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January 25, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-25

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The Michigan Dail y

Vol. XVII.

t\G 1 r 1Kt:>t)h, it Cl 1 l t{ r 1.1. 1' Irl I .\ 1 : . . lti 25' i()()".

"ydraulic Pressure Is Used to Test
Reinforced Concrete -Williams
and Tilden Are Inventors.
The new t eting maciiiine desgieidfir
ixvestigaiig le acionxio f beia, under l
arli ladsiila.ecentilly intalledin the
tindg hibrator f the -cngineering
ieparmient lhas provied a iaylwe
xiicccssin thei xserieof tetsl- it to
pleedi. lThe lnew imacine wiia- aSgn~
byPiriifessorsx Williamsiandiiildrll of
the ciil engineer ig ldparment, ii cei
bdig an eiiirely nwi idea iithicon
-leliction if tetig tmahlie-.Tisin-i
x-nvtin lies- i t' inmelid f iapplia
itlioof ltii.loai, hydrlaulic piessureiii- -
inig tile gellt enpoyed,podcineig ra-
ily, safely ald acuratelyx a iiiifiriii
ofteni ialigixililprliessxo f a iiall liii-
ig a lbem wtihtlipgiron cor liag f
sand11whichellthe xiuddielfailure f de
test.hau iiiiigt prec~ipiaei 11le ex-
'aixifacol) itiloriritiodsiii
'-'liiig _aetI iii otiltge f t-- new
ilachilli i%<i', i t..,-. -,t so iii i, .,
hia- anliCal,.-lt-liriiii-im'd a i the ;,li-
of load can hei poiicdi--a cni~ion il
oitly apprioxiiatly effecei leetCi
Foer lresxires lip toii p4 nspeilil r
slquare inch, le city waer pt-sxira i
iwed ;above thai,.a boile tisl itp
proelseepressuxill)tioo 10poundll
per qaire inch, thei liaiiiini fr wiht
the macineilis esiixgei anll1which pr-
duces a toailoadlof somthling over
eighiy-six tlotii li(i beani iing eseil'
n itfew of thei m111neadviiace ill
lie lse f sNel1cnlcree ill builiing)-
eraionsx,;11this acineis a x mostiiNIalii-
tbile aiditii ")thlltestig laortti
asx it i epecially aaitedl tiithewtlinga
f reiinforced coicrete hiiahsi The fac
beloiw ititeai f from aove ax ixr
dinarily tie cae, gretily faciiaxsithe
stitdy of theiationlfiil hei lbeami 11aslithi
dleicion,. beig iiiwai, cal lemas
uredilwithl gret accurcybma nsl oiiCtli f
a delicately laijfustedl appaatusx nowixbar-
ing perfected.
iThe macin~le la poedCisoxi xlcc xfil
thai it i t he the-sueict of a reiort
to tile AleiclalSociety o iv(xil ix
TheC sotlomore lierary clasan )1c,
whiichl was held in Babotr gmnilaimn
Iatxtnight wai aahuge Nluccs-It sur-C~i
tionx of tiiie i catrge anl 1a1s a
eary f which aticlas IlaC iwellIfeel
rod. Albouit twoi hiundredil were pre-
et antd te danlcig wtsxkeatiltipuni
IDr. aitiMrse. Effnger aiiilDre.and
Mrs cxBoullcke xwere thi- capieoniii Mrs
oil acun of illes. TPat o iii tiea
orchetra renieeiide luic wichi~
wax excellent friimi begitningtig endtt.
Light refrexhmtntis weeeredC.
Thte fact that hisa paty, which iwax
the fi in the hisxtory of te claxs,
tunotiiii to bil10le such atied ucxicessx
which will liau to tioee xitial func-
tionls of a siilar Ciatre-ill tie-near

CI II C iilIR NS C N N~l t NC FI) MAY INFLUENCE THE i )I) (lI t1)11iiNl IMIi.
antuc t t l Iifillu wink i Ildies-. ill Legislator Says Personal Interest Ii ii a I t lg ligil iii teI~ lli
iliC iiiihe j li00 Ci tt-i ,11y y lii l<V (M May Help to tiet Increased crli }(I iiJudge ,- I -mi- - ii liii l th
thei rC ielii ii -i 41 c Iit te AApopriatien. \C;clii fiiiltilicc ITheii lini I&,i
Ci-- w' C. tii I ClG CC ci-rii lilil illl i -i. Ioliii i tutu Ii il aIliii fi l ltiillliuiiiiiixl-
F. OIi l\1 ii. ict r C Kuuiii -II -c l} ) - x-r f)) ii ''i iii)i ltt"'i tlii C ii ctl l fii uii i i l lil l(,.i
:Ii ; llr Inchuins l c le- }Clla-lai khmi fii . iii-l h ) te c a ce (tp s-- Cl- c:etr' iitit i suiiuilin iice
Bea c iill iii ll ha-11r;. fIt. deii illi- al e +)rt iiiI lt'ii3 dI ~iii h iii - It at i il nr li in t ralf ong t
toll ir5ikae iC k t l 1Ir .l lm-tI - w''il } llilit, witeiiliil: iiu il lC Iak in ill) i iiii iiiiiC ll ii ii xlith
A. haluh Cu- l-S en I.Ia J ii iii liui .u-I I,;l i . liii23, 1 ')()7 - (Il~iiix I ()f Of -itrlw a lit r llL he
It lxi -i-lit ldexpeceditattilt',- I .)txiiiiii ii -tot 11111- 1 xi i ii-I ii. i i
llui Al)-ell(w i l i illtt ecixi etf ink Cit I, he e ha (,i iii ii ,Ii iii - i li ll xii - ii i iii- ci
ilia. luru u- uu will hetax i t tiiu ie ed hVil' cflt)i I t.n ii hill ,icl Otl.h wilteas1c f r I n)' ii - ta ~iil; w t 1 ,111 i 1)a 1 lfli, I'() iil'1 i' iia Xl1ii ;'1'til

\il. 87
Michigan and Chicago University
Proessors Are Excliuded
From lenefits.
II ii I - iotiiri I oIi ofI i lil ii
i ii i lii Iit i liitit I[-p l tliallido
tn t iotill iii I iii iii ilit ;ot i idChli i
ll lul iir ) lw lli t o.tii lu, - tn g
- oiii fond.tt irlu l i i c, ii 'o
i t - ~oll tig; i l I ll oilt Iii ,lit yiill"
ila l l iii ok- liii if oic ,e> tlot d pI t
d1o1 11 lii I Ci luttiol 'rapport.I t
tilt thir Ii 1 tlill-i lix ioll in iii nfot ir
liiit- h tlt Iat iii l tiitliii I ii itl i
Ib ity i Ii i i t ieCuo c;e c "in rlet hey illgi
-Ir Ili t ilIn :t parr, ofi th fond
l di il, Wie l, - Itl i it itf tli-
fl. tIll wtit ti ti lit bI liii liT if
t lk it ofI li cli i I - i t,[ t-iniii;tkde
il"lt ls bl t <-u- lii m l liii otheri
ta i i gl it iii I i i oo c it i ilt p o
;il t hait .;taIlx ill -- I iii I aicliti li
;,1o1,- li t crtiti ii
CC n1 ofI t1 - I till il ii i t c le e
lin lt-ir i -lii t lt -;ji t c lsi to ~
an:t Il Iltg tlt 1 xtia Cm ill 1i[[ - oltl
itld, t it liill. P it -tlooit i li i of
Flg t ight l''I il"m" auol diligIIto
the fittit l, h t b I] c i l onit ill,
IIci p n i ,n t1. i()f I ti t cil I t- iu
";tt l . it lix- ion, tiolt it y liveI
Cl I-illi I 11151 If oLIII(l1cho
; 11111 o acluxtIf x il-ti I
-lilt foi li ttillil ti c laliii p lii xii
aflirtliltig 11111 lii wichtil t ii
tir ttlttti acy l 111111 io tt~
mw il t arfcr Salr}T he pcflit N
I'ty fo t h8 fx)to ,tg0 ,Init ;dtt , of
miitaitt, lieadx ofitttx- fttul i -1
Pi c c l of I ill(.S t r>,tlii I it l i t i-
lilii o iTltolint f ~it SttitlliCl Io
i a t t l i - tilttit lIiio n~k
It r lt ii tari-ia lttiton tiii lt liitilI ,o
ist-uf (liii a li I xWIilhil bel i ifa
m ill-run wt load", by Bit liii iiy

V.ll)NIinot I SmNithhcnliC I tad
ICiftrCri l lllh hadr tis ceii 1
Studtti'ita tue- ssixationl ;cries
CI-r. Smth wilt fluivfe,-reaings iix fromi his
oit books, not~tly,- Ilse- Othur d
Itilw" (iltli leb s, :caste r ltiver"
hixTim lutitutut Coltiitt-tCatri-if C(ti-
li. Sut1Iti-txhas itlry blini hei r
1)11 1e sa la ho ltllhugh lu-
Its halntiamahuit reouinr
ICtitranng itelpus x hr of 'tifoirtefi-
mittttir of -taiitt- ntualdrm
ai ae t I1 Il atx f tiutttfig
he is ia c tatilt iiitglctf-uI wich
ifel ai ls-t toi- holt-afig et rtaL in i I-
an i tt ii . I tI c iworks itl tre
ut xliof iharaterllhstit hat heia-
ini htit tic itff fori atiautge careetcr.
lie isa Illa ula soecvxrstilfty, -i
ingC litllessh xxf lald tiatlltisa ttan
itsxaustory-tler.I e is favioraly hknoixn
firs ran itamonilg CAmeticatitpaifntersx it
Stdet ; I( avseth ty Irefilet
I ful' f Y l o j i t i- e ilitflfifti II
uituu tufhy iitry- organizautionsi itay lit
Ic tvery treCsfing ill presen, etime- ul
mlay- collie h en aittey- tiill Ibe- needeliil t
ight itnttuitalI anarchy.u

'lkC uuuuiuttiiiom
Arbrtut lil t
'It th t t u- .
I f-1) lu all

Iir ill I it l il tI se
Ir1c up Ithe ii il-u itwill]

irlc f a hil irc tciu-ur 1 utature. hlt
I-ut. iift uiuuu thu-potit-ofII(,p CI
iii it tlt- i x ll i iiituuitfiuiiandulfIorm a
ilic I lr rcprici - i lit hr andtyhil

S ute- it

I al C c 1 y ' h l j1pr t l r t I -, l- C11 c e l t a t
lxii tte-ill I r) f rcig- I l l-iat I
ilei- i l ~tti ii -te
rllit i ,n I Cl ftlit (I
te.r h cli i tut lIt-.il liii- -
fii t 1r,i l 11 (, c1 ii
of ltil ccri -tutuhay, -ilw 1
Cuty tat i - tI I . 1 i tutu I-
hri any ii iii f a -t 11 u-it
if Sirct uric, l C th tIma sata
Cu-1-I fit-! (ritutuh~ it
iIc plliy I h Ircs i
11 ) 1 I 1 l'' i f I i it i
s1lu ill lwi lli- ofI li l
ii- m ta i t ISI ist it utuw
tilt(1 it l u-i(1 tht :1tl 1t
>i tu u el ita1 te Ci 1 I i

rhtIi (pr ie t xto areiii Th
I- l II titt ll d-!t r tee ;tr! tetrigits
Elie actio
th IrMa T el Iil - na n-rt i akeii
iii Cl lix a. h ths ian het done iit is itendedtu t o ul
wlOi ev ay i t furc udt hft hitiltkCpriti
itre hde and copies, placed till t heut ands ofal
on wKi il uthu c nut-u-uit t h paper, ill
riul-11ap11al-1,fr cle ~k ivlived itmtutnoheposib il-eht
tingt lf tur tu tl s et util tate- in
t ihe tdhugh ill b t a efot ll Ihe
andhe c mae olei 't reiii it se bith it
I lxi rthe sste whch n t tx-
rii if i
I-IM Itdvttu ntage tfx ouu haveuu ix ll ua t til
r I isu h t xlu h istyl h et hto lit hull
uniftormityi ofi t ompIition, aniu t is lii
, l G liev htul i t aot ion uu wil-fi l ais sh illu
liiihvi th Istu 11 Iadird Si thxupx per.
Id -lh o T encnelso o ret nreoi

tui, tu I hut Nebluu fo t blh l tam fo~r The i !niut t ic of tut hit I hil
of In i a tlttu i N I-x yer. Itle tuxas ihd itiit hit le irttillttix cii - ii< i " {la tit IC tilt,
t i ip= c t ll{xp iln fe iu in W W I Ia k lcthu I d lit Io h11eT inutlenuto cle tuuu I hut d
Oh I" L ulIm a t roall-lug de Ittt-Ite n. Iiii t he dii i iii ii x




Ho k~ins n Sm ith nder Ausie
Hopkinsons Lecture Ass'n

's'r"'. i

%P Arm a -W MW d-IL A% A Xw- *-JPo 0 ; V qp

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