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April 25, 1906 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-25

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THE M CHIG N DAIY ha pariipatdl The lass stuent s SPHOMORE biTS PLAN
Th MCHGA D IL .econiz/ed his tbinly, ad although he ANOTHER UNIQUE PA\RTY
G ID C N Etrdas secnddclass miattr at the Ann might seem grutff andl blustering at TNM RA K S
WI[Dlished dndlyeneMoasdisposition.dThereforsecond reception and dance o Satiti
Pabisteddaiy Manaytnupte) iiregthey realzee rost keenly the great loss day evening of this week in Barbor
TH~E the cetege year, at 117y East Washigony
street. Bell phae 892. Hm e phne 76 ueuiestyhsfee. gymnasiu. The former party, given Fin ~lest
]LEADING--- -- - in January, was ntonityutittitue ii cotik Line in
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW m'oight ati930,ight mci, the pick ceptiontsbut ery successful as a stcitl The city
Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS oichigea'su trick atiltces, till leave ecii, ntl the stihonmores fet that its
--- eil\ts i inCintral satitn for Pila- rpttitzstioeiiaijttiic.Wright 8&
T l o sEDITORS.tdelphits swherettot Saturday they will A''nc tr nii atc tfteblo'
Atheticss........Clarence E. Edridge talc par tt ite games hield itndter the class will gt iuiatteiitedt and all will 1bStr'
Ness............ Louis D. Stihney atsitces fthe IUniversity of Peittsy-giveititiiesl i.wttit"ySrrveat$10
Echages........Chaee E. Winsteadnaesiswnteyrivat _ ;
Mtusic ............A. H. Dtieet ttr o tt iattreyaste the sceetf festivity. The affair till Suprs
-Wst ...Effie J. ArmstrngtitIsitnttilesatetihef- be strictly iftrtitul and tffers the lasts $1.50
Makers bf Men's Clothes. litieiof this ieet The riitiaikale sc- chatter for lya io cluistitates to it eHb
All te latst Lodon sylesEDITORIAL STAFF. eoftewtrnrhaaoudtei"Hb
Al h aetLno tls Hgh Ale Franklist C. Parhca 5niii sstcitr isaoue nh a social way. $2.00
and fabrics for any and all Arthr C. Pntsd. jsalouisy tof thuscait t'his year eery 'Te dancing wiltle recetdedi by a"ark
occasions. ASSOCIATES. easternt cnllege that setits represeta- sotrt musical programi. arts will le" $2.50
Gerge A. Oshrn Hrld C. Smith ii tttci ietwl aeoi hJecptovidedh by thitse ii tno inttdatce
Pers, N. Stmith tGere A. Bartes iie-tois b a ihigan. T retaini George H. Hobart, as cirmacniutiif the Others at
Eoert H. Cany rank J. Clark the taurlswichietihicealready on, social commtiitteeiiastrriiieiieiis ftr $3.50
Henry F. Shte Henry A. Montgmery i51 cans eresetatives amrsttietepry ne i aagmn n e$4.00
FLEDESSIS D. F. Steennon John F. Wrs icitig-atusiis n lai thltstrvetepit ide i tiaetei uuIs$5.00
Gl[en[n SDIS Bradley Ftoyd H. Jnes .fttca sit.hcigiiahee vrastres his cassmtates that the eveinig ad$7.0
AGPCAT o Len strived eftie. We feel sure tit they wiltlieenjitoable ii le fullest setie f
itwill dotirisbest, ut st the sute timte the wort.
RATES:t$2a5s pee ea, neran2.o it paid in it wottlti ptt temt in a better frtmte o h ohmr isaeteolls
advance.___________________ m....ittic if they were gisci a riusig scnd- oi recritottvetiture this ieltiti iii R
31 .Sae*. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business itf is ter eastsAnituArbor tttnigti. uiiiting the various sttdnsictials 1 .Stt t Mngr 26S 2t tPon 9L I siposbetooeesiteteef nerts utte av h Sniec
AnaArbor, Mich. fe cuetrueusgibu tfti ii oni of sitcess autu beive that Sttur The Bookstore That's Never
Anunt cnes his uptonuthsltuetes. Morener, it would day's tatl witlhe a wintter. Undersold.
he ut ai slight recotgniitincf the tine _____________
atnt toil lau these tint havue extended POPULAR COlLEGE
W\ED)NESDAY APRIL 25. go. inithur hopeurof uwiniting honoir fits Amia PARfTYs xmx ARRANGED_______________
DDED UII RCED Siter. Surely itrarrirevery sudetulcau
I ~ ditor Today-HIENRY . SCHULTE slircnewfrtmiutes this eeninug audlCntsiderablecantuiituatiotut is rife
cniitahur thu l~rtr t nals dur" snto te muang thurstcially. incliet f theu ttu
Te n SCALENDAR.-.51 tiutnCenral 'totion. Let every ersity. It wis uslsearnediteserta latt
Tennis hit~~~~~lyal i'higuitman b le there uandutgie the firsitinnual opentaruitiry ittther 'Wue-.
April 6-Organt recital by August thur teamu a truth-iffuwhilscll te c- trs Athletic associationti sill otccur
Scuhit, in Facumty concert series. umitmberedl for yers o comite. April 30 atitBHrotur gymnauusiumu. Thur
'mke sUiversity al, S p. n. proceds f the artyiwilhe usei in
Apri 27-Meeting of Bird cl. Mus- rtesutcess f thur Umuitistusrittiont liiy so me ni eted ierf appartruts fr
Rc O s Aiumi lecture room, 7 p. i. itch ki sespecilly gratifyingi. More the gymisothas~tlesiure aitene iio
Banquet of thur Cosmsopolitani cl. toi. igihtl be tdotie auiuig te sudetieus contempltuatedt by thurasoiationt. lutr
Made by Tryon, of Philadel.- Imter-society debate betweets Aphua tmselies. Utti hrl eet the tirsnyeseytintl fu thursur i
phia. When yost exatmie Nit amd Webter societies. leaditigtUiottn's exist'ene tihs aways beethe gym uoay ff 4 tiiortclok, autu
theis you will bt surprised at o thur cup debate. shroudedtrt uutre' tr less iinibsuriy he- Thursdasy froumi to o 2.
their excellent models, qual- Annuausl baqet of the Y. W. C. A. rcaus there itas tutuplae sout thur ami- - ______ _C LU P E C 0 S H R U N K
ity and finish, at Newberry all. tius thait i couulducllt its ouwnu. With the 'HEC"CUO(IE SOK~f ~ ~ V i
April 2-Basebsall:Michsiganms. I11h- s'autuorieud stiulishuuueut f at desk in V L L A RK
Stnr - - - $1.25 i, at Perry finld. ther alumnuti roomuts all this sill he uome Thur'Three A'rlus, compouusd ofiiar omthgn ew i sminimg yoitsli
Wyneiffe - $2.50 Suitpihlit receptiosi timidaitnse. Bar- sunauswititiis hopedtundsttcheh wonnmuiArbor high shooltiauumi, il apru at -hC ni roess strinkhs
Speci - $3.50 ihotur gymsnasium. till irocecuwitihi sutre buusiess-ike very' succrssfulh meting last ight atuthef bri oalthesrinknist ifti
Tournament- University' of Pennsylvania track meet. enmergy tantievertuefore. bueis miuhe o iu seutcsi efore yubtite o ls ntthur
Tape-wound neck, renforced Iter-society debate betwen Ade]ipi uiilu.Turftltsii hiu sueeyntitAr
tn center by extra stringing, ntae.Tefloigtat eed nyacrt atib si ro
perfet balance - $5.00 amd Jeffersousiams societies, leadiusto GfOSEQUILL1 CLUiB HOLDS livereu: "Put."Lwrncen 'hiiuiss Clt tO
the cup debate. AN I NST'RUCTIVE MEEThNG "FootbialiLxeienctes" Totmmty Wet itni15cteach; 2 for 25c
Spalding, Wih isn M 'in of Alpha Na society. Maims singer; "Neispapter" iuichdCrn;aiuhWih hsnctus let ebd ~ o
goods also. buildisg, 7 :30 p. in. 'he Gouoseqjuillcluts held ai sseetitg ii "S unmser Basbal," "Puggy" Gorg. u ets eaoda Co
Atpril 30-Address by Karl W. Zimmtuer- Room i7 of \utshhatt lsituight, at 'Thursocial commsitee wih assr rnugrit ur cisilut iii, iiil
S eehan C o'sied before the Chenical Cohn-- shcheou of theu usuasl iterestingtr- for thin affair was compsosnttf Juhni
quu.Roomi 203, chemical labor- gramsuswass gr. C.. Glltuiamd R. Liguisumi Wilt eardsey atnsu Fred Setiu
StudenC1ts' Bookstore atory, 4 p. mi. . Spncier guie talks ons Amsericans bere-
urits. Thu rSristsaker onksWhittier 0 M l artin FUNERAL
Perhaps thur majority of te sudents ndit he lurstter tooul: Whtitmanit as ideals Ott Thursdy eenmitigte PncestutiDIRECTOR
itsont realicethe oss its prestige std f Ameiricani tutets. Thur disssion of Triangeclutswilil gie taseia tir- Office 211 S. 4th Ae. Phone 98.
jschlship wichsuithue uniersity has these hiss ponts as comsparedt with other formuamuer of "'Tabuascondtat," thin pro esidneti02 S. 5ib Ave. Phone 314.
Olliy LrU I suffseeth is thinesignaiossof thur ion.ots. ulsbrouight out their rdeemngisffas eersttofiwhichs will he turnedhuer t MUAC NCL
ottoeyrhne, nnareideedlctuer ntllastir mmderigatory qaltib.te naionlorganiation of the ___________Red_____
On Watehes, Diamonds or other out 'icthigani ran]k Attorney Kirchnmer s triginal stories iwhichs nus published its relief fiud.
pacesnaelrropr . thu r eatest practicisig lawyr its thin thin Auito Advocate.'rie uembers at -__________ ____________________
BraiWatches&Jewery e sae aired.ryiportant ais ith'ecloseof thur regular trogranhlcd This younmg ladies a is isuusius havueT
hasve fattes tohins because of Iis abtiliy. suitertitnnslgtmd istrutive disctissions recentlsy orgamnietd a mi ca'sieity caledl H e tlhatJL oves
Office at residence 38t E. Liberty St tHis utle defense of Speculattr Frank tut thur various subtjets presensted. tlur "DasiringClb"hismnyh
Ann Arbor. Cu. ti o e
Hours: ito 1135 a. m., 1 Ia 3:30 and 7 tn C. Anudrews amdIis vigorous atan-- .- kownin jstshat its purotse is, uit it aprosy Citek and a soft, smooth
0LL P . tir corporatiots its thin recrut eight muil- For Kodaks amd Supplies, Anater is reported onm good ausutriy uluat hin face uses nothinlg but the old
AL Jurrs O E T.IATTS lins dollar tax case are ush two in- Oevelopitg athFrinting, go to Lytdon, ame is to embhoy our of the ]inig reliable
sances of ceebrated ases in whirlshe photographer, 721 N. University. f charateristics f thin society. V I L A S HVN
Students' Lecture IF Mns el he ANN ARBOR RAILROAD

Association Teams le w &mnAro
A shoe as well as a suit of clothing to give per- tdong nrti sun) a. n. and 4:ut, p. m
______fet satisfaction as to service or style must e made Going Suh 7:20 a ni,135sa.nm and 7:33 p.
to please different individuals. You can only secure
such satisfaction by having your shoes made to .. KIEY, w. T. WILLS,
WILLIAM ELLIOT GIFFIS, April 30order. We have made special arrangements with e'Ps.Agng
LLN T.PWR...............ay2Whitehouse & Hardy Yale Outfitters of New Haven, Telhoeut, hm Ann Aer binh
LEADT OES ly2Conn., to handle their men's swell shoes. We have Helpae t- r Haue phnem698
FREDERICK WARDE, B complete line of samples of the latest Spring and
Summer Styles. If you desire a stylish Oxford, A1CH~IAN CENTRA
SIR CHENTUNG LIANA CHENOI, . . . May 16 Dancing Pump, or a shoe for Canoeing, we are pre- 8 nl NfyagurusFo Fasdpts
pared to give you entire satisfaction. Call and ex- Chicago Buffalo lsten New York
amine our line before purchasing. Trug Trais East-8.8 a. m., 2.40 p. m.,
455 pm., 9.3p. M.1.5 p.
I Lcas East-.i5aa. m., -1tt1 a. m., -405 p.m.
S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. 3 * ruh eae Wstgtp.n, 15ma.i.
3 Lrsc Tai ns e stt-a. .7 am . 58 a. en .,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Locals10stp24 .m. .2a..,-40p
B U Y T ~ C C O - O . Connetions at Chcag fr St. Laust
Kansas City and the West. W-W AE get c rs

New Oxfords
Just Received

28WAHR=The Shoeman 28so. Main St.

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