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April 25, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-25

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TheMichigan Dail
trO. XVi ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN. \VEDNESDAY, APRU,. 25 t9o6. No. 144
Start From Michigan Central Station Street Parade Well in Hand-Sahib Fu ude eir xetdt eLwLcue none i eie
at 9:30 This Evening-Pinch Suni, Hindoo Juggler, Probably in Line-Route ot March ment Much Business Trans-
Will Not Go. Will Not Appear.+ to be Changed. i acted by the Regents.
'fnighi t i9:3n tihe eight athiten itol I f m i~ti itnte. iieiiithe etneil toitiwn i Vi i t~i ie1nd iittii3 tit..i.(ii kihi- i
wil hpe ent i hi ute e t he Ciii. nhie I i e thuck. i iiew h iyidlav e viii -in l"Ild n fent i ti heniors m i ne hiii s i~iinui t n t - ti u n u h
_nan~tn~ ~ttdyIa' o i 'al i~rlsc~.it call it se n to--kniei v tnand in it -out iiiiiste iu-niiiog i tettitie Ittite 'i -n niea
f~tt~tcr ('iy. I~rectorKeen Ftipat tenito hat inngteral rheorstneitti neemcie . indiction fitang theebadtrtietetdneacseteie-hhiai-
ic i iwiheiii i t ein e tiargeiof tie lean t, whic iv tst n . \iie ii i tii ecll ts hehso- ofteu crit. 1rfssiK rh e, h a t a fie
wilgt tin, t Anel Ah ntiiex tt i -u iii if iiiiit'Sn aivr~ r" m~oo iil, o e. o e e i out illvisecafeu iewe fi o ttii iDrii nnmt, . mitt ttieiiiceois tii
night. mtt3 ul i ttuu it i mie tiie -i g c t i ;nd-icil er.yhec ile ii i n ieti teNl i f a i wi iiai ng ue neute of vtetak. i isomes
i hn it etttwhot i llit mtte iit uee ti t trii ak t t itethtdtnt i epar tts elie t tiee nm etofgare nt etde dut t1 iiitieyar e h citititiuintoefo.
Siuitit it ue iteli ini tii ii ttt i ii -eitiiii 14 itt it I t it tieti hum nttttt tit m -ammmirmu -i laeteebeeit iiret itietated ithtt lawt niudentst, ( buCitii he. iii ttitintiteu deni
itt t nlst tun- la i tltot iltnst in chi hadti re t iii t .it ordiii -in city te tetit tt tt iitnt neii t it i i gtitin- theettirti etitn ttimiteiifor tt t3re elmhis rcti e xtas umade ut i tne-
tu ne s ile hi mee inlst u tturiab t t e m uu it tti ut i d f r. iredmuiii trailth e itui t i n tci utteet i ti Tue et in ue ts c tectte- tliittttte i th ettu iut ty . tit g nit ettiii i
inhfamretithaue cla-timpiit . paten detmarsaltit ale' hoedi u time Set\ntutgaittehi tlf ninalinnstswinguttae timhle niiatuneimhr ,bidr oe etlisrco
iSoeme omumtil e hitoolim it l asiii- Ro s mine 'lok o hih titeit iit tt tummi fne ml-ti mm I t nil i inth ilimto h il in m tntum n iei gll ctint I ni o ta wh a leue i Belin, Git e lma it, tstappo ntttttant
umiym tm eAIhittugell uumm ii tme m ntwiliiliteth ittti'tprtp itleu tleesideiil tmestn i iimandu uie. mm euumwiluli im- nctte
ti'c ain eneu i tin t e itt-ceyi ucltn utint oli t u i ii i t ohum neie lltmt nmmin tim e ofthenorgae partmen illnit-tl uttm itineittesiutile Itimleitt-illntea'eumehs ti e h w vr
fidte time okii ahoe ut f-nuit secondl onli rtu ithi iim iteh imto arn e the tail e omu t heiii v e t-tmit-uc eool ofen iht t it elite-.adtie-u-mm e outh in - tudenite Pro-u nti l ih it ytearh fro m Je 3 ifall , d it nte
nor te itan e, it theyu-ittm-- gl nrk tutle aitdeii T hi s - etur f il lbemhtfolnlias Schide t as een conncted with tie e timtuu S tneyhe consnti t nplaymntellt nte ti ur.ii ri - me ill ctim nnueis
aan tdy f li ab u d7 fe 6 xti ingiitl iiif u multmyths }earm as t lienhtol ofietsc etle-u two e atle andtt h tisen em I indtheent ti uSt ie ant ee n asketi ati ng dmear.imt eii i i lemm itci
ine it thestt,-utited tuiitirtelwor liiany icou t iiarad emaslmitlieatin t wi n all ti entia le repu"atin'tt its al organ- eiitimlenittten-it tim e se tomm Jtemocnaull . witutuo i imtic imm unesi a o n
wih t e ius. Gariirels iiind Curtei tl ~it l~tti m ee d M nge o t te - iii Heit l aet mii thea vnli fply fer tthexri e--ilt nie i tiItyhali sibt to o pl ith ihe gequety
repetie vene imtspsn g ew en tmtae-nhad- fa-ut idto ecurto elShibm u iste e iemtiigan n Su"e ifsmairiiTihi go timan e ltti.mtetmimme t t hin enal ehibtimentxniydar.
norte num ero'l kodk i endsiiii wiiho u tok ofInia, onieitSumth it tmno nel ognulIiit I wmuttitlmake ttttiitttutt ra be ned th m is mu ear.ii Fomnu htm.e main ii--mit lsomu'. nmJr., mum eit. h',of iAm
ud tuem te fit t hm weatiherhumimmto e oic Ii o ja,'s Fie tiliodmu--tm onmmm hutimumcovering ittgmmmtivSuitty fft eloro[li' m ei m et imhall te tseni nnio il t niuctm l N m.,ugaem $5ou t he awagrde
tsnap Ishots.t iitm i iiiitmii I iSe u his ii b ckto I m nitafterlp it t u - f tutu uttle t it ten rt het organ.ifuu pfut octie. e s tniithin t" lttet imi o thlto iso "nitothy seon rmumin cetmm isnry tto epta-
Coint tptimi rmiii iurgesmumtim t limtn h tileCorld, tturi timw i-null e mutetfor me Thue flo ig po rm l enngiven miheStwaii tut he headi unfiJ"etiersnseti comii $ mn ge gra uate t :.ll i tem ient
toue th m.it I rmii i rmtel hret"hietuultillm e pars tmuntIwasm i nmu r uct e nde n-neth
duatime lleI titg e lm er of i cm tI umtthave.iue i l iitilerin 11einglab ertemndepriguSng"melt....he--utclsoe. m rcito he sunhast corertfetemmucemAeumiPlmeugosmtuthmGadn -
aledy bgu ntor oka og u lig Shb tniw s ild opas Lan nttcm ..........G ilw t ahhttai psin hruh h etuttiecigto pa inN w ok


l iit littl mmii iteant Iiingsoi in th
hlmituile, andtestutnt imie.Te
tcuutsitmiillig smih a wice
frmthe qurtiermumnil he. it emmmt
iunlit It thelrstyee bautle ea -wl
ITuirne'stpitN'rtuttin Time mmenmmee
"uvntaitwetl-elned rest muenterttamumand
ough tie-mit i shapem-'ytt-i aternooni i
Illiniisnet lSahumrdat.
Ttim eam itt uite badInyi rin ledtebut
shouldiraidimiy Iround nt mlmto omi nun.
Taft ussnsuffer-eit-' withm aulamen 11riaSuit
ge.' isnommminmmtiletbenst euconditimutt and
ti gme. thin afternoonmil tlibe.callied
abotl 4:tI ndmmmio)i adlmitssion ii uhbte
charigedi. ECotthiMc litsen limit mllem-
cinidedmst uigh tum nhte mmitl slneitu u
time nruiben gnuguust time- N uumhte. buitt
'fThe seasonmbanseball t icknentunermmmo-

arbliuM iii4 and5,i'It insii 011t ab-
SIntitelyi telltunhowevierht iuiis rute
emi t mii ialitered so nitonltake ini Ann
hito ai t Itme. reolum mid ld mien.
St 'hi "ttofsectri hi ibstlt itS
tie-unertheireet in ofNOuin.Waylti
yond tm raesittii iiImpesiif1eh com-
circula tete heeth lunitith litehue.
turetin reitardmmto thee-lnsti n ee s nillf
th i etn 1 iwit e utitmmtmtsuItctil t ine
lu- in:;e. nd grimetiftyingmmtoithenitlumi
Tie reporititilofthle neilnuhaeotilu
vet een timnedelislt0 tll atmo~~mmlunt
onmeuhandmmi-'otutuknotn, um''t inliifew days
will thuve- aicnmpim e-e muttitettiitzen e
putt pretparedtshoimt-ing timepreentlstau
limte moviiemetmct.
S't'utifuTti't OtE

Dr. William E. Griffis, Well=Known
Educator, Will Replace F.
Hiopkinson Smith.
limbe officersn if tile';stmudetems' cttt'e
untiaiol ae' beein searchinmg form' i
eelturer Nxtmuu is ftaumitr ineth tine situan-
tinit time fnnrEnast, mminndae ltnilp
dtecidled t m mmi On . iittm uu t ritffis,
tt-e wel-li knownu eucaturund tuu thottuu-
hit. Gfflsu muain itime eutmmeutimIlser-
Iteeof thmieJaupatnese-'time mmiiemitlute
touu tears. 1ieii'tilefirstI c.lliedro
hmic itmm fori li i 1ithewr o r iittrtmg
pulicschonet s.tIin ii tinseteuatinltiworkt
il this coutreha1 s bitInteenu prftessori il
Unmioenmcoltege',mandiittnimi ii nllectnnuren or
traheutu mlalimit mit itlie.,ttmicagoi,
tuturtelil ittltttu tu IIIIiam, iatmoth, nd
otler. t.mrifsnintperhitaps est
ke nn b ece ofli it usmmcmithawing witi-
tell sevIemralstndamutt mt oksintndmciintib-
t utet alltime tenmtlligtu mgaines.
i auh r o Ilieu 1itt mt --mm 5 i trfe'
..Jminm li I Ilitti Flkll bore, n
Art, *'Iux Crists," Ura~ I~ttle
mol itt " etc.

Photgraher Lyndeton, uttutounill gi
dotime phtoinigrauphic nmorik this yeauetias
hans huei unmiing stpeni rpatcs
t gel a sutitablue mpice.. -Atm-enmiy time
item ttithpaeris are makng;argnngememnts
to se-cure picur ies andtfull acue-nt s iof
theisiusng-oiul-t.iesiute's this tig aa
mines mmwilhetake ln g-ei the ig lie he fi
Ow11ing'tee time.poularhmiyif tecp
mittdgownstinis pillr, iintt-e acttat
eilbhe um ine thmti iemerbefore', it
in domubtlfult whtherim 1 tiele awsuu wii-ti
minim inhirfac afeth rgur
itit I IN tDi't'OTtti
lnieusl eimer I i nllrmue nedeu replnug's
tDte Jurnaiittlen"i betuee.time. Har'monime
Soiety oittoit.m Thue ulny wnns nery
' l pla~uduu iedutyimp argu-e -umantappre--
nintiveauduience. lime it uuimte nsociety
usi madetuti argelyof it-tutuwhoIre
famiiamurmewihte Germanmltanguangemutt

IetSum tihny cotuld t aboad
t'.. tAhutmselmIcuratr of theimi-mm tseumt,
resiiemtomute effect Jumly ito accept
-uoito sirtormemmomf lime Citncinnmati
11. -11 . - ilium ,itrmime u mo muin uan ttical
chiie stunre.Iwus-'mun-n -nn a'sttenve of
anuueuce huo studymte mlatttn t-i
'Them itarduapportionedi $16oortisevi-
img ortimewhtistperimum"gaery- lt file
nan-nyptime Ui tledSntmtenmepmints.
Tme rensghnattionm of tmrmit-tine Andrewn
C.te i ~nlllim istprofessoerutf history-
an osiu i nul l minus passediniupnm
P'rof. J-emtes Wi. Glnoner nnns granmtedt
leavue if anutscetutu time remaiunteerit
time yeatr.
'romfesilsot [' ge inns autoried mum
lookthimp mumnnvailablte cndminte to take
time teemfessoreshite metGteek and orit-
aeolog togp umcceeuthlm.te trot. Atbeet
1-1. 1'omtemigmi
Tme thlmme tasociautionuevs oauthor-
tzetohusnpeundI$t 3,000 omet ms ownmn ey
mute eseni u"ngoet ryfeeputld.
-lfeduiihiommesiBneich vwas'awardedt
time degreiof taelnor mintlnin.
lifty mmionrs erue appopiatedhito
I completethetme. ingmsomethtie gnasoant
heattinmilin fth~e cattmus.
Apit priaitednt$f18t45Ii tpytime Butt-
tnutmu iFoege empnyp ote etinog aunt
vetatiiomnewrinemutime tewenemginueeriumg
'lime Michetign U ioutnus numutumuize-
lto plance Iate-ekitn time alumnui eoomm,
tvwhichmhiteafterIwill Ion time headquntneers
ftime ie iii's busminens.
S-''I I)IiN'iS 'it) tET A
t1. ititWhfinmep, met Deteoit, peomines
thtihuumieAthtetnsthetewilt opetn with
emmnieof teest treactionms tihat eon bei
,securedetoilmOtoere Tme miliAthns
in wiii te compltueteilyreunmdelediouand time
gistageu will telarge enmeuughmto nuecnou-
minte nell time lientshows. h-lemnm Piptp.
itmenechnitect, n-os mu Deteroit Moindiiie
is consulttnuiomn wihmMe. Whitnmey, and ini
la few elope the plane, will he all cont-
pieted atnd work commenced.

readndo mi meemer s ninetime Atuueeieassn o -l~.
citionim proii cimur ie- them memither nunDie- Dr._____tim f hf tipeak~s minmtime S. L.iA,
ectom ttnimm'n offic'e nr he Stument Shout) Stnfordtunmivmmersty eliamntlymmis hsmnetcourse il lace miointFC I mtemuminmmmmSmit
nt time nate tint$1.On fur timesix gnelhes. tpermatntentlyhp cisnabled. 'lie stmuents nine wmittainomtuappleaem Time. tentumie. miii
stiltlunhormt o fn d eus mamdi moiommmcis nu- mincur i mmi nda Itemprl 30. lime. suject
hiI CiiiIANENS IAnN NOT)'lowI on rthtie campmnus mwithomut na mssmeismFun ' eeltmmd Flume.) bSumt time
(0111' INTIt NN' N I hh'I' i itWourkmen aremeareemingmet y tim e.bis n emei . mi iem umml
ofithtime mriamel nchurchnilMsnitftime.
"Wihen tis time' \iciil-eni smut 13 camuiumtt hiings mmlaieemen repited'nil i ui or mmemn egineeerinmg stmuients
to he limt 'i iii niteevIiewth a inemitresetat tile. mime ielturtniedermn trnitpethroughth ie
Malnanging EdtormmAllenm mnd uet inie.sn minttime uitsoucitedt Iress,-trIinnmt Jut iat TIhepyeviitedt enginteeringhlgatnmsaon
Mtatmugere Nicihiii of minttimmlpmubem lc ii ansamiIeTleo, ittnsbturg, Wsinmtgtont, New
sap thant theyo'aoe wln to goi em fretuae-T hlie. mmini illmrsitya mhoitilsdnwnll hbeginmSk nith md Nmiagamena 'lmph enmraeedtlo
matugistrtendmmismme aastenmiomalti tanthuomieuIaimtheetadrangelabioratorese-cmuil trin mindmlwtere c ncmpammniedl im
tinny hunieunuanshedthmatquestittuon a mmmii mimitor li mn[ie..umh e mmemr i l mch I'mh Prt.11.I'.Samier and ulJ. A uS drslep,
least fle thoumsndmlttlesnduinmg time. wiii e hue. lteedtoiipheencteurthneinimofthtie eng'ineerineg fnacutp.
mast wine. Asoamatter omint, eithmmleuritor mmmiidiwlull mumallclasses wilmbegin
minue mfithtiemitinsanytepnittte iaeII ntottitliuti2 3.h-iaim-igee -SAnel minttime SWiscomnsin
time annittulmvwilbete'm. 'IThertehasben "It is ulikly'htlalimoattempt willnit thltitteassoceitfitemhs writeihn toim tin-
aexatiomus dlin ubindminmg timevoummnes lie mmdetho reestor e.time mmmemrm iacurhelmoin, NieitaitkaIamid Pmudue fumefotblli
mmii miis accounuts tfor time facltinhaltime tieme t~moia lmhtime newtibmimirytime games ftinexnttnal, mit nun petntommdiefumi-
ii-icltigameniotm isnit outmi es vet. gymmtnsiutmormtime. muse~mummof time mmi-tie nrrngemmentms hnviucbeeni madle.1m-
It isnomtt likelp tiaI in will inn placed erste ity. Therisi tttle doubtut ht tter- frtertimmmy fo hotalluhaenbmen suggeet-
un nate ibefore n mdayeor Tu1uesday t of time dinetormiesntilulib wedi nei mxl eelto alleiamte.time entire absne eof ot-
next iweek. yonronsmunual."citeis there next fal

ii-nuns remarnktedtby mny1oitttimetitmier
inmiemtiers timit timhe rmoftinhie cent wnas
umuchmsupe1rioreleelith it urineofeussionaltu
cuompanuumies em-utuhau layinedut beforetime
'lie Demeutmen Veeinhudithtie finan-
cialubackng minttime Ii] unt meie seocie-tp
whocse guests lime ineminbersnminthtie cost
n-et-etime tim eenming.Tliemwomrkeminttime
tgoodmi SisHeliiiantihMr.Netima rkmer
l moinmg exepitionmulip tel.t
itittONIitNS AOetliii I It.Cl Iii
VithIL l,l .CII"Ci Ohs1C1htRS
'Tme annuai lci on offfic emsminthlie
ititWoumen's5.ithltiec associaiomi nwill hum
tueldtFridany atternooem n, iml 27, t rum
4 i to 6o'lock.T hlie butiinesi n ne-tiniu
ivwililine lineld ml 4 mmo'clck S Amajorty
min null mmetmbeentint timeassecniation mu
nmeesnarphuedmimi insmess. 'Tme girlm
- musti turnmmi out mteeeecton cannot hi

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