No. 18uit.
WANT BA IRD TO STAY' -it '(-" woud be drild or fthe if-
lr1 t t ItIst heti o h l I Itg
- - of saller dt til 1y t ig te
Resolutions Unanimously Adopted at (cttit of the gtntrt buiness !0OI, All
Mass Meeting -to Obtain Mr. itirtto tnttd.
Mr. :1. E. tttrrtstitudnt riwttn-
Baird's Release From icr of the lord of Contttrosad ht
Contract AMr. 1Itotwo wilingto to onto itonf
_____ it. ~tjtI~tios lamd 1by 10 te' iBoard,
"Since it is tic snetimtentttof tinte i oitati~ -n tti ittt
sttdntfbotly thaIntsilosofNMr. ttrt'tttht'tmtot tat tt it-itgttt cnttlt
Baird wouthi sork tie, gretest nilry thio'e for wast to gtt hm itark in six
o Mchitgathletttiti s ndto tie nii- 0001' h.
vorsit, anti sine it is houhti tt T. Wherry, tenis ctin~tt, retarket
hie miight te iduced to rmatnsiltotud ttth t 01s1ven rs 'xer itnce witt
Mr. KIiiileat ftttiy t'eehimttfriomtiatfair ineIhad never before seen tiemi
his entgagemen'Its he it i s torishing coditioni as tilt'' tre
listinig of te lresident of theAthltict T he'it'mteetig cl'oed oiittwttiht tnai-
Associatitoni tnttotsudenttappintedtt pious01.0atitptiot of te titboversot-
reasns thterefor, antl to 111q11e't thiaC tl t a tmee tutg tint nigt t drtified't
if it is aftitllpossibtle Ihr t'artiethe acton tktntiy tt'ttmasitmeetig.
ret'tsedi frtttt whtevetr enggteents P'tesitt't Erlie Pottter hasiatointlteI
''Resolved, tht th e stitdentibody Is iiit'a.
tke this oppocrtnitly to publitcty tx-
press teir:alpprt't'iationt o Mit t h B ird o THE GYMNASTIC TEAM
wortk hatdtttirOearnest Ioil thtaltl
natitrs mnay lbt'nit arranlgedthatihit
nity see it t rtin his preseit will Give Two Exhibitions in the
position" Near Future-Physical Cultursts
The titore rtsolutions exiresses 115 to be ere
nothinig else -inth ie fooing of yes- _____
terday's matss mteetinig on te pro-
posetititptrtutre fMsnagleir iaid tIn Thit' tittitsteam'tttwsilt1b 0o11'of
hake chatrge of tefinaiahl end of te teadtintg attirctitns at tetinnai
Bostoit Aerit'tttLeague interests. jtournamtetnt tof lllutheF ting Cthu,
The mitss mtetting, ss'iich assenbed whit'ich itlit'ittdtill Wttermantttg'tu
at 4:15 itt Iniversity Halbstrogtittt-ottti ttt'tiev'itg tri4
out t botly tf students owhto caettoto Strayeeon, prl4
for butsietssttantdswho plaiinyswthttThelt'gyltititsiloitigive xittexibi-
immedotiateo itetstres taut be utdoptet. tttnint hit'higt iarlleltitars antt
BatseblliMnatger Pottetr petsidedtI.prorbatity sol tidtsome tintttg ttn
After' the tmeetitig ltadhoots ctllt'd to te mtis. tDr. My hs workeiottt
ortdtr Trtac-iCatinitJohntiS. Itttinisont a tttmiter tf pyraidts thich-iolIto
arose, tndint at good, earlest tlti: useti oitt good effect.
cotunseed tagitnst Mihigoti lositg Ott April 7 the W'tdtnestay foltowing
Btirtd sotitoutiatistruggle. -Mr. Iohmu- jito ft'tcri-' eetitgymnasttiictetmt
sottsitoke--ipat: it.follows: witi gl-, itexihibitioi ithtteti'riott
"Iniatiocttatig ts measure I ie- gytuttutsiott before te Amettrian As-
liose thatt it woutitd be a gotd ita o citiont for te Atvaneetent of
to contratthCie coditiots existing be- PhtysicalttEtioln, wo-ioliod their
fore 1818 andt hose folttwing tatttnattionalt covsetiniti t t'roit ott
date, osuwhi oo-ws tetie of Mr. Atpri 5 ad 16. Ottlte svrththCie
Baird's apptointmietnt as grttduate man- deegates wilt cone o Anti Arbor to
agter. witess somttewo-on that is beitg dote
"On lookinigiack we fitd that the aong pysiai cuture lines tt the
Athletic Associttion had no cetrliUiverity of Mihiga.tA gamie of
person in ful authority. Innstad we basket ial btweenetwto picketeattms
fid student nmanagers In full charg of girls ositt be oe of the featurs atd
of he differentt tepartmects and with a tnunter of fany drll wil be gote
the organizationt itself very looe and troughitwith for te edification of
ieffective. Tue teaims were not gen- the vsitor.
erally successful, which was due more 'itoetarrangemnetss for te ettertin-
to batd manaigceent than to te lack ncunt of te dlegtes ire iite
of good nmaterial. Aftr 1898, all wa. hands of fDr. Sydr atd a fui 'n-
chsnged. A centri authority ap- noucemet wil be made soot.
peared. Of ourse this was nt done Thle gymnttasic tetm for the yer
witout a tfight. tad I might say hat has betniicked by Dr. May is fol-
ltntea rsbattlttiovas the fital termi- lows:
tation of Clitnt rtgle. The contest Tloey, '01 dent; Weiand '04 eg:
ws nbg td bitter, btut it fialy Witlakrk, '04 cn; Waltton, '04 laiw;
ended ini Cit estaiblishment of Midh- Walthetrs. '04 dg; 'Txn, '04 eng;
igan athletics sit a good financisl basisStge, 04 law; Quick, '04 tmedic;
Cotctriig tis organizationit nmay Aifigr, '0 isedi; Cocrtn,.05 lti;
be of intuerest ti nkiow tnt it hatles -C ognshal.00lit; VnttAuueringen, 'S
Yetar'y $1W.(.0),. of wiichs oe-hlf iaco; iu'innititii. '05 lit.
cotmeis itto our1 tctreasury. IC is a big
itusiuttssndtittmttlst Ito organuiedilottCornell Records
biusins priutiipit's. r. Birdithe l
onitytioti-wotttitpresent is acquainteld thatConelilstittgist' ourt-tutuall
wsith te piatis itt nit their details. exc'ed igly hatrti rub next Stturtay
We lhavt' -'erry tFielt, withiits in' ight is pattiniug titidly.itcors
utnt'u':tlet'itis;owe havet:is oppo iitadt' by Corneli euitisunya'atrt'
pmottst'vcry college in te West, adutttititiiug doiutful evnttt its et-it hi
I t'rfre titnk tomtting ought to tousghitsurred. 'T'fiooig ret-
behontttoinri-tai Mr. Saitt-i. lie ords havttot' n tilt
osw-to (oire Itaitt emtirgntcy." pole otult il Conrel-Sntacue7t' 4i
Cu'ti s 1.: ttRetitn, 1903:1footbaIlli'egimeitit m 'ee i t t Fb 1 it 1 ft'et.
pioedtIy .1oShutoinison, titdSexpress- 'tXuttione-atlf tmie' il Cornel-Srcue-
i-tdt' st-it itmtnt 'f mtintihCii'state- 74thtRegimetmit tf sit ":tt!,
Moinit thatt Michigtan should exert es-ry N ". E. Schutt0, ditnces-Tutrd
planto rie taitiiMri. Latird. pitice hi Ii tertlegi teIcro couty0
"Cuerry" h-Ily, lbsoebtllctptin, pro- metet. IWeltoe uie ad two-muie
tiosedti I -ttutrttiiiocmtasturwhich in ornell-'Syrtacuse74th 5Reiet
mtil'Ssoit tlniertblie appirovasi.By uteet ii '::6'/1titnd11(801/ reipectvey'
it :Air. Iui-tia 'tts to be seteutto oh- L. '1. Ket'cttmt'0,ihurlis-onOt u
fatin intcotsent tto tilt arrntgmnuthigh lituuthts iin oh Pennisyliatuuan'ud
os-huri-li' Sr. Batirdtwosond .go tCBo- t'rinetonmeets itt 1i, sends.ni
lout for ix wek, and thtets return o
Aittn Arbior tutil the clositig of coliege .Senuior Lit-Enug siteetitig todtay. Sos'-
in Jtutte. H~e wouldt then tratvel with eraliiiporttant mtsters to be discussed.
Bhostoni unitl Se'ptembuier wshen he wouid 4:15, Diom CDUiversily 5Hall.
mintc ome toInntuArbor. fDuting M~ARnK FOOTE,
this tme substtutes, oar "under Presidenit.
A CLOSE CONTEST Lecture-Recital
Teit lec turtt-rot-ittl iliil iven
Michigan's Chanfes Not Better Tian Ibitto iern ititlibytOAir. Lotkwoodtill i
Friez teo1 utiuitu(Cehlttand stittIw' an
Even in Cornell Meet-Relay a fielortint t ihi llil cotmposeriist.
Wii Not Count t'it-nolav Notah. i/itt Ntwrttiil. Atontu
ts-it-itk antti hliitIa Smit' it i llit
Patick Catai Roinsn ad -.i os ittlit'eut four uttort' rttcits giveni
~ilthscusNuuft'r matdte rfuilt-tnvs ofOii- 'liiiprogramttfr tdayis ivent ite-
igttiis tututi-is fttr'winnuintugthit'(ori- ow-
ntell meeth. iguimitighe probaittetei-- - XiTi h/ohCX 4'l .
stlts tf lm the srtal evenths oiiliii' semnadei- Ut. ;i. N i. ind .
btisis of what is knowniothle fist 1In-i i'Opt. t- I it-
per'uftrmiantces of ('ti'tei's litst tut. Il the' I flitiuuu"IOp. i[I,'N. :t.
Andtte rsu't-is nt thin'most i-ut-our- htittrti olit- tOlt 1, o. t.
tiginig fir a is hibgtuticstority. Nor. thh NSXI i Ot5-)
momen tt o t -t n-ueIdeut victoryitoC'or- -p14
itll.Ihutaftct te result of te ln-oest A N'i''i IX AIli (i--)
potssiblet'figutes gis tshowthat iiiSinsit-Dutne-Op 44; ' o s ad I.
tointus for tetchiun1 iver'sity. Legendts- 0). tios t ad:.
'helit' ratlttct firthut'meett sttts tx- IBEDIChI) IA 8 8.t 1 154-1604.
ttesty thtt hu elayuiuratce shalttttnt t %t11 tu'uut.Sccue 'ut'i ':titstri.
touut u inth inatts. Ifi t oeut'to countCPlkattiI'tttittsi-Itut 5 N.
M'icihiigtan's tutuatteswotutlIte incr'eth- Sepickat: hFurianutBotheianutDance-
od ;justtitht muich, is it is regrdetd'
talmiost cortuilthahtNve shittit wiulth5e CHORAL UNION CONCERT
'to-laptreltay urce. Thiis tieet, 5e-_
sitesbieng hit'culmtinattionuoftit'ei-
tdootr tatck-ean,-tiits tistoof the'Cicinati Simplony orchestra Gave
greattest it-metntti beinug a cotstu bthe- Last Numbr ohS Course Befors
iten the Etst atud theo ittst, hit May Festival
tonly tdutl meet tIhitilsotalke pace _____
this yoar betweenttetamsnrepresnti-
tg hist-so soections of te countrty. Atiti Arbor musit lovessorie givt-u
'Te mnatgement is exptectigsy fit' an agretabe surpiseilatsieenig by
thie ltirgest criodof hic ye'tr:nduthe taidiirbletwor1k tf te Cincintti
exra tisandtsosittlhieltuittthin s-tek o Sytalhtoty orthitst r'Tprogrtamu
iitonuiiodltie te osterfhiow. wstaviatrti 'tan t utxce"llent'tt oe
Alin-tigtu's netrites hue hbeeinet't antdtutWsansot-itrmt-i'ett-tiho-au larg tatnt
etl s folows: tappreitivoe taudiec?seth' c lttil' nob-
40-ytrd dntash--Hhnt, Sewa-trt, ?Miler,wostrtywsrethcliimposttitontuuts byt:vr
Notrcr'uos. Cn'it er i''Sticthiiin. t i th ut.der 'uit'ii
444-yardtS 'utu-ltibshot-, taiston, "Ntit f Srt," ti ntliivuot-a--
Norcrosis. Miuutu.ir etiihh. '"Sumiterti"lby 'iMiselit-iMti-
>ti-tytardtihurdltes-St'watrt, Shiuer. thuhKendalltitl ha-itrmintug tan pleas-
Ott'anutwii oo-utie' runti-'ongerilltugsttpratnuo soloit.
Kellottgg, Olurpali, Hatll, Ritotnk. 'tAstiatsleadeir, 1.5a- ittI oSucbuu'tu
Rlstntu. rnhigh Hisi'- II-itt hetotatty
Sont put-Dtulp, Rastonuu. taithwounefu magnei-uotis are sit
Polet vatut-Rteadtller, toroughly infuse nt uto tt' work of
High jump--l-Brtewser, 'temlitrg. his ochtstrarthtt hrei'an bhe nou
Rlaty Ratce-Hahnbt, Sewart, Itc- doubutf isi supeurttuive tft a.
oto-k, Rhtlstn, Norcros, Mutler Vecr- lutader. The programhsh ttsh foows:
berg, S-ll. 1. Synphony in I--Ol. 0, No. I
-.. . .. . . .. ._.. . . vor k
Didn't Like the Company I.lieLoreti .......... ... Ltist
The misuotdvetuure ofa certain coed 3I. (a) In Spngntime----------.Gi ig
umedtic in furnishitug a good story. (bit Nigt of Spritg.
It s1en,,thttlhe younug lady' wasi .... ....... . X'tn ter Sucen
oworkng industriously onl Friday after- 4.(ti Soveig's Sotut.........trcig
noon iii one of the laborttories. Co- (b Summer----------lChiuttnndu-
itug timue nuime ndslii te swork onris Kendatli.
owiett on.ti.n'ualy the janitor of Cle 5 Symphtonic Poomi "Tasso"...L tisu
builditugn-ostd and loced the door ________
'ithuout a thorough search of Cle HsHi a a
btuilitigstudtegirtsworktedSou. sBi a u
Herm work dinished, site attetmpteid to I is tonly natural thatucertainu of thut
leave the builditg but ftund to her fair tco-dsh should sbehb' litilttlel0pah
tistontishmtauthia the door wtis locked. osuthi Ihe recent haui-uttuing demiuon-
Fromiuone dor to anthter she flewo i stitit. espiciatlly if a hbrtuher is
hase o id sonic meats of egress, Cle vt-iut
but0tn (eey sitde rude lockt s aud 'hims was appautrtly ile ut'-tse'ii itt
bartiredl wututows deied hutri'eforts eiistuuit huatb uctcurred-ut tnuvutyoursdu-
Sletsuosbie te ongdetayod twlight tut dteunuertheu-orner ofi.huftrstuu
soas deeutu'ning intuo darkness andte and Thonpson sr-os
frigtenuedigirl-, i upanicueautiznd A vtaliatutfreosiauuu waus-i icitull
thaunluessihep cattie,uttndCthatsont, tasstulteditiby nsuverl Iiuuuuunriutuosohb-
Se thorrtors of a tightswith guun'o leuo nituon-'wotutit to hrceededbiou t'
cOuihhtthnts swoudtbehiem fate.u' Itsk o1f 'tuuoiug in iluha
Beituuhg every- effort to hurntastshsie AhUwit hut imtuthat t hut-ciping of
begttuan ut ud igogtuuslyon 0the Clu t- te shear~ts 1 ltmthcdistinicttly tdiblo
tdtoso tnut txuruise hetr vonctl ioit' to liii'etair sistr rntu~ ndi-iu t, in a
Ctue imuit. stitcu'fitlld ith l auuioti. exlaimued
Shi-t-tatftoi' situiik 'entuthe ir tanid "'Let h thitcityo011thSt!'ttLet he
belt'd pe'des'trians s h iered atnd u bas tu - tiylt if tey Iii tto he such
tt'ned'onhtteir'waty homue, eitvi itin tin
thatt soue rstless spirit tfttotifiet',i- And tiltli,-biN.I ts rut
sectitug rtotm as Ocimuing itsown5't.
ACtit a pasitnstuduentC.hea'r ing trties situ'V'luey I.OSiSaingitead tu
thu horible uditututhbicutg hbrtavtr itnliof tet' litttiitthi I titu uet-Ill t it'
his fellowss, so-ittinuseacth'ntof asantor Iu' Iuiot-nstitu s huo'nitghantedtuitueaeof
tudtu heuimprinted datsetwosnoue- I hun-tutu' tlhueuttard f ru'utufofr
te-ted.thhOn~' tt-n tuutti-uiyu-oar.u Iutwilde
01111'Chi t ut'largly t nistuis lit
SonteeItn gra1duates of SMichtiganut I huttit: istibuttionti. isit in! vaoiius
Uivest-ity ihd a 1U. of St.tdinnu tue i ltiuiu, tutu-hietcitons andtrut ivel'in-
the ManntatuH 5notlintt htlu Iii- el:,'sewhere.'t
sotii, pStrcht7. 'Thehfuoutengrtuu--
atetd hit thuewtiy'friotti187-s it1192C I 'tt' utlupatdtiti t'tth littlt Souill
wso-tn atilatboratte dinnter', wsitht ine' b e iiuunuux C fromt5ito lG for the ru-
bulb of ftare, U. of A1. colors, sotug s atud umatinudertuf Chit'weekuttn otkeieas
retaiuiscenoids. Nowshere hats Clue urt-uit-tts. oituiivuetllut1 rdeurs tutt
IUniversity more toya-a luniut tuChatnutbutoi'Iit'e hatndus ouf tCeiommouuitee it,'-
in fatr-oif Hnoaal. Ranntey Scott soas fore Ithe eii tf thfeiiuweenk.
one of those present. lhIAN'CilI'1'hS, ('hatirman.