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February 25, 1908 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-25

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tel. 2 -Jane Cochrane in "The Doll H T A S H T
/N~ar~ £li~abetb on< c " N\wVhctneytheater.IAS fl S
vvv . 2 -Prof . S cott speaks to Y. \.
C. A. it Nenherer tall, on Th'le Liter Every fashionable effect, every color
ar~~~iy aspets of the Bible,' at ; p. i. h e s n
C a" 61CIel. 25-'o\Mathematics, a lecture ~ of thseon
C an~iesgeneral interest, by Prof. Caoies J.
Keyser, of Coumbiuniversit, Tappan C
N all lcturioomi, 8t. i. CA~. PSCe 1jDS"~'D'
Feb). 26, 27, 28-°\Mictigenda' \Wed- C ~ C
THE NEWEST IN TOWN oea, Thuirsday aiidFEieay evenng. Tentis n otapoe ah
New Whitney theater. Tentis n otapoe ah
Febi 2-"Le Theatre an College," a ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and
yottd taketltiamyourelf Difernt rom tlk hi Ierhert A.Kecovot, 'Tappan tHall " seasonable.
Made as yo'taeteoorel. Dfeetfo eteroon, 4 p. iii. Admnision free.
the candies that you have beetn buyigsaet better. Feb 28-Letano T . Powers, oti S L.
1 ouore .niviesiy IHall.
_______Felil29lSteiatIieriiendiotarotat- te n l c {Mo h g
ncew-hte inte htr A mew shiprr~ent Just xi1. let. 29--Ctteiie steroioao i'FTe
Gii lihat Liks ike bMe."
Iii E. C LKINS, D uggist.oiiiit ii "Leia Riv- Every Garment a fashion plate
324 Suth state stee.\lii ii6-Varsity hatotdodane, Baroour THE ACM'E OF STYLE
Neioterrv tll in teev~eingi. Styles here not to be found elsewhere
eloo's ''gneto'~o eoi'art iiottFor a limited time
iii eli..003 -inwe offer a good stem
int cokNin t1oogtooHilli toiitt l wind and stem set
loos n u r t ryo ut aiie .t.'o p nar. _+ w th a
11,etoh oi l ito ilici to~iiiiit iii 8 9 c
ting of sit iiioeti ntit~ er ti om." Warranted entirely
40> i " enowewioerriti totitioie , toltoo. at .1'~ " . satisfactory.
Iii i Trot or iijuniir ciinee r et; HOW6S IHOMELSUPPLY
eam ill lie lilliithe es iiitoiay at STOR
1000000t" ifior ph iegieer'retay terii
%% ittl tie tHetd inittoe Byrn0toiotav at 4:300
Prii of. 01Sc ott til ek i Ion"e Literi-
C. Atoday t'jpi.i19 easy. Ieitit i'r' 00 the silk . - eh
Te' next 0egular mieetig oi te Sani- fita uyt r liii Ter tt 0000000 a
000 000000Club iiwitho'e leld 'Thuorsdai t oiy oil I p iters o ajnew, 00000 i ve-00001C0E0
Si V m., in te A p \utto N iroomoo.Un'ivcoh ~i ehe'r- o .', 0 cy ro n oooo'lotoo 0000 to
Mteting of \ihitigooii tranofo t 01the is teei ndteye tlyaqa rtr I If 0 Y o tnoealer ootto lo, you a
600000ricn sii tuoote s ol ettricoit Iloii- a a ti. Remem br t, arrw000h et0000uponuoo iou oop i 000.
- 00000" li t.C 7:1i5, Roomooo20 'otitu - POEER SUSPENDER CS 108 MsAaRot . PoIeiAD. Na ETRA CAE RmANSaatOM E LDAY BOXES
toot 5000 hiiieiriioiii,.(',iiertoio."MSERS Or PIONEER SUSPENDERS
Miss 1,000 (Ole iiwill stek iithe l.61db ---
odisch co WC Neoiie'ootoievenoiiig. 000
Nw Whitney lTheatre teinootSudeWINTERl t
'IUC d 3T Fe ru~r r 25 iiotok oo toft . Alt reenit eectedt comec only to those who are fortified by abundant
T uesday,________ February________ 25___________ toe tie,iiotiioiient0Cb ial heat and vigor against cold and x
A W T H V K C. A I S T 0 N -to, e"cttciio. 4\toomtarotPres posure. Bodily warmth comes from
PRESE1NTS THAT TALENTED ACTRESS - - good digestion and good food, not from
LOS'T--Ladty's uope-faOcC watci witt flannels and overcoats.
ioioiioga m _and\\ oo t pi e 0C mios
J a e Or ragi te' oot oattace ti nrero iCOOOOOOIit- -Sredded Whole Wheat
/_ J n o c r n _ I Seioioitofuica COO417 . iiion is the food that brings fullest enjoy-
SURPORTED BY JAMES M. BROPIIY AND SPECIAL COM- h. Findoemmreturniitoo gooty office Re met of Winter Work or play,
----A DOLL'S ___________ because it is rich in the 'Heat--
ByMPIKH1.ENictigeneta ticktes 're numbooeredt as nm a k i n g, musle-buildtng
B r.i IBSEN foowhos: 3, W6ednesoday night; 14,an be us it s
Seats Oil sale sat~zirday lTohurdayoynoght; u$,Friday uoight. tf elementsan beusits
Prices:-$1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25co -- eoii iiii i so easily digested. It gives
Spring styes i eker oir n the litheness and suppleness
loves, on sae ty Allen M01n000.05h o s
_____________________________________ _________of limb that make the human
Baeballmeneu: if youo wanut the latet body a thing of power and
E. IBE TY T.itbasebatl goods ee Spaldngs boinat beaut
I I if i i 1 1 1 1 9 . L B R Y S . uli g fA A rb ras Pi eer M oving Pic ure Theatre A breakfast of SH RED D ED
ThAVAA JA A __ WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot or
energyil for hawlfdappya
Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Q U M thldenmilk or creawllapps
work TRISCUIT ia the same

______________________________________________________________ Ntlie 1atest ot egrettes, aonthgood oe, as the Bicui, except that it is
0t 0--N"M ccigni Specis." with mono- compressed into a wafer and is
rout"M.h used as a TOAST for any meal
instead of white flour read.
We bsFor High Grade Candies AeeiZi/ .ege, At all grocers. Our new
FvrfoalOcain,7illustrated Cook. Book ist
Ice Cream, Fruit lees, Punuchs, Sheoets, trozen Lquod CR0 OARS, C A N DES, TOBACCO. vr o l cain.FnyNpisadDiisSle t .sae31Myad c
Not Cases. banNlioiadDiisSle - IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS."
Web'sUbcoate ae nsrpase. 095. a~. t.MOE'S BARBER SHOP THE NATURAL FOOD) CO., Niagara Fals, N. .
"P ._.._".... A. MaOE.,

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