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January 25, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-25

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Failcy Vestifig aild
Window Display
The largest and most com-
plete line in the city in both
Scotch and Worsted trous-
erings. You will also find
our prices right. We guar-
antee perfect satisfaction.
311 S. state St.
Made of finst Can.
diani rock elmn. Each
one carfully selectedI
for iperect grain beore
being stained and
Prigs 75. lash
z5a. sd d60a Lsass.
SHEEHAN & co.'s
The Stndents' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Wathes Diamondsawooks
or theipesoalpoprty
Watches and Jewlry repaired
Bargains in Watches& Diamon
Oafc at residence 331 F Liberty St
Ann Arr
flston. 1:i30ia i1to 83 and 7 to

THlE MICI l AN DAILY. aresnc lithtn1itprc~ettttt 511-jX711 .5 L~ Q ARERS
lorrk;sudnsbll toaun--il) op r considiirat-aii 51 ILL SOON IlESCOMPLETED)
Etererd as sd class mnter as the Annci psilti rinake the to askeset
ArborPostoffi . b1 pelig te tritis that lie iwithnilIThe one honcof Te Michigan
Pulse diy(onasexetd dr -n- 1ase re alh)Diy is fast nearing completion. Tec
th o le esarr, ast try Fst Washin goa !-- etilicowich s calleti the Presshoid-
tret.Berlphonecr89a. naomr phre 76. TIkeffirt- 1 ciii eat -ttttly imadie to itt ois sitatedlon tMayonrd street
----- jimprvth i elieitcilitis of the engeer tacross frttittGraigers acaiem and
Managing Ediior---Arhr C. Poundj ing (1i ateti ttre quite as pleasing ioneit toI the Selott of Mulsi. It is
Business Manager-C. E. Winsiead. ItI(,ri-t if th cit-ip its tlte ght itcsnstuctedet tf pressed beick, the en-
(- tcitsle Cs Iititi te past tn teattec of the tbuilig being tadornedi
EDITORS , r Niigititiie e- li-ti eenilo- twithlarlige st-e pillars.
News..-.....David F. Sevrnson t1g ptntrindus ittrial wtitte all cr-i - etingeotract wais let jst a
Athletics.- --......Rohert H. Clancy Ie.i- ~f tha gitlc and int ltg it -at well slit l imie tagt.This is sniteIeisg in
Exchange - 1-l.. enry A. Montgomery tat t ii ttpotatint of the Univesrsity silled, nl is sitn is it is in god
Music and Drama.... Paul S. Mowrer Iat Ibeentt sll tlitittanedthi erey. Nttitorkingtirder the itsie furishiting asd
Wosmen's Editor....Louise VanVorhitlit ttanil ii"litit, irit sne inumber fplastrisgswillle egsn. Te cotract
tUiTORIAL STAFF. bigtre notewrdClsfrtecmlto ftebidn
tilt Junt, tIeri-i-tils-tys ritotitfr itt Ielrury u5, ut it is doubittful if it
George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle Jr itte it ini tisage ofindsitstrial til- isill lit rettiy for otcitiancy by thtt
Harold C. Smith acoie hey ai~ r welltracied.itime.
ASSOCIATE Z$s'a'R. it I ii,, i i~~tofth le etigitir tg ti- The liemt-tetiltllhelien-ov tser let
Henry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley p t titiantdilincieta utllyi ioflteetrethlitlitatig tpltsndto ttthe storig of
William A. Mulhern Floyd 1. Jones UlIvtutucity-,lttilithigtantgatets ino 1a1r 'lThe groundiiflotr nill le tec-
tte id i-il lipthe osirs tandl pritinsg tpltst
RPOTERS. ____..... _ ofterAmtitArior Press compatntty. The
Chaiucey Botcher George H. Hohat AsCairii tntgie liastagi nitrovIdthe tre ssritiimt will le ftdilutithiliall the
A. F. Ritchie FH. John Wiambold "c-ttu i t t."- lv reuetisilac~ter stte latestetles tanti tittlintces knowtoisi i
J. W. MCandless Guy P. Bliss tnitttr,:ieiis ion le list ofintstitltinsle pit-c's trt. It iill lestll lighted
Hrum S. Cody William F. Gradlph tilts old prItes-ors litettttit byliihis es- Itmsti oftsiatisore f site winostitt
BI GISR.XWilliamts Leontatrd C. RidScion ifundt INt reto gizihtng t-e sshtandit Ittge 'skyliglt.
Carl R. Moore ofi iteolI tadtg,-"reuliciis re s-itt Fromthsde Itarge icitrriotr asttaia
BUSINESS STAFF ortacsit ere ticenoughtto ltpityitstl strondtfloo itr. Thue Datil- till lproalyl
Johnt CI. Wiirz Hatrry H11111rii s silt ttlt tamplt ae iiith-pnsocutpy tisuite f riotstoitisitesitrt
Carl H. Adanisi t i itn55t iivyitwest trner oithle IttlistetAlthoutigh
________ ~ ntttdieiitl settl-i, i is titws-planedi
RATESt ass pr yar, or $ann ifpaid i AlinSAbor I s ti rit iciloktedin iithe rel Itireaeitoseptrtetroffies, tne for
adae <ttdadoCrne ittgit lito medatls.thel itimanattgig idiotrIttsiess smsasnagr
Address: (CIAS. I. WINSTEIAD, Bsiness The it ilt rciiitttit is te ifollinsg andilnightridittr nthe tther for the
Manager, 22 S. 12th St. Pher707 L. furiconside ti ittne- epo~rs'rot.utu-'heitasager's illie
Office lHours: 1230 to I:35ad 6u30 te7I3lit cIi I tutuii iiti-artworetasills ht0willpelit itostuthe htllwaytipdtisto sthle
P. M. Daily.
i 11 udyitown.ititrpotr tes' rttmsitIt isill bl it ~t-il tp
Addres:ARTHIURO C. POUND, Maagag I1 ~ tsu uu i tjs ii iiitlritti-ltltrtui
Editor,7l es
Oficer Hourat 2 to 3 P.I'. Daily,. ftoutu fTappan lltIIlalhaiiisg sipatrtelt tiitrtmetiiss for tetci-iti
Ilscrpt Sunday. Ihelw'iiwhoIttsitgrtultedil-il restril1 andi litsinsis ietatmtltts. 'Tlit
tfit ltours of news ldibr ti3ut ilt1t:10StitrIGtillaidIreotrte rs' romsti itill cetatittlontitg
Daly. at OiinhuRTomutiC fitistsi tp 'Iliiliii It.s-ittuwhoii had utu tuueutiu thiswriting tible tiretutuuttIttitg abtout
alclaItssstwsen t men.ut It uill it- lightelbli p-trs
IttutDaSlltireloti-i-I ntevieed arightu.rTiutuhurestapesrtutlestilh be
1'1 ir Ithoutade c-edi uctattionutti vi- set nill tlsos luistte rom- The romuls
Eduitor tuday-J. VW. HtCnauisssss - tt ictor u-tin 1 kutte-iutg departmetr. tr- largu-atiutul0-l lightudtuttubesideul
IIthetimanti-Ittefuseud aitllige- huututr beitg iitheurt totf the uldinuiug use
- - ______ - It-uthenitwas ttshrus t uupo ttbtuu ip ututir- ietl nnittectdl uitilteIprssroomut
FRi IDSA's JANUIARSY 2, su ntg ictutulshiyitratr stairway
--- -hertnu itoIshouted t ISisyplths t The ir-busiilisg usill ht-fiihedin
CALENDAR. Schuulte- lst fll roonluust ler-r uiti staitedl oak.It usill
sittit-tudent who rlitheouClitine- ihe tuilhiaedbystm, uill hatust-itsios
jtsai).T5-. IHopkinsosnSmitithtout SL-ofallith Slelti tassociattistmetsing. siruice,- uantduwillhbe kptutopluru daiy tand
A. Course ights 'heluluhtttfi-- Aliutnusaes
Senior lass eectiost of asketba~ll iI 5 11CRANh S (ANDI1)hpIIS letth-ndsitu herUnisvesrsity pubtllittionss
muanatger Ill BARDI 1FlIEGVISISTwnilltalst havue theirluedquarltrs reistthur
Jan. -Th--en Greet playters itt"Iam buIuilinig.
has'" afternuoon asndlesenisg S tugtu'ein i hoit havIeturecentlylt Sinhu lousdl ithir te ulartrs
Jan. 28S IJutior lit darre ustlBarboururenundittutir ttctanduiactur istheu ii-ThiltsDatily nill luvistffirs onstti sar
g)Iuttutisust. ii rst -iboardi IOfctgnts isIsIrI. Olivi-r wisthu sitscllege- newtspapehrCii th ur
- - - .La 0 :e . lit tita sitatuattte f lt-e tu. 'lT-e sttff hastl tg felt i the -watu
I uu-uioiion tiltancedtin ithese ctI meiclIdhuepa ttri tme tid ifor smetittle- f hedu- aruutese arttter t itheamps fuse
nnsafits dtuts tagotthatuthIt stutlutts lii 1-a loit ioniniits tassstuIts-itpr- thelontguswlkhisswntowntutu im~n
mtiglthuttu lianch tssist ini geti-ssg lthe tisit letis nwt eoutt if thut-ittet- eg ad tuultiece.Ar -fter getting st-
lhilifor tu itureatsUnt siterusity atplt cknIwtutu titlst in t stththued uit tusutguuesulaths tt -u-its of
lrit ittit thrughiuigll(the gislatlure- hatseenii -Smoitkrssltpromoiltht-fellwuushit atnd
susa t-ia l tstdby atuhiteiiofthet- egi- I Il iSI SN S SOI situd ul itng f thin-amptus wsitsws-i-
lis-u uttnititi oitUnuisitu afais S()I SIIll SIS .5 PPI' NTI) ut. 'These sillle hut-hu unery ts-u
\4l~c1 1 - wt-uieu h rt beyon tld u itudutkos --uweks atoptulis cntceisgnispae
the tiesulinotihis colleatgues ages TI llowihuntg haveIs titappitewttt workttuIasill hi- fult-idisussiud.
wishuuthatlttics frnmtutudentl ts t lic oialcoimuuttitt-n- of thin frishumsasseiltr hr hykostigltrr ls:I. i oecara; Vha g tToys r ti
1othte innia e-ids of t- 'iieri Carls Iod Dutglas CtmpellhlMissgea-tt. L.f II.Etarber- Sop.tu t
sit s ill hlu tutetl etst suite inf luenc Spha tuoiniru is Ednattfieutild-_________
int shutiping teir sieus s)Iti this lgish u SIissllnchelur S ttilt- ttud MissSivianti Glasses repaired Eyes carefully fited
tlton I Of attursetheUn uiesitesill lbe IHandtuasiltesed George Haler, Main street.

Track & Gyml
The openinig of the
intdoor track sea-oin
eensits withi a well
selected line of all
the toggery anl] track
secessi tesrepresent-
sng standard tiake.
Prices Always
the Lowest
You th ~lrealize uion t'ousiari
son that its the hIsst tahiiu's--r
Leather Oes, Too
Nothinegsmores fun than taking
flashlights these long eenings-
thep sake good potas iasndlrei
cord plea-ant event.
Call 1096-J, Night or Day
In a few days T will utake por
traits and group pitureso--night
or day-in a neai. te-c-woperating
Kodakosod Supplies
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital stock, $5Q00.5 Surplus, $20f,000
Rtesoures, tt2.200,000
A Geaeral Bakiag lBusiaess Trasactd
orescesotChas E.Iiscoek. Pis.;t WiD
Harriman, VicePee-c: t lI.1. rts Caslin
" .t~< SEND YOUR NAME "Q.ae
( -~ii'~ TO -
s)iNISpald in g? N
For a, Ca4etogzie of
Spalding Athletic Goods
MTetution alias sport rustsetin estse n and tu
asktfornaiisttofi-olege-aedout) snsusulspplis
la. Spwldl-It Athslet Library
Tuxt books on e-c-ry usuhlet spoattuneopi'per
c'opy. Snd fuse Complete fist.
Mal Order Dep
126 Nassau St, Nes York. 149 Wabash Ae.Chcao

How About UnderwearO
Are You Well Supplied ?
If not, take advanitage of the BIG UNDERWEAR SALE at
thle Co-Oit To stove or enitire stock of winter goodhs we are
selling thin samte greatly BELOW COST.

Best $1.00 Grade, now~
Best 50c 4 t -
Regular $1.00 Union Suits, now
Regular $2.00 -m 6t 4m


S59 Over 50
You Can Read these at McMillan
Hall if you wane to.
-Thse World Today
(unustry Life
TIhe Interior
Outdoor News
Sis Hopkins
New Esngland M;Nagazi ne
-North Smern Ieiu hes
us ppleton's
Contemaporary Review
Watch this List Change Again

F. llopkillsollSulith
January 25, 1907
8:00 p. m. University Hall

ITakle advantaege if Ite opportunifp ty, lSu fplyfyuss'5 1b)o exsut





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