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November 25, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Ing. XX. NteRORrl.1I A II Nl 5 \ \ Lt-0 Vol'. Xx. N.45. "FITZ" PRESENTED WITH TESTIMONIAL Track Men Past and Present Do Honor to Michigan's Fa- moos Trainer. Slontolok wh 101>. \\-(r ll er" 1I1 as< etill)(M 1of1 (10110f~tn an apciioul for'.1 ('.' oo the w r ehsdn Eltiocronot () 0 shg~. ''( prese11ta- tion to .111.ill" a1111 reg la I 111epec o 0001110117 nd01 h p(Sltti speech was11)1111 b I to no 1'1heath. [h0gf ind0111 tt})sprrt re11111 i ...…

May 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…T he MichiganDaily AN CI'' \kl)( . ITCIIT(5\N, TUEISDAY,. \Y X25. 1900(. No. 169. VOL,. nXiX. BALL SQIJAD GOES EAST'; ANGELL DINNER A RUNNERS FOLLOW TO A CAMPUSPRIVILEGE Faculty Men Debate on the Pres- ___._ .ident's Greatness and Value SulvnsMen Will Qne Estrn nvsin t Woos'ter Todav- of the Farewell Feast. l' i f( cl tl Ll Track Team Expects to Spring a Surprise at Inter- collegiate Meet at Cambridge. a li csc l ip ite games ti xilI he ...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… 0, 0 2c, n 7- f, "- y .f . r" .y J I r~-n _ r r I: /. . 7C r _ ^ _ 77 r: '- "--- 7 , f " ./' . . n rv ( , o, ,. ... , . 77 f J. , a C o o I ~ ~ _ . - - : f .., . , r Jam, - ._, r r+ ,; .. J %. I ^ -4 r Eu 0 :rIb 0 '- U . ,,:' ,' O O r t f C: " :"% n' { f iii "t .. , -' rj O s . ; ;. . f ,, r,'.. 1,. v ^. I .^. n ' . f '"" j. ."'.. r. . JJ r. J' .. ... : . I :4 4.4 ,t:4 :4.0 0-14 . T-r L'T-- r j 0 r i I I f I 1 !I if f 1 C n. ...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…V& am The 1"ichiAt an Dail \\ \lZiI 11. . W IfIC;:\\, T ll[ 1 SC)r\' \I A}.Z('I1 >5, t<)cxa. T I. xu. BARTELME IS NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Chicago Banker Is Selected to Succeed Chas. Baird- Regents Modify Eligibility Roles. <<,c1,tti c'il tlr <lcl a ,lrrc >tccl il: ' davit c d C 1 'trnc"t t :lilt f ll <t r t 11 i i ltii r, i Ili t<tT'lc C I- <t t 1 t ; (' JH ul, , < ill t n (15(1 1'F' (I. 5 '5 (5 ( l wihtoaCs~ ( (Cl Itrycc( l(((C (ICC is l...…

February 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Y i. ~ t _ AFIO <(R, MIV[E-IIG 1.. ''JI iR; l)_AY, EBR.(VARY 25, 190~c). LEGAL LIGHTS DOWN SENIOR ENGINEERS Splendid Teani Work of Junior Laws Wins Them a Place in Basketball Semi-Finals. 1X ibiig he let tea stwrk that has beenishwn i itis rs iterlass tiasttlslcteilst the juiotr lais wo hir wy itolithese-filstatVcWdies- ~its ii' Ibyisfting slthle seircn first =ion ia d as a resultt the itctre the second lthe lamis i fost...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…4 mor to Nt an ic.L ANN VICHICAN, NOVI"'MI"I"N. -,;, 1 oo8. NO. 50, NOL_. XTX. B.kSKETBALL MEN PRACTICE DAILY Fifty Candidates Out For rTeam; Scarcity of Centers, Plenty of Forwards and Guards. hccii enough to 1 C oa mHa o i idaato the tel -hue 10 rito ') a great mal il-iti ()f thei ca ddae for( thehas- kc hal tem, hanh v~tit lo 00I I-t il tt l( ill M k h 0c11. A o1 0 ) l tra o e a the oc itc m c () wh \\l he ava ahle and 10 110 1 lil ()t ...…

October 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N ov IX. OHIO STATE GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT tBuckeyes Clearly Outplayed- Splendid "Teamwork of Varsity 1 Eclipses Individual Playing. (5x iiito t'he M1ician D taily) (ohiltiitO ()Oc)t 4 In an 1- el m ii g"'lve'td-t- li igaii 1 t\l.L'.t y h oe f to to n 1 d ofl ihin rooters ase on tcle (01or fearitfIdefetAlledice' haicretftom fild(1ftilt thiree inti- of pay, ut eactl thrten uln- i- ter'ib(ohn(Ohio's tullack roke a,, o negt-irie ...…

April 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY. A PRII, 25, 1908. No. 149. WOLVERINES FIGHT 1 IN EAST AND WEST gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field -lichigan Seven, Await (long at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. , White Captain Rowe anti his sextet of companion stars are strisving to main- tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this -%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et- deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona the husky lads f...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos repres...…

February 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The MicignDal ANN ARBOR, MICPITG' , TU2SDA , F.BRUAPA' 2, Ize VTOL. XVIII. NO. TOO. FRESH ITS DEFEAT JUNIORS HANDILY Championship of Lit Department Decided in Fast Game- Chicago May.Disrupt "b3ig Eight." Playing a fast, accrate game of bas- ketbai the fresh ]its defeated the junior its last night foe the championship of A the depatment. At the ens of the first af the score swas 20 tss to aniwiess timse was aleditie 'fresissen, by as grea...…

January 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…\NN \ RYiOR, \1((.C \SIC T ROW \ RI-A .' r "1 21'..,,1908. Vol.. XVIII. No . 87. COGMEDY CLUB DRAWS APPLAUSE sThe Recruiting Officer' Proves to -be Good Vehicle--Dramatics Placed on Firm Literary Badis. r So mttny elenents of te performanee by the Comteytlub~n last nigttdenant mention that it to diffitlt to select tl c fess which mat receive attetio. Tie whole titdertakittg was tretetiots atd exactittg, detatdigtot oly real act ng ailit...…

October 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDail ANN ARBOR, -MjICHIGA-, CRI)1 () \ii ()L oER 2, 907. No. 28. VOL,. XVI II. IN SECRE'TP WOREDV IRI S TO USE SADN I L~.Ui~t~iItIU~lA ULESFORBASKETBALL. FOR, 0. S. U. GAME ,Splding, ro Ypsilanti, riles for us, saidthe askeballgirl ineffect yes- ____teraIsafernoon. The reasons for the rhneaethe present wdsra s Varsity iven Three-Hor Final It nriealding rles, id tespreadue Practce-O io Tem Arives deans made upon Michigan graduates...…

September 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The MichianDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907. N.2 Vol{. XVIII. NO. 2. VETERANS JOIN FOOTBALL S9QUAD Ne tn and Sullivan Finally Put ne A perac-ofly Scrim- nmage Today. Wish tite appearance it football re- galia of"Fredl Newton, tend and tackle on the itnft eleven, tle list iof veterans uitott whomn Coach Yost wiii largly de- pentdtt regan the prestige tat was nter Mich igan's,, was practically completed yesterday. New...…

May 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. \N \ktRI L ICRIII-1\, SAVIN IiI AY, MAV 25, i()tt7 CALIJING "KITTY!' ~""' STUDENTS CANNOT PLAY MASTER PIECES Corbin Speaks on "The Univer- sity and the Stage-Criticizes Ben Greet's Methods the proution f hegi atet asc pieces ofiiithe drmaiiiii makeihi emii rathirrviicuo in i hi ate pl w il ac tivcd thil piecei uii eiii the tii cxtrn~cof il,- iica com ly a d t - ini hi t ur strdy ftrnon o but iii tm i iire ied ...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily NiL. X v II.1 )R 'vii. 146. I["I; ) ",.1' I 2 ,i~rf. Vol- XVIT. No. 146. OPINION FAVORS DRAMATICS CHANGE Many Ideas Are Suggested for Changing Organization of the Comedy Club. Natm a l~lw i nln l i i vii i 'Iiia 1cri w , tl I t i n 'WHAT THEY THINK vf igtt, ihdrawv.'IThev'facet >i4 tha Mihgn w yttiii tv f theIaaivvial if IA6 ')M110INNNNCW ret il i;<t111lat lcltl eeill'+ It! lac' tllt .EUt{,i tllc larc, a < eiter<tl ...…

January 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y Vol. XVII. t\G 1 r 1Kt:>t)h, it Cl 1 l t{ r 1.1. 1' Irl I .\ 1 : . . lti 25' i()()". NEW TESTING MACHINE DESIGNED BY FACULTY "ydraulic Pressure Is Used to Test Reinforced Concrete -Williams and Tilden Are Inventors. The new t eting maciiiine desgieidfir ixvestigaiig le acionxio f beia, under l arli ladsiila.ecentilly intalledin the tindg hibrator f the -cngineering ieparmient lhas provied a iaylwe xiicccssin thei xserie...…

November 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…it Y , . , I "'t !', f :f: r r, ,,, r, , , h" . Q ti' "" . rt " " .. r" K tV ..-. - N .- v t r .-. v -+- w " % s , , .^ r l: , 1: J: ,_, I . n -- r u f V V !q .r r , , -- Jam. :: .y rw 1. 1 7 .- r" l 1 -- J ,._,. . ' J. i r r^ J. 7= f, _ 'J; ., f-, -" . . _. , . " s - . ; _ r , 1711 0- i I 'li . -;N r, s' . Iy .,, r ' v -S 'J. R (p i 4 r y ,,,. iJ tf 't ! Z " } P1 i^ y V / "_ (/ - -. *, _i. r '' m~(/ (/2 , -I1 4 r- JZ Ic r r - ...…

October 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The Mich igan D..aily VOLNXII -AROR, 27.tA VOL. XV II, Ntti. 2 ARGUMENT OVER JUSTICE OF SEAT SALE PLANYS Professor Van Tyne Opposes Present System as Unjust-Diirector Baird D~efends Its Workings. The athletc authoriiesa( toddsr D irecto ]laird', inte-rpretationcoif the- spirit of thefobaoll lo-icatiot ccflast sptrinttpairticulaily thai t resoiluttinliii iigtepito stntints anccu clty iagltitt eascc o folrlowt--,: csi "nIiopino11r. aird'sO p...…

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… W Olt f V1 H ++ y} y 11 J /V/ ! l yam "f l ' . }( it r _ t.t " '" 'yi ^' I - - ' =>r _"_ , . ° -f v , as - it . r ..- ; ' _ - ' _ > s c. . ... . - _ - y yr >, i r vi. ir, .. r, . _, / i r V. r. V v . v -+ f _ ~ 1. ... .. f, _ _ I t - _ ... , . r '' _ "f. _ _. l -- u ..t . . v *{ ._ . f. f. .f - r. - .. t .. '- t .- l I .- r, _ 1 _ a . _ r - '- : - ^f r t f. . ..__ Y, ^- R 1. "" f - 'j= r t , n f f . : _ v J w-. ^ N' "v J J r r : r t .. + ...…

May 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michig anDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDA NY g~.4Y10 ,fOL. XVI. No. 170. OVER TWO HUNDRED YOUNG STARS G..ATHER FOR BIG MEET Michigan Interscholastic Records Will' Probably Be Smashed This Afternoon--Weight Marks Sure to Go-Program of Events and List of Officials. MICHIGAN INTERSCHOLASTIC RECORDS. P1en Record2202( 100 12 11( d ll . .. . ..0 1 1alf11 1111 (1ln. . . ...2 0 1'olcvault.h...... 0214- Made112b(y2Year 1101121(8011 Iewis1Inst...…

April 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail trO. XVi ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN. \VEDNESDAY, APRU,. 25 t9o6. No. 144 ATHLETES LEAVE FOR UNION MINSTRELS AUUS'T' S HlI D ~T ~ ANNUAL SWING-OUT PROFESSOR KIRCHNER PHILADELPHIA TONIGHT ALREADY PREPARED GIVE~, ORG~AN RC11;I OCCURS NEXT TUESDAY HANDS IN RESIGNATION Start From Michigan Central Station Street Parade Well in Hand-Sahib Fu ude eir xetdt eLwLcue none i eie at 9:30 This Evening-Pinch Suni, Hindoo Juggler, Probably in Line-...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michig-an Daily IO.xvi. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY MIORING. _MARCH 2. SCHOOLMASTERS HOLD CONFERENCE THIS WEEK GREATESTi MEET OF SAO Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Meets in Ann Arbor o Thursday, Fr- il dy W NYand Saturday. 1(ji G R RE 'hiwek Ana Ailor iS to hinvadd_________- - hb a Ie'toll of school tacheri. Sern-' victory foi gti abd toiuiilvmmgitieeon jtltn((hIf Relay Race Decides the Big Meet in (t unl foi u(11(111 sweeti lountigsfreshti...…

February 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan. Daily ANN ARBOR, \IIIIkN, SUN\DAYFBRLU\RY 25, 1906. v o .. XVI. INo . 102. NEW TRACK ASPIRANTS MAKE GOOD SHOWING First Indoor Meet of Season Is Marked by Several Good Per- formnances---Pinch Star in High Jump--1)McKinney Wins Half Th no esno pened (011 last01 11'ighdt11 shoill" of severl of teo n0w1 11011ws enorgnadi looks 5 as (ie trac collyequientl h ort1 1on01was1/1( 0 1xpressed himsl 's hghly tpieasd 11 [lie1 result o...…

January 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The.McignDaily \lx\ \ RI3OR. N I I llt \, 1111. SI) C N J i'i'RV >, 01(1No 1 t'OL. XVI. \' o. STUDENT COUNCIL REPRIMANDS O'BRIEN Also Demands Hils Resignation From Inander Staff-A. C. Pound With= drawn From Council Election. i. R.ClarexO'Brieniisiipublliclyrp- _. Hislreigntiionlxfriomithe Ilne hntdis d(ilt 10(11( The\\itixtia xx xiof rt] tie(. Poulin, managig eitor ofthln litixxxxex ;,a xluilx xi Ifor lth-Studxet Conclil li beemtlxoxdxiesxx...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot.. XVI. ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8511CANVt O V C1 ~R 2ji oo5. No. 33. OBERLIN TODAY IN LAST H-OME GAME Varsity Will Appear in Last' Home Game of Season Today- Substitute Backs will be Used. 'oa, for thr fifth and( latsttime dihr, yea, icig n il lines Il) aganst foallstil rntfromts (hio. This tnei is the 01berlinitrtteandthe itoiii v it- Ioranc o f todiay'sgaims is that it is igat tottihineioni Fer iersld. iTiheOhio te...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily No. 26. Vol,. XVI. PROSPECT OF AGREE- MENT IS SLIGHT, Little Likelihood of Union and Memorial Committee Com- ing to Terms--More Faculty Opinions. it an ostce n thta s- ice. W ie lu ots uld slut ()f ally rat>i ni e Nvollld it ccll ALBION COLLEGE IN LAST MID-WEEK GAME MhI odist School Conies Today to Oppose Varsity Albion Strong Among State Colleges. Tllc la st lidwselgste )ftl 1w arn 11 ts All i m tcois-s. 's. in. Uit...…

May 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…VO.The Mlichigan Dail y VO.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 2,5. 1905. No. 169 A HITTING EXHIBITION. I GREAT ACTORS HERE. UNION MASS MEETING.! ORDER OF EVENTS. "Melly" We.ndell the Stelar.-At Leadintc Roles in Shakesneare Plavs Michizan Union MeetinZ to be Held Interscholastic Friday Afternoon and traction in a Father Loose to be Assumed by Stars- Eliza= Glame of Ping-Pong. bethan Scenery Used. 'Ilemla etll dan il e- N i nirl iie C awly iw i...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…I 6 r l a ; I 4 Co) t VON" 0 W~ ti r 'Y .. _ %t f + .. . : .-. . "J. J r .. l nj y -" i ; ~ i ! i f ; . 2 , t ' \ J +;.--"? Q- -- o tz ^. . M. f'r f'. ". . G Li ,:_j Wit M 0 r ___J' - ,___: .=' _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __! ___f' _ O __ t * - * - H,. i j, is y S = -/),r Q C2f c _r_ _ w CI ~ d r- - --- -- _ -_ _ zzZ 43)t J J N G b4 J w ~ "N w f =J. . _ V J I . J I f _ .J ti ! y J J 0 v f J _ zt w O " r . tc s G " w L v C u Xs. 3 . H ,t …

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…k It 0 I E s ( E , I ; I I ,, iC! ',,, i, -y a ',, o v W ' v 3 W T 1W +I 3 r J G, n . ''. c3 . .., U > w ' .v ' ./ . J /'1 : .- -. f. 1. fi f. f. J J f - .. . .- f .,r + ) /. /' i- I Y~ l '_" J " ... . . _ .' J l J _f, J N J j J r J - r j, s - >, O O r C -77 i. s L Q v^ G b O 4 w rG7 3 0 0 O a C{0 t70 C j 01 I~~f . . .' ' I Y t: t^ r . - { ^ . ; N ( ,- "f a ' ': N r y _ : : . .. r .-. ".-. J. . . , :J *- zn .- C. r 1, . f: h f H . ',, ' 4 - L ...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…Dal VOL. N. FRE1SH IAN-SOPtHOMOI F MEET TONIGHT Battle of Classes lBe ins at S O'clock -- xpert 1figures Contest wilt he \Very Close. ANNARBOR, IC [J-1"IAYFIlthi'ARY 25, 190- NO. rot CHESS AND CHECKER TOURNAMENT Open M~eeting Brought Forth a Show of Interest-~Plans and Aims of the Organization. 1 lt +l~'ll Til-ct~lt; )f ti e > aisi tl) l~c rpr 1, ip l~ il lllii of Os ,) 1a v a l iti M 1 I1llti l slsit l Iiil 1 k 11)il, I \115 l o 11 SENIOR LIT...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…mmo w 0 -t 00 'Jv f 1" f' r f r '" 'I ^ .... .f f --' / - 'J -r. .=. ' u f, '_" "'' i f' , r ' % a f. ,. J . .' y y 'r. lr r ri A .-+ 7=, ;r,' r "- i. rf J- r I. r % t. r t r 27- - "1. . ..: "_._ . , n r u 1. ,, , " (^ ._.. fi r t "f. J1 .._. ;, ,. r r. r "'' r r f .-_ !. r r J. . . . 1' r. 'r. r /. f __, l r, ! f. ti f re'_ H , ' Q 1 _' l r r . Y ._.. r _ 1 ' ; r- 1- r 7 . 1 J. '. r ' f r r. _ .. r r " r r: .., '1. tz O, 0. C), )Ii ,0 )r) 0 :...…

October 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…1?e Michigan Daily Voi,. xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 190)4 No. '25 FINA[ PREPARATION I BANQUT TICKETS MAY COfrI1NE EFFORTS SENIOR COfMflTt* 'Varity Working Hard for Satur- Are Again on Sale-Demand So Great Michigan Union and Alumni Asso- President Armstrong Announoed His day's Game-Yost Discouraged I That Arrangements Are Made clation Plan One Structure for Appointments Yesterday --Cole Impressed By Wis- to Accommodate 1,000 Clu...…

May 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1904. No. 169 PORTRAITS OF ALICE FREEMAN PALMER Professor Geo. H. Palmer, of Har- vard University, has collected in a volume reproductions of the portraits of his wife, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palm- er, at different periods of her life. A very few copies only have been print- ed. Professor Palmer has presented one to the University library, where, under proper restrictions, it wi...…

March 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 126 CORNLLiENTRIES STRONGti FINAL ITENT, WILLIAMS MEETFING. fAIR-CUTTINGl END[D. A Great Dual Contest Promised for Michigan Will Mot Wisconsin Tonight Mr. A. B. Wilians of Yale, Will Speak Annual War Between Freshmen and Saturday Night-Only 47 Reserved n Debate-Distinguished Oft Tonight on "A Fundamental Law Sophomores Was Stopped Last Seats Left-Cornell Men Ar- cials Selected, of College Li...…

February 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…TeMichigan Dil VOL.- XIV. ANN ARII )I{ MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 190 No. 101 FRSH SOP". fME[. ORATOR M"JPBL[D. THE[ATRES O[IFRANC.' ALUMfrNI ORANIZ. Think They Will Win Fresh-Soph'"J" Law is Made Subject of Joke well Interesting Lecture by ProfessrtEf- Graduates of the University of Michi- Meet-Track Men Hard at Work Planncd by Two Freshmen - iner-Theatres of the French eirn n the State of Washington -Great Interest Shown in Re- Brins Humii...…

October 25, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… fie 114. Y Iiigan wily Vol,. XIV. DRAK[ WAS NO [ASY. Michigani Scored 47 Points Against a Plucky Defense-Iowans Proved Stronger Than Was Expected -Visitors Had Two Chances to Score. Beforethe lagest cowdiwich hac gicxd eniFeriii i ldtis alli and Ii ivd bIalmst ierfet iwethercon ditions, the M~i'ichigioiball teamiiii l i xri in ltheihardieitii'ii' ii c on-lx ilvrin, xxanxdi lix'prolxxxix'sxofxxia fast. r ii',[ii'ile en ire flfx x illed. 'Tb D...…

April 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…TI"E Iis or NfDIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATU tDAY, APRIL 25, 1903 No. 1 48 FIRST BASEBALL GAME Victory Nlubtful, Yet an Unusually Close and Hard Gause to be Played-Lineup STANDIiNG.t(51' (LUBSt. ( , 1. i ; 1 !t t I 1 ',;t I I I i I 01140044..... ,llel go ... North westo1 a4(i1i44111 .7l 1N isoloi 111 Won loo t. 2r P4oo. D) The first of t11e liltee 111144'si1 s Leaigue -inles w~-il4be, lllli 40114-o11 P'eiy 1F1e(ld 4il(111411'he -tll))) ...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…[-I oi: N. DAILY. No. 18uit. VOL. XIIZ. . AINN ARB3OR, MICIL, WEDNESD)AY, MA.RCII 25, 1903 WANT BA IRD TO STAY' -it '(-" woud be drild or fthe if- lr1 t t ItIst heti o h l I Itg - - of saller dt til 1y t ig te Resolutions Unanimously Adopted at (cttit of the gtntrt buiness !0OI, All Mass Meeting -to Obtain Mr. itirtto tnttd. Mr. :1. E. tttrrtstitudnt riwttn- Baird's Release From icr of the lord of Contttrosad ht Contract AMr. 1Itotwo wilingto ...…

February 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…T.HE Us. of N.DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUTARY 2.5, 1,903 No. 100 MAY NOT COMPETE Alumni Won Norman Medal COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Thrl ee sa muiiio the englneering' __de-___r 'ome of the Freshmen Point-Winners irsel ftl ilvrlxO llilTo be Delivered by Senator Quarles gn woll the>.Norn sigold imed-al1 101r Board of Control to Pas on lE3CY ooawrdedl sniisally is he Auri_ of Wisconsin-A Michigan Eligibility Thursday cs's Socie...…

January 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…t , i .: . , 'r ? f ;, i . UNI IERSITY OFMIOHIGAN.___ ANN Alti3 R, MlC~i . StND)AY,1 \\AUAU 25, 190" N1 O. S t Y , int. -At N LETES AT WORK 1It ;114'1i1, "1'1'111,1. c11 11111 DR, ANDREW 0. WHITE j1'i cc41i ii carc at W ork 1in the il\t i;(I ' \ ;11i;I c 1 11]it\'1i11111 Sk t h o hecii- its e e ch ]'1,iA t ic, \ 1 ate Enithusi- 511 1'S'~l4\114 1:41.c-t1s'4 1);111a~ i plt eit c8 Profe r o li .11a1'4'5 10 ci mp a ts ate a - Hot I and English Lit...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN \ ii TT - al N )\ LVaAl BE 1 LAST NIGHT S PRACTICE SINGINGI-EEL-. MINSTAHT_ Iet I, t~I , f ,.;. Coln. "ill. :: tliiir li;. : Itt ilt-r 11 I2}i , li t l ]1 I. I - t Ii 2 ( 1 I ': i)Ittt- Ill( ii 1'til I ltil fin- tot- 1" t'lltii- i i i ---tlii ; I -"IlE1 . l \' 1rt-t 't3 : t I ~l t o- llil"'ttl1 t a t i ii+ [[001 f>tO-l t. ~ ~,ttt ~i ~ rill i -tI IIi'tllt rl- i~ l tli. '1t1" I I I t + I " :lit 1 11 1 :i it'11t: his :11141 1 I hh, :t 1111 It...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_______ ~ ~~~ ,lUNIVERSTYOF MC A.___ 1 4i [ N ) ~ I M 1 o l't Yif F'1 ARo. N0OTIMELO Men\rdH tc l a S ti st P10-i LoP * *~ NE FRAERNIYiHOsE P ii'o~oi tt:.t : ( _t.. f Hot .I oy.h f o-t. ( ioolaAb llEfl1111 iS El i F?1 in a ton Iow o VoiPo \ed Pt h i I '' Oo it I 0 in tite kan dike o I i 0 m 1 I I t.i t O . iWt PiCES. Pteoi'o N 1w ( ill )t T f )f Fi]I\ ;11311 .ice t), 1) ;ice iC 3 i 1'IIr ltl7lit l'i;lt ?1 11it' tIll! tl t.) tl)) New V. of M. C...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…A N.NARBfORl, MICiHl., ShtNT). I MAY 0, 92 FIRST YEAR. No. 1 71 CHICAGO DEFEATS MICHIGAN Corrjgi as Poor Control Togetherlwith Michigan's Poor Littinlu Give the Visitors an Easy V itoy ,dii [Ill p slil ;it o 1 1 i i 1ttIi lit tit,'litlil i d w l :1 %' k ] i :10 Ii hi , Il Ii, it lo Ih til I, It i tl talt XI ii I'I'I t l it it \\ilitttll ui itlll li . ;Ii'I 1; . lii t ii ii i 'ittti lit iii thu Till tutuiyoll "X Il. it it s 111it i i i Itiltlti...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…qr Adft E)AI ows. ISS:ZZZ 7 :77; L7r -- AINN ARBOR, IVICIL. SUNDAY, MAY 42.5, 1902 $8T YEAR. No. 171 JUNIOR LAWS WIN Wherry Left for Chicogo Law Profs.iFavtor Shirt W\aists, TeStrong '03 Law Team Dfeated 1)11ti tLilt" I itt (t l tI t Lt 0 Iltt ()it iiitit(- !J4:',I'.' ';Iliii 11Ito li t '" JIt' It ii ii\ ' 1 ilf t1i )lfo lt Hilldtild si'ii it t ( H; w llor 9 1 l ouit tt 1 i tI 'll tit I t iit Is IlejziIl " 1r vn t't(. htu o l :1Il\ll r \.I;1! ...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…. _ DAIL ~ L FIO Ai2 SL. A. ELECTION Noticert tot Candidates and Voters I'hiil~~i)1 ~^..1... "("uwl l n14i1 11 ~lti JJ J~1t)1 1. 1Jil 1ttit I ll ttlit I t. I4411. t)1': ~r1111.Illtkil. lo 41111 1' 1 ; i t I t t ll i r 1 t) i s 1 11 IIlls t;I 1llt1 t~ ,1 htllJ 1;I 4 x n1 t 1 li 0il ~t 11 1 t 0 ; V Il l Il l I l 0 01 " i t I 1't . :(11#1 I] 1 111 001 I v It ,, ~ el11 :I ilis111':tlrl t110 ,0 2 11 4. 001 41t ( 1"F i ~ , 1)( 1 1 io 1 ) 111 1 ~111 ...…

February 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…,, :. . .... . ._ .. - ... . x*FAS \ C 0' SIELL TRA~iK £(ISSIP J~ i1{ ,1 ti, " 1' 1 111k-4 i t, t 1 Ii ,1 I I Iii "< ' ;I ' ;l t{ 1 i "i '14 TH 1 1tt3i .I lit{ \ II it \ I'itt I' \ ; : 1 I T 1I f t 1t 1 t ll t r i t l i llT i 11i111 ITT iTT 111 t, \"I ti~t;1it~TT 1'; I 1 1: 11 II fi ilI t tliti l T l1 rITT IiT 111 ITIH I 1, t I Itii li t ' t \ ,,, 1 1' 1 11 t 1 t t I.t i111 it 111 1 tI tIII it \ t 11 tl I t t kIT 7\ ''111I I t~ t I TI...…

January 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…,I7r~~4 DAPIL W .... ...w{ ,T$$+ YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, SATURDAY. tJANUARY 25 1902. No. 87 ---__ SENIORS WON. of, Mi s loglis. Whi'1sesed'slast 1ilght. the cwwb isaid: "t iall Nel ai sid h irstGameof trit t ill aShwe-d up xsill ducltlllpti TheFirt Glls ofthe Class Serii's in froml stirt tii liiiiili. Basket Ball was Won by the Cuss altin IDutcher.'(15. said: S'01 If 1902 -Score to 0.Q Ir il pedy dI :111jill isa- lii as liii'lsti' si d.ll Our ...…

October 25, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. SECRET PRACTICE AGAIN 'Varsity Will Ta ke a Dayvs lietir~rnent Before Meeting Blhsls-Heddner, Redden and Heston Scsred Yesterdy \ No. 28C ANN AR1BOR, MII., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1901. 1904 victorious TENDENCIES OF THE TIMES Girls Are Independant. ini t:Ili ktouil zl ain ' t I a y; 5 _______ht.i ni 515 it} l i' tItSi'l #tir -which sas' ii'it ss h i a i ss ' t f64. '14 Fang, Will Addiss the Students tIP'i 'hal 'ass 4 ysaie' svisssls'i....…

September 25, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…4 INA 0 0 z LAI I- v _o 0 ax 0 -- - - . . _ _ _ y ,. =r ,_ -. _ -, '- _ u .~ - r" .. .. "' .. .r "-, . .... .r ,-. d. . .f 'I. ._ . .. ,. fir. , "' '-- t '!. J. is ,-, r. .' .' r ._ 'r ._. .... ._. . r ' . . ,r .fV.. r. _ _ _ f. . - r -.. " , _ .. "r. _ _ Y. _. _ !. a _ . _ - - _ , _ _ . ... r. _ 1. __ - - . _ _ e :. _ -- _ i .- _ f l. - '_' _ t. .I. _ '_!. :C -!. _ i : .: t: _ CL .;. '. J. " ._ -: J +-' + v. .. f _. - M ..._ w _ -" rw .-. s l...…

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