G. g. Wild Comfpally
Our Spring 19o8( line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and "Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade.
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Tour patronage respectfully
G. . Wild Companly
311 Suth State Street
Brgains in Recnt
Boo ks that have sole for
$1.20 we are offering at
flalt a tioue ' itch sill
Pain )i ]Jnli-
lion and the Mon-a- 1,is' in
Garden of Adlah Wji,,
lienerv of Gratark Vlet nit-h i
I coo-e of a Thousand Cadlo--
Went Pathy Went to Cnilege
Sheehan & Go.
Student Bookstores
The Largest Manufacturers in the 'World
of Off icia Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gof, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Official Impemenets tr Track and Fild Sorts
Uniforms for alt Sports. Spldig's Hadsoely
Ilustraed Catalogue at al sprts canatinsna-
mseous sggesios. Send o it.-It's ree.
New York, Csicago St. Loals. San trsmetsco,
Sllanealols, Dnser IBuffalo, Syracs, Pits-
burg, Phlladepia, Boston, Cinennath Onialti-
mre, Washing tanKaass City, Cleeand,
New Orleans Detrot Montreal, Canada.
it anotnIEdtr-ActRrsF RITCHIn
Btties .Moanger-C. E. WNsTEAso
ip - FotTos .;. -
Ns .l .... . -irtm S.EGId "
hlihic. . . ...Lee A W hte1
..citos . I jhn.W amot
Mu.Isicanod Dramta...Roy D. \elch
\\ omn's Editor..-L ouise Van Voorhis
J. Wi. McCandless timer C. Adams
Russell MFrlnd
Georg 11. Holet IL. C. Reid
Chauncey Bocher B. CR. Williams
Raymond. Vissher
Al1 . II Chugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Mainline Robert Montier
TLowell J. Carr Donald L. IKiny
Walter I-. Towes Lotis Krat
ciewis T. Ri ero 'obert Moreatid
Paul Greec Samuael H.' Morris
Cltto rtgel Fred ~. (Gooding
Ther o I'.C(oopec
John F. Wre Carl H. Adam
HaIrold P.Gould
Address: MCIGAN Doner, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Managers Mors: - p.i., 7- p. m.
dily, except Sunday.' Both phones
Iultl)SIir, rT. I-itARt 2jy;.'ito.
-a ii::::: it. seatistlr . slrftiso.
TheItiaik, i ce0.hlas iof ltlict-n
putin i aa t: tlot iswhici las..cied it
to it a sti'nIecr1:11il oec qtactero
t de-od I 1:de ie lit-ccomtoritatile
Is a rule, in c Btom-iltttcwiih ottpir-tc
is listl,,we tprefer l it citeter itail og
irt:ice. ltst ciii its-sittile atilses andtt
till el 1ii (,,,(s:l I haliccs - t: expli
i in l-i . iIn- this tis. thowever.5.wit
tr." : 111155ou pisiioplitci i
'1hda a i ri iltic his int ly liii
itTy Siol or ::a:l"atl ,hitssoret
W h a ak -I lhas. lts-i ilit tltoIis
roii: crsIsiicl ~lt prlis tn ttlttt, es-i
1;cr i ce takiintttsitmtetlteiek s be -
c b.lh _he i s itt -kd ti
All iii, :1 iib llv silits xis laineids
:1c ini iiiand, i USiseto ile ts
cato itw a t ltsandtotothe \Wo-
lta' ,eg c id ll itit- asplttices it
l-sdllih rc gato I:mttke liar ex-
pl- at tile ()w i llso. he prtriipaiion
of i heitDtilyis dialaticiated:itr iticriic
5toii: ii:c s::silalt ttsiteame n tcts
Ic lonie no~tiii- c sticretatcth
man of con-.sidrableitnlec1101eOitant
inil i tsi iio riter th laues ti itieiof att-
111111ii itty tiltits recp ttit itV the us-
etnce andi eimphaizinig ut lightly the
dlefecswisisichi eocn'-timatetr as so-citas
co-rilprotessionaltt terformainic lutst
teed tes. ~--~Ii ttoasticritiismt (ruin
jt>t. tatuws il--naoti tiedl ltmistn iiac-
rordaece wsitthe ntionta iitthe Uta-
cersity pubilic moot have its fur stroked
just the rightsay. The Daily makes
tno apologies for this critics story. There
are undoubltedtly maty st-ti will differ
twitha hjs contclusoiseenes- nslci tay
take itto cotsiteratiota the acts see
hatie poitittedltuttatitthey so-rc drawni
frout ai iiffernti stadtoiit rot anayi
tutu that they- cuitl ii in o setse ao-c
itt-csidstereid The Otiys official pro-
nouniticeotent. Tfhe Dailys soletuitae
anitdm tltits iitoss-.s-i i il thattitg
stict aii trticle itb a antotsiecritic sige
its its athoittr.
Certit~vit.i is absuiri to sattie to
iith ii tht inithis butsitess The Dalvit
ies ls tinrdtht~e uWtoman's Letge. or
tawardi Mrs. I lititititit the idirettr of
tle play. itoardi the frt tastoarl
all Univiersity orgniziatiionis of its char-
icier, i hus tionte btthle kidest fe-
inigs;tutnd toartd \rs iHofmannai. s
istordltll idiid-utas, it is justias ta-
ptrsonauluaid itntetidsso ltic.eas is
Thesre is srontg rbabtilit. oe are
inomethtt"Te 'Scool af(ticScai-
dltE siill tagtintibic ireseted. \Wsethoiat
thbis is t-eandttt iwill hatte, is it
dlesricilthis-firs titme. huttis- ticiedst
cric, tetcosider iittihavehin thle
t-cs-er seenandatgeter ideligt-
tts-c sie itt teshlieldl. soc ottst rtiiktc
opportittunt(its sitcrt criiismitiatou
tuat se thopte the wsay hats btent aciie-
soa pagte1:1dcifor the tadtitinof ia n es
policy its Tue ail. whleeby it tity tilt
Itly swtirutty airootut may a ll-ilex
ercise ii- critistl itdgmtett. lits-i else
its' atitsis stndtardos-rI:to eiseid
ifth il-soleulis ity etitms of th Ciii
vesit is 15lwas to1distriuite smilsoadi
satir fowns.' icst c~sits
Iltsidistiritg lastsofinitterest jlnii-
(tctini tilt recnti tmitor letiols itt
lie ntess SttiliCounttcilmteti hias iros
cdt ittlittlescotentabotithtt eii-campiais.
cances. EIaiunatiiaoadilall such al-
i-it.Thfetstity explanatltn o stijht an
attittudesonithis ipa t te iniio sass
is tuatdettase ailedl ha (tll atpre
ciatelstic high :offie shitihltthe Coititil
iwto desiginedto10fil.
fTse Stuttenit Conciil soas otcie-cI
(tic the tpurpose o regla~ting aty Ciini-
versity eits-rirueos-hichlinatinstitt-
tiu -it large attdlstompiaex ts ors are'
opeaitted 11111oftet at tapar-andtl
ofacitig at all homes as ut mediaitor
swhetnever studietitadfilitity settimetsl
developi atcriss prtoes : it ws lO anich-
ed by the imapets o( the highest :politi-
cal iseals and withu the enoragemtti
oft otthe studteit aarlfacuty bodies.
It seeedtti ictinteditoitslIta large and
asessors- funictiontinii undtergradutaftt-
(uirs. Is scoess of-astscionta tus tamst
uniotiedt tutusinces-its tmmbers os-rc
is:b the t smttlst efitcietitartn their classco
-couihl select. this sbsty soas looksedstito
to a tosser o( strength.
Atiit flte a regrettalrdisiteirest
seem- to toss crept in. Criticisms have
beensadstt cout cs-ry sand conscernuiog its
actioits thur past: atud sceptiis o f o its
capiabilitie.s irtuitet, ahboutthtscatopus.
This is (ar from swhaat it shuosuld hue, atad
use regret tuors thanu sordis 5c115sautthat
susi sconduitionus prevail. We hbelieoe that
the fauult 15s well 0' thus remtedhytics ia
the huanaus of thue studtuliaboshy. The
-Cousili is relpresenitatives andu the schuemeu
if electisan is us dehcusratic its anysthinag
cast lid, fle ctissea sold tile solutionu
intshseiris o-tn tuhanstush if thterstaos
buen a ltting udownofi in uterest intshut
Counc11 il, if thuers- hisspad any-ilsdistust
sit its capalittiiies, if this Uisersity=hssbo-y
heels i inuty stay aut if touch wsithliti
use belisvetut the secret tics ini the
geniio athyahutussichl asruets-ies ai large
motjrity oflmen.oast treents utuemutfromt
tatingi ang livhsely interestiniiithuequtes-
tionst as thesy tise1broughut tilt fitspubici
con~isiertion.u Itis10tile stitsyiaswell
is thue priiege if s-isiy loy-ltich\tsiigant
milto s isu stad y-thes Cuniliandust his.
utnosstous maukrthusCutcuit ltstd sir
till thatshis highest tutu scstin iisr col-h
le-gt-sworhl. Ahit re s-its -itsli t-ejno
astid sniorila isses tsoIsis-k iio1nladheitts
lustsor(siouch rat:.s Wes-hutse u:noton-
nien t liskeosithlst-Coiunsicui. Wes
att-s ('111Is attemtinhg tiin ttlut i tht
grits-e1dastger ushischliestit:sithspihitun
s tt- iumanifted ill ithisrectt elci-
tiosi. \tuVhilss thanu on-ith , 'i -,
tor alldepaurtments oftfietniersity,
We osavoe restoek of
(Aut Oar Prices tut
Drafting Instruments
and Supplies
All kinds of Second=Hiand Bsx
taken in exchange for cash,
University Bookstore
Cm [to ARIN[[[
Lawe and Medical
tusuisut ittirysclastiurnssoui to lets
ttittssthos ss1e1 uu ill heycssout-luhr Norihtis-
andtu estuot sfill sush tight alis-u-.theres
muthue Sotmuethitnghuchkinug isene
if otuhuus.
fTse Cuncil isi 1owe rless toIdetilt op
initiatiis-s-uorto ts-suitits iifluecestwith-
ts thushetsurporttuuriofthus entire -hut
uhstuume mershiti. ThusDilicsns-tltyt
ishsi tut sveryssudettcouldlfully cutl-
ize howu sitalI is this-C utuuuil's-psiionsu
still--sti t iheits- etahIosoring' slu1t
us-lcstsits fond th siuu trs sougiihtiorelz
hut it.
'c ts1tuuitt 1 inte eidemtuicsfsflt
ilk oratollrs is up~olli is. Ah;a ut s-tlt of
thuec-irtusstOils vi-uetrtiuS, ileh ts' tg-
gusts repthit ttu tttsnstty ltuges- tiiSihts-
hiom slifs-cottontbattinug amutonug thoseusssit
(usususuatswos-las is-cnatrbu.
Ts--juistuor fits tits-e tadds-ed.atnts-Veost
iwher wasst thesShooot: ut itiCo:uucil-
Coachei Yost i-ssounud tomaketalshw-tiu
tug this year, andtulhss manuto insis
"_t1 maity-well bhuenvuiid.
LIIST-Saurdayi.hladys's :goldtcit-l
C.. o bac:salt mes tutu- ise: ulete
(tilt. Return t o 408
W~ahr's boot, shore. t6-7
Advsatnce styles inisouth shirts (osprinag
out stile by As-llenu. Matita Si. 5-10
Treves Anatomy, New
Edition, (just received,)
Stimsnt's Fractures and
Dislocations, New Edit-
ion. Morris Anotomny.
3rd Ed. hualf leather,
$2.50, h al1f morocco
These are new books and only
a few left.
Ca-lu or exch~ange yonr Law.
Medical and Dental Books.
Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St.
For years past all breakages of
eye glass atnd spectacle letnses
Eccessrtated sendilng to a city 10
have the lens replaced causing, a
uteluty of too days. An outfit for
grinding Ituses has been instailedt
ina the optical deptarment of
Arnold's Jewelry Store
220 South Mate Street
Enablinrg thetis to give quick ser-
vice. Surely this will he appre-
ciated hy students.
____________film_______________- ii
By Hook
- Or Crook
School of MX181C
Cbe % tuaents' lecture Resociatf on
Season of 1907-8
Feb. 24, John Temple Graves
Feb. 28, Leland T. Powers
Mar. 13, Opie Reed
Mar. 20, Oratorical Contest
Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews
April 30, lION. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of
DUCED TO - - $2.00
Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange 68
Fancy Postal Card.,'.
-Co-Op Store
,Washingtaon The Ran dali Studio, Ran dali& Pack, Props.
Phone 59