FOR Taught How Engineering Camps
SUPPLIES IN Should he Run -Permanent
HOT WA T ER Location Not Yet Selected.
Thirty-four years ago next stimer
AND li-of. 0.11. Davis of the engineering
Rubb r Go ds tepitmeont estabilislied the first suiimer
ubb r G ods sessin offiedl work for civil rengineers.
-AT--111 1877 tic cstalisuhteidthe flost cairipifor
ciil lcoinccrig stdents, soid froni that
time until 1902 tie 1had1charge of cs-cry
QUA I'DV6 tcop. 0 iii5asked(1yesterday- afternoon
whai t theplins we re for next siuoiier's
____________________________________ "Las- \ tsiesdaa the regents alitiro-
M one Loa ed trited$3.00 fur a uric camip, $2,50o
Moneyf whichuis tibeiisedt iinthe purchsase
ictlew gr ortandfor tie erection of
On iWatches, DiamonodsLaw 0ooks, t iemnetcaimp. Thieremining
or other personatltiroperty.
Watches and Jewetry repaired. $1.000,or1" nch purtion of if as is occes-
Bargains to Watches & Diamonds s-'ri ,-willitttic usest for siovitig tiecanmp
Onc a eetdnee3t i. Lhety li tirthecsiwgronid.For sonic years
Ann Arhor. i ait sstei icts tBicih
Hours: Steot:3 a. in., I to 4:30 and7 to v-tic onittesoitth site iif Glein take,
9 P- M. hetainanicoiunty, litVichigani. This is tibotut
ALL BUSINESS5 CONFIDENTIAL tvl'o1 iii1ri-itasuitfifts milies frittiAnti
JOSEPH C. WATTS Sh1r aisutwen cts-fivileuuts lnor thwest
1asncha- tie snliiiiiiircschiolsttui
u~nleghnest froimisix tio sight necks,
A estnnircamiou-ttalsos ixteitdtoverc
la r4 O ff t1a title.Futgtissours crei-til-itbti
a-lwd h us- iin i-icaliiipiis open
on all stamped goods, including e.l ( iigiiiccls excepi tiiii)01 p-
c.t emsinfroiiitiche aculty. -Must.
MICHIGiAN Pl1 LOW ITOPS ; itden iidriiig tie -uuiu lie "folliii-
ArTtiiiiii uir year. Se-sects--four'
er ntecaiiptilast stnlnner. 1t is
DARLING & MALLEAUJX '- uj~te ihatfullytht ini iiiiitir Nil
224=26 SStae St -t)thi Itea. i1-e cass iiiiist ticin camptt
-- i- i c-el. li-m the ;Saturduas fsoloig
cuceruluiu. -t-i ts- bginniungtishitol
1i:iond iiiay.- Last ictir the cost lto
Coi~~e e Ii tiiit wasiabutiti enth -ladottars.
ColeeT'1sltincldtedtaspo-sitationu, fees, tuoarit.
y4 ,4+ rai nc 1 utts. , Prof. Daviis Saidl "
t,)thianiit sw-oldttos re-mainin iiAinii
U1ALLR'S JEWEhLRY STOREI, 216 S. N-ain St. 0 i -Tteccamiup wittltie ini charge
ofi11t 1'.t_\terrictk, It. It. Atllttant
W e lc 1 Eurie triten raketie couniiiry-is boe
wiwidadgivcesi;irveyitug parties
Tha isa lurk lvlir w wat yu a~tidai xpuesis-nse. Tthe- greater taat
ofosi - s e5sasctidattis ispetn-t ini tie- ietit. TtI.'
t ell-- niss n is si o olwel-is Oi entier
ior store.I i lssii t mailer sihisiliri camp iu ithis milstittirsy treciin
300 iinil-tob()s sis o-lstnOs.(trtis-i. - eisi clatsimedstProfi. tivis, "whecn
tears, lois- a iriisriilssir Ilse.ii fith -a mc-s Iis ilrsiiisin o irdser, ifariiers
lettilnni. sm cl i~ositss so 5 i hi ti wen-iisil ty ilets eesic-it. Thue hors
al", taisgt hoiwis tll ciiginc-riing campt
East University Pharmacy stihtleseitc-tfrtioirtre
si1lS . Pusier-il A si-hiss--d eocupedfo woorthe
H. M. BOYS. Pharmacist v Fc -irssittldibecrecitiited n r. tHere
___________________________________ is-is eruine oss tsc dtu :tti ro 1:55 I. Ili.,
r~lc:7,.breakatsit; 7:4i, inip1eclion1
V.u*o CM. 8ito 12,Ii isriedwrk:tt t12.imti;iIct015
pIi ..s he-tid isork: d(s.stppe-: to, tigtsi
Barber Shop and Bath Roomissimt.~si ontikoa'ti
Larest Shop inn the City ticont iiud5'it ini siisosiechks-vot
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. ii itintlcoinchtihse-boyswiitihsi ten-
THftt CHOGAN DAILYA _________
foost piole; hey tre s ircuctas tea- R N aI i
cockts. Ini tter years they realms- theDR N S,1I
vaitue of iith ii tiigi I E A A E
In rigardliiito ext ticessmp ud its L K A E
termainenthloctioiniProf. IDavils ailiti- To oad a ConkiiaFuninPoetni jusf up4fin any
-tesIthiiat its choice iotitd rest argely ink, press the Cresceist-Fiter suitsen it filhtItoOwl
with him.,tit said that as yet nothing Th Cllge tank like a camet stkitg its thuirs. hts tt there
tail bieis done alsost it. The permanent Stadar is to itI No dropper-no res-no botherDii it
camp swil sot lie locatest at PDiudicksitte. anywhere-any timn,
'tegnea1 la stccyte adanE o oothe ine- tocatioii this sum-rII fNkIHN FILIN -PE
fie.If thii s not ssi losse, hosteser, FILN
the csaipsilt agains le heldstsit Dicih-"THE PEN M TH THE CRECENTFILLER"
vidle, can be fited instantly swihot tce least inconvenience. You
-could fill it wills whie id glisses sit withousit danger of
DR1. II NSIIAth TAttKS oling. Besides its co-venience, is the splensdidt initing
(ON TUBEtRCUtLSIS qualities oh the Conklii-the ptiect fes.
-- -Leadig deolers hianslethesonkcinas. I tours sdes lit, order
Ic. IHinsdlue, deant iof lct iseisises- diret. trices, 15300 adot. S a5 a n-ii suc r tansome s sscnessctalogsu.
sathtic college. gtivesi lecture lst iight The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
upi n u bsichercuiilost, st the iiiise-iimi te--
tre rooms. (iAliscpeciativec iaudieincc
atfested teidotousr's tpotpiilaity a s a icc--
turer a15s icttl s thieiriniitcrcst is the
Asursis-unumb hc =Beatsmicii tpue Just a To u ch o tf S p11ing ,
csliui smany fioii Vnugkulan suitdthe
cnentweesfidtoihustrt n
ipresshilts regairidig teitreamecit
si t hsi advanuicedianiiin cipiecnt cascs.
Inteicollegiate Notes. The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
.J tory of the spring, we are offering a special
Caseiclnl ht trae:h teamil this purchase of beautiful new Spring French four=
sl,', in new correct shapes with open ends
01 Priuccus-iihiss-seforithes uuuliu and in all the handsome spring coloring.
ptll ii sisitw -ll his --iso le «ss No
bis aorthr, olas r cived. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow
---iiitse s uciisci l.i and they are beauties. The new spring styles
Coist scaris i-- 427 liii cent of in Hlats and Cap are here for your inspecion.-
te whlsh-ursgistrtioniu, s ssiiigarcic th l
c"I liiinu- ito si-ndih etill atrgest iiuimbuer
hhiiiiRutsc iswhills-Japaniotrusibiuttes
th lagtuun iusuisc iof Asiatic studesil.
"Hurrah foru tre Ye llsosrtaid 1ti1me." R eule, Con lin i& Fiegel
:A beauifuil x scivenlr.Thus glorious osd
M tichuiganu college sing. "Yellowiiaind
tBlue,"wi thu5 i'sisvig sirt, is no
uuhiishuci for thse first timsic' icseet
fosm Tut. 'his-arranguiemeiui s firsolo-oti cesi
an pao coma ien, witlhlthe oldtAt MA K'
tims' formutfor sutusi ite iii the lstini--
sic hettl pg %-cy Sa le of arpets and Rugs
si-i sttusutis s, lise-su tihuil~ldeignedut n(
htice. Cop~ies urusais'lidtsiasialirestre- AT LESS THAN MILL P2RICES
p ii.d, i tn s cia clls-uc- iinti u lle
UpillrceculIipof 25;cintts.Adtdres. Not again this year will yous fitd pritens s( liull illttsorc favo
Rt's M' usislIHuts, AAcsrbr, Mich.
as now.
ItOST---adssgolditcuh suit folt MACK &; Cop
it.ue aslil a kesatke i' nderiple tasi'e
ri-turnl to t)c. i\'i gsiirs. s6u ClusrciiiSt
_______________ IIUE~l~EW 1111 l~j U m watt lhllst h a t andliisiuua il-
fiindsasli ons- ii-tlt' hisAltten,\tain 104 Fourth Avenues oposiiencot huese.OioIloar
- w orsouthaof Cty I.MCA. W. J. LOVRIM
jYout an always buy shirt, but you an not always find desirable patterns. Shirt
fabrics are brought out in sasons the same as many other goods-Spring and Fall.
IPatterits found in our ine can not be dututctetd etsewere. One spring shirts are
now in and we wiltI-ay aside your selections if 3011 are not ready for them.
Sign iii the big wite shoe. WAGNER st CO. Stain Street
326 N. Fith Ae.
Michigan Undergraduate Nw Phone 47 tell Phone 457-L 'S'appled to Colleg~e Men i d
a___________________ __________ Womelm for All PizrposeSVze'
Classes Saturnday 10 A. 5M. m. d
-7:50 P. M. 200 Washin~gtonL Street
Contains 4,200 students' names followed hy the Assembly a o'clock.________________________________
phone number, where they can he reached. Now -- _ ___
on sale at the Co-Op and Students' Supply Store.ChnsChpSeRstuat ycryigaoyofheItltA Daily Subscriptions Nw-u
Chinese fancy Dishes, American Lunches of HIANDBSOOK in your pocket. Spie for mem- ____
a nds.Eeyhnce-lass for oascaedr peilatevents, ivnhses
- adies and gentlemen. Caedar in this 10h page ook. Oiven away Sbsriptihoms tkeI I r. iliiI heu-t. dnist r
Chnese and Japainese On c-a-brae. o suiats at thei uivrsity Y. M. C..A. Mc I money ordei.
'pStirhesoam door S. Huston Bros,, 314. State St. Milan Hall.
ST UDIO -RENTSC-GULLER, 31Iast Huron Street