouglitos, '96 DI. G. Ill. death, '96i P.
KathirriiseReed, (7. IH.IB. Cassnion, 'ii7.
B. B. Methieany, 'ill.7R. 7.Rtilily, 'til.
R. C. IBsck, '99ii M. Susanniahs ticl'dsoe,'9
F. A. Miner, '9(i H. E. PL. Geiisrer, '08L..
W. W. Ilogloxs, li.
The pricerof tier Daly cill remsaiashe-
tofore, 02.50 a year, ivasiabily ini advancer
notw'ithisstndinglie fact'lthat puliciation
will b c osiiaouiloiitil toiaieoceetit.
Daily Susponds for Xmas.
Willy toiizo'si soi' the' Dailys' sh

What Pres. Sohurman. of Cornell,, How and on Whom It Is Con-
Says About Them. ferred.
Presidentl Oirbrinanl, of (Cornell .lshn('orbiiAvrites ip followxs ithe
sls alis te flioxssof iiler oili, t o Eltai'x'oi'i ti ilsiro, ii rori~ l ltothe
eI allilelies in hlii aunlilllllatidres;!: eeisttx'riiig of ills' Oxfordl"blue.''

Closiug Out
tie have left a fair steek of
all Ports of

"I':Isn1137bei' reasonabilly sdoiibsted A ''s'sililiiter of blusc regulates- which can be closed out as
ss--'eiirhsr i leslle;;iele siatleti's i l's t )7 nt11 117of Ise l'''rsil7' lili'lilli flo s
theii'iilstaSlle's hue sf Isile 1ye1rsiii'.irli ilrlii'sllrinstancse. 'l'liis MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET! 59
lss''ii ini eireliissslorat' orliihel'b oiliiill'l'is tric cii sit If lls'leasliu, GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC,
sr iuuss's'it. Iti1hisssliresasyIsesis 'clilsl y cill nc-tils iresislssit o GOOD WRITING TABLET, - Be
setist ischems iofi imoiney-lllslhiigliitheiostcu n t liil aiihi' clsb dCRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
hutrlnillgir c551 inli~l'les'gisis'oot-heis' riiilof sit(i sicrielsi01s11 ust of BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35O
is' il,,0xs16ilihils 111(11 tee'diII's llei' 111017'ainsiAssoc'siiainfissil-il WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
ote visi'slssco. u his l sl o al sill 11111. '11117'lslxli7 eessiO "fsill This stocls will cot be replaced.
iiltirs'slls'gialls' ahislee ss tsiay sli Iiisbu"' is lshisi'iesbersof t iii e is-i' s Come quirk for firet choice.
is'iseleielsxii x'iriisllgIl'lls7 slr'iliasi i iilloiPIOl'Argus Printing House.
]lissri sutioI liie'fgesislil s cssrt:0sansiler'hfrs'lrescsllsixslii siiut tllliS
-lssre if l.port tsr sposrt'cis s'k, iris' 111ndirckesx. OnlIi11'sll(, lict iis. Crand. Opera Hou'se.
- p tll'i'ilisis'ibsl'rsof ills' rizelos'sf xisVic- I ss's'xr.illo.ii" "sills d i ts I 5i susg etgs'
tort'7. Ills' s-sills i liiofillsis ligil 5 1117y51.''Isllf slsus.'''lscli'isr romssssWEDNESDAY AND DC I 9
is notfad1 t Isil' li ol. 'rhIlpl' iiles aridlre- 1s'"ful l uill iitl sis Ie 'sst' lov s THURSOAf rltosofaitustedobclmno letiiiu onhewtk nd ScaltineThd[ ayB4 p.Vm.
lhiii sixillss elois rii'sscieiisls, 5111(1Ilsi'el'' slieve iandicsxiiliosC ithe 'iilsis ili
55i~ sil s is'encef'i'l onro '511ill 1111t by e iii' l .xs'i I 'Il l s'he isse's'asd cop
c ll loo. fll potme, bt b n- resl pd vtl v~le.:emes fMRS, GE I;,TOM THUMB
ufsprolssi'olorixi sii)111 le ihiss' I liii' e (iellllrxhIckey11.lets' isisaesis 0 AbspRcia' 1 1 1 1 TANS cil
M .'sn 'or isf> o utur lr,iri,
11o7ohht intesrfe're' x\iiliills'exvrksosihlfl b11clu i-vii Idsiffer 011011117 ill iBros.,,isexsoeieuigley, lissley aned
ctidenlsilorido'nuii iestcil ilitilis'slcb rael. 7 siiless'rs sitclls liiis' Night Prices-l5c, 25c, 35c and 50c.
of 'lrilliiv" frmlltiii'pulro's'ef bo~il' or' sIlizatiiiils a1the:Ilf lsuit ,')iishIls Matinee Prices-lfc and 25c
lust iis'ui''ii lsgitl I.th11( csiisl is ' f-i s o o lisili V .xi.-spciclos, . thei E WI LL WELCO ME YOU
biiells l. les I&I'yl''5stl l lltllil,'i'l'e I ilivs''eit ilse. 'lleiss te Nsi ii' xiii
I - .' . i i sh yssia'siss y Clistieasi eyeu
r oglisnils15riiac ixar bovere'corsnic iiv-ardtoii allhse(1)00 l1s ill ifatiical t .l'acs andyisslre to ordr
5 irisriss, lsigiii :1'r l sls l epios, hi--ierli'' 111(1b1)colors-isti -b' 1,1 1 iclln scill-!Your
evein til15a11 hyjis'si cultu~re'. :11v' clt-seqililisi'eliio 1sd fasilsili"bliis"' is CHRISTMV[AS C.A.NDIES.
reispect 'i 111corstei'7 sy ootililrs. goodsilproilsldi xosrear1'his insignl. Nots of all Isus, Popln oraslsc.Frecs
_______But_ ltere'ios rnssi, tCrystasllsizedi tillsfor d ll-
11itlis and n hu iolil'ls. a d11(Ibsl ii''l' sstin- A fl i ne111 ofiiCsrsmes's, 'Issllec
olssslililiesocA h'lsilisIc110ersirit sit tile' 1 12Oil Nl.- andiI2A O finrenwill b stloefolir 5'younsallbs
l-' '-,-4--a- 1,,, ----;- 1,1ihV +1-t1 1rci_,ryeeat

Iwld" lllctol lltl1tti hCrixti11115 soalilll.
Webster Society.
Theli' vulbsrLiil'rm-y 'Ss(ieti'y hsib
'tsflis' ' istl 11121' huhll's ' In isil
iiisill hshIlls's lave-lecureroo
Ther I",li 1,i l l.-eisi lli''111 ll sit re~ lii
lllt's'5 at l thil 7' cu ill iiiIs' I lii
xr'igi. lii' eiri''17'ebstersfsi 70b'
1s-ol liii' till' rys''ll'illte Vll ii

api1eiad h oncec ffi, 1a111pr'ese'nted';ltheosi iil117ofiT . 1111ihrsii ls'rlcOllri l iI'-it 7051traxil rsun-' thos tll mil es
is'coruiute to' ishis reult,- iluiiliO1' tyeirellsillg a3)lilusatlii istirtihit.
li'lli. 111115tha5ofsit s Jc sphi i nelsil'Gaff-
I isirefire sisoulIss'e side llislgtilis (Ii Tie beet ini this' ilri5'a re11hosC i--
__________being_- 11 lli'ii5 iilii'i'iih'7'csi 11'hlti- sud by opsiutsitf Ohiio CentrlLtilles.
Yale's Attendance. ( lbh' 11 i ii ssl 11111'Thoey ' i' good over sill tile impltortant
I cycts'isic iileihof ihe tiso nutiurnd..tali-P,
The'ls sli aui' t.islll 1 s'a his ssC11 1d0inkii'' lieuuil (toii lisri.tssl iii' ie rues'57'steml w'est of h'ittsbulrg,itseIilig
chiixls il ill'i'tct ofil (i's r 111 eni'l' ofiilsitor1.5i 1'iis ctlir7. 11b11this'F0111, etc. See ligilis, of Ohio ('entral
111' 141 li'iig 2.11 se sgsiill ,11.1ilhilt u ttslirsliy cortei't hgfor it." Tinsebefiire1111rliasing. Ptier '201
food one year.
Iliet Vi t.. ii i.,'+ sr s's''''' r'enn-uo ir,.., n e.-.-ii .h,.

Corner S. Sate anid N., Univer.,iiy ave.
Iflyoiwaet foodlreliallie insuraincecall

lsiyea. a'ts'rille i 1111 xi lisli41S-Ii Pn-orelDeae
hi'rnelllnd 'i si-liliacAiilder-
-u11,c eissi Shi1,11351;11She. hldthi' '11(5 1
1i7' pifederal ;e s~lrsiil l ,for li ie 'ssshi-
ilaliliug 2,108 11ils'heiis'l~'lel 1 f01 it
lionll i ileh'it7' it 0',s lilg'.toni."
:15, a desr~ell lilelical sch'hush125; ____________
lawsiex erul, 221. N'tICi-.
1 hielly ci uc t'nliilPsare 'iled, i'ito
Students' Directory. ifieesadisscionutote 111iselil'umiandll
S, A., 2sbsrl, hialbiss'r of 'this'Anlh
of iieniiie'.tion rs t'hilee cars
Aihbsr R I siterlsmn)e sieih !a"s'ii'tl
12 111sbe'his 111101 O li liciohi atl 11heino-
di's s'hlim7oflitudenllits ill she t'liisei'- oloigt'll l.lhliir<ltisr7', riSoul ti xes1of1
oiy il7' lri to t'IIh11110hel'publilshdl t.ttOnlbulinhig, hthdisisiroil 'Ilure-
7eli'. It rontillsi llhillll'1i5'51h a~lorder' 1151y' sftlrnioniahid asiyt imell'oilFri-
t11ile misee, ehaiees, tiiwniia1111homie ___y__ofthis ________
adldresees ot liltdents. ('1i1i.'5 luay PIZE17 12)11 SHPOITl'STOROY.
110 iitaii'siii'ifree'at Phi' ltegieler ishtie, '10'h"ieiehi"tohs Oci
'acli prize of $15 for this beet slihit
If. uionei sor'y oina lo'op stibjeet. ('el~Ihil-
WANTI)D. ions from il a'sllprtmhls re 21sinite'd~l
Three etudenrsilte e-1p soeoxps'rhenec and ithe oairdlr(m, erer Pheright ho lis'
in nespapser wsorkis screpsorters. t'osi- '!111 manuseript submtted.

17,000 MIILES. 1001111a550
Alwoys a leadei', tho Ohiho Central
tiues milheage tickset, xwith lahest aldi- STU DENTS,
Pone !is thin beet. Covernthe IiOi;117 Taiksnyeiuiodiak 'sourkto
P-our, B. & 0., C.. tP. & D,01110 Con-
hral and inumeuhlrable other systems1, it DERRMAN, IHE PHOTOGRAPHER!
is Pth' favoritn Travenlers' Comspanion. Pitiaiougretd..u. rnP.
Theb Cactaliahnxwiii otter eihler a
csh prise of not ieesPthanltenlarsinBsesO
or a enrie of botokssitf equallh'~uen
for thm tsnct tonm uiiubmiitted onu or
b eforn Jan ury 1 . Po ens p r't ii ng C l n ~ o o a
tocleelf rfre.PersianisAttari of tioses in an OrP-
ental1 boitine is thin beet Chiristma~~s ls-P will se'eten the ,mile -
oust to gnt. Impiorted isp. G . In's-
phixin froml thin Orientt. Forrseh at 52 of the sweetoet girl.
S. Slate oh.. $1 pe tti ble. 03 Try it for Christmas
lfnnieal.-t2. Steinbaiur, _1i Psi Phll
'178 D, teacher of Baujoan, 3Mandolin and yon will be pur-
and Guitar. Ann Arbor Organ Is. prised.. 30c, 60c,
Ilon. 7 Vsolland st. 40-minute lesons
50 ets., P0-minute lessons 75 etn. $1. 20,5 $3.00.
Single room and beard to be had at
No. 17 S. State st Oily three doors
from campus. Heat and light fur

tion temiporary. Workomo eanly. Ad-
dress stating experiene. 1. C. D.,
U. of 37N. Daily.
Advertise in the Daily.

Wiunhd-Soieotie to play' the p~inoI
tom datncing ini exchunge tom rooim
rntn. Heat hnd light furnishiod. 45
Woslihtenax ax-e.


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