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May 25, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-05-25

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VO.The Mlichigan Dail y
VO.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 2,5. 1905. No. 169
"Melly" We.ndell the Stelar.-At Leadintc Roles in Shakesneare Plavs Michizan Union MeetinZ to be Held Interscholastic Friday Afternoon and
traction in a Father Loose to be Assumed by Stars- Eliza=
Glame of Ping-Pong. bethan Scenery Used.
'Ilemla etll dan il e- N i nirl iie C awly iw i ()r
te linclitbasetaicl il it ic itnh t)elt rv- h l rce f I:ev n ,
fr,, Ii tit-II il itilt I n ln id cI P t et ells erw l hsya su~k h
iii riil tate in th i nt iiiird wlltk te led, 11iue, h
nedthekick athi(lit toutf ttittnt\itig ~ ev ad rprte ir iticl
lu-hun. itiinfor t-l'a itti c~e.I glno fl
lia i t-iz li itr tilt lii andi Rupt
aciimx iii --ened teignyliii-I i- u u iiiibyt linot
flyng to le ti it ui'lt \-ill i
")tar t ret :1bai.bu Ith t iiiii i
tive nd it wasi:illitti i i leS ti
Xllinul at intuita1 d1rit aurtt lit(-fandi l-t cltii ii iti ci- S o i
111 liCtiwasnt Iitki l l ibt itt a-i fI \l IX II IS ilti u
ters fti-jl cliv lii l-it I Ing ilotSi itwiio l i-liii -f, -a
ut l niandstndtiti au fmantil i tIcllt I
the liit tiikuofthe t- arity'sTaft liniigtts~ l-i iiu-uu i
lie wl,, h i ittli a Sit h~s scitc et S Iii liiic- cl
M in. Ill i hen va-ic-g-t'ts I ha l it wIasi - - S
littir-tai -f buntedltti a nngo t t gisec-
Earlier TPhan First Planned on- Saturday Plorning--New Pro-
Account of Track f'leet. gram Arranged.
(hiti iu i--, IIIi ciilterI ii limet t accordic f t-ilt the ttt- r tle adotetd-
h ,hl cii i h d o.ofln h n uits il l it-i ll dit ffti ifonitFtri-
Ie ithll %% Iii i ioan;t8 o n loe fitnoon andi t Sutrdy. o rnitg,
at ii -~-cld:in th i i n Noulnei lnt litiittg Sturi ft e iirnontiopct.
will1~ dmited aftr Ii: ime 'Ce h reater ittwill bfie iicpolicy- tf the
nt~img wil I:sl.'l litfin h ar-thu Atle i sociaioiitoliscdltctfttfc a fome
('iim; tho. wh e~re t sethe meet, gtreo Ittat ida, ti fat the vsitig
lil<pprttiiitViii i ii h ias tliltes may iwiitneis a big iite baeal
In adituioniiito thii i titicth Xau" .ccriitcntglthefistgame with
ml~ill tan ~r metinedinye, ic-igi it Fern-fitchdiis clfied for
tcda s- ai,-th m n un s ilicl h i- at uII r iigaftrtntoon fi. cifittia
pr - nd man f he if aso ben d ciedifutiti.i (litFriday- after--
liii cub h us. 'fu i-nir ae t ithe ithu tineft inlin i the ftctd
rcgC~cd to crd hee t f-in s:Id vetilt tatirayrt n ingwilifle given
tntnnii ovr to -the ialI in thefitrack events
The Ci tiiiiio1 ii I u mliitI c h ili iiciiiii I li In ttuf ii ituuiti t canner isfttitth
k, II i ii ithat iimin utiiiii ii i-ttt toti i veliiIt illit:itti l t ittf i- titt ictits citti
to llfie n~nlr. lier nentxrwh>t i rs iiitscoiitdlantifthird ilacesi arc afto
Ili(- >aii iatitlIy ioliii.iThoscuwhoihavittnsiiin eatt ut far stperitr it
lotttle~pncl t dn ifi lion B f-ut- iictiti-iut-il
lt in it hands f-thi dorkeper. y; Iil i cf Itcv cts rthma t w 11
dot -eeer ad heratls det-ie o F iytrnolath trak 4 en00
the lit ti ih fkll IfteIith I uN 1. i truf o, d shttrItirlt tials45.
- Si-hillbe f rcd o ih i he 3 it- ifd tdash serifinas,35 .
..ni"iioill-h lli. .1.i.4II Ililfi dashtrc ia l 340
,. 2 f0- card dashctrital-,4:al.
IfA IY C'U TIM , II~hC'IIUN it 2-arilc owtii h'5urd e cril, it:25 ri
--- 7. 11. k)t I rumtfials it4t4-.
Thc nnul eecton f stdet n m- , 20vitll43dfciitsecnd trardheon-
hes fr t lu-i i iit Dily tituiui- f 4 lii Il
c) I I in X tc ii titwih edt 1ray m rig if. litniti lo ut e:30. ecod tal
r l it oeI froil tl l I t l o( tij itAlluc 4 I afli itt-tug t rittt ia tmer:44 00
ciie t a- (il Stl to- ac oiiI te tthlit Rciel tfev e ts ials. i E-ai
lulectionii I1. Polu i lttit 2:i 3 . Recordit fet-
AN t ~ lit 1Vf~~ S P IR.ft i futting tut2t-p 0111(1 Rht,-3co .Rtf 2fet-
Or4 3feit inFcts rft, Pon-c ft
ii ga hXaII s I a XSt f Vmi,\rts pir Nf S tiac, it TILuritg- iil i irc
_______en _1 o ay afenon e Ilcuiitiflth ct3ti-fRna o, 9105
I c ii S cunie,- il uuand Campbel- ntl to -2in titet, E ardmi - ai
lu-edn1) atlonti-il l D- - t fe uSI e chitaciil1
fie thI ala ac who il- i i il heli 1 3. f0T'h o intl 12u ndfi a mm u ~ er, - r.
teciht In Iend.i Sntuft ;rod amit elti c or m d, da-ift in, s9:5. Recrd.
f-in thi sutinthegawc andtadl htir edy ontiHogenoI. ei nttt
andighti ro l win ntilfti ngs wafit s 15. H o-igh if high4:3huReso, 9 5. fect
mavlu. ithi- Ilgluof the ill urn n 8inlhesi,2-Patter , AnnL Arbor
th o ilt t as i ll with te et ust . Brho-d jmpt I t, ittiai to:cord,22 e -
wcith She urihtuc ;11.111. l-it3ill inc hes:0 , Fraen, eisCeItra.
--I. 7 22-yard dash, semi-finals, 9:0:5.
Coac lYost iis t a king 3h fttutto 9-. 20-yadighloinhurdles semi-final,
utt-d utuof tti c- : lii also t akes i the i- 3-a 440-ad 1-11,fn ls :3. Reod
fig -- n talradyhastlutapliai on ifn4it 0 oo-yard1 dah, fnal, 1:0. Rec-
for th Councl degee andby Satrday to, o -eso, Lioeionstit
nigt h wl hve veythng ep th it. 1-yarid-t ihh ut, les,30 :Recor :4
33" nd t i thoghthe ill hury od, 1-5, -5,c tew asto nnAbr
11 ;ud tke hat Il tok hs 2frst R -adrui n finarls, ini, 11e40
,lepin asony aVeala las fal. ront2 : 26 4-5e , D NritCol etroit
ig n nsa 22e-yarash en-inl,1:5
R. ). K~_FM 'A W IITD AWS. 8iTwIfhimite rel, final-i Record, :9
Yen ra Book onR.U St uftn .2-ar oresR h1rdlets, IemU-fis,
flit- Mic tigat golfateamtillraenpicke
- -lI Mc eaeri, f-inardond ae
IS 1-SED .hef-io-yaloewerdenfit-a, will0
i i nb e p l a e dc r d a y:2 a ft e r o m i o , a t o l c k
ai duptliate of theirsliti tre.- T eflt- f 1
A -llwrti hickwnod.ch
H O iiA F
o 1 {7
1 ii it
31u I6 iy 211 2 .4
C. N-. lKendall. supeitenet -u f
schi~ a t luulicatuuoli-i. itill tgtea-
tcllcuet I ciihi-; at4 oculoucki s
atron in fuTapanhalc etuetiu
Snutintit-uh-it Ittulcd lli 411 - (u i e
fore tc t s~l~ri>tt~ilelts iii 3 ti-cu.
A11 art iohll ni tu d,
1905 Mich
Now on Sale i
--4i t.N
1 14
4 ii
5 i
'510 ii "?6 2f i )
(Continued on page three.)

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