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July 14, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… ATLANTIC PACT See Page 2 Yl r e tr t 1T Daiti 410 f 47 \ Latest Deadline in the State V6L. LIX, No. 17S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 SOME THUNDERSHOWERS PRICE FIVE CENTS President Slashes at Econom~ly Advocates Pope Orders Ban Militant Communists Excommunicates Red Catholics VATICAN CITY - (') - The Pope has ordered major excom- munication-denying the sacra- ments and comforts of the church against militant Commun...…

July 14, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' THURSDAY, UY 1!, 1949 __ A tlanticPact TS ADVOCATES have described the North Atlantic Pact as a "helpful step . . . to strengthen the security of our country and maintain peace in the world." The first portion of that statement might well be correct. By arming the nations of western Europe, the United States would no doubt gain an additional margin of safety in case of war with Soviet Russia, which presumably would...…

July 14, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

… JULY~ 14, 1949-- TH -al aa...r..As., tAT.LN. 'PA/'V IOV ThE WI-I(AN lE TTV& 0-mPt! . wY + T42t s eim mw ..._-:4tu mmaC.mtf1i.m~4."# rrl £ I£HLL~ ' The MORNING REPORT by MERLE LEVIN, SPORTS EDITOR Big Ten Dros Lightweight Football ('. S IT'S GOOD TO SEE that tough-luck Gene Derricotte to the Collegiate All-Star team that will square Philadelphia Eagles come August 12 in Chicago. has been named off against the Gene was a very ...…

July 14, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JtY 14, 1949 FAIN CHANGE: New Type Traffic Light To Aid Local Motorists Ann Arbor motorists and pedes- trians will be able to enjoy a new safety when the local traffic de- partment puts into operation Ev- erett Main's Flo-Control traffic signal. The device, considered one of the most significant improvements for traffic control in the last dec- ,ade, clearly indicates to motorists -and pedestrians the remaining...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…SLIGHT CASE OF CANCER See Page 4 Y A6F r n Dairltit1 IAlR COOLER Latest Deadline in the State__||||_||__|sih VOL. LVIII, No. 184 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Preuss'Talk Will Keynote Law Forum International Law To Be Chief Topic Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department will be the first speaker at the Law Forum opening here tomorrow. He will discuss "Conflict Be- tween International and...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWo MTCPTC.AV h'AlUV 1! nAl" V ir°t"1IV1A ° itIAS " "~~'lit 1H.111 .T1.TH it )lXaTLT1 YZ1'?YWWlyWi i .'N D1AX, t JUJUX 1%, 1948 I_ CAMPUS CLOSE-UP: Betsy Barbour 'Sweetheart' Intimately Known as Foogle By IVAN KEELEY "This is to certify that Robert B. Ingle is henceforth to be known as the sweetheart of Betsy Bar- bour." These words, blazoned in gold across a background of dark blue, are usually the first thing that catches the ey...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t Y Rasehi Hits, Pitches A. L. All- Stars To 5-2 Victor JUST KIBITZING By MORT ELDRIDGE Yankee Ace Wins Own Ball Game with 2-Run Si ole; Evers Homers Box Score: Raschi Becomes First All-Star Hurler To Win His Own Game In the past it is probably true that sports-writers have been over- critical of certain yon- ,ports figures and in the case of Bob Feller there was no justification for ...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESnav_ _ ITf.v 11 1 OAS? T...M:..TIA. as lY -....-a -.Va.+1.rV aJ.. a.1L1 ..a,...a1a WV a ,. . L' ' ~PiTAAZ, IF Lix1 4, I* .U45 3 I Slight Case of Cancer THE AMERICAN Medical Association is sick. It is afflicted with a malignant, cancerous growth known as racial discrim- ination. Three weeks ago a group of New York doctors, having presented thyir diagnosis to the association, proposed that an opera- tion be undert...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 5

…f ,. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1918 Student Will Lead Hostelers THE MICHIGAN DAILY A University student is leading a group of 14 members of the American Youth Hostel on an ex- tended bicycle trip this summer. Engineering student Blaine In- gram and his cyclists willharrive here July 17 and stay at the Ann ' Arbor Hostel, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gauss, 385 Wat- ers Road. After a week of Michigan, part of which will be spent at Pine- bro...…

July 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 184) • Page Image 6

…r THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948 Campus Highlights AlmniLecture ...Harry Hoijer, professor of anthro- Dr.Caniecturesiden pology at the University of Cali- Dr. Carney Croneis, president of fornia at Los Angeles, before the Beloit College, will speak on "The Linguistic Institute 7:30 p.m. to- Alumni-Balm or Bane?" at the morrow in Rackham Amphithe- 33rd annual conference of the atre. American Alumni Council, 12:30 The lecture is...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…DEr ERIORATION' Y A61F A6 tii FAIR, WARMER See Page 4 VOL. LVI, No. 9S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1946 PRICE FIVE Cl Congress Gives Approval to British I -oa * * * * * * * * Board Plans College Integration Legislators Ask Advice Opens Of Educators 'U' Delegate Will Assist in Study Study of methods to unify the state's system of higher education has been turned over to educators from Michigan universiti...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tr ..te J EEPSKIN SHORTAGE: Expert Diploma Maker Says Lack of Muslin Hinders Work A muslin shortage this season is holding up output of framed sheep- skins for university degree holders, according to James B. Saunders who for the past half-century has spec- ialized in mounting diplomas for graduating students. Once the shortage is ended, Saund- ers expects to resume his chores which always pile up shortly after a semeste...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…MTF Oosterbaan To Coach Backs; Valpey End Ment Crisler Reveals B-Team Schedule for Next Fall Junior Varsity May Have Eight-Game Card; Rest of Coaching Staff, Remains Unchanged Bennie Oosterbaan has been named backfield coach and Arthur Valpey end coach for the 1946 football season, revealed Head Coach H. 0. Crisler yesterday, but otherwise the Wolverine coaching staff remains unchanged. Jack Blott, chosen only this Spring, will be head line...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN : ILY Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Qontrol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ................................ Clyde Recht University ........................... Natalie Bagrow Sports .................................... Jack Martin Women's .......................…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…IGAiN DJAILY Personal Development Is Theme. Of Program Presented This Week El zabeth Macdonald Osborne To Givec Lectures, Conferences for Al I Women * * * Personal development will be the theme of the special program of con- ferences and lectures by Elizabeth Macdonald Osborne. which will be open to all women on campus this week. Miss Osborne will be available for conferences at 9 a.m. tomorrow and will be located ir the Social Direc- to...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ers who require considerable prelim- inary training. Copper remains a chief supply worry. It is needed for electrical equipment, radiator construction and other units going into the finished vehicles. The average car requires more than 50 pounds of copper, bronze and brass. Salvage Crews Used So tight has been the supply of bolts and nuts that in some plants salvage crews have gone through picking them up wherever they cou...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 7

…' TH EMICHIGAN DAILY New Campus Site Obtaiued ByToronto 'U' Use of War Plant Relieves Crow ding A new campus, 26 miles from the Queen's Park site of the University of Toronto, has provided a partial answer to their problem of student overcrowding. To ,accomplish this required the transformation of a gigantic war plant to an engineering school where first year courses have already been given to surne 1,200 students. At Ajax, on the shores of L...…

July 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY COHAN'S 'LAR KIEST THING': 'Pigeons and People' Opens Wednesday; Cast Announced "Pigeons and People", the second of the Department of Speech Reper- tory Plays, will be given Wednesday through Friday this week at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The cast of 12, announced yester- day, includes Ray Pederson, who will play the lead role as Parker; Robert Thompson will be Joseph Heath; Pat Meikle will be Miss Giles; Rowland McLau...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…HOW A GHOST IS MADE See Bottom of Page 4by 4v 4flt tgan at PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LV, No. 9-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Hearings Approve Charter Unt aninmously Recommended Treaty To Be Reported To Senate Monday By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 13-The United Nations Charter designed to preserve peace won approval from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today, without a dissenting vote, ...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…NEW MUSIC COLUMN See Page 4 rr ll "tt FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LV, No. 10-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1945 PRICE FIVE OENTS Senator Predicts Army Reduction Claims Charter Ratification Will Allow U. S. to Slash Army to Half Million By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 14-- Postwar reduction of the Army's strength to a half million men was forecast today by Senator Gurney (R-S.D.) in view of the Senate's expected ratificatio...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO ., -TTHE MICHIGEAN DAILY' SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year Sto the 6daitor WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Truman Proves A bility in Poker. I The VO and A VC I- t, ! - - -~~4'" I x Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Ray Dixon' Margaret Far...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TH MICHIG$AN bflIT SUNDAY,. JULY 15, 19451- x i n.e _ [n q A .4R C '.A1 dl .2.P SUNDAY. JULY 15. 194~ I Food Subsidies May Be Gradually Eliminated To Aid Reconversion' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 14-The Administration is working on plans for shifting $1,500,000,000 in food costs to consumer pocketbooks next year, eliminating subsidies. The objective is to ease adjustment of farm prices to postwar condi- tions and....…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…9ATURDAY, JULY 14, 1945! THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ , Ferry Fie d Keeps Up With Growth of Michigan By MARY LU HEATH Of the various facilities incorporated in the University ,hthletic plant, which started as a single gymnasium-tent in 1858 none has a more colorful or complicated history than what is known as Ferry Field. Since the first makeshift structure, the athletic setup has undergone many changes, moving from the original site, whe...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TnUEE SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 PAGE THREE .......... ;. Detroit Drops Three - Game Series with Boston or =Y SPOUTS NEWS + VIEWS + COMMENT By BILL MULLENDORE, Daily Sports Editor EDITOR'S NOTE: This column was written by Mary Lu Heath, Sports Night Editor. WHILE FANDOM AWAITS the recovery of the luckless Brooklyn baseball spectator who was supposedly set upon by Dodger manager Leo Duro- c...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…PAG~E FOURw THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 14, SHAEF Finishes European Duties 'U' LEADS IN EDUCATION: Prof.,C.O. Davis Publishes North Central Schools' History Allied Powers Assume IndividualArmy Control By The Associated Press PARIS, Saturday, July 14-Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expedi- tionary Force, which led the way to victory, passed out of existence at one minute after midnight this morning with an unblemished record of...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 ..: m. m.a a.. ..a..a. ,a..a an t s a . v. i a m s .a I - t - _.-__-, JULY 1.a. 1945,,. I AnFity igan BaYeyr Fifty-Fifth Year THE RANGEFINDER: Mud, Sweat and Fears Epic A N W-'°~ I1U ~~4~ai gasokwo Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer ,Daily is pub- lished every day during the w...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JULY 1., 194 5, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women's Dorms Elect Officers; Propose Plans for Summer Fun Women in the residence halls have been electing officers and planning summer activities this past week. Heading Stockwell for the summer is Gene Clark, president of Delta Theta Pi. Mary Craigmiles is pres- ident of Betsy Barbour, and Char- lotte Wood is acting chairman of Martha Cook. Women of "both Engagement o Lucy C. Wright Is Announce...…

July 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY' SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 Television Symposium To Be Held This Week Council To Give Panel Program ASSOCIATED PRESS Officials of television station WRGB, Schenectady, N. Y., will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday and Thurs- day to join Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electrical engineering department in conducting a symposium on tele- vision under the auspices of the De- partment of Speech, it was announc- ed by prof. Dav...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…4 40 4a ~ weather Partly Cloudy and Warmer VOL. LIV No. 8-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1944 PRICE FIVB CENTS Coeds Gather 640 Quarts of Cherries Harvesting Continues; Registration To Be in Undergraduate Office Today Doing better than was expected, the 13 Michigan coeds who volunteered their services yesterday for cherry picking, gathered more than 40 crates- 640 quarts-while another crew of 15 left this morning for the orchar...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MIC.HIGAN DAITV a as af i a 1 V 1s,: :R. Rs l"1 1 t' L 11 1 J.J" e ' _ r avaa.+ca; u! lll.: L lY a.7YY Fifty-Fourth Year i P o t F s , r . / ' : ., 1 ' \ j '_ f l ,. / -- . , j ./ t \ ! ' ", ,_ _ . ° ', t 1 Y .. ; ; ,l Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Pug1ications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koffman Stan Wallace Hank Mantho Peg Weiss...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…I, JULY 14, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE MR. FOOTBALL SPEAKS: Fielding H. Yost Reminisces On Former Gridiron Seasons Les Etters Takes Over Naval Trainees Duties o Fred DeLano ea ummer 0 :hCage Turnouts Crisler Puts Michigan Candidates Throe xh By BILL MULLENDORE Football practice opened July 5 and newspapers all over the country devoted various amounts of space to the event, but the battery of sports- writers and photographers w...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…Tn .~U .I f ~ A.. .F. C AN 11.& T TV.L IAY., Y Yk 1.4d4 .a aa aV a 1T7.eC11ICHA1 L HAi PfAV l..14101 1 a *P .4JdS*S. A.19Zk R Roosevelt Tells Of More Bribes In Senate Trial Ex-Senator Speaks Of Hotel Graft Center By the Associated Press MASON, MICH., July 13-Former state senator Joseph C. Roosevelt, errand boy, bartender and aide to Maj. Charles F. Hemans' admitted bribery of Michigan law-makers, to- day added new details to Hemans' test...…

July 14, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

… i Iw :Jg; r- t 'S 4 ailfl Weather Thundershower's VOL. LII, No. 12-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allied Troops Take Five Sicilian (4' Reds Halt German Drive on Vital Orel-Kursk Sector +> Nazis Suffer Heavy Losses In Belgorod Berlin Admits Advance Slowed, Blames Its Difficilties on Weather By The Associated Press LONDON, July 14, Wednesday- The badly-mauled German Army, now stopped cold ...…

July 14, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…GfAE TWO THE MICHIGAN lixit WETDfiI'EMAT. TTTLV 14_ VMA Tp 1M CITCf3 aN i1" LVW T ('11VIA ZOtQ-as. 3_i l a * tS.SS'. .s it. 71Yr 9ll'Zr$ J iLaI 1#.-i~S..! kai Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control tf Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday and Tues- day during the regular University year, and eyery morn- ing except Monday and Tuesday ...…

July 14, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

… VEDAMDAV, TMT 14, 1943 FAZE :MV TllI~ MICHIGAN '~7~Ti~ VA~i Th~E HARMFUL STANDARD: Hayden Emphasizes Negro Culture as True American Bags Seven Axis Planes High School Scholarship Offered by 'U Desirable Character, Ability, Citizenship To DIM THE LIGHTS: Technical Mysteries of Play Production Revealed by Expert v7 "A separate Negro culture does not exist in America," Robert Hayden emphatically declared in the first of his series of l...…

July 14, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DATLY WEDNESDA, JMY 14, 1946 _ _ .. ._ _ _ .. . .a...,.. __ __ __ _.. .. - Junior Circuit Wins Eleventh All-Star Game Capacity Crowd Sees American Leaguers Whip Nationals, 5-3 (Continued from Page 1) Washington Senators, whose selec- tion by manager Joe McCarthy wps somewhat of a surprise. But after Stan Hack and Billy Herman had singled and a fly by Stan Musial had brought Hack home, Leonard baffled the Nationals...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… 7WeBather Fair and waurmer today; tomorrow partly cloudy. Cig iA~~fr ia attg Editorial Mr. Roosevelt's Pledge . I Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 18 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS a Four Named By Committee For Summer Parley Keynoter i Parley Talks Hobbs, Preuss, Parker, Morgan To Be Keynote Speakers At Sessions American Poicy Will Be Discussed The four keynote speakers f...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1940 Speech Camp To Be Visited By Densmore Shady Falls Recognized Nationally For Program Of SpeechCorrection Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department left this weekend to make a three-day inspection tour of Shady Falls, the National Speech Improve- ment Camp located near Northport on Grand Traverse Bay. Pounded in 1932 by John N. Clancy Of the University Speech Clinic, the damp is a non-pr...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

… SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TYMEN Will England Be Next.? THE WORLD THIS WEEK Will Roosevelt Run Again? THE Next Phase... KEY TO AN UNDERSTANDING ofi the war this week appears to beI "fulfillment of the expected," even down to the usually unpredictable Balkans. Several important ques-i tions, however, were left unanswered8 by events abroad, among them: Are Russia and Germany splitting the Balkans according to secr...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR~ '"HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1940 _ . _ a_..___________.,._. .___ I aU Y JJY1, .1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Straight Dope By HIMSELF Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entit...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, JtjiY 14, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . PAGE FIVE SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1940 PAGE FIVE eddings cNx and Engagements Among the weddings of Friday, July 12, was that of Ethel June Johnson, of Flint, and Arthur W. Carstens, '35, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mr. Bernhardt Carstens, of Ann Arbor. The Rev. Theodore R. Schmale performed the ceremony before more than 25 relatives and close friends of the couple in the parish hall of the Bethlehem Ev...…

July 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE M ICH1IAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1944 p C '"t Ui rI F Ni F I5 'p1 F J Male's must lock to their laurels whe re Sali. Uhiein, 16, is con- cerned. This Watertown, N. Y., girl who began to "snipe boat race" when ten, has 163 medals She's out for a new title Aug. 27 at Canan- daigua, N. Y. This picture, according to the Italian official caption, shows a British motorized column which was de- stroyed by Italian bombers...…

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