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November 25, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-11-25

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Ing. XX. NteRORrl.1I A II Nl 5 \ \ Lt-0

Vol'. Xx.


Track Men Past and Present
Do Honor to Michigan's Fa-
moos Trainer.
Slontolok wh 101>. \\-(r ll er" 1I1
as< etill)(M 1of1 (10110f~tn an
apciioul for'.1 ('.' oo the w r ehsdn
Eltiocronot () 0 shg~. ''( prese11ta-
tion to .111.ill" a1111 reg la I 111epec o
0001110117 nd01 h p(Sltti speech
was11)1111 b I to no 1'1heath. [h0gf
ind0111 tt})sprrt re11111 i to t he1111
(6. )1 d 1f A0 111011 (',It1 11 1 1111
TYnI'lt Fttllllllll by1111 biit11
1ee~ tr1101 11 ar has 11111 (1 11111lli mw1 tlof
the~~ ~ ~ ~ SI.tr .o I1can0ik 1Mrpy
01nvv~ii' j ui~ j lls , '1ainer
raid, 1.s th 11 to 1111in tn r m11 Co.l-
Je t letc.Itu not 111 l0 has1 I I
Fizatik \m al1111le rcod a
deveopig, tact mei bu e i (ot
o ttda a beasitn too ach
)(S hl tttt rdio
1M1. 11111111ck' Ir as a ran h ait s
51111' eseial 1111il-duig h

Prof. Thomas C. 01 Truebloodtto ,
tied(orthIt retoot 11 stallatimof 11(te
Penslvna hatrt Dla itn

"Alumnus" Thinks Assistant Coach
Is Not Appreciated.
(Th li' aitoassim1111s.n1o100' ./11 llrtilifli
fr piniion ' o ext .'.oodin cml i -
11111(1loyal ihigln Hall litml}lt ie10-
11111111tha t i ildtl~tittoH.tYot ll 1 to
11110 has th I tt one1111 1 11 (Ioa111111n tolu
ha Irogt 0It rol t th frn a,
lead1rinto ota I h ot o o 1( 01.11n l
fac1't.ta I. . .I 1111 ssi ted ilthtil
510 . iga a. (1(1 thtdu istl}tear, t 1,
,olin.t't tl 111the 1(h1e t. illctReddeni
M ill Tcle loct ant lltt 111111 111 the II 1all
i Itamannr tht rSid n f11
m 1to1 t r1 .it hialo an hoole
fors rt i h'sl'l1'boi S r "11111
11ting 1(1th (lIlt 11(111 e ~ s
ie i] 1(1 lnlt and(1 11(1(1aItt Sit5 o
loll ins t do f t t f itt ri' m in '
Itwtinotth la.;t e,.r.Sl.
in bthegretSY leen. saidltthtlo ol:- I
1111 thought 1 .11Conk llin tth to(0 i tlIl
1000.and ftt tilt 0111110aM inttteit east0
Olltto(tt1 Sit S 1 ( 1(0o 1111111h1a1tear
i 111as1(1 o g1d1 on1 ai1 it11il1
hottt at e bent s bIy It Ill li
1111 eve)1 M chian lustoll 5 1o(1
ht etrnof\fr C rts edioHn~
Tar s asistnt oachanSlt i Nttl
1ec tin I f uothe. t e~ li
le n h i o m n s I esi hl

William Owen Players Valuable
Addition to Course-Senator
La aFollette Coming Monday.
N o h" Itllw s a c c1c cc ' Ihll
the1 l 11it° t t\ 1 i~sbtt t' tcl t' l '.i I)cSI
Si .A; Sdhtlm . 111(1 10-"'tatth
lecture )111 l 11t I t o plays,1111 igh
Xacllrs atclldll t eill
r.\1 1111 ()t ci s ali arI t I 1-
I '''ig''a'dr ml II aIIcr
III . I'.ii \1.11)r, (11p )1111y lA I SS Siroa t
;ohc-ts)11 la t c l-, tht his , m ll 1111
,11()1 th .\11c-Ic 111111 1c1it1th1'11(111110

])t.;trcd ( Ite 1)r( )t;r;tIII ( ) f tItc> t'( )u
I ]tart. 0 1r11111) CI<trk, ctl<ttt>r I,<tl II
il] ltc tltc Adlier ttt )5t c(ol;pictt(111s i
I'II adittissi( )n t this lectttie \ 11
Iilt\ cxtlts. seEt uu tickets. a ( I I I I tI,
all futttrk, lecture;, ut;tY Iw I IttrclI
Iw tre tltc lecture.


Ann Arbor High School Meets Uip-
,_State Champion, Today.
Alm111 S r .... 57 yS'ilaii o ci}1
(7 J aci illi0 c)
18 iOctr..lt 55 it0rll .. 1
.278 t ICJ), lc Ill.. 1 1
.\111.0 lb II h ; i l i no l
(0011 10010f Oi< lm ci'la llllna
Iw .Icl i ncI h .c na,11.l'1.J


Pani Dickey, Who Comes Here
Witb Henrietta Crosman, a
Formner Michigan Athlete.
!:ih' a 111111 th11 e11. x0.1.ll iri t whic('toh pre-
0 1o(111-Me lti 0100rita ros
::ti, in 11cr rece t su cess 1StIt 5hat
tllc- W htlw 111Ia1110 00on 'a1eveni1g
'i il11' c II e 1 n ta .11 k0. it at)
i- i~l fact hat by i lt 11(-1 'Sba
:;it, 1c r Otnia ! 1idion iattes, ad
A 1f) 101.0(luring .Much 1(1nl 'e01ra
i1 ORW h~re, is nen1eSoo 1(he1
--Ith 1ivisiwlI 1igh 1Sc ool (fooball an


I. i:ll'Ct'

Vml. WIf a : :till wl
7111 x'11 -U!' 'ic 1 c' Iilt
II! -111.tt i,; 'tk,(-( )rII
\VII11 ,111 ( )f Ihc>c
I, rt;I II r1111'S- .11111
hc rt fn )11t I
it ,,.,ti Y ,m 1,t)
111aY (l)rfarld+I 'IIId
111a, V th< I II- 1>,
'Ii<t11t rit ' "tlit't'
11 tllc- r111c I 11 1
letcr. -l h > ittirt
' Iv Itk
)alnr> O'I) Inllc
ltc 1 ,1r1r1 )f t I I

t l'
' it


McCul1'>u"'ll, kar-
clct-stot aticl \1<tclam
itlt tlwttt "altic(l
t,)rs hc pla-y tI ltll-
:cl.t r;t i1: dell i>>
IIcrictII slIp p 1111111

l I t Si M51.(111 oil -%l
.11(1110 it! Ilit. Scr
Ir () c llil 'pp a
b wk Ii; r 11.fch r
1(111 rI lb ;l ;t1 i all0

1.1' 1111

I< 1 ; 1 t
tllr c"r,11151
l in tArs cn
lttl la dd 11
Lild vI',,,W()I
I ill y()C' 'l'
i isl c{l, lint


lit.' I'\1r1't i.

Scilr:ti w Ial"(dlct
err; r;tm (>f the S-
'tiicl at that tiiiiC
atddrcss that he cv;t:
\(r- iaF( Hctic, Or
I M l;tlity ,t!1d ;i
"aiiierl f~r liiiiiscli
_ilar ('steciii \011ch
ci.at r has Iakc°ii
IIatit 11 's hest t>ratf

ttc (010000d11111(,1th
1 . 11(10 III the ( )p-

Si tit. 1( lli
I ( l k11110


R.. 11;.
I, . I

(II' 1.1

ii <i


1ic ((((1(10I I le r fus s to ,ip 110Wit
1cr(111 orI It ii 1)11 0e i li 17tt'
mu .ao It hethrpoge ie t
he su~ct ;mdcongess he rr (ir-oa

IN Sirci: Nascolfiold'ilil oN
vc icn to 11(0 0a)1111 v11th11 Ilw oper-
00tcrn i .'00 th'te1 con 0 ' . ra1m1 "010h

ii ,fi 1 colc ,c I -e r 110 a d prsidet of
it he C .Q . omc V lnh i i't0tch a-
lo h.% 11t N11(.11, (nd Iw duced ea
i1 10 lb (Iltdtto
0 ''ldmg 10 1 g' r t r seted 1 ito
, 1 m hni, Aul s 1orty (after l1avin
his A n macr h ftnid ltga en
"Ah dI 101c0 0011(1(il 1Cicao ((her

1 1011111 on S 'oI- lol. 551..,s SAfII

I Ii Oril

'01' (Iii~,so..N 't t
r11 Sillt00 s,1l 1511 (111111 1001101

t1i1(10 ire 1111' noz~

)guard'1 s Iof I(3Ill r

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