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January 25, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-25

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\lx\ \ RI3OR. N I I llt \, 1111. SI) C N J i'i'RV >, 01(1No 1

t'OL. XVI.

\' o.

Also Demands Hils Resignation From
Inander Staff-A. C. Pound With=
drawn From Council Election.
i. R.ClarexO'Brieniisiipublliclyrp-
_. Hislreigntiionlxfriomithe Ilne
hntdis d(ilt 10(11(
The\\itixtia xx xiof rt] tie(.
Poulin, managig eitor ofthln litixxxxex
;,a xluilx xi Ifor lth-Studxet Conclil
li beemtlxoxdxiesxx xtle deiin of
thei StndetixxiCouitxixl ix lxvxarendeiirdx
vixcrateiafter that ihour lhadi spent
merex lxititan tiiti ixxour lioiri ii cnid i-
lxx lxthe xnl xner -rtxice xrit-i lxxyiR .
Cire () lxxixn
O'Brien ] an xxxxxxxlixxe lxxxix a -
clisiixofthe cuxil ed thei incixenixisi
Ati le meieting ofi the Sndxent Cxxxx-
inl the xcasexof tlexartiehikxappeix ed
in xtex Ilandtxie xxxle telit lix Clxx
Mxaltter ClWixOxrAthltetcs,"xxy R.Clxxx
ilxlrix-itxx asi takeinxand afitirixhxxxough
i^irt, tixaxxAir I)Olxrixn xx xxtx ie
fromitheiitxnxfoxrmatxxnx hexrxxixedlfxrom
\-. Cushininii bexliev'xigxiht lxreidenti
\Angxell xlxdi xidxxxnot xxx disprvofte publi-
subm itteditxo xiPresixetitAntgll xxxid ixat
lxn returniing the saito Mr.ixCushlxing
an il-i. Poxxundx xxithe Ixtixiixixixxxr,
or d lixxprovxing te xublixtionxxiofl sai
Intcoxxidxerinxg tlihe ixsxtxstanex-xfxtle
article xitiexieni lis
Mri Rosxixxwerxxtixxaraxxxex.
Secodhti i.ithelipaxrgraphxi cxxicernxing
Ai. I iextxxi x-xxx itter, peronxlixx d
cxxxxxrli. Tihaxt the tat emientxt xxMrxi.
Ico dxiidnotxi cxiieih'eee toxstdty xxxx
flseiiandxixsixlexxdigTat Mr.Nir ixn
itts notixxjxus tixd frn i xx xx.lexxix li xxx
in ispossxsxionxiixinttmxakig xii xli ilti
lxxxg exx bodxiiedix h at afo h
Th ix xthatthe ixtig oxluchspxi fi
caxes ixndthe xxxaxing xfxspeiichaeesxxx
at tiitinetxxxtix lyxiihex ixxxrtxxd
ai anixatiiack.xxi txexunixersi ty xxxidxdetri-
1 xtei nrlx-e t te ceunixl Itfi stx hatx
Mr. O'Bxix xxxisxnxi xxtixxx(xix xxxin
1xxxii ax ri. xticimt. xi xiiti xtxtt x
Morxeoexxx thaliiiMr.iO(lxrienxi, fromxislxi
xxl lxxx efet xxile reent Jxrdanxx andx
\viitiey atils, ,vasin l[lpoition tox
knowxxx lxxeleffe xl liixeaie xxixtie xi-
Te cuixxitailsxxoxtfinds xxthatxas aag-
ing editorx of txl x l liii xx i r-A t
C. Poundix xxsx inxxaxmeasure iepolxxxie
lxix the p iatione x fxxix hlexix bxivexi tiei-
I oedartixle xxxxd xliatxlie was asxxin x
ax pxxxitixxonlx toxnxx te damxaxgig eet
Lix xiexxof xl teaboxxxxxthe cxxxilxihere-
by lxxrmalliy xxiiiubxilyxxrierimandsxxiMxi.
CTe ouncxxl xdxxxs xxxi beliee xxth le
ishouiild x xxrxquiedtleavxxexxolege.
Fuixrtermorxe, tlix xxouncil emanxdxx
thaxxtlxix. I)'lxixreignx lxxxiiiexI- it
lxxndxer bxxxarx.
lPxxxiie. the cxixixil iemanxdsilitlxt Mi-.
xdaxelxxr the Sixixenti Cexxxxxi.
( signei) SndxetitC(uxxil.
Jxanuaxry 24 1906x.

Alteriexaring the xieisixxnoxltixe
(Continued on page 2.)

IIA1.1,-Will"RE, MICHI(..1IN ';TtD1,'NTS WILL .\5S7:\flIt;'1'ONIGHT TO 1K()Tl:'ST

Students Hold PYeedl'ng Tonight

The mas xielt xxiwi w il be xx-eld thirtx i siit xa lxetiir xxi lxxbe read, s''iged fr
inx Unxiersity hllxii xx,7:30 xtxnighxt xxxno tt xx exxcom iittee xxlllDxtxxoit axux i , manxi- i
fori the- pxxrposexofigixittg thxe stxuxents n thelxir Views. It is thought ti a t hxxx i n;il
leittxr xxAii oe ainx omt ugexinsa - "
discus xion of xtxxlra i l xxha xxes xwhxih Judgxie 11i rtNxii- k xf A n xAr I x
trumet i ~.ixtxinxxorder xxxtoineite- Regenit lxxxixelxxxix hislxcixty;xxwillIxa
in igaio, u xaxhemtxtxr x isxn lof hrobly lx spxxak, altxxughxx ist a o c
Otat xintrs toxx thelxx whxxlexix ntx odylxxxi- i' lxix dieixdexd untiil a lte ourxIasi tit
<t c lmxx xxi id taxx kex x cxxxixvxxxx txxx xxixh. texi xxx i eix txxi xxxxxxJxnius xl3C; xxx
action is eixdxiltie hitiwsxxch ae sad t
With x fix x ceptxxilxion x he tut s are. e bodyi thoexoftixxxxix xixof xhx
heartily xoxposedx to thex canx-x-ix-xxx x- stex enxs.x
mended, thr le of which xare xespe iiily xRexrxesxxtatixves will xxxxxixixxixtx xi
Obnoiou. Th Webaing Mrtxxs"chlxixtolxxfeiwitxihexxxxxx h x t

I m11idxthix xio ul nature xofi xhexxxeel-
iepat oftheix ' xxxii en te. e
ol xxiiix e t halan no nexibu-t stu-
-lxxx. lxllux fcutyl ocal xixx rchx nts
dmited ThseA hare ixxt i ix
WI tl ert l tatchlrexnd "
eri itll o lhe ai ttd
In orer tocorrct a isapp hen ill,
of xxhii luxd}x hel U ioni,111111om
x("iii oi fal ty, xxini nd xstdent
ees lnt id at is imel toa ]till a1r1 pr1o11.

ieclare in Interviews That the Co: ih
Should Be Retained It Other Co!=
leges May Keep Leaders
RexgentsIx x l i t,. ltxri lxxfi )(
sh ul 1111 ei x retalixx-x1fxr licii to ifi
"\' ii an i-h e hex( ei :.- -
xxxeII pI- xxxrx-'-xxI aIIflx r ulll
aoI-c - o lxsl io \ e lo v-il .
,aea lilli xtId xnotcaelit axxx
lx 111111 h 'xllxxx elxx cotynirn
drool asx i fli te , i xl ;lty, drt i
Graod Rids, lx Cxiii lito liexiil-r\Nie~
lI ixxixix-xliii-i ofx- hexi i th1 lil oxxx
presena iii- f xthe 17 lirrycx- dlx
0oi lxxe Sixixixixil C'ounix-l lx e 1-.
ac iate editor of - TheI li iixlx lx ill
Presxide t Gx ft il, lit x lxxiii
laxsx fli t :x lxixxxxx xi
with ra a as f ilidte fo.ilil
ofi lhx -tudtxi iCouncxii l xxxiit D.lrx x-
leyx xxdxx obx rtl I I.lxx Ca ncill %,illI lex the
twojuior it cp i~ni v ' h ,-
xxiii xxxiclss lmeetin fo ths alr or
wlnohehld.-i N~II111 i
lxlI1NiNxx IIxixx 'Ii ii xii x TO i
BE; xx iiAi ix NI 11
Mxxitxx iii's lxx lxon, aristx % p
otitix tiiix Iti x \lii i ii te ui txi xxxnxx-
ticio xofh i xixixxe -xof xt xii liiiIwlxxx
I. Pelud for welltemp ixdlvi-fx
z. of. IDrinkto Mexn-l lxxitlxC hi ne xxx
Ey s .. .. .. .. .. Old Ixililixl
xxGa ote .. . .. .. .. ..M a lxxl I
.A h l x Soul lt i nedixi to xxx xxiii li
d. a. Le rxxx.... . (....G ieix/xii
b. iI x- I ixixx .x ..xxxiii' cx lxxxxxxx
C. Etu xeIOpx to, Nix, x Ct a x
xxxi x ~nr'a te f xom 1 xixtixinn - Iixilt
b. F~vning tar ( I'a ix lxxxix
..... .... ..... I.xW gxxxr
C At txIixeF lixtixl xi lx
Mis xrlin ii s Stnlxi ar\
7. xxxxxxxxxx ..x ... .....xx lxchule x
Aliss ~ eda tinsolsopaClx niMr.lI
lxiusi alxtyx, appeax r ixaxjlxxt riitl

itlFieze x lxicxxi lFridaxy inightx. '4ilii-
ionxixree loxthxxeihldiiintg fxiexty xxxxxcrl
xandisitoxriexal reeitxal ticexts;otherwise-
xxisionxxtwxexxiy-five cexxii.

has xie thxx stxi lxx postin
w i itisx ii ht that the rules doin
aay wx xih thex trxaiig taxblx- aiiditx'
xxxtel il xxth sa-xa i toxlice gaimiesx arii
as ix ii- t pro e isasxxxtrouxs.
'lwo)xpromotersx x of the iei er
inx Dextroit Yxxtierdayxxxndiasx axrxexxxt iii

facultiii hexx rex thatxx bodxx acts onci theli
iixxxiiixx ii l x Bea lx re ioxhaexapacxify-
xxx; illixi xon thei m eting
lh it senlili in h re ofte m ci xx
iis xoxrge'i- tudnts to xefrin

I t()
' 111


itttt imeii ol beiii terfered with.i xxi hxxiii (
Law Professor Asks Explana- lx xxdxisi xi lixtixi xxx triiixix" iited
tion of Considerations Which .. lxii lii(1(1 -tlex xxxxxxrexxxxablxish lit
Made It Excusable For lUniver- tti i xxxtab le'i Theiii mberxcouldxi
sity to Afford Students an Ex=.ttlxxlxiiilli ieiiiii
anmple of Bad Faith. xwasxx xx t-ixixi lxxtxxi mexi pysically or hi
1?xiii of Dlilailv: obectin, i
'Ti'hex xiii cof lie C'hiexagxo xxxxnfxrence 3.I Whatlxxi exxxiix-"ea x e x-aixtixi thex
is thex unxeted-i. it ixxxdiii ttedly cxxxiix xxxeix x xxix hlxietilfixix, lxxintined i ll i
rev iixxi'r. 'axiidlfor l-thatreason l onixte ttxxx'ing xxbles, iand i xlxwhihi f xii c ca
shouldixi rxcxixe xxrefl h gtti. x andxxIxilxlxx xii exihixixi hasx it beeniicxxxi xixixrv - l havx !1
juiillxconsxxxideration xlexrx it i eithexr xix the m m eso otxxixi x xi-lxx lllteam riinx i:
adpe ir rejectedl. IVe trut xxxiat xthe x1 ii xtothex opentiig ofx he l lee er"
Sxxxxxx will take noxxi action inil ii thixix 4. Clxix xidoxlii lxxxi ix .tex you-ixeyixxx
hlxxi axxxi fulxxii xiii exxixxxx isuixcxusin it Cht~icoitiltiiiiixu cinin \1r.l Cix
ini ouri xolici-ex pubicaxtuins il xxi lx- 'xoxifxxi xixallth Sa- an tusrfiixptg liitslf (lItxxxi

in(xx xliico trct v t ll-I- (st I
xii'- iii i ju tiy he u iv rsty i
flyin thattheyadva itd tlel xxixn
Ilm T e liii n wex tlIxxixtle a perxto-
n-ise aiiglixlg l ixtr c. CxxIt
xxxfx(On! xxirlthat of11 thlx i mxI lic - ei y
lc ~ addit acionxxxas xelx ixgixig lto
eithr oiti-c laseswhaeve ma he
he opiion o tethes. 1 x' w lire
Inxiotl, to acertai what etaphyical,

recommenxaio lxxmad liy t xexconer-
Professor PaI ttxxxxxii isxentitleud to the
thiankti xiiall ior iithis xliscussionxxlx.
There x arexsome maiiers xxxntaxinedh in
his communxicaxtxin thtxirxx oliicurxeand
to elxixlexim to throwi xxilisxxx xigihti
uiponithlexsubjecx t wexdeirexiii lxx ximx
mlex or itlx'Oi xxxix s
CC.lxhyxidi the xonixrincxxxxx iex
tha Itherei xhexnoxprelniarx taiin
P prior tio ''iithbe inni''xx)t acaemhticilxx-
xi rxxxlxxxi
It occurs toxus lxiaxxxiisxxi preliinary-
trinngisdeirbl.It t iiprxxxiihte
phxicaxlx condixltxxxIion f ixt .ei xxxii
primephlicxal cxndtxionxxis absoluxitely
xxxixessaryifxlxsexiosin xjurxis ixreitolie
avxoxxxiddx inxfotbxall. Ihererexx no studxies

aui equaility-Ixiith liM i' i xiiii iixihi;tlW co dre;orspiil i larum ntco ldhaex 'e
Chicaegox i if s e xeepsthinx- goodx ix i th, h i x, f irxIxgreat xin xtitution o -lxaring
itl disiss t r. Ci t aggii is' i hatleii ally to li intniolx nd o ix- ely gi-x its
truix of. lxxx xix xx i Minsoa an 1 iii x II re ndzt an o ic k' o n hd fih
girxd to Clxi lxi xxxind hull? If xtix'xxiiidlihonesty
itiii tt er ixixdislissaliii ixthere iwas n 1o 1111 hi-i1illi UCl' ,hiSi(S'i'Ci
whyiishouildx noht-t x iCh tiix-iiicao r ti XIi. '~l eotcetit eri ae
Stai g, lxxl xxif v Ctad itiexthxa ti- et 'oii lx liii iithati "i llxxie xx I Itraisi toxx
wouldg ive Chiii ax o i ani advanx aglei oveitliiliitt sn'xx against- thexIx'\ anderi forIl-txx ibel.
lxxi lxxhe xx'members xoi the cncxxiix ie I xxixxx desx noi one mpli xxxxxxxlate' txkinxg-arty
underxstanxxxi xxhext they- iotexd tlitix nill iluIhiaixtion.

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