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January 25, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-25

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\NN \ RYiOR, \1((.C \SIC T ROW \ RI-A .' r "1 21'..,,1908.

Vol.. XVIII.

No . 87.

sThe Recruiting Officer' Proves
to -be Good Vehicle--Dramatics
Placed on Firm Literary Badis.


So mttny elenents of te performanee
by the Comteytlub~n last nigttdenant
mention that it to diffitlt to select tl c
fess which mat receive attetio. Tie
whole titdertakittg was tretetiots atd
exactittg, detatdigtot oly real act
ng aility, bttt also liteatry(pttcctatioll
out the part of te intertreters. Ttes
difficulties had beit well takettitto cot
stderatiott b'tose whto pretenteth ie
Farqtthar ctotede last iigtt
Tietplay at preseted, Iatibeet
greatly reviset atttlrarratgcty Prof.
Stratss. Itt.idoitg this twork, sotte
scnes ofthtle play, alttost essetial to
tle plot, wre necesstriy omittet.- The
restlt sas 1 itore presenitable platy
tnder tmoerntcicmtncates, bt oe
ulittle tifictlt tt follow, if oecidl--
tiantled citiiitousplot. The scee;
cnsidered seiartelyreetet,dhowi
ever, characteristically. pitres ofth
tinme retresntlediaitt to tis feature the:
Coitedy cliib seeiotl to ae directed
its maitattenion.
Disitct caracter itort a deanod-
ed it every art. No decidedly stellar
rie its' disoeedel, lit te arts o
Captaiii tltti, kite sad (atailIBra
zin stooi lut lromlitently. Claece
Diver, Frei Wooudrff, atd Cassius .
Dais, restectiely, took these art
Mr. 'sliter's twortas smothtOtand151coi-
'istet. lie tas satisfactory it difficll
lines. 'MAr. Voodrlff s IKit re-esta-
lished his reptationt for proicincy in
college tdranatics. ,\1r. lDavis, ill lhe
free and ta king CaptainIBrzen, sas
Miss Esa 11al1ler ad.11fi, Adelaide
Kiigsley halt the leaig womlel parts.
Vaelt of teimiwas ,eeryacceptable. he
part taketi by Mss I taller ;sa ific It
oite,flit iic malt imtleroataiotill,,-te
lst scenes se ttas ashing aiti viva-1
tois adirealther lhes sihispirit.
Mitt Agiet 'Carenter a15Itol, tll
coattry lass, sas clever. Her-Ic itesaittl1
ter characer wo(rk were bright spot
It tas aptaret tat all te cast 110(1
givecitmxthttcimeuniatd attention tt i t~r
parts antI nie of tetdeerves alt
terse criticismt. I'ltt. entire iece, nitich
mnore dfficlt to pesetllt11100apiy
with a strog "story,"sowet the pe-
eotce of a capable ,direetiig haitd., TP)I,
credit for tis tork 'belongs to 1). N.,
Trasis. At a critical ine ii: its 'carer
Mr. 'T'ravis has broght- te' Oilsell
elbb ato it' lirmtib11isf lreal itertirs outos
'ike costities terie coptleeen lIt
atnd plttasinig t, the eye. 't e so'itc e.
particularly te woodlant scee, . ta'
pretty. .Alargeattilieme ttal .ilipter-
forialcl'etthusiiasie 0111 (111(1)t=- i
knunt as "fashiqtable'
T etintire ast i givel bemt
Mr. alatage. . tese... U is KniskenI
Mr. Sale .......Gorge Vox5
Mtr. Scrlle._...lt iglkt V.atllrtl
llWorth.'.... a tptllykemtl-r
C'aptaiti lraett....Cas'il5 M. Das-i
Kite, Sergeait to Plutme..,-
. . . 'Fred J. ,iWoodrff
Butlock ........ 'IW. Kent Ly ons
M~r. St. John, of Detroit, (tie (f It. C.
Wh~itey's -producers, till tmette
ecorus ad cast of "Mieligetua" tis
afternoonisat a o'clock ii te 'Whitne
thter s e wil Efal the play and stg-
get the action thr~gbgout. this is fiey
important and the preseiice of chorts
ad CatIis 'hStpeaivfce

Cotter.Pearmam..,Robert Morelatid
Tblionsas' Alppletree.V.-I. H'T'owntsetid
A .Senilli..........IHarold tPaber
Steward .........George Kelly
Collstable ..........Irsint Let S
Sylvia............Elsa lHaliler
Mlelin~da........ Adelaidle Kingsley
Luy.... ..Sara t'nrtucik
Jaite.... I telen (kiaile
Rose...........Agnes Carpeiiter
Clara ........... Margaret IBreek
Recruts, Servatnts, Atteitdantus-Alessrs.
Gleastoi, Reed, IBrowni, Snuithi, Wiley,
Stuibbs, Hostemuaun, raft, besy,
'Tec'eniolr'girls' basketbaillteamtId(1
tfle ttedte sophomores l in acell playedl
.(ltc'e yteerday afterinoon 1 by the scolee
:7f 1 ) to ..'lTe outcomlle stas inevqr1it
Iotlbt. Ite seniors5 takitng te lead tarly
'The seork of else oft foreardts ws
1111 to accrte(-worlk ilshiiotting Ilasktes
enbih 11 )ill to score ofteit....'The 11111.
s5tskctf 1 1)1 511)'ieldl scored by thc
ophonlor was1sre.(( llossedl be Miss N.Vitfe

1110111thelie ddle (of tist.Ihalf.
Atthoughl ,outclassedt, the 1010 leastI
put1 tpll ard1(. aggressive battle mlarkedl
)y indlividll br lillianicy. Titesy work~ed
t11e ball d(1,(1 te fle itieafteir tin)(!
5nly to1 milts lthe tbsket and~ hate thec
5etloe Owatrds take thle hal t11 of dati-
fe. flis tiggins eat cottttellelto
relies'fro111 he game ~ltltowrdte etti
,)f the51(1,, 1(1 half.1No isutit ute b1i11:
SclilIlst Sosphoinores.
[01111 n. .. .. I, . . . .Cochrlett
Jislli........ .VF.i......W ite
P riigl.n...R....... dXlve
I-log .... . . Strohxiuteie
a . . .. . .. . L.G . . .. . . I ske
1' s~rn r .. ..i . . ... .. oesstter
R..tlel , Whitimtat
tBaske 1s--Rotllilt et 3, tttucks 3, ,Jacobi
a,. AV itt (. lttt -Is Iuttittiit 2, Jtletili
iibject for (isclstsiotl( tlta t esetittg
elf te 'X. Wi. C. A.,liltlnemes inNe:t
ttprr rtHallTtestay te 5 o'ocek. 'fhe
tt(o-ttliet still ilivitle dlint1o10classes, foe
.lie discutssioin. Folloteitig ace thte lead-
ar Setitors, bliss .\targareitiriter;
-,Iiiesflits hfiutli Giatoitte stipit.-
allrt, _\t-its. 1It etiietts luli t feshluu,

Only Holders of Tickets May En-
joy Privileges- Club Open to
Ladies ==J" Hop Time.
hers thiswee ttAnaccturate tccoutti
is to1 ite' tade, as it-ti,.of ta l ttd issiiiis
to miclemersipstO hakt , lerc-aftertheit
u.elttsit e use of illil illIs an th i
IThe btoardis y11anning to * pete lh
houtse'(( to lcltic;duitng "J'"1hop1 lays.
when tithey ailrc till'heltcompanyIi of l:
inenhcrs '1"c hose rles provie tha
ladies shaldl tiliy Iladittledl (11(11
Wensdy othtoiItls at Samlax e. bit)tilte (occl-
Re o,'h wektesht-s ((Ill pro-
vtded ofi ((-(cfe forhne ii1111es wslti
desre he cco lemase . Tenigh(1
agc. Stiicla- evnin; ta le ' haite liii-l
lst ave'51 iC'~ tfll( i titive Ou ttoi.
hstue, illg tillt tudent an' f ai ltili Iit
0e. A se .111 ifsurptiseJts'r (lnuuhev
tevra (( p1 ihsi (icthaeet etn tltt hi
pe enclubhiousi' A1panoram'ic) tess
of ls the uhampusadoresi Ioneofltil lls
11iutl 1of thfantious paintltig if "PIrisonl-
e-. ini Ni'wgat'.' ly Jerey- Barrett.
hwa- havtsen forit5sf1ting alinii whoit
heretolifore hitis onic hash t' heAlumii
roots fora reting place1.'T'h-e ci1s1
willI probab1Sly serel ucth ahpurpeluu-o
ing is eiiiletiih.
NesS weekht tl-heelrattesil tic re-
ites( caenvatiss fir nsw is isethers st-ill
beigini. It is exes5ce 111Sted t tl popularity
trat (stile S jitO i oi prsis h
haet oit jitned5( (beore. ittilts5
.11ajot hai .ehoti tctli reasurertof
the' Ut'scits. ilwil i'es- the Youtjig
Peopl~ie's Rueis ii om illt(hi (ii-
5(0((1 li tcilurch o tilunda-1 5111111 lii-
suibjsec twill be i- hiiest}."
At thilese-titss ~elest ii :10.Profi
J. I1h. Kefibesel 51ill5sp ekostl ":animal
ha vir ilit,,. hi-tlio i Si ihuman( his-

Seiorse are- slretady bts -titcittti
te' subjeet iif cities m~emoiatls si-tich


fou. tast -year teseusof its preseuted Student Legisators Discuss the
he Ui if tt luuithtiuts- isth l ar tge' all
.loh, ad aMoemnt c, Cmbie he Fresh-Soph Rush, Cs t-
Futds o all the senior cases antuis t_~ tions and Campus Advertising.
lossomethinlg fortie tl-(Uioti asa-
'fill ttt-emoril f telas estetof tgo8 Noi acionuI, a leot Fkedbyith Itii-
is nosit, takin~g shapeh. thuis mouvemetutivCl(ounil illiiirgardet o purifin ol-
it- is expectoi. sll he oipuposd'byith thihs beause, i astne em1)011 hst ,"T
itslsoflithesenior 'lierarycltis, muaiiy pitiy cemmuttele Ihas notrecttne1-1 l
If sthois iittld hprseferto lease a tmiem- isythingtio b l shuui isi- 'tles as it
Triatlullse disftintie:of te fair s'x. thisti' 1150bodiesliareieeohh waiig fo
r's ciinfirtot thIis iua i that le-Oil e Sill- a. holiu isittie -,' tl
tiggistl thatttie tenifril ieaty'fun upoinutes to eS s sccoittitosio
')e dihividtutu pti st- uedi tpurchatse lt-eAtheitassciaItlion sc e liito Isis
ioehinigfis thits-llttbisti gyn1tttuttituu. like-siittite " genrl [ l planu' 515
kI ntubeiof elginle-esatcilifao-leof tiil f. sxetedfe at tih ce
he hullS sensiurclsst llemoirill- ii - 115soon.i~))
hioitght re-isentl I'rosSttltes tlt uthe ii o-ivcsevealne to IC', r,
111iiy- e lle - oppoittinlto tie tiheuetue ii'rlionsieatio. sat flthse s ;
IPrtsiieintiet iof th ~o a caMWstosf itis) 515gviiing thiiresh-
is 'stet Si tict hi v iseSsithcI lws oph rui i . TI liii lan t itde) ci slitsi-).ii
ini ts'mattle. thitscitst o leviS ull' it is t' inenwn gi tCs
it oil potra-Ssi i 11 i ts 5lw rtsshit Nosthigasye I encloeIbotihi
'lie iuiali-bStsenI followevitheIii -iirup111iiir pa.vrlmesiers havei
'isr iiuhought iiit httgsll'i tI il i ty11f111) i silii 5 ici o s t th sstm .,,i
hei liwss siil 1be in1 faorst fis rekiu-ng i o,-I lutiitteht atii 11it ii On
teay fromuthSitsitsut shnd maing the lilkslyIibe Sotifiedi
('mol tiithiss-oibje Ict f vhlis s hn ouuit hts eecis ;1st list r]v
I is oficers tsItevthatIthl l huhousesintug'ieaso ohedc cd Th
is il eed of a tnutibie of tis appsiro. hiedvsdfri o uri
-itiisfr citiss tilvolrialit lulnd ituem t- anlesli t n il rei lyi) t ii frntill S is iS
crw ll etds s ed wthmsio iIcina et dasit vt isis t - ' i e is;1y f~w lt-
tosit iwto proposing-ist eaiis wih lis os il besst ide, ste ree or-fou
sill l , :l dd at, (Isl) e it'I
1.1II Il' C ,h,tsC 1,1)MOONS slit Shie is s lleshig aisis lo-s (two
TODSAY'-ORlnk 1<1 1 i'I ElNI e i hilli sst is tiS, I t I lies :
a ii c lsoitic -.555)-slosillsthat i it,,c-
V ir lilcrary stuleuts this is lilt-astss )' . 11Alt eisiug i lil It xs-i h is
las of gae. All studen-tts inuthiss si- fomsii thiietampus i he oter ,plnsi
xtrlmustvuu 1(sIstve theiuo iuosuhltutk ci-tied.i 1'11j'i i il inl iseI, SLI.-
inthelii hanssheof tthsuoe usullitiiu antushoSiloftillMusicupoclie- s ut-h a
)vs i 1) tii. N o. ws- ll e res-eie--iatfti-+ll i elec t i 1 iion ( erd I 1 giutie ad Ilack
isiay, excep)Stl pont hitlul.ttofiia dollte 'f haiiitosiwiihiii0 '151 testu))dig;
fsee. IEtra as sshttslutsiae wel pthon ar tetis ftorsthispropsed ation.ll
ini liee ls'offics 51111asles ltpllo fsild 'thus (hinit e-s It w~a .
for liiie s''of thosse swishing o ti sl ut iTie uttosui andtiStutl o i- lecting li
s)tankls. (Official cltss list ettrde11)1nd es o hSailush sit sisissar ee lil
ltitiut uity So'esecured hitste deni's Posiedinterna li vinge itha o,
ofc aid mutb hadd i t su t '1'this ee o sttuin, w ih tiill 1I
tihpot- tut ffiithsa tuus ls.ira m na dsui I t o t theii tilt) e tiit g, provi de
citta l stu ts'. isill pesvnithiis t" he hi t l is reetsidc t fis this- s-ti -.uis ('111i
election cottis tt I is whihImtulu s is m ersts - -heI Iii' cltoi-11 i te liet ustiit
11, (Unii-e-rsiyH all, Ii l -I t o (1ps n. it is i-u yt he oe ix l dtus ciis-us'e fun- ithe
2\11 othsesustihnIt ihits elecit g 'iiii o sife.T', hil.sishar;cis tmad"I
blanks soithe r gus istrar. .ithis Soughtsthatut'lcicounii-
_siltsm i u t ili-iiselecte arc nt 0.a s l uid
ictvs1Sc'ote forttlofficer, -.tl,)sssiisse
fdii-..T Isira (,iuhdviii ofIwomesn a.11heIii- iso he canidte.s,.atill.
Barnardush uillgi Ihsst11>r esignedto-l te o lllitmbesof-. he Iii 11.11 th
Sts-icharges f o mS5555etucattitdistil co in- 1)11 t als sisaks irsh is ss li-
mii~eos for liiie)Nat ionl I-isosstiusu inl . - teo ilou fr a
r'stsuoeatasuith i-preiidicnltttwsill hw
- -els'u'dsui theii-cidlillll tishte ofth
-(-ticiiifoir which h Isishsl fisi
lit-At 1' I 'll -I S t liI 1
ht e a IIal niat ininch i -stils o=
oficr, tniht ''c onassIetinihists i
to hae ak l aets.at the illi i l u l g hii
7-nits oitis iipgiide hi at theI liii o I
tiled plac t th lst u ii Jsns
t Sritirn iou S tonit. 1 iIs rittor h t
5v) )ii es iilihehthilysconteste.s
'fsersthe lctllsion liehe 5,s uitig pso-
grauss iwill heliven111
S+pi edt -1.IJhnsli 'mhtll
-l ide . myF av ~ oit hes''--Jo si
s Kneiety.
'Itik. _'7suutie of il(, to ---A. IR.
Palttiamen't ar tty Ibril--.1. Pea'Iricc.
QIuesiontufr genteratl uisc-ussin: Will
hi-etroposediiitteperance ligish ist) (is
st-sfori th -ytheus' cus' stitint es ltl l
iii a leti'1tter l ltmosphieretforuthit
siidents of the(Univerity-o i 'higtutu.

aoy 51010 SNI V- ("tieS esCe.T

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