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May 25, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-25

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The Michigan Daily



No. 169

Professor Geo. H. Palmer, of Har-
vard University, has collected in a
volume reproductions of the portraits
of his wife, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palm-
er, at different periods of her life. A
very few copies only have been print-
ed. Professor Palmer has presented
one to the University library, where,
under proper restrictions, it will be
shown to those who desire to see it.
As Mrs. Palmer is one of the most dis-
tinguished women who have been
graduated here, and many of the pres-
ent students never saw her, the oppor-
tunity to examine these portraits will
doubtless be welcomed by many.
Class day at the University of Cali-
fornia tomorrow will begin with the
farewell pilgrimage from building to
building, the entire class journeying
together in the final tour of the cam-
pus. The co-eds will wear white duck
dresses, white hats and red parasols.
while the men will be clad in the tra-
ditional white duck trousers, dark
coats and black senior plug hats. Pre-
ceded by K military band, the full four
hundred graduates will head the pro-
cession of classes in its morning
The first spot to be visited by the
class will be the Le Conte oak, in
'Lovers' Lane, where Richard O'Con-
nor will dedicate a granite block bear-
;ng the metal plate originally given to
th.' tree by the class of '98. This was
pac'd first on a cement block spiked
into ihe hollow of the 'ss huge
arms, but the college bt:nists dis-
covered that the spike was eating into
the core of the tree, and the whole
block was removed. The eng -ed de-
sign on metal is now replace the
foot of the oak, and the tree will be
rededicated by the class of '04.
The pilgrimage will next v0st the
"senior oak," a little further. where
Scott Hendricks, the presideA1 of the
class, will turn over senior prestiges
and senior customs to the scceeding
class of '05. At South Hall, Max
Theln will make the address and at
the agricultural building J. Edwin
Roadhouse will speak. Cross'ng
Strawberry Creek to Hearst Hall,
Miss Tallulah Le Conte will speak
for the women. Then the chemistry.
mining and mechanics building will be
visited, the speakers at these places
being Jacob K. Neighbor, Fletcher
Hamilton and Edward Abenheim re-
spectively. At the library and art
gallery Miss Martha Rice will speak,
and at North Hall, where the pilgram-
age will stop, Phillip M. Carey will
Class day will further be signalized
by the big extravaganza in the after-
noon at 3:30 o'clock in the Greek
Theater, for which invitation tickets
have been issued. In the evening.
the senior men will hold their banquet
in a SanFrancisco down-town restau-
Members of the "Deutscher Verein"
will present on Saturday, May 28, Ben-
edix's "Die Hochzeitsreize," a comedy
in two acts. The play under the di-
rection of Dr. Warren W. Florer. It
will be presented in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall. The cast is as follows:
Professor Otto Lambert......
.... ............. Mr. Neumarker
Antone, seine Frau.... Miss Freeman
Edmund, sein Famulus ...G......
. . ..,,,,,,,,Mr. Goodrich
Hahnensporn, Steifelputzer ........
. ...............Mr. Lauer
Guste, Kammerjungfer ...........
...,..,...........Miss Kingsley
N. T. Viger was yesterday elected
managing editor of the Inlander for

next year. Mr. Viger is a prominent
member of the 1905 Lit. class and is
generally considered one of the most
popular men in the class, having been
president in his freshman year. He
is also a member of the Quadrangle

Some Features of Michigan's Monthly Championship of the University Will The 'Varsity Tennis Team of three
Magazine-How It Compares With Be Settled at 4 O'clock on 'Var- men will leave Friday afternoon for
Similar Publications of Other sity Field.-Freshman Lits Kalamazoo where they will play a
Universities-The Statis- vs. Freshman Medics-No on Saturday.
tics. Admission Fee Sunday the men will go to Chicago
where the Western Intercollegiate wil
During the last twenty years jour-. This afternoon at four o'clock the begin on Monday, continuing through
nalisn his taken wonderful strides final class game will be played on the the week.
and nowhere has this been more clear- VarsIty Diamond between the Fresh- In the play-off, to decide which man
iy manifested than in the college pub- mant Lits and the Freshman IMtedics. of the present team will drop out
licatiions. There is not a college to- Both teams have won their way to when the number is cut from 4 to 3,
day, even including those of an at- the finals by consistent playing and Lee, St. John and McNiel will each
tendance of scarcely 200, which does the best class game of the year ought play the two others..
not print a monthly magazine. to result. The first round of this "round rob-
Alany of the leading college publica- The Medics strength lies largely in in" conies occurred yesterday. Lee
tions of today have come into exist- their pitcher, Sibley, whose work defeated St. John 8-6; 6-4. Today
ence within the last quarter of a cen- against the the junior Laws Monday St. John will play MNiel and Thurs-
ury. On the other hand there are, stamls him as a capable pitcher. day Lee will play MNiel.
however, at the od institutions of The Lits rely on the strong arm of
learning, magazines which date back Shulte to keep down the Medic scores. SENIOR HOMEOPS HAVE GOOD
as many as 60 years. The oldest col- Killifer the Lit catcher is probably POSITIONS
lege periodical is the Yale Literary the best backstop on any class team
Monthly which was established in and is likely to keep the Medic run- At the mieting of he Homepathic
1836. It is also the oldest extant lit- ners pretty close to the bases. faculty lastwink Leon J. HGibson and
erary monthly in America. Manager Lee Jenney stated last farolil L LLu
"The Inlander" of the University of night that absolutely no spectators r Lawn were appointed In-
Michigan was founded by the class of will be allowed on the field or run- teres at the hospital for the coming
'91. It has however not been a senior Wing track. A crowd on the running year. Of the other students who be-
maaiebtrte ulcto ftrack would interfere with the work lng to the senior class, Harold h
mgazine bitt rather a puiblication of trctawker itefeenid bswiF. Schnell will be on the
all departments and classes of the of the track team and Manager Baird stakf f Dr .Lee's hospital at Roc-h
University. has consented to allow the use of the st i DN. . sVirgil L Weir has ac-
An examination of the larger col- 'Varsity diamond only on conditioneL r
lege magazines reveals many interest- that the crowd keep on the bleachers eptiediatuit in the Toledo gen-
.iig facts. The following table has and grandstand I. If this is not done era Aho,-tsth as hospital Interne.
biein pirepared fsir this use. The first the gume will be stisppeid soil transEu AwanA Hoytiitasi Itucster, N. th
column refers to the number of pages ferred to South Ferry Field. No ad- antanss Hospital, Rochester,oN.Y.
in each issue, the second to the num- mission fee will be charged for the and JamsW. Saoy at the Metropol-
ber of issues each year, the third to game. tan Hospital, New York. Corde T.
the price per year and the fourth to Both departments are working up Graham will be at his father's private
the price per month: enthusiasm for their freshmen chain- sanitarium, New York. Luther Peck
Yale Lit pions and the rival rooters are pre- and W. E. Doran will enter upon gen-
Magizine -.M.. .68 9 $3.00 $.35 paring for a battle royal. oral sitftheipractice.
Wesyan Lit Month-students are members of
Wesleyan Uni.) 55 9 2.00 .25 HALLIDAY WINS AT LEXINGTON the class of 1904 and most of them be-
Nassau Lit.luag.-W A T ng to the recently organized soci-
zine (Princeton) .64 9 2.50 .30 Ernest M. Halliday of Michigan won ety of drug testers.
Univ. of Cal. Maga- first place in the Interstate Prohibi-
zinc-.............80 9 1.50 .20 tion Contest Friday night, held at Lex- PRESS CLUB BANQUET.
Monthly Maroon ington, Ky. There were five other
Univ. of Chicago) 55 9 1.00 .15 speakers each of whom had won his Thursday of this week the Press
Minnesota Magazine 53 9 1.00 15 state contest, representing the states Club will hold their first feed. The
Smith Monthly of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennes- committee has worked faithfully to
(Smith College) ..67 9 1.50 20 see and New York, yet Mr. Halliday make it a success and at present it
The Mt. Holyoke . .46 9 1.50 20 won out by a good decisive margin, looks as if their efforts would be
Brunonian winning first place in thought and crowned with success. The affair will
(Brown Univ) ...55 9 1.50 20 composition and second in delivery. be pulled off at Oyster Bay. An elab-
Wellesley Magazine 51 9 1.25 15 Lexington papers commented very fav-. orate menu has been prepared "which
The Illinois-........39 9 1.00 15 orably on the masterly way he treated will equal if not surpass anything held
Cornell Era-........46 10 2.00 25 his subject. at the Bay yet this year," says Mr,
Amherst Monthly...44 9 2.00 25 Mr. Halliday is a senior Lit and Willetts. The toasts have been se
JJournal (George- fresh Law, and has been prominent Iceted with due regard to the abilities
town). .55 9 1.50 20 in debating and oratory during his col- of the individual members who will be
The Inlander (Univ. lege course, having qualified in the invited to speak and the feast of rea-
of Mich.)-........64 10 1.00 15 Oratorical contest in the past two son promises to equal the feast of
The Inlander compares very favor- years and having won the place of al- edibles early in the evening.
ably with any cuhege magazisse in the ternate on the team that defeated it being the first affair of the new
country. From the above statistics Minnesota. He won the 'Varsity Pro- 'Varsity Club all members are antici-
the following comparison may be hibition contest, followed it up by pating it with interest and are doing
seen: winning the state contest, and now all in their power to make it a sou-
wins the Interstate. This victory cess.
T'he University of California Maga-care acskpieofftdlas
zine contains the greatest number of carries a cash prize of fifty dollars
pages. This, however, loses its force in gold and the privilege of speaking PROF. STANLEY'S LECTURE
when one consideres that it is an inch before the National Prohibition Con-
narrower and not within fully an inch vention at Indianapolis, in June. Ow. ; to a misunderstanding the
as long as "The Inlander." In ma- This National contest will be quite Daily announced yesterday that Prof,
terial, its 80 pages contain about the an important affair. Six men chosen Stanley would deliver his lecture on
same as the 64 pages of "The In- out of some seven or eight hundred the Nibelungen Ring, Tuesday after-
lander." contestants from all over the country noon. The correct date is Wednes,
The "Cornell Era" and "The In- will speak, Of these six men two will day afternoon. There were a few per-
lander" are each published ten times be Michigan men; J. G. Welch, who sons who gathered in the lecture room
a year but the former contains 46 to won the Interstate contest last year of the Museum yesterday, but Prof.
the atter's 64 pages. The magazines and Mr. Halliday Stanley had announced the correct
are exactly the same in the size of 'The judges in this Interstate con- date to his classes so that very few
the cover, test were Col. Bain and Prof. Milligan were misled.
The Yale Literary Magazine is the of Lexington and the Rev. Mr. J. C. The lecture will be given at 4
most expensive publication. Its rates Halliday of Cincinnati, on delivery, o'clock in the lecture room of the Mu-
-re $3.00 for 9 numbers a year or 35 and Prof. Scheel of York College, Neb. seum. It will be illustrated by 60
cents a cpy. The MinnesotarMaga- Prof. Clark of Eureka Coll, Ill., and slides, showing all the principal
zine, The Illinois, The Monthly Ma- Hon. George T. Wells, editor of "Back scenes in those great operas that com-
roon (Chicago) and "The Inlander" Bone" St. Paul, Minn. pose the Nebelungen Ring. The lec-
sell at $1.00 a year, the cheapest rate Mr. Halliday's subject was "The ture has been given here only once
of any college magazine. "The Inland- Paramount Issue." before and then in the summer school.
te,"er however, printstOmmteswhl
the hTODAY
The Interscholastic meet which will
STANFORD TRACK TEAM AT CHI- Today, the 'Varsity baseball team be held here the last of this week
CAGO. meets Chicago at the Windy City. promises to be the best ever held un-
Three games have been played be- der the auspices of toe University of
Nine men, the pick of the Stanford tween the two teams, of which Chi- Michigan Athletic Association. Inter-
University track team, arrived in Chi- cago has won two. The wearers of scholastic Manager Hayes has re-
cago yesterday where they will train the yellow and blue will make a hero- ceived over 300 entries and at least
at Marshal Field in preparation for ic effort to win today's game and thus 200 individual contestants are expect-
the Intercollegiate meet a week from even up the series. Wendell will ed to compete. The program which

Saturday. The Chicago men are probably pitch for Michigan aid Ells- is now in the hands of Sod Millard,
watching the practice of the Califor- worth for Chicago. the printer, will consist of about 20
nians with a great deal of interest. The Daily will receive telegraphic pages. The Championship banner,
They are especially interested in Dole, reports of the game and the result medals and ribbons are on view in
the champion pole vaulter of the will be posted in Shehan's window Shehan's window and make an at-
world. as soon as known, .tractive exhibit.

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