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October 25, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-25

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fie 114. Y Iiigan wily

Vol,. XIV.
Michigani Scored 47 Points Against a
Plucky Defense-Iowans Proved
Stronger Than Was Expected
-Visitors Had Two Chances
to Score.
Beforethe lagest cowdiwich hac
gicxd eniFeriii i ldtis alli and
Ii ivd bIalmst ierfet iwethercon
ditions, the M~i'ichigioiball teamiiii
l i xri in ltheihardieitii'ii' ii c on-lx
ilvrin, xxanxdi lix'prolxxxix'sxofxxia
fast. r ii',[ii'ile en ire flfx x illed.
'Tb D~ lxyiexxxii'viiiagexxd'oviii xii
ponsad hir defeniseli asiby ilxi
improvemenct xin rlxxxi a xxxiiand
thexdeinsexiii xlix x alx iihixatxxcan xc
deirediiiwasv oi livheVwhole cxx xiiiabli
able iito 'igain iieir'distlaicexiii lxxiii st
boeoIx xi'sireimp oveimexnxx' illx
Th lwscr ilxplainedi xiiitiie
ofi (liniiiiscreiiiiiesin
:h,,xi 'Ii rth ovcic h
cxii) 7ia im iii lost xIisii p onxiitheii
had Heart flixxx'xxclix h is:lxxiii'
.ui s-yardii i'lines. 'ii iast iichan ii
foriiDrakexto scor came i ii i h irst~cii
halfiiafteriithey heldx liiaixxolii
do xsontoiii 'xxxii ineii"'xiandi
lxxxixbiokeathrouvxithexxin lixorix
crowdiletiouits pent-up lxiifexlingin i
caxrixd I-lheyixxovalxx heixixiyrdline.lxii
whx reixc i o~ lixg' I xxwasxxccena'lied 'Liii
icyards. Micigan couxldxx norxlix inxitxhe'
lixi l vii.n gavr kiSe o t o
bounds oniii thexxi:ixgi' a ixlixo. Drxake
lixneixiire xxixxxixa xxixexiick xebliii
wide i cxi the igoal. ixHis i-t"xxiixi'i' lxxx
lxxxiii' iiii Hawkey(xiixiu lxxx aixibroke
through lxi"ligi's i nex'c axxi axfter
iixxxix'thexonlyiobsalxxix""inx'itve lway'
iiic h ilting aixxisiiicorex. xxlxxi
Maiiddockliiandi Graccviiirxpxixedxxthe
downxxii beigachelongest of xthe lxiiiyxi
ixeixixn incxxxvlxxhelixxii' xxi uxxi
for ard lx Iiiiiixt s ii'igxiix anxli ix ie
lxl xiist iixm i xueo h i rstxli lxxiiandcliei
wal hrwix fraix'xi xi ixxi l ixixeas
ix mometxlvigitheii lxx'klixni xc
McianilostiixtyYardxis penal

f Axicii lxx ... ...ii.. .. 47 Or ke .. ... .. .. ... .. .. (
f C'ixsxgxi .. .. . .. it... 1 llinis .. .. .. . .. .. .. x
f 'xlii xxxiii ........ . ... . l18 0hxxi . .. . .. . .. . .. x
® Nebrai'ska ...x . ... .. .. 1 Col rado .... .... .... .... 11 4
f Ixwi . .. ..i.. .. .. .. . 17 (liIIIIxxII . . .. . . .. . .. .
f Yalx . .. ..ix.. .. ..... 17 W~est. P int . .. .. .. .. .. .
f I lxsivx' . .. .. .. .. .. ... 291 rown ...x ..x . . . ... ... i 0
f Prxinceto' ....i ... ....... 17 Ilxi ixi i f .. ... ... ... ..
f I s'af vI'I(, .. . .. . .. ... IG Nxavy . . . . . . . . . .
f lixrlislc .. . .. . .. . .. . 12 'xxxiii lxaxixi ... ..i. ... .. ,

No. 24

Forestry Students Organize-Much
Enthusiasm Manifested.
fecedaxnxorsgxiaixoini, tox ihe iowns u
lxhe NIixii ic xxvx'xixweter'x''C7lb. Its xxox-
Jxxxxilxis x to i promotei I(lex spirit ofi'lxlow-i
shipii iiiiiiiii ix lxsxudentsiin lxMichligans
now d ipartment.Itsviprlysiv . nm-i
ixriax isaboutxtweny-five. ixeet
bex deli''xxxIl xiiveedbythn xxoinenxcinst xthis
xi ist'y ixsxaxvnew x deparitixntt in
i goodxi work'ixpromoxxiingxi sinterexxstxs
fir lxxx exnsigcxxxir'
lxN xxiii 'xx iss m i I e,11.D.Evtxv-
etAll1. (i'xxi'ix'ii;IClydeixLavitt. A.
iR. (.lixxiiivxii ; \Vs''lvey Bradfldii, Al.
Ki lexixy' All., xicigan)vxix.
S11t~ix xxin t1ixiixiI'livixiy it~ tsii x

The Final Arrangement For the Min-
nesota Trimx-A Letter From the
'iiiatlxet viic agi xxxi xxxhlsa ior
th l astx lxxiwxv wekst beenxactiiiexly xxx
deavoringx xtoiinduceiithe xxixroadsc xxxi
tox gi'iia 'xiite lxiorlithe cxxxii' xxiii 'lii-
xxxsiiia nxt ci atuixdiii .v Thei' ixlix'oxxii
ixils lxave'I xxix xvrydliberatesix n
their actionsixicandiinxxxvyvialerxliyxci
yvi ; ii helx raxilwayixpeopiie appariniily
biixii xii x iiinxxxiii tx toii lxx l ii liixi
Itis unfortunateixiiior Mix'higan'cstulx
lsxihe lxxi lii5thex xax lxxtntisle x
xxxio asii i itsandsix atiiplxiscxii
Mr.x (lis.BiGruatexii xiiixxDix xxx' lx'.
If Si.Athixcxi'Asicitioi, Acix
Sl2y dear 111 r.i.Bird:
As iper iiiiixiiii' cxxxixsticnxxiiof
Via Chicago.
50xor moreitralxvingx'to-otherx's'$'8S0
100i or morexxiii' lxxingxitogextherx'x17x 70
i'ixxx'xigix liiiiiipiiiia liiiea lrxxide
talxxi I xxisare'xtoxxhex'aceptedi lxxiii
dispxatc'iI haxve' lxxitxxicxid 1iunder-
sl andiithatlx he Wiis 'cxxxsinx'Cxntralwill
Via Mackinaw City.
100x orx'smxxx'x travel'xingxa txo'xther's17 Si5
Iwill lxxxixyouixpoxxtii if xytingisv
G. A. 11I D
xxxii Iisixa l's''Exctmnsighi, ls' 'v-
vxTihese w ehne nfrpbi
xPrxxidentxix' ortonlxxTsixxs lii Piscix
viie-rident, 'I' t' l~sllxxxxxDickisxon;x
HainanxJr.;vr balxxxiii' ixcigvv Ilobortv
B1. itoxisci.
ixillsixix I ' .Borisa' vicei'ri-
dent:i. IJ.1 V. xxxian' trxasurerv A.htic-
Aixix)i'; 'crxiiiy, G.xS.iPorter;'tracP
mnagerxx-Goo.lIt. v orliiion;xxxi otbixlxl
miixxxxiiv If. S. xciBart lett aeball
manaxxger, A.itR.xxxvii

Every Man On the Michigan Teaw
Defeats His Opponent-FinaI
7x1li ilix xxiiolf' e iiiiix'vxiii'gixxix
gill xxiiihxixtii Cicaxgo,. xxiii xverxy
:Mihigani'xxiiiiwaxs lxxhe ixvicrxovc

lil iixxiix ii lxxii lii 'lii xx ( i lxxxillc ie 111xc xIii'xx IixIy x',x 1,x1xixxxh x
hisi'olxxxi ii'g' ronx' tixx (,x Midway.'s Oili of forestry ixxsxial lxxiiireco lxxized xii
lxh'e'hlx'' (xighteen holxxe xxi's lxxvlayced xxix'xxxi xxix
day lxiiHa xxii xixi g wonoverlii' hxbyi leg( i ii i ii i ti lxi xiiixxxx ixxx
ai''iicre xelllip Wixlx xii iii xrest. of xIli( ' xx ix~erl tlixofx lxly lsocivix lieu'
xlii. oays c i v ii, mi iii i I i xxx i ii({ nt(Itwa~ lli'axx'ixxg~l
the x Michiga eais cl allt e st-((I xx ix' 'xx i xa xixg h ix' ivixix i l l
way, " x xiandixxxiii xbe eror a ce ie -i il ticx prob l emoa xiii ixx iixa
iiu ixxiiy lxxiiiaoiiixxand lii'axxiiiii'
whichxx xasii mply rewardedic forxxix hiiii'ii nts lx ayi l beiii ixuxigii later' in'aeidinx
iii xxiiieve howedi iax efect of INTEC LAS PhiOTB LL.
lit xxxiii lxxiii cc I"Lalxxxif.giii ixixixhix06
iixiii up xxii wasx ltxe Aiil xcre itsbyxaxi e f. tC(, rh lil
Kidsoui vs.a.IJxxii sn x ixixix xxxiiie P ilu w s a f ll ws
C ll) anvdxc toxxplaty. '05xi'aws. 'of;ii 'I
Bl l's' lxd xvs.'iF. Petti.e xxxiii
won 5 p nd.xiii la . S i ixiixil iClarex
PRELIMsP tiARYSDootESof ix iL '
andi 7itolxlxy.
lii I iiW ilcioxx.................ixiixxS'ixvxnson
Sit rryi lvis I Ci li lg. Ilerry'x'xwolxxi4 alp xix 1xxxix
Ind h > t oxi l a y.'L lodx.i.i .x.x.. .i.'..txtlii r m e
liiid txii)' pla'sScxxdt .i... i ....xi.ixilbeix
11)ithelinne~x'x saprimisinix esilhxixa T
xxie lxrdeI xxix I x's icc tiix xv'txi ,
andii xix hnsix~i Coterx or ltxi F Azi UNIQUE.....SOUVENIR acet
st ier. ' xx 'i xxii'c Ixiii xxi xx i ii'....'hxx'ii ye
ixhxix i f xi x e-S i tey deibat'v xxi xxv e ixxx x iisxixix xsx' ci x
ixilixx' lxxii iv lxxxii xlii lix Ilix xi xxxii gi xii lxxi lxx It.x'ixIxxixxl:'. xxhai
xxxilli a li ii' xxxx' iic I e b iad i xxii'RxixnxolihilNewmasoket
Iaw Nov mbe lii t.a xx lxiFxii xxIxxx x v xxlhci ui
Wheitixc' v' 'xiwe xii iicxonisxi xxx'idex' f cth t n lr w i xxhmpson ...xi .lii' l iii iixhx
lessi xxthnx'sxixofxthlxise ii lxivaexrxiiix, viexxnlxxiughxix'spllto
Ieak twoxx ea sxalis t ho ixxx ixouvia y x - lx xiai x xi i iiiii xsx'tx
perened prosxxii pxxxectsa lx a lrxiteed ixxiAi UIQUEilx xx xiS xxV itIR. hxh
befre prty fomth fct ha mllI iiicnlxii' by c hexiii matxxkx fxx Jacixh n
nowigeti 's o hoursixx crix i ,ltxiusxIca rsn ah oio cnrbtn o e
vxxixx xxxhilxxxiv theixixigh hi xxiI pg lIy 10 g. 'h cal'i of eter nd
xxxivunfortuxateliii' h e ]as[xi yxvii x ri will LIRARY IMPRlf oEMENwtS.te
twoii so iihalxx lviii it an'x eexsiit, sisixI cahsn m) Iafobl ncie
duty lxoii on ixce x xmore xiixp xxiicei liier dixtictlyilupon i x.Tid thecantxwthx ihx -
Pt stiixe i 5 xhceaxd.xx' la lxxi x c ox'g sxxwi axixariss yexadi heg:
xxxvii xxi 'ii wxux ixaix ui xx xx "iTos xg' exxilx eatxxxiest xxiiitbal xixoaxh on
FIi UPisi TH"xxi SsE wxPUMP.'vxxx'xt x I lxxix C mpimetisi nmathiesxMicei
xxxxsxxxxy lix'lxxix wxxxsii hah gxx' liii ate xPxx i:iiiaucson Mih."xss
TheiosCampusxi pumpsixiihtalxxbeenrxyotis eof

M1ondayj Afteroonn I NVEST AL5

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