IGHTGANGEN.AJ Never Known Before.
Tiee Table (Revised) May 19, 15114. XIII L
EAST. WEST. Such a sale 5asIte will start M01nley,Decr.S16ts, OwlsStnee nonbefore11In atihe sbe
p. M. ~A. Mlbuiesatthistine ofthbe year.
Mall and Es-___3 50 Mall-_______8431 lur eatirest~ock lnothin~g reserved) will be Sffered iat reduced lprice until1:Dc. 28th. T. 0.,&C. 8Ry. K. &M. Ry.
N. Y. Special.... 500 N. Y. Special.... S30 l * nWilB Chre D intisa.
Eastern Es---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 5 1 otig iBeCagedDuig ti l.Solidthr-htrains betwe 1 ilen IlToledo io, l
Atlantic Es . 1_ 741 P 5 c tlr.ccl etytlAt.cceya c'r'151Iclpllc"i brlll s hor llIt andconly dirct t~l...
D.N.Express---- 5 40 Western Es .--_2 00; It iscsimply a malter of bac 11es. Its 1certainly10not 1 p l l.ue tosell such1goodsclieuctir
G. R. Espress _.11 051 Chi. Nt. Ex--__0 i n rie,especiallly when goods aretsaid tobll.ade IScill,,at tile floie1IsI Iut we lr(,said 5BE1WEEN
G. R. E . 1____-557 lt and theymslt go.Toledo, 0.
13RII1F, H .HY9 G0 S & A A , Fnly . P. A T. Act., Chicago. Agt., AnS AeborJae$ etn
IELI,.IS I N 'N S1101, KntnO
(119 lilashn- ton11,WashlingtonllSI. Columbus, 0.
' _______________________________Athsenn, 0.
A~o\ ~ XMiddleport, 0.
TRsrR r t Sil1. J TysP.PSart,.V.Pomery, 0.
RAILROAD, Beautiful Lamps, (Crapce1Papcr IiLamp Shsades, Chinaccare, OldyPointeCmfort,,VVa.
NORsTH. SOUTHS. in Great Assortment, Fitulilre anti Mapcrics at special prices Williamsburg, Va.
7:7 .m. *:40 a. mo. for four days
*12:25 p. so. 11:30 a. sm. Newport News, Va
4:13 p. m, 9:00p. nS..N ro a
All traindaily except SunaedM &CE& COMPAN~Y, Norfork, Va
*Trainls ran lbtwen AnnilArbore ald Taleda n l othafer ons n
only. 56, 58 and 60 S. Plain St. 41d11a.wing roomdces on11all truhtar,
R.5. GREENWVOODI, Agentr uth11 e1111 lr omaion111call1on1 11111'locoa
W. H. B3ENNETT G1. P. A. Toledo 0. Thelcc,lA,scillIt rll'.
DO YOU KNOW'?llelllic
Time Table, Oct. 27, _1895. Thatwec caalviecyou tram $3 to $10 aon ecery Suilt1or0111111rcoat l on Ic ht 111f us? We do._____
Leave Ypsilanti fram Coeneresst., 7:101, 8.45, XVI wrIro-h upittebisns, acccd051know01111 le llllrcl 1111,1111 11111 111 , a:, 1111l11 yutolok'i R119 11151111,.1
and 11:00 a. so.; 11:-41, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 anld 1our1 samplesbeforl ui ng9119celehee 11-cc.
15:45 p. M 2 .SAES.,ANABR
Leave ASS Arbor Junctionl, 1:40,91:15 111120S.STTEST, NNAROR-
11140 a. mo.; 1:15, 1:45, 5:30, 7:15, 1:43 alld 11:1:5-
SUNDA.Y TIMEt At the Grand Opera House. T11IIIES'YT)17 iII.1[ \3O\I. a The modern stand-
Le LeveYpsilan~ti from Congress1St.,1:30,330, herefter nt heI 1(1''111r,111 1 1111111 1111Fam ly ed
00 6:0 10n11000 p. so I Irt, i 11."1.1 cv 1" 1 (1 5 oa1,c her'cotls ' pe111111le til 1be obliglle 01 io horw1'aal 1vie~
Leave Ans Arbor Janction,1004:00,5:0,
7:00ad 9:l0p. .ctr:. h aaio ll 111 11 v115 19 5:11(1111 irbs ic ckets at1the1111 1 )1111 lrof hshal cine Cu s t e
Carscrunoncity time Sare: inletrp 1
cento; round trip titckets ce s.1!d;na Ls-1wnyfu or. st sbfr hya ed a ikt
WM.a 0.tPARKRSapt. II119 1t Illic Slilllot be a11113iliedos t he T~m every-day
tlealilil vorl, n le s N-ll n- ecxilhedtatl i othIloIishal.1 11' 1il0ls omon anty
MAMMOTH PIPE SALE porteIcby a stroll-,1andll 1115 11111115 01) ]. Pi. ilsIoNhmanty
'11 i IllI'l I'' ils 111 illlStde t lnllllllll' 1f 1111le Politicl'
J e)Vla aY L LJ l by9 111111 :1: ldha benlS:111 IX 1cailis 1s 1le o eotb aln 0S tt tSgrBok 'Ioal eevdb h i i om 191,11cr1)111111 I ltit 111a111
Snot anld Cald YI 151111s5at All1Hou 1111he ece1111 1vsI SIck "ll L os8 ' vt oils 11,al X'ly x l: .8:1Illl 1' il
THE KINDERBARDEN BILLIARD HALL 2- 111 '-r,' , 11 il' ,4s 1 1 S cmlit-9 11:111lllll'l5 s'enoI olsI (11 nd111si xlii, ll-
1.11' 911531 c il~l~I I vot'edl I tol 1111 11 I' gov'ernmentll, is printing, f LO~.TI1eT'S Chocolates.
llclllillllDartisN1:11:11 111 ,1iisI 11111liclit:Hot Lun.riches.
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. 1111t1111o1slIislope1115to1all1111l'ts's 1 a <t1$1
Railroad +Tieket +Brokers. ,11ii', I111 1'. .Thllscenesi'SthIlic; Ill3v CIJAili.1'.S if. (101111Y'tteC
3101109 tol ball 111ilrcolllllpely. c1111111113' laid 111in ied 1 0lcL(il.V Ii icslI 1.1 TUTTTES48 taeS.
R nt~ciet: Tec1'-' 'r, ntlt Itild," h 11hine f .ritano eDon't arantee
r hve b n (1111c1'1111s iA11Po1 ''int1111111 M I II v, 11 :1a
tI ii 11 's21214 ()l lInill111', \8 1111111111 o :11 3111 1ion." 1 e'tI'ico1:11111 Tlll''l~5 toIgiv ou a1 11 ll 'Srt sellIpp lt'l1:
1. ahn tn Block. i ' ' 'is0a( 1ilth ostuton 1"dna 1 5'l1l5 '11111 s11 11 ''toclocktill U. of AI. Dialy Ovry
15 " ashngto li~ 11111 11111.5'll 11 li 1''111 01 ll'lllilday ii ill-e Ywek, arild SYe do t1101
otepi o(I: 1: 1:-. '11 s-zI- ;e settll 1198 scil It 110 1 n 11 iilolfter 1111y for'ty-e'ighl t p gfe di-
Ill- lllRA!,1*l"l-ll8'lllEbe I 1al11llsoil1.A.1 X i 'xi) IE.I 3Vilas lit olrlir ltlr I'lt iraiveof $2.50),0 "
ou~ghlly replresentaitive, IU-to>
01111 0on 111m te f1 or e.ll-c'i11 1iliiplll :115111 113'pal . SdalI' Uivri'ty Inespapliier', 1501
UniivIersity anld all thie stueit'1
Fine Chocolates, plo. Lsot n g net'I 11(.raiz in;
and Baked Gooda. (11111d1ope1a1ho8111,1 l:ovgdlllln 11 1'T'yh~clt~iO
Try Our Luchoes.1111 l1- ll~~9.~i '-."...'Vt
,,LG S USUAL.f ro lb 6uamtoCO'
: .
r .
lWe alsolhae 1011 filine
of imorted
Jess 1 y Stose.
Skates Conclaved.
Experimental Work.
Readers of the Daily will con-
fer so favor on the Editors by men-
tioning this paper when dealing
with advertisers.
1119 III "Ire, 1v('ry cdlmcal 115 111:- ':..$o5151
11enf18 I1"I5 llllllliy ililtI'll .14(1no(111d.I ITHE VIC '011
Ill 1:lllglli 59'y 111-11110181' 1111 11iceI
11lllllacin. Tem t-wsis rdcd FOOT BALL
11 111 11-11il be 11 llilliill'lthi:s itll suqetinbyte1ietbl
noonanda cosig; prfol~mee his on the miarket todaoy. it's light-
ev'e01iI'£. inrss ad du rabiliity iimke it a
favolrite cithiall plaiyers.
NOTICE. Price ecoplete w~ith iniflator,
A iii lleentary Cxlliliatil in $0.00. Victor ioot-BIll hGuide,
Ph3'sics -fol tile, remova15liof entr-ance conita ining the iiew ruil-s, aiid
chapters oil the game by Lelaiid
couldifiaas wcili be 111100o1111 day111, aiid others, 25 cents.
1Dcc. 20, at 4 p.in1. Also a compilete hune of finest
11. S. (AitIIAItt1. foot ball clothinig.
regullar dIelivery o~f till Daily at
yotir door tintil the en-d11o10 t1e
college year, fiirinishinig you
prompt, accuatoe 10111 1o11pliete
reports of iTnivorsity es-silts
faculty 111111class no~tice's, 10 bat-
letiii of the dates lof atlill-tiC
gatmes, entertaiinments, elc.-tic
news of your own lanid 1t11-otlier
departioenls iin sueli a pasier
as to enable yelol 111p Jposteil
regardling everythlinlg Ihapplnilng
or pertaitninig to the University
Theses no Contradidlion
to the fact that the 'L. of Al'.
Daily is the oiily paper which
can makse you this offer. It hisa
110 competitolr. If you feel ay
interest in the University yo-u
will receive more than your
money's worth froni your sub-
scription before the end n the
football season.
Guitar for Sale. -A (Grand Coilcert
Washiburn Guitar for sale cheaip. For
further particulars apply at this Hub,
3 sod 5 E. Washiingtoii at.
For Rtent -Tcvo fuirishied suitec, bathi
and furnace 110a11, coruer of Divisioni
and. Wihiani sts.67
Mlaksers of Victor Bicyycles.
Boston. Ne Toek. ietroit. Denver
San Francisco. Los Anlget Portland
For Sale by M. Staebler. 11 W.
Washington St.