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February 25, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-25

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No. 100
Thrl ee sa muiiio the englneering' __de-___r
'ome of the Freshmen Point-Winners irsel ftl ilvrlxO llilTo be Delivered by Senator Quarles
gn woll the>.Norn sigold imed-al1 101r
Board of Control to Pas on lE3CY ooawrdedl sniisally is he Auri_ of Wisconsin-A Michigan
Eligibility Thursday cs's Society of Civil EnIcgieers fr the Alumnus o1 '76
"per whlich slal be judged worty _____
Th~e meet letwveenithe reshsmenisod or. especal e0011endat5101asIit ( v i Snao ualslollhvukel a
te D. U. S. will not eso esy for buion to egineering science."The SetoQsisfMiwkehs
titl of he miorwoo Eopeio ofirmaily acpted te iviaion x-
frelooo o i gucrilysuposd.at Detroit, Mich., oo the Effecits ot tended by- Preidet Agell, of the
pot oniy is she I. T1- S. showing or Cu rvature opon thie ilow ofSWXitein1 University of Michign, to deliver he
strong and deermined ht it is highly Pipe." The authors are Gasrdoer S conmeneenilt addess at Ano Arbor
probable that some of the best muen in XWilims, a grduate with the rhsso f on Junec I. The seator akes great
thereshmnnteam will inotte aslowed 1589, Clareocee XV Hubbelli a wtiote pide in iis alm mater.
tscopee Te oadofCotrlwith the clsssof and Geior ege nH. 51ois alpoo boy," 5sa i e to a
haeruled tht I mhaigi ton- Fenkell, it sudent dring--191-92. Wasingon correspiondlent yesteray,
ye ilwllb :lowdtoiompte ,Mr. XWilliaos is professor ot exper ri'sd buttfor 11e filt thtillte( ier
nomewillthe faehvdtmen oietemental lhdraulicosat Crnell 110r iy extenidedolto nie a teling liad I
ncis file tomae god n sme f ity Mr.lHtbbel is chiet engineer oS icer woldi have hail t1heioppolrunlity
0 r fab 3to lilI iod n s~leofthe Deroit owatrwiorks, taid Mr. Fen- to clilmit the ladder. I shall take he
their examinationso.ITlii toord of kl scifegre ftewtr totpesr nol akt i.
Conlilmeeto Ttirdasvcieting and k1 ieie niio fSeiu i' ilotlllsleilgighc gi
will (len 111ss oarthe inames of all 001worksat Erie, Pa. sells lir toeph V.Qnsrles vs grad-
wthi desiret mee tuttiil5 Oledt frole111 tiiiis~sit Ill Michtignl
TheInumbiter (itf idoor 1111010 nay PASTEUR INSTITUTE H ERE ill 15(1. Hl e s loir, 1 1'nieit Sttes
be rot one osort thi il et, 110s tere ______semiatie from11 Xionsl illice I 1t,
is slome pit)bitilit-iofte torniell Mc yrpoi xssI h
meet tieing"dlred of t.ThItyphoid Mc yrpoia Eit nteCommunication
fever epiltelnilai' 'itorilell has cabsed Sate-Would Cost $300 to Eio- ll-Isiy --A iciommnicaieloil
a large nitumbter' of tudients o go $5,000 to Maintain the sniay nmorninig isse of the iDa~ily,
homie and miv upet the llns of Sloe signed byi' the' p1'sident f the1'S. L. A.
atiletic teamso Still in 1a r-out a Dtot aSdapoec nfo orcna11 a tddsvea nvr
week agothr: tli n 11 1didlleter Detroited 1 Ithetrnfotuos111ti:ig11 ttill (oodsever I tlil-
5i feet S inelhes in the high iltllnl. establilsingit11Pasteurl hospital, oiing 'i.seIll, to demandiltnb answer,00'
There hils1nothing Ooficial been1 helrd to he nu:;ly ases of hydrohobi de- i.a n aeadslie rn h
fromi Cornell ill regard to he maltter.iveloping about the stte recently. An (111oo1d(ilvernment lt '1(11.
aricle ill he tree Itress ssuggestedl tlt I lie list plce thecallticle wichilt
Forty-tour XWomen Nurses inlseadd 1Pasteur iward tbe established the1 presienlt f tl i. IA. tils used1
110 lsrsll OlIS n ollle~olawt lthle hospitalslhe re. is l 5 5f hsell ollnlnliell ill 1111d
Ule ntii-eisiy 5ositali rlsists of 'Since 11he 5ticule lapptelnod tillSn- i, a 11111i110of lllveltinilg s el''('I'l
tnoelnv Tinubr- ldlys 1-11-0Tress''"Osaid 1D1a111Vaulganll, Hell genlemnt oape ar o 111 Itn 1 te
ciies5supeinltenidenlt, IassiOslta '00w111hicv11111enimkilg 1111 estimalteof S. L.-A 11011 0(1(0 tsill 11o 1111111111
snperinteldelt, a Iight supeviri10, oi a l-efrtete~llIto sc '11 I'Ili I t~lI -'s I
head clini-nurse, it dietitialn, three sttt eefrte-ramn fcse lbo n ftsobev fi
heald ovrd nrses, slnd thirty-six itf0101111 el(5 110a1d I woulhostate,(ht5Jus-difilcll-I St i'l'l51111thlt a t'liltof(It
pupis. i-caold-cs'o foml$3,0h('1(ldilt to 5w IIsI' (('110 dlcorllfsI'lndl t (lliflindeed U
Tile University Htospitah Trainin~g ya.Yuwl nesan hti -wsntnnote)sol eta
Schlool for nurses oss organized In cudb anandhr oeec-cueo uhi et itiea h
1815wxith eight proba-tioners The ulomliclly thananyII'pllace illthe state. '1 oailnlllnil'ltilll. 00when1 aIfaIi'eu
tianigcore otiudXvr w e 1have tie lphysicinls1111d1the lb- sallhof tho a1rtiil-h et'll'ht( ill 111 0way
yer.The first graduating exercises orutory equipmnt aid roo owhich gives the imp~lrssonll thalt thil S. L. A.
were -iheld illDecem~ber in 159)e.Sincee onl uoov oepne '010I nfS 1 lgliltllo((1
vvr i ureshae ee gin 'IfSthere should be giveni Sllniainnuai lrnilng oholilthe' vage rlllllro
that dute (1 nrses6hae helsngrio-1propriaitionl or 1111 endowm-lent, wooud w01111fhoting.
tostel ftee11aehhig~O~tedeprtment of meldicine be w0illig As 1 itlattr fftll-S.thill'4111111G111-
tachersoftrtisueintscdools-iaiiCii-tn assumle tne care of such cses:" hb' rnioit('Clbt ls n111(t5abt1'im111'(o111
oforli tra1ineo in nhols1 in XCail - wsasikedsilred tie 1questionli of t'nderinlg t
ifrna,1 nNe Mxi''IinRah- "ost assurdly"nas the reply. banquihiet to Mayr Habrrisoni, 11111 oil
ingtonl, 1 in Kentucky, 1 in Indiana, An enraiged bull terrier t lackson lnt ib' inl t11elst advrse o he
3 in Missoor,,slid 8 in Michigan.y trlycaeacutrOisiil(aiilllitllifSlSlll('bhilgySl'
ortynm i of he (7 iiurses are en e tra hsdacte onann supino-ta netkn yfr
in private nursinig, 9 are married, and i boy'adanii t girl a mile sd finally climbed S ' fSlye 105'h)110 (1h
1 is ded. ilal i he by, he 10-ye' r ohlClillld ar btultset. Under(' 11ththe ir-
Tepeettriilgcusexlison- f XX'nilijFo rkeli, tearing his l'lllISbllll1' 000' ar' slllstl'biueslto
Theprset taiin curs etedsleg baldy. The dg 00as killed and stteits11outr views, that if 001 consier
over three yesrs. Applicants betweenthhidnmivsote ontl i-
twenty-Swonaud thrty-tnwo ears ofth brisudiiuscouuisnSoSeiiililotvsifn llutuil-
this city for exauinatmoun. tilili signel hi the prsidnt of the
ag, woith ahigh schieol education or IReport ha. beell ellS to 'Sagiav . 5.A. iS111111hilave bhiseiPr-
I euoaeiaercieouprb-tb-t alnils iuinculted froumithe phlrasedI tI1re1d1as follos:"Myorl
'on fortn' nhsli. At the end of bri faHrio scmn a ie(-dGv
that tiume, those shuoing special fituessbruioa dog sentS from there to Ann Iarsl sdiiilgnlIl iis iv
- Airbr hald dveloped hydirophobia. I'llll1'lt tClb(curs', lit 5we(t oshi
for the w0orkl of a1 professionlullnurse The dog bSit toonchilrenl at tBirchu 5ain1t( grsplhisopportuniiv ityt (frmilthe
ore accepted by the traliing schiolnd us a numiiber of dogs here. Lter It publ)i' thiut we (he S. L. A.) have'l en-
Ilouri, losgiiig adisauidy serovice bit 4til4 h ull Siillo. hechl-glgll severa 'l lilonlimen 11 inin
arutprovidied. Iniaddiiti, the pupils reui ooill b'ltt hisofrtet-ho1gs(t~loilih~l'l 11-1,11111
receive $16)) for the first yearsud $75 net. cou~irse, 111111theslt1areb l of suhi
for each of theiscoiud and thurd years._______po_____ litiat '(ll po iece 'thalt 0W1'wishtha~t.
This is o coover thie cost of text-books they'shoullld nott be shdowed(l'h Sy- 1110
anduisnuiforims, the educatin receioved Prof. Strm Leaves 111ore ime'dilte atractin~s"
heinig des'esedfull compenlt~stioni for ProfIssor iBrnalrd Sturimu (f the rhe ood11111 11111 lit-lt Club does
(lie services reinderseu. The hours of School of Music 1has5 s1velrd Ihlt, ('on1'not pre't(('111tl be)a ivrus of the s. .
duty lilt frontu 7 i. fit.. t11 p. 1., oithi net11o'ihitheUtivl''rsit. Ills rea-l'A. It is ognlied forldtfers-St lur"
two hours Idurinug his lperiod for studoy, sousfobr'his ret'iremt ar'not 11 pu11 b 111-hploses11and 11h1s differen'it ails1a1111it
rest, buid iecri'oni11. In he event of hi-h-lllo ro' 1(111and l Biuchl rel'S .is belig is t e eetie1 ed1'11 tat 11u1hIitvorthy
sicknlless 1101555 receive graltuitous eI'es tI''5 byh ivhis 1pupis Ithabt he 1con- lorglllizai 111as1the1'S. L..A. sholdh
care. A valctioni (f twoliimoiths is silireltit nece-lssry. S'of. StleylI 'is seeitit111 illtrude5. iithi till'inamel' of
granitedi surilng 1111e5three yea-Ir;this isno Bso.advilrurwih hsepiiclpakronttcus,
a returniuof ti' probaltiilonay ts'r'm. All l'r'of. Stlu-ils 51115c'ssorl'hby'XMonda~ly 1fohe h-urpos51le Ill diidinhlg publici
timie lest, hoiiesv's, is made 1111 before' Illst.far. T tll'xp s,sedgood will (f
gralduatiionlu heS : ., __ -l-lrilg asitsdst 115ill
Tht(, training inludeilhIs, besides a Mayor Harrison's Lecturc connecti1101ithorin 11co1ns)1i5ite ('21'
stu'btiI'l'alcorsil' bof ~lhb~lectur ' (yI 1he S' pounces shot'ithe1rbchlo leisst lohby ib 11111 11111111 Ihyiei'is savolis-h
Uiverl'sit. _t Sil,,e 1' .0111111 1 f11'lthe ii s bebanS1111 511,1titSItSwentI-live cnt.. Is. lctd
full Stbreeiy>511, 'e llh 11pup i s giveniiIa ''lle'ch11b1 wishiis t10fu'tl'herbi' 11111c111' iSIthIe 11111ilu iaict 01' 0:15 siit Snl
n-rittei'll 511 lbilbltilol, 111111if tSils is sotl IllS ilbasb51111 as1 h e 5S ll'Ietuolewill ttI I o 'orl'l'Io t 11 lse i11151'I'linl. i shol
jsaot hl'tII pass1ed11, 5thbenshe i s (liirdll'l Ih 511l''b by5,11 ous'eIbylst Prot't'I. Sstde-hI'v hico'rrect'ed'llIhe-Ill 111'soil 1andibbthe
edth e s elo'f5praibs;2 a1111if it 05115it
Schlool for Nursss, tUniversy Ilo0- 11111115Nufr, 'Michigni's 011)1c1115-t11111'sil(II('il'bliest lf coring anlI inn
Oihl, , lu-sl1-0s this morn11 ig fo i ucil- pr'essionl it is unwor~lthuy of the ogllii-
na~ti Silihito pt ini thebig lathhletic elation fraoowhichliit inomlinally emal-
'Weltwishi tolcorrec0t the el-I-ll'made ineesttoSlibe hold thusie Thur~isday. Ie ilnated.
inl giving the alccounit of thus relasy nill wvsear thue colsirs of thec SFirst Slesi- (Sigiusd)
races. The ilhalrlic relaly teami, con- melut of Chlicagot. Sue iaill enter iii the Good Gooveriniment Manuageiseiut.
-sistig of Atustini, Kinlyon, Brooks slid datshes, hiursdles, qualrter iiile anud soill
-Schulz, defeated the homeup team. runioil the Sirs't Stegiment re'layt5am. " Iorodorut" at Atheuis tonig-lt.
Oratorical Contests
1-urrI-ilast e'vl'ninlg inithei'l11(w'letulre.
room. Th. lee iswbsIa lurge latte'ndanllce
111111uclinterel 'ist in 1the contst'. Te
senIiorlaw11'class isentit~ld o 1two
plcsill the flil c ontet. Theise
pllces 051re 05o1nIby'Eugne-liMalrshalli
woithu 111 oraltionion11a1l~l~iton la111d1the
I osttilt innl 1111d by Air. IBliolb,
whseisoIrationluw5115on the11Angl-Sxo.
SIst, the' ltofthe lu'peliinlary'con-
te ss iIllir tonight 11t7:0t in
1-100 lelture roomill1i. g11e111itrst is
1m11niestedl inlthe con~test. 1'I' fll'owlo-
XXg is th pois m
2. -'sine u'--F.-'.Tdu-iehe.
Te XXllkig Dlegllte---5. S,
4. A11111i1111a Ilctrille of Patriot-
s -I S. Si-lluihit.
.. S. Bhnli.
Drs. Novy and Vaughan Two of the
Eminent Specialists Selected to
Direct the Work
John ID. Rockefeler has alredy
giveii $1250000 n'hichi he promuises to
increase ini thuenrfuture Sn $10,000,-
00for resesrchu work in pathoogy.
An istitute, oithi model laboratories,
s Sn be built ini Newv York city, which
it is thought il be compileted by
October, 1904
Already the Rockefeller fuinds for
researchi nork re beiiig used in a sys-
tem of fellowshiipufuuds. Fin stance,
nork is beiing doiie in Michigan Uni-
versity under these fellowship funds
The uesearch norkers for the first
year haove eeun announcedby Dr. Knt,
secretary of he institute, and among
them ane, unuder Prof. F. G, Novy,
G. D. K. teuny, B. S., and under Prof.
V. C. Vughan, Miss May Wheeler,
A. .
Announcement to French Students
Begiuning oithi Marchi11, he in-
strhctors ofthe Frenichi deprtment
olf the Uunivursity of Michigan owil d
iser a sries of public lectures in
F-renich. These letures uire intended
o heintrodutry to he lectue by
Mir. Leopolh Mubileau before he
Ce-rele Frnc'ais ouiShe eveniing of
April 7.
The follownig re he dtes and sub-
ju'cts of the lectures whiichu wil be
giviel in Tap~paniSHill a5 4:15 p. i.:
Mallrh 11. The Classic Age. Dr.
Beite d se Dordhs.
Ma~lrc-hi18. 11111Eighteent~hiCeutuy
Marclh 25. 5FrenchRli omaoticim.
April . Freinch Literature Since
15 . Proifessor Canfuiel.
Notice to Graduate Students
Ill views of the growoing teenl~cy
amonllig' stluns o regardl .l ldly sf
II'l'hhli'h t oith greallS foralitiy'
1111111hals bhsenlgiveni it ill StheIpaIs,
Cap 11and 011(n, it lhs Brn t houghtS
hIyma' tl~ha thllse1111'olo Ill'el'ngagedt
ill gra'uathe NvorkIlinithev'sevrl d e-
palrtmen'lts oIf tile t'iiversity, ilight
io distinctiveI'ofltill' ud'gr'Id which
haygh' ill 51'lbtblonhityliforhl:anise11
w1111 a10oler 111-teSI;I'sichbllprtinl 10
tbne 5551110 o5graduate.lstu ildets 115
threor announced111)1111 to1 0b5e'held on
Saturday eve('0111111,tuS I'cl11ck ii Romi
Di f the 1100 builing. Alli gaustate
stuidents sre earnestly requhested Sn e
P'residen'It iraduste Law Cluiss.
Subscnibe for the Daily and keep

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