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May 25, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-25

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T he MichiganDaily
AN CI'' \kl)( . ITCIIT(5\N, TUEISDAY,. \Y X25. 1900(. No. 169.

VOL,. nXiX.

Faculty Men Debate on the Pres-
___._ .ident's Greatness and Value
SulvnsMen Will Qne Estrn nvsin t Woos'ter Todav- of the Farewell Feast.


Track Team Expects to Spring a Surprise at Inter-
collegiate Meet at Cambridge.

a li csc l ip ite games ti xilI
he pilye tis e h i r xtiii WooN
tr this ftrn on xdesla ater-i
non the tam i ll la e o tei
h i e tithe castItti S i tlt iin,~
till. til ng ald S it tlmaketilt
tit( ii)f i ' ths,1a a d lain wil piit
g~imcs tpiccc 11;d li willi
get an id of spot anii i
Ihn i i ill it tinthe hox'. I ti i afte it
iiin ;n \ o,,iial u lsste ho
t'ithegud tin r , t' big pit- i
Nalilti_ hul a heLati n h
odssp t nl t itf iii tt iti' xxti iiih~n
li~ai la\, the gretes de ie of iii ii
sin( isthe tiaurdIN ixfw NoN tgtimt
xxxitlrttii T e 'l inet lha
plx ixtittix f c~l~sin heci s
c Nil 'itixi it iiiit it ex cl gretirxiii e
:L 51 to scor iixiixe iiW t ihti. ixixiin te. xxxii
ixello's iioii a iixiiid iilinr tha i t iit i ttii t
C ptx SI is al'simetiitiit\ ' i i hoxpetix
xv iliiWth ; 'x'ixu beak iti es i i iiC
;ill([ x l 'o xxiiibut tit is eideuiixit l t lietis
lo ing iii moxe than thiii' nd willn t
1; 'stisfiidvv' ith. }iniirxgi'es, 01111 ii
o ii'.th e ixc xiiias.ctutingit totrnell', xo i
ivixiivti xvi xixx'itdouxxbtfuliri
Whx therax ti xxxii th' teams w 'ill' htei
'xii xxiii xpii;tsxx rei s x axx'x lx ii'' ofx
cxvii ixd rvixixifrm gi posixi roi.

afxi i tx' xitr'aik xtixvvx iiiili l ioaxdvi
the M~iix'ixg'n Centraxlxt'xinxtx iiti ixcx
lxtei thxitieixivxrxxitroliate' xamesix
x'iiliixx' Aivitg~ii ii
tht uu' mCill si'i'ngixatttipitiitts
ni thte eastxxrnersi \tho x(It, not sexmiii
cosietiCtia ntermigti
satslw a ti t N'tilot i tiltrd ,an
Mondayxx'sxxxiii xxx gaiihin ittnoixix I'
toxitniltON ttixi a Nix er gve
iht t it''ake itt i ok tilt'plitx
winnr xx in such ailt. et asii thei.xiii 'ix
inc-olgacwl eti cu.Tlte h i trip r:Cp
retxtxi i t ti taing ifi li gh i i t t Ni''
dia t tytu u ixe an xed e iforthe ials 'x
'.,s hi teir i (llictltxox ricit. l~Thx
to shw Mm theycan oiagint out
ii< e iwhl h i Nitx't h'a' ,
xxiii inshei t oxtl hir im itxtix xx 'itix ii
t iii . Those codi ionsi itoleix x i b y-
c~i eu is tre tt han icap te tu'xxi-
NN xi t i do iii it i xxi il xi xi i i x
ting n o p it, a 'vi t ye. ar
A reportifromNxiIi f tx'Cidi ate
tha ih al e 'tikonlyxDll~
port i i cate i i. tha it te tittactislexpctii''
iv( xiitt x itwox-unto.xixyi' ittix'e, xit
will rmith e mxiii etiiiri icxiii anxiii ave
lx' txxxt 'xmilexx\i1 xxxiplildiiiff ilxt
xieslixwhoix i li'xxlxi freshxli xii ha.
anecI xii lx' xxiictixiYoungixxxi xofxiCovr-
nell liihxliio et Dili thexr xcro xxss outryx ti

"In iaftery lar lxxxvints now in the'i
mivervixlviCxiWtio livck vxtonvvtlxir.''
lid lroiiiJ.3CP Knowii'loni beforev lix
riutex iiithy retirinig' prvsidenivs xack-
i,,xin Nixuiigmxxxsirit loylty xf lxe
sort xivaix iresdeti Angxelilixis fotvevv.P
NNWe xiii oliii enCrtllyiirea lie," c iii
tIm st y lla i xxi ll th l diii X iiiv xvx t
bu Ci idnv ted t h aii tiC 2j0,0xi ,Ntil
Icac andx of educaxi ti on i ilt he See)i xx i
a painr lght Thirii anyoineiiwas
Asent from his ar iiel xov tionixhelx
wl rgrit a heixt a l o i
college life.
sad ro.Wigu t is liiclxs. "(x-
ioutixiyx tlteiigiieate'xstvxeader'n educa
(o ite wes itl iit iddlewestis pass
igit hi storyhxv. Nithinliai tdlcadeiili
ix x b ee a ie 'trulisi a igureii of
1.amiill mpotane. hu tiitndt i s
banqe iiinot iuty thexpiilgieof
i'~y:lehga stililtxitANeliditiP
tc Is fiii Ilet ingcliifarewi llx hall
:it i ll be resrN e atWth's ook
totting tunu ti i'tp.tI'i. T saxit ll con-
Th seaer ' t lx xlxbvei locte Nit
xx 'nilxxxix t tu x . A titx txtal w ilalso
Nl.Ni \IowNcN is the scaNling apaity
i~tlwiiimnaititti lmoNsxt uim itedixi
plent mor roo is ssurl foxnew
f(il the ill livi iii hi s i s followedxvitxix xii
it appel fo xti t t i'titi' t i l l i i- x
news o liiintere t to'ia ilum i 'ixwritti x'up
;Ind au liedito tia l 1it ntilontheitintii
ofxi a xcha i f ine t , ii'ttii iott ii iiti1
minteti it lstuioi vtxtothe alu nii wh
ilo thl'taitiNdal1retnto AnnPArbXI.
AmttlAxrNor iseemtx.asii'lxii tiilat e irvv
NO R i it~i'KxFi l' Kii
x tlx ' reul arxt' mIt etiig tofxthex Sc. i
liii1 vi ti lublii Fifty xiilit, vill ithe
Nwereiivelctiid t ioriii'xtxvyear: i P.xvv 'nex
y'vvv. pesdnt tl -Ncsn

'N1 tIN't\C"I' MXiiANYti)lXiiiR
Xxxireut'x'iof xthyexreducxxtioinx()fxxrite
forxxi iids t hel mix' P lxxix .'x larger
rove isttx'xiiT he. luncesar
1!0\' 3,; Celtsi ti xiixiiixi 5N0 cxxxix, xxiii
telx'tiitivi e'xx'etx N' lii' x i ld 'xx Sat-
urayt retx ott xxxxi cen ti tii l of75N ( uts.
monrels ,J rand V at At1societAp-
pear on Memorial Day Bill.

l Vl ey

'lixe xiliv itx iiiv 111 l iii
tl ofiiniveity liA' xixxiy
xxdiii ii'i rnuc
0xi At xlixccnI

Clubsii.andii a
Mav Th A lis
.i. As iii ii 'c,

tu n I iitit f itha -el ( I Iv
xxditi lxxt(,xtI vii vi liii N .

''xx, it ii high classx xxxidii xii aci tsix ar
ine Stim-x'CI timrgteatriWi L
111CCd iltnixti anii CIp()pl ai
it)resen t ilrditt'b m fthelxhest
ii il't el r '.ttii tit xi ii()I V1 t'. c ef r
'xxx- xxix C i ii tis li tl l il\, <1( s
A lm i i nd he iltlix.,rrill x ,'p
sc t xal ill b : nl Itrsx nd iii 'i
\>11 i(35ii .a d ens
Action Upon New Athletic C~onstitu-
tion Has Been D~elayed.
\to, he onlxiiiIut txieemtx t i -x
Ia : a o t I ix ti llor1 ~Imlit i s
xiii tahe tht h nts atltiC.n
stit i( '' ii 'i til ite uit t t o tll lmein'
n xt ii year.i lii
1 iii's tvi'Tl l ~,the et it steii lisi' it',
passlgc bythelma~l )f irecitr.i he
board ill no. x tlumeex't beor xxxix B ir
ctiC' Ii'ti t oii \1111i.' \'btut ,xxiii li will
bexxix u xtixxu nxx . . I t xi' x is x. xx 1i )I(
spae ilt(r~ei111 1et\(T~ tht dtexill(! ii
te xats\i lbein C -ipx A I7. '-
bers o.t he'xx t. x N1 1i'ittt i'' '. 'xxxii >-cx-
titiglx x diifai on\611thIpo Ie
(siti x ix (lx itsxit tt~ 111iSt i
A AMh11xx 1 t'x.xx.
Detr t 1-1txxt Sttu r ai ..xxv'x
iiittitx ok,it tliii ii it Brackl t t aii ndii
Blir x;Chca o. I.-xi (I'Sc x ttind xxxli-i
lxxi ii Al x() Nt tiiAti',.
xxi xit ti)lG(-o (~ied tllCi
i5010iti) I liii i, ()-0i(I x i-x tI P and
i ilo x).

Law Society Gains Cup for Next
Vear; Keefe and Ligtner Star
in Close Contest.
)f lihy XA'vtxxvv it ofp-xlthylaw dv-
xxxviii lvidef itedthai of thy idelphix
-'iivixofi lxv itvvxxvy uidepartmentvxiniidcl-
xite Mndaxixy nxktilioni tlivquesxtionx,
'Resolvedx i. lixui lix'xsxaiessixiould axop
hev ixitiixxix-''yind turevrenduxm." John
huhl, a Dtriolixit:utxnu, ipvesided
1lthe NNbtertvCsociety xlai veprvsented
Al . IE. I Ivcilc, 1. J. .-Meyv, axd F.
l. 'iviv theyAdelpitiby M. C. Light-
wr, L'. it.iReekl, xxxiiJ. . iBlack. Avrof.
NiTom Po. 'ititi itlJohnxxR. Roodu, ad
Ni1 txi.xuM, xSlauiovxsuperinteent ofthe
Xxxi XArbotichoolsi ix acitedxxs udge.
The debateiiwasxeeryIcCloseii, xxaii Chlvi'
tiC'expresse tein'xxxiothiii at vict'oy
iii the lstirebutxta of hA.it.Kxxfe
hoi. sprangx Ixii'tlll'la supie ireadig'a lt-
Clxifrom iihe governor of xiiNeaxa, ix
1tlix ittthe iineixgxtive,xsupporteixd iy
I( NxlivtiresCvtdia greatxpalxxxvits i
lxxxen. he issue xveve clavly dv-
xii dbyth sxxiii esxlaxndxxthelv dxebate xwvs
-ham xndtoxx iitthepint in xeve'ry irgx-
Ni. i;. it xxlx'ivtx lfoCtxevaxirvmaxivx
oixt lxxutxxithut they xsuppoxrexd xall xxi-
mo xdiniiatie and referendumxxixtolixi
tt''. 'The'ilnegative' insitdtthat th
,oohiprctiicl and'tuunecessarxxxy in xxii tx
A. . Lightnerx'-proCvedi-thelibetdexl-
laix lforXthx'Adelpi, whileiiiMAi. Auef'
,rpaato anC d puiitit lp a cleaxn, isvrigxt-
'o xi tivdettex'biy'xxdher-ig to tlix'isxes
The i debatiwas wll atenedan
lit adone .iix teir ianisixn xce lxxxi lay.
'lie Websitevrsociety lxas, lhoiweer, xxxii
Il'.mjoty ofitheii'otts.i The cupi
I resented to the xxiiievsityiby xlhe
'C xri alumnxu Ii i 1888. The xmeniirvp-
- 1 liv lthe winnxing texxrsxxsince thai
haxxvteir namxueegaved uponx
i. 1'titysocity wxxinnxing the majaoity- of
contestsii in twxent'y eari fComixthe timue
,f tiCs ixxifilhe peented the cvii io
xlvii ax axtokeiniloft itvilcitoies.
liilg lto till' gvexttnumbievxof fiendsi
oi Pideniytt Axgetl trughoxutithe
state whouu have expressetd the deie to
Unxivers~'it'up Senaxt, Junev . , livecmmit-i
tin chavuxrge tax beenu coxmpelldvito e-
srC ict t lxxxnvittions itoieixenti Ag-
ell's xxvxxuix assoitcixte. Cvin wit
thisi'.estrIicItinthe guet il iinuxmbehri
ove CCfily hundred CI. ''hisievexnt wilthe
the ofiiixlfawltvilfromxxxthie wSeto x
Preidenvtx Agll andxii itutu faiv xx
hex thexuxi mo tiopulaxxvox.itxlivny din-
ners Axi iwhichx Dr..'Angel haxs beeni the
vilest iof honor.
c. ID. Corvntal who has filled xlie
positionstof.asis t xxxxxini tlivgymnxasiumxx
axxii vcixchxofitliv bakebalteamixthisi
per 'ICalxi xaceeda poitilonxas diecore

1xoi xathleticxsxxt lBoise, Idaho, high school
andxiixxiiserve thieve xexi yexxv. His
suiccessor halsxiitxxtyet iteeniselected.

gra xf ini

practice andviip xuldxpushxIx

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