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February 25, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-25

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The MicignDal



Championship of Lit Department
Decided in Fast Game- Chicago
May.Disrupt "b3ig Eight."
Playing a fast, accrate game of bas-
ketbai the fresh ]its defeated the junior
its last night foe the championship of
A the depatment. At the ens of the first
af the score swas 20 tss to aniwiess
timse was aleditie 'fresissen, by as great
spsrt, iled their tipponets witihi a score
of 46i to ts. This victory mseans tiat
ue fresitssenswitille awared nsssseras.
Frossithe tiss te iewhiisteblesw, tie
scoring asss active team wsork ketsthie
crowsd of spectators is a tsrsoi. Trie
freshmsset startesi off witis a rsssi ani
scoresi eigt piniutesefsre teir opso-
ients cossisi isiae te ase. Throsgl-
oust, te junsiurs paysd assssphil gane
swiis a spirit and sashischsii takes aias
se sting ofsefeat.
. 'isncieseter asssiDas nisarredt for use
jsuniirs. Tisy asis a ossssler f e-
pet plas together. Forrlthe frshmesni
W\ebster ,s11d Hlc ss siilied.'Wei-
s'srtitledsi ots he u' 5point'cre'
by hii's assi 5Mayiss isiet pings11
as ibriltii sliant as ''isisgae, ss a b'il
factors'in tieus siiniiiof tis'gamse
'lie general oiniioniisis a the Nis ii
tes last nigit swilte strog inthi ree
for te cisamp~ionshsip of teivsC ssesits
igq it, roillitits
Hasmitoss......R. s.i.. is siwates
lasciestts ,Casut 11,.5 ici.veet
ianis... . . . L . .... li ess C. p1
Rainsm .... . .G.. .. . 'stisiss u
Basets frie d-iWester o, Eser
et 3, ilsiskialter ;, hayes, H amsiton s2
liasseiester 2 iHouse.iDavis. f'Gsas froms
isosls-Webclser s, 5Davss3- Referee-
Conea, Srer-Sisal. 'Timotr--
'romosrrowis'nigtlte last laskeiall
gamesc of te week wsill b ltaye, the
liigesia psrfoimansee; casinsg the
dla. The frst gamse siile eseeni
the freshs and juioisrltoss. Te secoissd
gamsse, is'swesn the junsiir assi frs'hies-
gineers, wisllibeionseef lefeaures it
te series. Tejuniio5s wnth ielsham-i
pionshsiip lass.eis.IThes iir poiets sue
cosideresi Sri be' , ue 'f5tsi iesttrauss
in thess' C nN lag -'oul=r1i
Univiersity f Cicago is 'ici'ngoser
te Cosferesce trces rie fault seis
ate isses ithi't i pra'cti'aly aiut im sa-
tumsssdecarsnitself ircivoc'hly in fasor
of a lie-gmse sciediule Since'tursiuu
atndI lliois hatie sdecaedi for the logsr
sciesne Chicagoi tas takes tisuistands,
ansi withs Wisconsi sisansdss for rai-
icai reforms. Ciicagosay le' coinsrinied
t lease te "lig eight"
After Mlicigan's rejectioni iof the fe-
gamie schedussl' tssd ssbseuset resiga
tioinsfrossisseiersiip is'lt'e Cosfer-
este,te sstests of Illinsis iv siersit
hesda mass isectisg sit semsadieia
recoissiderastisonsof te squestios. 'h'e
facsltiy senate ts'ssed forsi seen-gamsse
schedusle y ais-ry snarrow massrgin. Pr-
sdse Isllowvediniste steps sf teIllii
asisivotedi down sfle gamtes.
Wiisconsin ansdslCiciago isre the oly
Cosferesce colleges swhics ave not ac-
cededitoa the sdemsassdlfor smore gamtes,
bust oils are odurate
'The lDetroit Neiwo prits the follow-
ing, gatheredi by their Chicago corre-
"'rie sunierity officials expresses
their sdispleasre whesstey reas of Psr-
duse's actiosn isoiing for set games
aid clinchisg tesmoe, aitd Prof. Par-
ker's stateisent costaiaheste setimsets
of all those who ave beest working for

She past year to secsure the defeat of the
sevens-game scltedule. That Chicago still
not stansd iy the other schools ivill measn

a sersous disarranigemeint of the Ma-1rooni
schedule it addition to having only five
games next fall, the rootes believe.
"'Te antoosnementstbf Chicago's firm
stanid against seven games camne as a
surprise to the tooers who hat sp-
posesd that the sesate mtigti recossier
its viiws asndivoe sithste other col-
leges ius viewv of te favorahle votes of
sisx of he 'lg eight' scoos. The cief
coisplaistsf he rooters is that he lg
scheduile they hstas pictured for iet fall
at -Matrshatltlfiel soic stasiss a poo
shoiosf fulllmitent.
"Tihe umidws'ty atority ansniosissedtht
Chictgo tw'uldhnsot feel boun~d b h e
tess rule aissiswosssls take mueas to free
itself of say obligatinisso oey- it."
Chicago a scheduslesdbust two gamte,
osie withsithe hBadgers tandiisue swiths tis
Goiphiers. It sas huopei lugStag'g sasd
the fans tat easterns gaises migit hs
chdld,sit it is pobasslse tat Ilisiis.
Psurdhue aIi ilsaasill iowts' lasyed
If the ,Mtaroonss feel sis dispsoses, ters
is niiithiing to inuder theistfrostsabsidin
hy he short sedule while te resttaks
their coasrse,isit theetre isst lilei' t
ressain ithiunsthe Ciisfers'e u nderuss
sscsa udisadtissags.
ii'DC' \'IiON.\I. ti NiPifEN'CF
Pri. F.N. Scott 'i ireurel S isis
froimii'l iimotnistimsesig f eiuta-
toshediNeii Y'ork (ity, tFebi. 2isini
__ lie a n eisisif'iithret' rpIren'ttiive
frii is udiistrict is the ciinfernce o
issus e'ntr'a'ncse eqie'msents us Esg
lish. Tis cussferessce is cosspsselof
ILu si o h edn sscai fclee adscnyshosi hiediSates. Its li)noaithority,Iisl
is dec'5isins sri' accepssd 1b3'pracitill
ill sue repratory siihiiils aud cllseges
iut fewschanuges awere' stade ii thisac eurmet o hsya
\et,tyear, hoiiee r, a ciimspee reisios
itke lice. This wiill effect biokis
fos readingsiaisdh trobably thus' iwholnofrqirmns
'rof. Sistt hats eeni a imeisbher is
the cinferesce fr ue past twch''
'eas l'hiteril e mbIisiiers froimislii
lestit atie hrof.IHibbiari, sitf'Wison-
si suet Supt.Cflits's.if IHindtle, Ill
Th lioniifereiiee set thisyetis'etchi
sutlege, Ciiiiuita univesiy. Luts's
'suui eut wssproidedi ho'the facslt'
t'liii iiiCotslubi. Proif. dSit ill1 maike
'a repoiirt:of liii'conferectee as the meiet
in fteNrhCnrlAscai Colleges tanid Secondary Schools,tbehlatCig,-Mrh2an 28
\VTiiL 1,1.iISStUEl')SOO0
'T'he annunsicemients of ue summiter sen
hino h a eatetwl o e issued. 'hie sessionswisiti le frii
Junie 22 t liAg. t1. Poltlig is thaclty
hrtailey Ai.T'o'sii onsis,XIsS., 1LL.
equsiityusleadsig anssd tdvatnced enatproi
eels; Jeromsie C. Knouwlton, AiB., t.I.5
contrats, quausi-cntsracs;Th''ioimats A
Bolsge, LL.B., cousmisnsi lasw pleadisg
Cute isletading; Robert E.. IBukier, LL.B.
bilhur ntcrmnlprcdrts iisC. Goddsar,Ph't.., ithS
secretary; JoiuI . IRood, L.BI., crins
ital ltass,lemsesttry retl prperty, euit
jusrispiruduence; Joseph H. Drae, Ph.
L.. I., elemsenstry lai,sdausages, ptrter
ship; ,ELsosn R. Sundseltssd, A., LL
B-., bileitusess andu carriers, corporations
evidence; Evans Htolbrook, AB., LIt
tigentcy, domiaestic relaioss, sales.
'hue bouard of trustees at 'Williams re
ceusly voesd o restrict te nuber o
athleic gtamses asse also to forbid t
long trips takeus by te atletic ts.
Althsoughs fraternities hae aiays bees
prohibitesdt Prisiceton, yet nuinerouss
cilus ate eens it existenceshichthav--

practically servcii she purpose of "frats.'
Pre.sidhenst'Wilsons nowC favors te abol.
islissent of these clus.



Fuil Dress Rehearsai Shows That
Work Is Completed-Faculty
Approves Play.
Wiithsa sring tut senth cierybotdy's
"Mopies for \'sedntesdaty soaritng, M icii-
;erdss ss vssputt thisosughs ssfish dressren-
setirstulasithlie 'Whitntey last tights. This
is te tast iworkosut befosre the slay of
lie firstperfourmsance. W\ednuesday- after-
noonuu the -0' s will hue russ throuigh, a
rief rehearsalhis kep'ithuemsifrosmssfor-
lethtig. hissexcepit for sisal, notlihig
nn w illt he done:s' befsire te surtaisn
'ises \V'edniensay ighs. .\ticluigensa is
'iss''li e'ehe'ssal lst ight tisse sisal
:lesr. I ess asr. Scanslonu, wshosse critical
'3yes tiase foundssshlaits ss'here othsers
'ailted, ihs ieiconhentediy as useeesurtaisi
-aidse' shliig shusus at thss'enudsifste
.hiidsues. Its fishldress exatlty as ste)'
swill gos befoire'thisesssaudincssaiticheregui-
sir pssrfsursn sss he s lur n-miss tusor s-cerc
migIsug his'finaile'us lls si sill that sa-

"Mathematics" is the title of she lec-
ture which will be given tonight by Cas-
sius 1. Keyser, profeisor of mathemna-
tics aS Columnbia university. It will take
plasce at 8 o'clock, is the lectusre roomsu
of Tappans Hal,. Thin lecture is givens
utnder the auspices of the. Mathenmaticail
society and the Philosophical club.
Prof. Keyser hs recently beets lectsir-
isig at different colleges stsrosughsosutslur
cosunstry. Last neek lie spoke at Cisicago
suiversity. His lecture wtill tdeal stll
thte cossitios fallacies regardinug te sta-
hure sasd rasnge of nmathsemsatics, andi its
relatiossho philosophty, psychlsoogy, antd
Prof. Keyser stu~died lawiseniiAnnitAr-
hur for one year, and later attendsed
sussusser school here. tHe is a tuemsbtes
if several scienstific andth iiissplica
clubhs, anid a prominitent conturibuutosr ts
scietiific puiblicaiotts.lide 55555ah use
tinse editor of the dlepsarttmeto(f pure
siathecmsatics it the Encyciuipedia Amieri-
lRE;SENTr MOI R\ 1'll, \Y

foodis's hea--r ute se sireary' uweekseof 'T'he Comnedy aisbswill ipresnass .'l-
ulrilhg. emntplay' at thseir spritngiperfosrtmance.
"'ier ready," suit il r. Sanlonu. "Itdesveral hbrilliant plays art'nosuit ntsses
waisisuit s'ireearnsal.I'it sastisfied." sdiscussioin, isncludsing Shres' 1y' lens-irs'
Soisi In r. diSteu'ers. I h t(,swthis're- Shase. one hy ClysdelFitchi, asndlanoth-b'
'i)ear-sal irecedhin g tis ute--by teut-sy, inichbdsJohntsDrew atnd 'iandse Adassti
lstsaticiulshifts' ouithsast snight's-adstassrred ses-eral y-ears ago. 'itisicis 'uf
wuenst hkto DeItrosit resitingte sue- these plas's, if ansy',still finally 5.'sles's-
ifcs f tie play Wens daystuitsn ighs. )Fac- ed is as yei unideiedes. Asny suggus-
lt sssrrers- vis were pretest last tiosts ini this matter siill be gladhly rc-
- ight htissue s amsse good wI sordi for te ceived by Miss Hailer, Prouf.Straus
ioperau. Mr. Trsssis, or Mr. 'ioiodriuff, wthosceorn-
y "Iisi:; ine itaus.' ssthe conusenssus se te comittee.
si of sssss o ~ioif hiseusis-isis sees tere' The nw playiuillhe guvesssssoe Oti
e to ugs'thss ilasy fur flstfascsulty in May. No dlefinite annuuuncemsenut cats
r. i"T it uwa s slenid rehesarsal," saidh he niade unstil the pliay is chousens. 'rie
it rtCtasit pressi'tside to ste Unioni.cast uwill againi Se selectetd 1)- umeas of 0
"Wes sue set-u'sa mmgo sidas'wright lure- tryouts. 'iting of the outd memsbcrs isill
etitusnights 'ithe-si If tie." sot be able to participate intshieunesw
I summitex pet to sear such mussic," play. Especially is there assnipportunsily
lts ists s h ]-ill "'Two 3ears ago see fur girls, since thue parts in the nest siay
ehail ausuits'contesutmmianstildsum thsrows'all ntill he miore 0equ11l' divided. All whou
u's -sigt itostimewsute sashes. I tdisdn't sate ability in this lite are strongly
'tinmk tissuewete menmuusits school whtu urgedh by the comnsmittee to romse to time
1 sucoul tits:ssush musiiie asnI'm-chearst is tryosuts as there is alitaye romsfor sne
'- iuslhit mmiii talent.
'isuersit thus hesusceesen its hsigesusss U'nder the nets'rules whiich nere
uswere ""sashued- isby yndonsasithue rehsear- adloptied last sprinig, onse classic ansI our
e allst errns. 'The} seee.s Daisy muodiernsplay see providtedtfor eel
-hous sc en-e, ass she ii niale of each of 3ear. So far thincdub hlut iv-etiusitoi
ntime lurs- c sts. 'lie pictures sil ethidntis- thue inewrsules. It is in accordaane'wstll
sipaye n-ctiiLyndion'tindismow se ittfter- thetisthat thi nse play still ibe givn.
nsoon. Next year the order ivill probtaly be
Keepinig esompanmywstll Mr. 1,'e*)aslou ehsansged, she moderns play coming dur-
its heavisug sighs of rselicf shah thin dress iug hop iveek.
rehseasatlihsscomse sitnd gotne, are te The statemnent of te financecs of time
- useuhers sit thurcsumse commuitee-C. finst performuance switl be ready its a fews
iR. Wiseeks. '. IW'sioodiruff, tushdVWafle day-s. A Comedy cdub fisud siill lie
n erritt. It s isankis ts thsematsa thin startedl this year. The balansce of ste
n horns girls are stigs that fit asse shoes isnoceeshs of the play uwilSbn donsatesd to
e ith misdi'stupinceh. Ilosis'steli they'savet-n sie IMichigan Usnions.'T'isswnillhue- us
'issnethir wostunseensty steli costumisedlinsconsidierale sutmt.
youngstmien will tbheasr sestinionty Weibses- --_____
Te scat -shle lusthue speciali Satsursday WILL REPRESE;NT 'ot LIT'
mi ~ opmu eedueat lg9o'clscks yesterdhay -
smssmum ug its shu's tools stine aaut as Jatmes McCandless andu C. A. Everest
theis ssses boxsffice. Seats solrats-were selectesd to represesstte scior
idltyastahtiers seesms his he little doutbt literary class ini the final siratuorical cost
lit it huehsusenull Sue soldst out lontg be- test ho bhueldiMarch 20. 'hue reliiii-
- foe tssurda y. lime stile will cosntinuse ary contest was held Satusrday es essiuug
ydsaiy fInsists o st6i. iniRoom B of thin lawcbusildisig.
heeesta rehsearsaulstill hue heist 'ede- 'McCantdless spoke osn "The Lsaw of
-nesdavaysfternss ;1sst. 2 o'clocks atthin:Service." The inubject of Everest's tuna-
Wihitnseynd.uswsill notl he fullt dress. tiun was "Hamilton, the Nationsalist."
sI}, F. Stevenson, H. C. Kelly',CGesorge
FC)RE't'PRS t~l~l)ANNU L B-et and A. Leonardi iere the otlier
FORETER I-.E[, ANN AL, contestants. Professors Efflsger anud
lt.NQt'Et' .T AST NIGHTI'r Brsts and Mr. Wednisseer wiere the
o rf Th aanual bsaquet of te Forestry The last of thin prelinsinary contests
.chum tonic place last night a1tstte clutb- with lake place tonight in Rooms B of
bsma 'e.A_?rout sixty msensibes of the thin law bmuiding. The following speak-
cih!'tere tpresenti. The speakers s-ru ers from the senior law class weill parti-
a as tfos: R. S. Kcllog, of the fsor- cipate : Boose, Camberis, Downey, Gor-
iestry serice, W'htiingtont, D. C.; Dr. mass, Foote and Crahin. Prof. True-
RushBit. D.Neswcomsbe, Asst. Prof. Hter- blood, who has drilled the various cois-
-' icis if the ensgisneerng sdepartment, Instants, promises that tonight's constest
l- Prof. Mulfosrdl,tatu Dr. BrursJC R. will be one of thin best of thin prelim-
D iickson actesd as toastmaster. inarses.

Southern Orator Brands Dema-
gogues as " 'Barnacles on the
Ship of State."
'he'- fsum. Jtitohn ssmle fCrstses held
-atiutim latst tnight is tuitiete it
U'nivesrsits' IHllsiths Iis leture out"Thin
Reigntimof tim e smausggue" Th ehoe
vas massrkedu withs ai degree tf eacellence'
;ecii mmmi tus-umsitthmmiiithe'S. I,. A. putst-
oruss1. ls wel-turnme,tperfecty rhetor-
sesal upe-idissers's tinmgusisedihotogi-
mmm. it us a~s smootesssuuonm f rhy-th m ip-
russet imic st tmeshblnkss ste,aisedmiasi
I iaslby'a5 isll moduiislstedshatushat all
isses plasig mmii's'summtwsllt-igish per.
'ccl susuisuattiusms 91%ts (hus u sty
olsthe isht p lac.in thelihsit
suusuiss-uoramomst anisis al 5 tituisg ste-
'issums'o is iuss LsmsamuamdsHeltny
;rd.Its- ijstlun1 mconsier'utohumbe
sums of thusforemo isit 'sfsmrianttsea'k
-ns of tsedv
his toihitmtsoft oesi"goermsent,-or
xsnsofi this's' i su -hi'.stnt teship
if staute'.'this its magmum s iiwhoumstl
itroy sush 5govunmentumin sum limitsel-h
seiisg 'eee.
Inm liius penig worsumul.ieslo, ta
'tush masummi ngiii'. ts' ritts'tIhil mu-m
orunssums-.t in mhis- power's'to pattecrns
hmefatrthie'patr itic'Pmpeutsy sum
this debahing 'tss Casars'u. 'Toi iud)-e te
livessostftusiti-siis ts studiy tpolitics;
'ands tomdoslim lis ( ht insir em si-illsibm
iuihiliiui f psf tit -smd irt is siegosvern-
tilititls, blimi sum tsinsus laIis,-its-u siissm'
this drama, andtismithsum dadlimst dis-m il
'mu-saes , when promii s ssnttittingthuirs'as-
'cesh trim. stdmaoge tits eems
summi asillhbm smt hsis s usfu'ses-r. Wshen-m
ees rthis'eoplehavhumsa vsis iesnmgaussru-
miss-tsthis-ieusill bhuwo lutsassstintmues,
mone adedres'stig hiopatroice-motivles, is-
itsigi seisss a1ndmiihIommiist, this'otherut,
thei itmts' uslums Oit'te piaie usig
sa triske', sit, pie tnisiste'nt
'ait srvas to h, is oe'
Isethus-iswsent sum toi tout th ~e mitaum
tpoliticianumas thesins mle summit manil
fest sxamplet."FImiuslar is is Iis siath-
wsordl; 'I:sumris-sumswad'mush ihiss moett.
Such asministhesumanmtesis sat patrisot-
sms,tadsthumsiutsat thusemagge is
tie steadly stas cli to sumry immnet e-
"I lust's'notigto sinys,)'sitthoseus'honossr-
ables-mueunsists seeks mfflces-for tie hosor
instiloiry mat thu stateis, limt of those smuty
uhos, clsgging timweles sad state, ruise
econtinsuallty'this-cry f' fitefice."'
'sin. fGrmvssthus-ms ntmis-u tsus umpoitiottst
as5 an5 sexampleuo thitlie mcsatesmean
us-ptrot temuart'yediiIPresidlent: M-
statutsssa'rs-mistshildl sgaist- the udeusa-
go-tnge. lieuprstectionsm sgiststhis, then,
is sesutions. 'se msmt educaeteuehe ciui-
znif se awouldhmstune thi stusse. 'dis
schto oft iithis'future'msmmtimelthrights
convicletions ttusithis'conurge hum epres
Tielectumrert digrssedmt h smtpoint to
smesaksomf mie effec ttfuour ltec nan with
~Sain; ' s its awourthmits email toswiness
thss usrfect asum mit nioiusuon of tll
sections o mu omteauntry.
11 is tie slimysit all 'alo teachitoIsa 5uit
the misusiotns itttie stesuan athai-
horrenc'e fr tie enmgue. '"'el tetm
this-e sie eter tinigs thanushosing
office. P'oint thesisto Glastsonse'eash-
ingtons, rant, mushfiallyin-ee."

At time Uinsi sito Nebrnaska thin
ed~itomr-ins-chief of time Daily- Nebraskanu
recesses five hsours credlit dunrsuork uspoun
thsat paper, time tmnagigedtor three
}losurs, amus h sesreportner muss.

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