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October 25, 1906 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-25

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The Mich igan D..aily


Ntti. 2

Professor Van Tyne Opposes Present
System as Unjust-Diirector Baird
D~efends Its Workings.
The athletc authoriiesa( toddsr
D irecto ]laird', inte-rpretationcoif the-
spirit of thefobaoll lo-icatiot ccflast
sptrinttpairticulaily thai t resoiluttinliii
iigtepito stntints anccu clty
iagltitt eascc o folrlowt--,: csi
"nIiopino11r. aird'sO planOct0Ot
late. the itr ict tf te snte't attiota
iat tttr.Rsot ti snt atcs ontin
olto inttercollegiate gatnes far stu-
denatsoattdltmtetbeirsa of te .tniverst
ing cr~tcd ,cats.
Ncow titer istiitig intt iirieso-
itii to creveti-ctheIto ieti;satsben
tttticltcotaittaht c.acid tat is tat wtit
is bincg Raoe. ccAistuetwi siting to
also cagirl studeiotit tbincg littrtip
fiw ic ttuflcaticci, wichitis motst 5 cult -
cassiig, fi fthetbrinigs ccgirl frotccuit oi
towl, e anctctsit ibesidec cec unliii
he ays ti os fccrhis seait is nill cWSlfi
her i om i. f h acuty inanciiNvisiii
tak tIi iwcife tmutipity $r oncfor his
scat.o it slia hrsttanugh hi cleairtt
'n i i t ic iito a l i ita- ca y h
cttliii tilthtics si ititis
rohr-oltecci cci bcausoIiiwint
to protesa icicicithcciilast itn cth
spiiit l ithefotballct liaticn of last

to siome and iliegtiimccecpcoftsi>fco
otii iiThestu entSection Iis cti Ist
atI tirtg icilto the fcul t tec ti t-t
facul iiiyen, reedtthcactto 5centci
of iifa cul t t iitn es is 1 nill acict thati
tis ciwhereliiheinecssity c itiintg
!scin ypiceIss corkcs te greatest
tadsip. fli l te lear rasc edila
ai fatyi ci mtic c wais ccIiit ncs sarcily con-i
aidlrd is needyi accitt ccii dri
11111) to ii ciiio) itit(-do lar ticsis if hei
iwishdtotk hi wcife fmyo
scmciii is ic orderc t+)icc omi listo icc
1111g cc Istf i v lue lt.'. iiitg hl tc-
The cliisity) aa llowedl nioilot igi
ysedyaternoonttialtihough nthe go-cs-
wias wiiet tnd acccli ti-iwcreiiiccssi cl
llliim tilts ta ttkcs nociscrimmaicige-tuts
caccicforcfeac of ci ripplinttg sto citoiec
M iicinstcarte-iteIncciiays iatic tcan
this dliie, cciand s lishe is uowii I huirinti.
Thiiietilt 55sttti sits ainutthc
sameiiis cthatcof tin t ccda iefoeictri ots
wtascatiendttttlitat tacl.Chandttr at
cnated-ti c ciicctt tisescarsity scorcicd
andii Si igi liii toiki ihe otth r. tI'll( c-itt.
sit)- cistfat dciclinig the slitedcand
crc-i cii cclwii ccarcactriesCcoch

Committees Announced Student
Council Tie Vote Decided in
Meeting Yestrrday. Judge Newkirk and Professor
Trueblood to Speak -(lee Club
cc cl~rhilc ctia lter- - W ill Sing and Band Will le
tlt,ci i ,mlct li choi taffciii i n'ct'c Present. Seniior -Sing' After-
f~lr he ye r. ccii i cccliii largtg a rt- }
,tcciii -7 til t 'tl thli (1111 citill s)ythe ctil;}7 tllti;t
twtk las named. l h iildCu.ctSmc it asI !.C' 1rv c c.
ml1cl ccct tiy tc h I ack iii r. -hitt toli '},vclilltr
relace Pcrrli is Nci Sii cit itth, iiigi0 ti lic w iwt cliii iit lcv
} nii ittli1cccpnhliiIts iithlii-ccuntli
ti .ltC 't iiit cccii.l:-rR i Tt" c c1i1t
tico iote 1,11)01 1 tiecac-c i t t si-a for thei, o 1t'ic cc 1- s:1,t. iSniltor cis; 1114Ic-c I 1 akalccii Iics ct
smut, cci _. t ltcciii ciIic- scilic-ci cia
lialt 3'8 \ lscc I ci37, Sciic 33, cd - il-
ti\\c-c lScTlI it(\ N((l' 'cii Wlii i chgl '1mA ~ iit a
'l hi; ear thytt -octitec jwreiiade
ccc i t an i cii tl cci miind ia. ( it acout )t i cc I lci prcscient )f tt ticS iclit 1 inSc c o A l ir ii a Ix'ki t h
acc ial p- its. P ictlsict Ct ic y rnv r;s lr1l rl (p o (r e r Ili(i m n ci1,w ih wl eIee
andtii tic c make11cclit) il wa ititiltit withia loing c ptill ( n 'm r iyhal1t11)'l(ck (11ig t
ccciii t i toc Ite rtititcciti i o it tic ket li iii rtics hat c l icc c sitilt. llt P "I l '-w io oil (.1tr .
cc on11iitcs Ito cc illicit i riill sriii iit -, 1 edtIc i c l i l t m eg ttti-c( p t115c- iiitill liiit i(, p linding ccl ctn iti
tic I ittitit focti1t1tic pccciii rcc ccfiinstill vdct illintis " 1,11ills ]to.i ll cciii thii meet--i
ships illsthe'litlitit liiicit ii llicit headeiib)cclilt;cwithctiit'ic lii ciii ii a ccciii tilts elci
of te c)nn c ii te1rt r-sl 51111i i SSIO tit h t ciici ltcii ttty
ciic ticort i tittittiti liiThe wil 1";d tlt stitilt lit I I: th
iticlligetid healsti;I ils iiiI ilict I ii
Scot A. Lii- I. 7 lii t A. S I ciii 1was cl~iIittir t, 1i l ht cccw(l 111 ii l('" ifcchi, a(,itccihetmaylcbe
liii liii cccccliii -if-lii liii cclii tiytiiicci
11011 iifrctlatig ;rom - 1r . I i clii cliit) try ts l,(), i5 tits taccci
(its t iy (Itiacolt (.opinedithe tltiii ttic cc i clii t (f th n c tr Iy d r
de iii cccii ciii ii1 lili t rcet ccciu c ig l d tlo c a l-i a ,- o iltlsts tii1i cciii ii ccci i(", tf spcl ah1
Violca icc (iii1
nci t ic ci i tcs (. tac ih c cc c 11 t~r p~~v i it h )9 11e n i
Stassidayi--Charlesi!;. cii liti d, 1>-lyaeii t;ttr
ttcsyaishorthrutiuhicrit-itttIcilt-tilt thr,)ocvccci 5 tllitthe ccc th-Is~ u
classi thas1c li Stccii ciicc \hltiil SS1( ) ha t liii ccc1', mlth ea i ll
tight- cc-c S sc-h tcucuc cg otilt ull Alc cuticicli-city gilt-ccI cititititi c
Holms. ~ tthcr 1;rrri. ~v<1[dils._1nagr to ciis l f I ittluc itu 1 i llbethcci)litistil bctiil-t-p(}le-
ccciile go thafli~in;th n: Na heii-c iclc Ipiaau c(fchi(.le
; car Da d A tta , icn(uni t iar t iiir~ y. cs tm i ardii i alcl,\ i cccuc-'111 t i c t -il it l-lut huncucui e(ly
ch getlt t..t - sm , Ifo ari W 1ac cliii- c1l a t uiig e c sll ht ii
l ci Iilis(---it(itit';ucciul( tilis icFhredclii ti -'ccc ccii
I- II1s - al, 1) --11, SI c c1, C ox hic h ill Ia I hi chits cl rii I o
occicicug lii cii h to it -l (I Al S S wa 1)oIIcd 1111 ccclcc ]itA, cilcuch cili ;1111 1 tary {c4'I
Aittiti Iit il cii ia I-(Inctilig wh11 tiicfed I tlig.tti ila Th ccct, l chic lug cii cc(o ie . t:I(-
iii111011tIttll 111 of ily i i li -i %\;cc I il_' Art- linc i-icu;lit te ccc lc illigtut i 't-lci a t
[, ot , c?.ii 11111) Aliet (th itt l letlois (iii c ltt I girl'. cr11 11 H arrc) tuu, cclsa id. "i i;t'litI tt-.S o g ,he icc-beo c li-
All ilig cc.1) i -y, klale


cucicerchich ccuucch iited vncakc tiot iT-heHoilt . AlN. Toddi ocKat lcaroo
ll mucwli cif aiccuntshirt ccittless hits trecetlyh presencted tiothis I.cittr
- it ac co cl m renay ulic sil al e.t i 'hc sit cca ocaluabl:c olcttcct in atf cclii cc
ccciii 1egulation c are111011ttlvini chi r acci cctcicucscwhich contsists of therfitch
nit u-cet-hyc fordceis r aspo- o iSgi~ti-c it inah cc cciicasehci:
ip thelleedyss-tudenctiihiaS seen tie(ccly cccdi pasteboiardh.ccciiilohtngicg tith
inen f the;o cetocirich, I ciiisunr hiPti-macpeutriod.iThe fea cturesare
ccci clii-of ccciiamrsadacttheintntion cutlifl ikeightly detcocrctedciancdithe tiead
if pibtincgcupciirtucccccinucclg-incg iniis itcirId cuiticciantcal ivy ccceath.
thecomo c lccccu uryti of a fair compatiniontu ,\ Aterra ot tailcisaid todat
ati a g~alcuc If tckehtsacation mrus ci t f ouuctil t- h ldilicnalpty ( tiu-l*)1iB.I('t)
lc uare accih-tcgainstahere ma ccst iba other - ; A sepchsiredCn opicic jar oi stonec-
cwashIfccohmplcishiingpthatcenccitt ithiinised lescu -utccc. t ho faiushcl
IDirse-cir iLairdt rcpliedl to this anti- 1jarshareiusuallyti cccli dul -satIchmmi-
Slur ticket s-dc SySicuictlbingthiusedof cclchiceiicateit
for th Ilinits gam wa evoedafc i i Itc iterihi..\ cc ccc amlit fromiiiAbydos,
ac thidoticugh study cof thuetnwiutcitis;iprobalyseti- hiorhImakitgptteupslit-
it wacs uplannedciatclauceting ccl liieifioaltu g fhocucithie.ccllcnthdnstyusc 111111(051
1114lpcih itireibest nithluodiSits ptet S.cprlhstorciknuie ocitarccii
, cctid t utu uordiofcon ctro l dfaoud ith. (siasci ot het foulldcinccautob.
ScitiSftot c taondcedifitt lii ccliathit only 1wodnsautte, cwi Icrc
plnIcould huit uponciticat cwouul sactfyofclorchicomcciiiAticrcast madein ccthe
t-e existicondrinttics.iiiii cuatov
The tuturutfetollwituh cie ticat toein- S. Tireuitautuits ocihicldchandiioc
ctuntu cc oflthurconufereneorcsolution wascc a cred cibtis, appius tlil tcrltuchic
t tltStdenillsee icpit-ct-e are fr 5ou-utah l seii n ctandcs of papyccruts caid
sic up-lt thut a studcct wcliioculdiiacrdkepinhthe n liii ccci natualtcccc cchc hiisctory,)
tic brinug ccgilt caiccstudecntt cualdci cot o. t hutmtititersrtincug ofi these gifts,
10 act judlged.audtheurefoure acls niiaus ca welii tresercved sepluchralcatocsket occl
ucitleictospuccialct onsideionic We Sancci Igytiicii lrid-ct Thothnmisiicy na.
have ancci co cccgccucct colicru-by c acare-this cat-ica-iscuu ifrusti Ablydosuancd
0111uciai tae ctclecge girt oicctheto ce cnt elcteso m th isgd ccycatsy fuisci 14(
icc1-iC.) Theiieiroglyhy~ic-s guvet-i he
Ihistoury hcashoi, bothaherrr lacitciacreccl the icc sicot Ipricycrs, andiiIls-
cear cit cudc-cvIhavenc, ltattheirrr arttonic referencs.5()nthuecinsideof chi
then- ini c-ccry colts-pa comunuiy alto upp Ihlfoifttu- cackt ISaI paiting
cwitltak adcaiacchcchcgeof scaccl rateis ticcf iist-andioilt thelttocer hiacit cc
tuuucuts icc tickets.A-ituhtuturettic- Isis. ()it thecl exterithe dchcatch us
bnthis couldt coarkhticc tic imntu shon a thcucc c the cgaitArticiis ccaii tar
c'f tci- studenuts itt a big gameuriac oult-1nea t rethes fo11r (ciusupt icas cccii
sicdcr5cwauilditiuy uts aind ocupytheirrwinincug telitalccii organs.-(utica art-thue
eac15 shieoling in ogs ciislcacid Aeptithys
"Noscc-th1ccnsuits--cw-cc-o culdi safer A goddet ssasaterd abovec, proal i
gcurdt against specultcitnuif ccer ccliiHIthiuosurrocundedlbyihilce wintgediisunc
dosllar andcifty cant stats ciisidesby ireis hinhtg cin tacit hunc he keryhip ifte.
couldsh ie ito chacrgea aduollar atadl rebtedr (ccit coltsilteol hutr is the I"Evil 1 yr
a crinlshoc stuidenits titer the game.(Sic tiecfioi ccithur casketI us the ulcit
tVhis Nculdath entcil act endlesscmutofuuApiincc crmialcsicrs.On Slut right
inv~estigationc cciiireailte.I gait then andc Iltft cot thueucaskrt ire procacssions
thcre caouldtcbe roomucfcr girat intusticr out tisinitieii

I I t Sh;: hicRIAl.
Whres.dethlitsdacii ii cci i
oftt W class111 of 1i97, Ithiltbhuthits works
0ct c11,It-vc candiroeapectice it
Rfstilill iii cThat cc e ieio i t crsr
1 clss of tihseIluist sit ciiftichcianlox-
hrt-sonramrac lthluindforhits wc thinica-i
gtiltstice hiss ofcicihi edi cliyit-s-
ito be ciiiparachiccccl thr Ili,,tuiuciiliici
comradeshicccucuc gocnce.
-Accclfcrclcurccc OO - thacit the-aoresolu-c
tiots ibe-ru-cut incc la stig adii -
lished III Thie Ia-cuty-
ICcucucuituco 1 19017
Iihecommuccitt-c- appoincitdiby the is-
oi u t ia udmetinug Iuscicy dccci
tporfcted platnts 1f11 11115reurcpioncof thct
1licccic taudi don Fridacy. A mteestig
woill lie hltody t 7 oi'clo5 cttk ini Rootti
h, awcciuiluhicg. Illinotis cccliarus-urgied
tic icc ptr-scat 5othat a goutdcioirigt
may he tmads.

:'tenin hecc t hsatci dlii istl front allIxk a nt, nct g, h foc :m
woc ryi anthos ughictiotclili ll, 1< ti rnait e riiin ,f ciia
Awc~ud eionhutu liii cc1c~ brot fnlm :- wll:
I cccley ccii Itch chi hithciiiiltist hcs . I ill tic-
r i ba li anci ti e hillt tilttr itti
cccitinggu-cccccc Is I .itilit d iii 1 itt lii 11is ill
((1]1110 CIJ I 'IIi (51 h h lhl 1 l 0 rims-- ticittg wccitt v bci
cccllri~t ighi it i c iii cr l
hic t anagctup cttu-c thIcut liii 11cc 111111 i ii 1Iii ick reciti dl l t1b iv(ti t
is Cougrtiulatiiu t sclfi ver I ic f l 'cididi 1 t1s1 i it tthll tbit "Ilc i
th tpr a e tt r c c cit w y ofi -111)cliii ie ltni t c a 111 :r,1 d ciii tt t
roosu hvet ens ecuccd coriht aeaoiti cul cc I Iicobing imideho itsclc 511
di itro usirtonvenietlyiii hitc n rtrs-ttills II Il IcIt firt is e nig
thu ctihuts iblock Ponc Stacudsaltet '" c cisitit la i 1 a trl ae ilict
cuetp skci oic-sc rishing a nd s udita 114-1.1)g te se ils" o al c rtte t
rsg ing t sicrois dccl iltuiciio Ihlu i ll '~ r o te vcnt fteSl
e ln e]uccu tust ic chg cuchniSt cp ti i n 1c- (Isltelchcuon tihat-cit-sitar " cci 5c
:11 L io , as titus for thue futuureo f th cltuub acucuc t hlt eii ritt lini ii acc tci -cml
n ihlit-e plaictd ibefo r- tis-titae . rs litic chititi tisiih i c tt st iitltsĀ° flu I
refrechmecntcs will Iba senrvtd acid a cc pu gcccccccI Fridayui lft-roucisc gametit lle
anal goad ints is assurecd.cat 3 o'clock,

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