The Michigan Daily
Vot.. XVI.
ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8511CANVt O V C1 ~R 2ji oo5.
No. 33.
Varsity Will Appear in Last'
Home Game of Season Today-
Substitute Backs will be Used.
'oa, for thr fifth and( latsttime dihr,
yea, icig n il lines Il) aganst
foallstil rntfromts (hio. This tnei
is the 01berlinitrtteandthe itoiii v it-
Ioranc o f todiay'sgaims is that it is
igat tottihineioni Fer iersld. iTiheOhio
teamissosed to he ee ry too tiandoi
is,, tits qestonwhih ilthe settle
stitttbitcksi can tol itt Oio tii tei,
wichisihiitant tifeatedl 40 tiio, ai-i
tinitg 361tio
Of coutrse,'tisat willinottiitetltu i
if tis 'Tsitnksgisvingtaticthtiusfter
iututuom is~iril.attho its bun ini
evergautntetis ssse son eitettoule tlit
week tameus.untWi n itthteisideis.i
tStihulte is still iitt if the -gitais siith
wsittao ttir tRitsoftili tifsitati
loirs trill taike tisplacettt ritght tals.
left guatrii.
The1 wholtes btacklad iisusu"bstitte.
larltowr till psit larter, Cliii. iett
half. Ptatricki rig-tttilalfandilEutis fili-
hask. 0 issffint o its b1e i ersit n
fiirtun t ittt this vt in tihtei waius-ofini--
iie t1s, tiy at ofi tsegametusi
tittifhssta'i ublteittutiutesmitast iiir
ttts expete to make itugood thit fill, al-
titistghteits imisichstlighiter thatntumost
varsity itatfbas.5 Itthits sarly seasoni
workihelwasttoistaniitly tidiistiitgtiistiti
sga irdrewfoirthitosideruaibleiicommend..stut
tiehwee, askpthmiit.ine
andits todyishsistisretppearatce
site siensat'tinlt ltongIi ttilsutmaitytiex-ti
Tepatielatitigtstwtas aCepii
thiugitit iitthescim ag eitll
ated, Nuit-totatstfiostwer aitnpfac-t
sonts, hi-ft ittCtttslift tahic Cstt
stut. iyfipitrtl lthevrit agitnt Ct
reytettr endiuhCutislfef itli Ottem
enPt, et51uaPrd;Shutcetr;Ga
tutu t te al i Tdfa.
taculi tysQsinven tintg'new and 1starting
plts ti o ce ht lifif veunthits
lisdto iti ntir ity of h~i ag n hea
tiosildiuiniti itatingyi'' tchoosisi thei formeri.
W~tit iitt Ilatof S'ag'iability illts
soruehing does iii hppinisnit the
o-ri i i i tittiii ii inu s its li t i it
th r ill hitastit of 5i i sappoii i nitedtu -i
dentsiott mi iii ist it
gintger intih cim aepti cehi, htf
ippop ite na es.C lar i kisuiti tute
iih alws-st it Jiss ii itsi -Titant
suit~ ~ ~~~~n t\i5 5ii Jt ii irii ti
FINAL CLASS GAME ii 1, i 1, I'itfh'iNI\ui\-. FIRST INTER-
THIS MORNING si iititit oisesifthetiti i iuall ttur- DEPARTMENT DEBATE
na it er taydoftftyestertaslat i
Junior and Senior Engineers in De. tsegytt, atuthtsir faitt playt tus rom- Malcolm and Sims Win Places-Legg
ciding (lame for the Class firts aitosit ttit'siittt atsli. itot, and Pearce Tie For Third
- Championship. - V'c; 13, aidi o. it 1, weti- pittedi Place,
as>aiti st eachstihei rs intteiirtsitiit
> stOmleti'ire itii ittittit 0t55 ittthes te-ifternonittt Saltistint7i dfite a had trtt-glt fits piacst h irece tInt
I-t1ehs B ea yeliorsoestme2it0.ittthis yer'sdeaes 'hrc trps en-st'
isd W eC t-st - ied ost t is"Olieti xteti hiee i s hittiri' sits of isnatcliis 0tti-s fro it' 55 s'lister l1aw i'atintg
liut' I the t:S iiaris-tilt sn- a tr t c 'hdi ititti ithe in i iie tu Sof 'h eu a d t hitefri t i t I lpSaSitus ttfu
tius tiisa t " giattturti si tuseypaitlass'e tidtat suiw -till hism.layedito eet ry b tgush bii me ttlt i na.ihtinthes
sit ttrmaa leitstog u ing t hiwin e s Itoifithtll tttti til l bet irs t oith i natstfr sth'ho ltr litp
isitt st itree -'tu hit il iitieiss P1 i itthi hyea hitsof tin tt iautic T 'Psiatee i ecti iii fist t Ottt he i ix who
aperstogr tan eve bi thi ad 0s7fhit t E A eD firttn amentA will be pa tuptdIIor gei S .t I itls gl ists0
I in o a~ l iii iii ust cn i ter h ite gist eci ohe. T e lst lwir n frtpac ;'.AsSi o
hil Ma~ttu otiiiii tLnlst tutu" r w eriiig-wl -b. addth C N ET lsernd lttt eiIatntui1y.tiKutit'eutgt '0oi
is iht, atva' trett l 5 rrst ola slitt ti*,'tal it, I' ittttt-uaidututu Percti'tu 't08h itii
kepti()i fts-ssh am it i iusjr hthis Eil Paocur Arri erin Timentosgivegt0() Vaw ti tid plistyer. tgs
itt ithai]haed tbton reu liii gamNu ber--ii - Ii htsbate il oc1rtilonihtbtweienii
thits yearidcut ,t i the i iiI uu li hs ____ i-t lt" by aLegan i e CeI to desiideshunt thtiss
titus-timei with1 the5atush rtsh ie ngtt tuhtt utt ELAYo tur Siutt CONCtErt R TN alcolhi i Iis heonlyhonorts-imtt- ofi
pui l Of u ht"L iii ut hm shm 1 - h'Itaitig inshnsut"tlt 1n", tuu t he ousrts h i itit ttua ttiptdi m nthesrdit-
The uit r La ns i 1icnsifinsed the E i P u riveitt Thur e1 t s isbae ~ inat Wisconis itwoh yrg s itago.
ctr tic tuof tue to,]i-i-lu layed5itn T--uhti wikl and tru io s-t-it-i tt Ii ut- sestuuul- b aedfroa tlilt
It~sd itti tiedih a ii un'tn i ii li t t list-iotathe iitemic i i l t huicanode iteihtldtnniley
cu-s-tut s ip.u-u' mT uo hutp stirn in li toittit t atu i 's deiility itseac ing thetiiittfl the a ent r l hs u it tn
fliue sti i i. ettend,,andui thuist yicertauinh Annii: lutisttih-e snuu'iphu' cncrt by h i 1hut ast orhjtust tuchicurrences
h~iltt thtis ce mt wilhu lsbuttitlllIcic)y tth tu ttusiusoIchrst tditnti et nncltutu his thartti iuiew imethodittntselmciit
liorts ori Heker.ltutu'' O thes tnie iwa un ht utp stil th hu , l " tl t he uitil usixtu t erutuut t lrgettuusisnsa
lils ime rs t- -his-regstsurledulacesmmmut it iiit isit th ltl)o w icute
mm ii iii ii I utu ttut tuuimfor'' tti he tbela ut conducto r sIsr nit mtPt suuuuu si
sgitntstir ttulay ing y e tti ii liyIttuesu.umh tu utera er li is at iisu hedit d foaii
tftot t ei de thth]tytlcoul tprove hims l atveritble- -powermi -tutu e tc hicha tywei neitil eN.
ply an tuu'ie ilhlsdw et tart-e hin'th e itth one.u'Three unu l ie upretu T il he e anndbtr ilb
Chits hi a us rened, te Veb r ov t vtt i I A uuuuuu's seected titmuwhmntthrmmeus st frhut om
'Tile uhut prces-o- te gee til esi tpc i c si tut lii tttand itegfriedt tusl tu Ni fe sit 111 1 cub andithree N, frmy
i usd ft heu ttu t I i mit t ttofu whester n nnv h 'e a"repat.tud <tu usd uo-the -wl et. he tu Nss
Iap C o tetwt eams. ' shut o lii hu 1 i t en utuhut ts, hat Spr ingtSons;tuithslisutitheu peim iar i tti " tt
it bseuLtetmTifrnerssandr lu's iii uTime (ali'lot 'istuiT hstit a cmu, thrsustion I)(,uCttten
Jfihl t et irty i te s Th ineIC ttu hut ciiix rairoa taet.
at ias iAt.P uuuappearedi tsanaltitsals cmli httin uuria iuunta
C.itCron. .. ..t I.' s. . k th h cel t s ith l i w ih h c
- hi sef. Il rceveir ttis o
hh'tsoiuaitswti-tei-to usrisiand1 Ilituhi - SIKEVSIt -AVI
Chtild. Ilimit t autld i-ltis Iiiiin-herumli-a-SJtt, S:IhiIKER
of tGturu-ls tasnd huIsrrv uuuHasmsindussusi-
pl' td thurclevem.t TheistuturI hichii hi l suit hel
taricaitas tis itty sietmt its eif t 1t at5 ,i ii ia "t happy sunceat in
onths tams a modutiland tuh titus us is mnuruth Thi ttu utin tm-is
s(tiltther-game wi't-hia vim that thut matrsuti hincuragingu' 111(1il"uusi goodum-
elwhumse inot, h owsi befoeu thihimar and stip tutu i hus
utti usausedithe cocitsok chruh Sa-tuuts '-g-a isiwi'eiulgedsin and
fori thus(fhut 1ltime situ, this'Ptutrdue5 -gtamue liliht rershmenitsi-t e he. n e
''liii Iatest re itpIo sitr mt n ii iv m nTui hisu wa s Ituhe 'scond sutun t' miwhichi
us tshat hifruit a itille wor t nse.esenttihe Itutu ett iv ofth ttl awktyestate
atba it-iitt' and -tt fetlt 'onisider-lilt- mitt hiss heIs th i syear
I iag d histimorniing. him' stilt stick"1a--
t hits detrmina'utio-gt uu u ittub liiNI111Itt Ill CI. mlCC i 'h l PIS.
"ate usdit cmlbeed thuat ice usill.____
ChtricoNouV. '4 I Stun1I S-With Toi mst-ht the sse-itr hts- r -"litut-ou
thus paths as h all ildl tr kcptbahut u t na il iseebstmioni ll
tipgttly httikedh utiti toluttearie tticols- therowi . 'I'li'smiiihukthe iifitrtutu
sittntlyoitheIu wathtutustuns--nh fruitsa sitasitslutermwichthormmlluhfldovetr
timetuo humeuasstois lehattk ut io s tut w irdbitz' SS uv treonWshingtonm
ututd tw-ndeurfuluhputays ittwich tCoachsti lretI his smokiii illiiieiithu rtt
Siugg us tud fiing huts rtutu, mwths thus 'ttithptoft hie clis 'almutt"tis titi--tutud
tavowe'duobudet lit perpetrating a hit'l'1th utrat ther clasts hutds tis ytarit
sutrpris paty n othuts moliiftrienuithi-.nU. crtidicattion potu s t' osn
Yst,'l Thansipgfteittnoouti. 'Ato g--omultie.It is dsitedlthual t a seiiot
whtuthsett ar ys atrtintfucoutretuomoner]itis wihut caittomst ill t iunt uuand
katno mslucet the anSuroonit pl aertutuiiiathu lishutirstifotrmttl gamthittu-a' wiut
hinths havenibmttnmitoppeduithuati"titutuli er t'Iheremmill hi some tiht re fresh-
manui," us Chicagomshustuns affectionatelly tuueletlimit thesaffairtil bdiiustitliy
caulhthur itcoatiltItas tutu-u-utenutseveural auutmoker Stomttsm'twitsiesungt l'tuu
stutstha i itilliimake Sr. Yottsut s muevrtltuu"onhuto liimo aut'-hIte fllow-
tutu rub htteys. shricptt IItiwis propommsedIthatiafltrthus
Upuots thechhuriti seltuaftatnd uo m okeattihr titsmumeitallthunatiotis a'juirutnt
.Amuiasusgreatestu footblluaittyerSWal-toItheliiseuitir hibtltnuh nd ttrmitl cei-t
Ins EchursluiCicuagousatuudettus bhietar tsit tmaim Some. tiiuhetr stunts scull
thirsoletuhopeisittwuinig.I'Evetyonibe sprunug a'litits'elulfsfuseitItroutthin
tist atutttthat Stgghs a asondierufuliorminiary. u
Th irsl ttuspenmsleeting' iftthin ('tutu
hu--gi shutclu hlt I'ttslsuusutveinguws
mull attendeduhhumy fcuitsy utnilstudencuts
itt thust uuu1(uutir hiesuitmetic ii (lii Is
tins of thisevingttwmms tiptpelust-Phut-
Walter Itlituusuit Ilt isssedthe
luetitntutu sit slrtlii prouniain-i
Latin Il~ ,;tl~jet Nvs, "he isti-
miv ofttt I uscitolsttuntlta hutrtutu tulr
it Priutititi i minLain.
Iedvpdhis tit1ttsi a ''''toi tht
accordilttt'toiitite evidittcis ofst titutith its
scitin ituuathis mrul ofIRomittnttt'rtiti-
itusis incorrect. T'I Ihutitsleshtselthat
as mayicosonanttsultan beg ilt a syllablei
asimausbehptousmuurned-it thin ubegintig
'i of I ttu inword.
B. S. humnet}sittheUr iversctuy mitf
Sliciult ittatsr haits tuetdIaI ptmphlent
entitild "' (''li ibrarhutrunsdus Loucat
ii thin' hue nutentsmit wnithltfirst
appare its l tIPulicLiz-iii I t itt Jauaruiy,
igo, Paif ter mmtug btntrsailbefortisht
'mutnnirbo CuLiurarn cub.t
th symhn cantit notim fail mito itprss
hut'beaers by itaitait eticslysit
itnisuuim hutomm atutu ooruth sum wellt hii byiits
iiiitsiuutt"wchii so leiantI tic
amuuece that it wastat psitued.u IThetu
are tugsi ii l t its ea rt thati(1'lun mt
witeli histmliiwith mupasinate i lit, an
Sit I Pur'sm rei ngmlii si- sucmiiias hto sit
fornthites1 pasaes llther ighenst
beaumuty. Hits a i te tutchiltiwsiiy
mmii'rh, 1It'r. Pmutt mattuinestill hisi hutitt
aby oethantianyomneiis dtitspresus-
(li t hem,'occa'-sionu mitth grattn inltist-
nainl ueahibmitionmmtoibeitstutuatut iltt
Italit- mum utahe istudentmus mitth nLii-
versitm ofM ltntm mill cult ol'
Conveint iofshudets l utut i hldmitts-
ing" time-l'mm"tm omit hts-naexhib utin.
Cirmcmiutas-ure englum"sculnmmiioumt
thurne linin mstiutitts omitItcuntries,
tutu-'i hutnusbriel ths deItilts mit thue
moemen-tih, ths geneltd aitsmit oftwichmis
to bfindihetic udenhtltoittthuesemliii's wo-rld
finmto afratrnatltbodmy.C Grealyreucedussu
rstu on mutlultra iltsay muntIsi tamship lihint
titus-n tstsiuredtrutthomseiwiotitsht
his autendmu i ssconvenut ion.
'hetsinfirtsmbly mit thspreint
tsiutuut yeartwstedants ttu'"ighat tuise
t ht atuspices nita umutartuofmthn leantg
plut hesarmsI ut tu su tsto' om othen
It is humpsedlthatlevern Nc-us- orunagirl
mittl becmeatsmesi im itt litmtus ltfufi
the imetilus tutr'sitt itt" simuiriorgan-
izaionsl amongiiii"thisetn' imigir ftheus niiss--
hu uml m lsn ri .rit
lrit et Flrec I. rit; inscr
tar, erhasut.mli uiayrd utafurer,
Pearle Catmubltm chit irmaniu, Sirlet'
tutu 1 tandiI untilty tutmbertim ie
Polims- i tu c ummiuns -I tisni Streiberth,
charmn Panes Clrk, isena M.'
Iamo.Social Iosmitteet t-izabeuthsl
ihuc-m, chirmtt;usR1smm K. itahi IMrs.
Ps-rui n- ugui itsIGI uhys Strumibrt, ivhu
Crndalt tlt I ,umuAc IhTab Si, auel 1it
iKnappui, Jo-stun ShN 'ii
'h ihrst oauntI funtctiontti suhllibentld
WlitTutuda10estit ttiP ilethisotmeis(mi
Stlits IHowardl'i17 Norutith hayuerstmeet
l't-crn NewmYoutugirl is ucurdia lly it-
111110 C,1 1>NV I1 1
Si thus meiunguofutthin (tutomcluthyus-
tintdiny it tois 'dec-ideo-to humoldiu uasokerI
mit thusfinst Suturdauy fullowintg lt
'T'iuihakgiv'ing tvacation.iTIhuntammers
attioni atndiselect intmm oiesutiouthus
wouuuldtbecome n umrethorosuughlhy ac-
qtuauiuunedswithiestuther.uhuesiii mtitatt
tutin iltlathsplahert t isastumukerandl
thin electiontwill behueutlthin followingp