tc in:. of A t. Wai j 1. VOL. VI. NO. 67r. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1895. FOURc PAGE-3 CENTS. 0. Sa M M~sX2ASP'A1{ WHITNEY AGAIN. ONE GUITAR HAS BEEN SENT WEST TO GATH- Is enough for one person to play on at oue time. One Will Investigate Facts Concerning guitar is not enough, how- + Professionalism in the West-What ever, to supply 3,000 stu- jI the Chicago Papers Say or His dents. That's why we have Mission and Its Result. constantly in stock several dozeiis of guitars of various ( sar ~iWhitneiy has been in Chii- makes and prices. (4oga Sev eral days this weet, Seiit by ~BETTER LOOK AT OUR 1111arpers Weekly to make at full inl- U.OF M. GUITAR, I estignation iiito thie facets of the co~ro It's good as its name. IN altalso h ei.Acritt STHlE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO, 1 the ('leitao isailers hie is ready is ad- UilS. MAIN ST. Ii ithtmnoftesamesnI The (esuit of these inestigmations we sha11 lay before etir readers, in a. later isstie." AN the All-Amierica teani wZiil apipear in the iiext, issue of 1Iarlper's, we shall irobabuly bear societlitg more about Westerniprofessionalism in athe issue of January -4. ItOTEREST IN DEBATES. New York Post Thinks It Should Not Die Out. 0 Tue \Neiv York Evening lost gays editorially of deieiiiug: "Senator tGay snaid a itrue and needl- od swordtW-leilhe remnarked iiiat do- biting is still riiuired la our ipibi MANY WILL STAY HERE. No Railroad War This Year to Cut Rates. There will be.niany niore students reiiiatiiinusAun Arbor dtiring the Ciiristiiiaos vaeatioii thlis year than lost year. Last year tiiire were exeep- tionil cuita iii railroad rates, and siiu- ciits' fromiiilony soutthern aiid west- i'si states quite remote tooks adv*ant- age of the railroiad tar isto io 1ie. Tlhis year there stillhi' no tuts mt ill, osnly tin' iegular ireduictioii ts one and sin-third fare for tihe rouiitl trip. This artist was d( 'eidi'd upon by the railisoadls last sseiek. At a coinfeirenice J i R R A 4 a werinincoirret,but iieliolidsfitrmly lie lifie; tihat in acotuitiry of free) inassieiiter a gelitsthe llieliiiia.t Ci- HO -D Y . othe position lie' took in general. stitutioiis aidil fee slielihthe apa-ia riltiutideinstyot 110r LID Y O E IGwhitiley is said to hase lhad sty to conisnce ones fellost-inen lby thof so A n irboa1 d o aatep wit hi a unde o atiol;fyts pre th foce f agumnt n ds,"~ssontii diaswbusiness fromiihire, >hut leave -AT- lxe reitrstatciiiisb ,ii',oitmiuilist lwasys bei'of liihe . s-olune. the _wo ___a_______to________ -e H ~ ~ ~-~~-wA N.T S ,Iie iiiiiit shomicis harges of toofi1sioli- Aiioutihie limoif the outibreatk of lthe SENIOR LAWS S 1 .<17 j4 ~ ih'i si irenode, hottiie (laiols is )civil isair, a reaetitoii ag aiis~catory11a13 ySucceed in Electing Some lis-i' loon unable ts secure speeificeemus to have sit in,swhieh tue 55IvI Class nay Officers. You are invited to our book denials ini11its, fiiramfrsni thes"esIn. itself iliiiitliess iliiinsiiiedl. "Whlere stos pat osee otir nosy Holiday Tiii' siutor lassfiielid iii seeond patoloaglaniiland torkynwhoselii'char- uiniqiestionably a lyhi8sofinsithfea- Gift Books in choice bindings. 1 ei o h "i s('iecwertiffierei money for' their foot- tioii fur if, so tar as it sane a protist meeig u iniuiose of i'liettiig AR UIALENlARS>