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July 14, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-14

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' THURSDAY, UY 1!, 1949


A tlanticPact
TS ADVOCATES have described the North
Atlantic Pact as a "helpful step . . . to
strengthen the security of our country and
maintain peace in the world."
The first portion of that statement might
well be correct. By arming the nations of
western Europe, the United States would no
doubt gain an additional margin of safety
in case of war with Soviet Russia, which
presumably would start in Europe.
A strong western Europe could prove
very troublesome to Russia even if she
should choose to invade this country with-
out bothering to wage war in Europe first.
Regardless of how much this pact could
do to aid our national security, I find it
quite difficult to see how it will "maintain
peace in the world."
The pact, as I see it, merely represents
another attempts to use the time-honored
techniques of power politics in order to
make one nation, or a small group of na-
tions, more powerful.
Since the beginning of time, nations have
been in the habit of ganging up in order
to.protect world "peace" by offering a pow-
erful front to some aggressor nation. So far,
none of these efforts have been successful
in promoting peace. In fact, they have gen-
erally led to war.
Conditions were formed to keep peace
against Napoleon. And all sorts of alli-
ances, ententes, treaties and coalitions were
made prior to World Wars I and II, all
in the hope of maintaining peace. They
all failed miserably.
At the end of World War II, the vic-
torious dllies set up a nice, shiny new insti-
tution known as the United Nations organ-
ization. This was supposed to be the body
which would preserve the peace, with the
cooperation of all its members.
Its members have not cooperated. In fact,
any time \anything serious or important has
come up regarding international affairs, the
weld's great powers have chosen to deal
with it in their own way, rather than to
give the UN a chance to solve the problem.
"Wait until the UN has had a little more
experience," has been the standard state-
With the continued use of power politics
techniques, the UN has had no chance to
gain experience. It looks as if it never will
have a chance, if the present trend con-
ThesNorth Atlantic Pact seems to be just
another step in the long staircase down
which the United Nations is tumbling rapid-
ly. The staircase might very well lead to ob-
livion for the UN and destruction for the
Sen. Taft's opposition to the providing of
arms for Europe through the North Atlantic
treaty thus seems to have a considerable
amount of logic behind it. His opinion of the
pact certainly deserves the careful consid-
eration of the 96 senators who will deter-
mine the fate of our latest attempt to "main-
tain peace in the world."
-Paul S. Brentlinger.
MISS BLACHFORD is agreeable enough.
I do not want people to be very agree-
able, as it saves me the trouble of liking
them a great deal.
-Jane Austen.
NOT MANY SOUNDS in life, and I exclude
all urban and all rural sounds, exceed in
interest a knock at the door.
-Charles Lamb.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

r tr. t tYC ti

Calling the Question

"Of Course, It Isn't The Job I Expected

To Give

Letters to the Editor -

A FREQUENT contributor to the Letters
to the Editor column in his most recent
contribution furtively shifted position in
side-stepping the essence of a prior editorial
titled "Political Assertions."
His earlier letter was a diffused attack on
the the Republican party on the basis of
the Michigan House appropriations cut in
University funds. Like all good Democrats
he is ready and willing to increase taxes,
regardless of the economic sanity of such
an action.
Personally, I do not support the cut in
the University's appropriations, any more
than I condone the distorted dodging that
appeared in last Friday's Letters to the
Editor Column.
But being an out-of-state student, com-
paratively unfamiliar with the state fiscal
situation, I do not feel qualified to debate
the merits of Governor Williams' proposed
4 per cent corporation tax. Also, as in the
earlier editorial I do not purport to defend
the legislature's stand on higher taxes.
I do wish to point out, however, that in-
creased taxation in a time of recession is a
watter of deep complexity with more compli-
cations than one letter to the editor can
cover, even in the glib side-stepping nature
of Friday's assault on the Republican Party.
But let us get down to the national po-

litical situation; which was the essence
of the earlier editorial under discussion.
What was contended was that in the na-
tional political picture, a situation which I
am more qualified to discuss, the absence
of a planned program of action by the Dem-
ocrats was primarily responsible for the
stagnation of a Federal Aid to Education
Bill and other vital matters.
Lack of constructive program planning by
the administration is greatly responsible for
the overall log jam of legislation. Congress-
men do not like to be forced into adopting
questionable administration proposals by
coercive measures.
This was the essence of my earlier edi-
torial. Since no defense appeared in Fri-
day's letter purporting to answer the edi-
torial, I can only assume that the self-
styled spokesman for the majority party
has no defense in this issue of national
Again I wish to make my stand clear, so
in calling the question I repeat my con-
tention as to the national inaction in Wash-
The Democratic Party is the party with
both Congressional majorities and executive
control; the burden of proof for sound na-
tional action rests with them.
Neither evading nor dodging assertions can
cover up this national responsibility.
-David W. Belin.

Collegium Musicum

LAST MONDAY, up to 80 music lovers who
could not get into Rackham's neo-classic
Assembly Hall to hear works of the great
composers Orlando di Lasso, Purcell, Sweel-
inck and Couperin, pulled up some of the big
wooden chairs in front of the windows and
listened to the program out there on the
third floor terrace.
When so many people stay for a concert
despite the difficulties involved in hearing
Prof. Cuyler's program notes and despite
the rumblings of Huron Street traffic,
it may go to show two things:
That the Collegium Musicum has become
a popular institution on campus because of
its fine work in bringing seldom-heard old
music, authentically performed; a
And that it is pleasant to watch a sunset
turn into a somewhat warm summer night
in Ann Arbor, whose semi-medieval atmo-
sphere, coupled with centuries-old music,
makes one feel at home in another age.
After all, there is no reason why only so-
called light music should be listened to out-

of-doors. Under favorable circumstances,
many subtleties can be achieved without the
closely controlled acoustics of the concert
hall. Many a Haydn symphony received its
premiere at a garden party, although it is
true that it was then considered after-dinner
entertainment rather than something cold
and classic.
And the type of brass band music that
concluded thep rogram is strictly fit for
outside listening. In the 17th Century,
many a German town, lacking a carillon,
engaged a group of musicians to play
"sonatas" in the church steeple or the
belfry so that the town would have msuic.
The National Music Camp at Interlochen
has demonstrated that all sorts of musical
activities can be carried on successfully on
the outside, from beginning practice to fin-
ished performance.
Somehow, we were not at all displeased
because we were unable to find a seat in
the Assembly Hall Monday night.
-John Neufeld.




- I
- p A
v, T
WASHINGTON-Six State Department stenographers were kept
busy last week retyping and toning down the American White
Paper on China. Hastily censored out were allegations labeling certain
relatives of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek as crooks.
Inside reason for these sudden changes was a long and continuing
argument between Secretary of State Acheson and Secretary of
Defense Louis Johnson. For three months Johnson had been building
a bonfire under the State Department urging it to support Chiang
Kai-Shek's Kuomintang.
Johnson is a personal friend and former attorney for Dr.
H. H. Kung, brother-in-law of the Generalissimo and reputedly
one of the world's wealthiest men. At cabinet meetings, at
super-secret meetings of the National Security Council, Johnson
constantly, continually needled Acheson.
For a long time there was no result. In fact, when Acheson re-
turned from the Paris Conference the other day he ordered his staff
to work out a new blueprint for American-Chinese relations which
was to be strongly anti-Chiang.,
That blueprint was placed before the National Security Council
last week. After a vigorous debate the vote went against Acheson-
about 5 to 1. Those voting no were Johnson, the Treasury Depart-
ment, and heads of the armed services. They favored continued
support for Chiang Kai-Shek's regime no matter how graft-ridden.
Swinging the decision against Acheson were two factors:
1. A statement by Mao Tse-Tung, leader of Red China, that
he was a Moscow-loving Communist;
2. First indications that Chinese Reds planned rough treat-
ment for American personnel, as later proved by the beating up
of U.S. Vice Consul William Olive.
Instead of Acheson's proposed hands-off policy, the joint chiefs
of staff recommended a ring of defenses around Red China. This
ring will consist of the Japan-Formosa-Philippines Island chain,
plus Siam, Burma, India and one small part of South China where
Chiang Kai-Shek will be defended to the last ditch.
General MacArthur has cabled his vigorous support of this
general idea-which, incidentally, will cost a large and so far unesti-
mated amount of money.
* * * *
Young Congressman Jack Kennedy of Boston was elected as a
fighting, aggressive champion of labor. He is also the son of Joseph
P. Kennedy, ex-ambassador to London, an admirer of columnist
Westbrook Pegler.
And when Pegler called labor leaders "despots, criminals and
Communists" at a congressional hearing, young Kennedy resigned
from the sub-committee, after first protesting the manner in which
chairman Andrew Jacobs of Indianapolis was grilling Pegler.
"Why don't you let somebody else ask some questions?" asked
Kennedy. "Representatives Sims (S.C.) would like to ask a few."
"You've got your ideas and I've got mine," shot back Jacobs.
"You'll get your turn after I get through."

Blazing mad, Kennedy left the committee rostrum and took a
seat in the front row of spectators. After chatting briefly with an
acquaintance, he went back on the rostrum and announced: "I'm
getting off the subcommittee."
"That's okay with me," replied Jacobs.
* * * * -
Former Governor Herbert Lehman and New York boss Ed Flynn
have been playing cat-and-mouse over who will run for Bob Wagner's
Senate seat.
They held two secret huddles last week, during which Flynn
tried to get Lehman to announce his candidacy for the Senate
immediately. Flynn didn't say so but, if Lehman announced right
away, the way would be clear for Flynn's friend, Brooklyn bor-
ough president John Cashmore, to be Democratic candidate for
mayor of the world's largest city.
Lehman, however, knows he'll have a tough fight to win the
Senate seat in November, so he wants a strong candidate on the ticket
with him for mayor-and not John Cashmore. That is why he re-
fused to announce until assured who his running mate will be.
Wonder what's become of Elizabeth Bentley, the buxom, con-
fessed female spy who started all the fuss over Alger Hiss. During
the Hiss trial she was strangely absent. Nothing left of her in
Washington except a hotel bill for $500, for which conscientious
Congressman Wood of the Un-American Activities Committee wants
special authority from Congress in order to settle . . . Chip Robert,
ex-Democratic Treasurer, and Sam Pryor, ex-Republican Treasurer,
got together the other day. They admitted that in the old days they
sometimes compared notes. If one bigwig gave to the Republicans,
Sam tipped off Chip and Chip collected for the Democrats-and vice
versa . . . Chip, incidentally, has a date to go leopard shooting in



The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters forI
publication in this columntsubject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters -exceedinga300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
e g r* * *
Li/eminded . ..
To the Editor:
DURING THE next few days the
United States Senate will dis-
cuss ratification of the North At-
lantic Pact. This is supposed to be
an alliance of "likeminded" demo-
cratic nations. The Senatorial
leaders of our bipartisan foreign
policy and spokesmen for the At-
lantic Pact are Senators Connolly
and Vandenberg. Both these
gentlemen opposed the recent
civil rights program.
Some of the "likeminded" demo-
cratic nations to be included in
the pact are Great Britain, France,
Holland, Italy and Portugal.
Great Britain has for centuries
been the world's leading imperial-
ist nation and has subjugated mil-
lions of colonial peoples. France,
even today, has thousands of her
troops killing Indo-Chinese who
are fighting for their independ-
ence. Holland, likewise, is attempt-
ing to reimpose her colonial rule
over the Indonesian people. Italy
is trying to regain the empire she
acquired during Mussolini's reign.
Then there is a democratic little
Portugal with her fascist dictator
These "likeminded" nations
would like to export their brand
of Democracy to all the people of
the world. Any buyers?
-Ed Freeman,
* * *
'U' and Taxes .. .
To the Editor:
HIS IS AN answer to the recent
discussion of the Republican
handling of the University appro-
priations and corporation taxes by
Tom Walsh.

Apparently re feels that the leg-
islation should as a matter of
course approve all request for
funds as submitted without ex-
amination or criticism. Such a pol-
icy would be a complete abdication
of the responsibility given to the
legislature by the people, and
would, as soon as it became gen-
erally known, lead to substantial
increases in funds requested and
approved. Regarding the Univer-
sity, however, it might be noted
that the budget was really in-
creased from last year, not cut,
and this was done in the face
of a slight decline in the price
level and a comparable number of
But Mr. Walsh does not care
how much is spent, because he
plans to get the money from cor-
porations. He forgets that what-
ever is taxed from a corporation
means reduced income to many
stockholders. Of course the Re-
publicans are opposed to any fur-
ther increase in the corporate tax
burden. They remember that cor-
porations already pay 38 per cent
of their income in federal taxes
with Truman trying to soak them
for $4 billion more, in addition to
billions in property taxes, fran-
chise taxes, social security taxes,
etc. Beside this the stockholder
must pay income taxes on his
dividends ranging upwards of 50
per cent for those few persons of
high income that Mr. Walsh seems
to feel are profiteering from cor-
porations. Why people who use
their savings through corporations
to provide jobs for others and
make the free enterprise system
work should bear a constantly in-
creasing per cent of tax burden is
something I cannot see. Eventually
this trend must lead to drying up
private investment and govern-
ment doing the job because no one
else can. No. Mr. Walsh, let's try
saving money rather than increas-
ing taxes. A proposal to finance
deficits by a 10 per cent sales tax
might make even the most ardent
liberals think about saving money
because then they would know it
was coming out of their pocket.
-Stanley F. Dole.


tion of Tennessee Williams' delicate lit-
tle memory-play, "The Glass Menagerie,"
opened last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater and, like the fountain by the League,
has to be looked at from several angles.
From some, it looked fine; from others, not
so good.
Direction appeared to be competent, if
not superlative. Setting and staging was
just dandy. But the acting was occasion-
ally poor, more often mezzo-mezzo, and
infrequently excellent.
In the role of Tom, a sort of combination
chorus- and- performer, Jim Bob Stephen-
son was rarely good. He manifested an un-
happy tendency to recite his lines, with
occasional careful underlinings, and to be-
have, on the whole , in a singularly un-
imaginative manner. There were times when
this stiffness disappeared briefly, but they
were few, and Tom emerged as a rather\
uninteresting individual.
Toting the heaviest load of the evening
was Lucille Waldorf, who played Amanda
Wingfield, a role inaugurated by the late
Laurette Taylor. As the querulous and self-
dramatizing memory-ridden mother, Miss
Waldorf, for the most part, performed iy-
telligently and consistently, and with as
fine a Deep South accent as I've heard since
I left Mississippi. One point, however: grey-
ing the hair does not necessarily make one
look middle-aged. Miss Waldorf did not
look middle-aged.
Laura, the crippled daughter who takes
refuge from her thoughts and from her
mother in her collection of glass animals
was rendered with care and tenderness by.
Shirley Loeblich. In a part requiring mild-
ness and submissiveness, Miss Loeblich
managed to be just that and, fortunately,
nothing more.
A small fanfare for The Gentleman Caller,
Ted Heusel. Mr. Heusel, who last appeared
as Dr. Evans in "On Borrowed Time," was
very fine indeed as The Well-Adjusted Young
Man; the high school hero still going strong
in his own memories. Mr. Heusel's Gentle-
man was, as he ought to have been, com-
pletely out of place, in the retrospective and
shadowy little world of the Wingfields.
There appeared to have beerL some slight
tinkering with the lines of the original play
-all, I dare say, to some purpose. I missed,

Written by Tennessee Williams and
first produced on Broadway March 31,
1945. Presented by the Department of
Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, Wednesday, July 13, 1949. Directed
by Hugh Norton. Art direction by Oren
Parker, assisted by Harold Ross. Techni-
cian, Jack Bender. Costumes by Helen
Forrest Lauterer. Music written by Paul
Bowles and arranged by Hugh Norton.
The cast:
Amanda (The Mother) ..Lucille Waldorf
Laura (The Daughter) . .Shirley Loeblich
Tom (The Son) ... . Jim Bob Stephenson
Mr. O'Connor (The Gentleman
Caller) ................. Ted Heusel
however, the projected legends Mr. Williams
asks for. They are an important part of the
feeling of "The Glass Menagerie," and, in
last night's performance, were omitted with
some loss.
Oren Parker and Harold Ross, again,
were responsible for an excellent staging
of a hard-to-stage play. When you are
asked to put together a set which is to be
"rather dim and poetic," you have a
problem. There are, without doubt, a
number of uncredited assistants who help-
ed these gentlemen meet such uncertain
Costumes were by Helen Lauterer, and
Technical Director was Jack E. Bender.
Both of them evidently having set them-
selves high standards this season, are still
up there.
-W. J. Hampton
that the cold war between Russia and
the United States is still on. Yet there's been
an agreement to write an Austrian treaty by
Sept. 1; there has been an agreement to
keep trying to unite Germany; there has
been an agreement to attempt promotion of
East-West trade, tremendously significant
since economics has a habit of taking prece-
dence over polities. Surely even the pessi-
mist should be willing to admit, in spite of
continued deep freeze, that there has been
a small but hopeful cooking fire started in
the far corner.
-St. Louis Star-Times.

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summ~er Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should besub-
mitted by 11:30 a.mn., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 17S
The Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations
for the following positions: Jun-
ior and Senior Medical Technolo-
gist, Social Case Worker, Medical
Social Case Worker, and Student
Social Worker. Additional infor-
mation may be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Graduate Courses dropped after
the fourth week of the Summer
Session willwbe recorded with a
grade of E.
The deadline for the acceptance
by the vendors of veteran requi-
sitions for books and supplies for
the Summer Session, will be Aug-
ust 5, 1949.
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for removal of
incompletes will be Friday, July 15.
IPetitions 'for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Friday, July
-W. J. Emmons, Secy.
Thurday, July 14th, the Dow
Chemical Co., of Midland, Mich.,
will have a representative here
from 9 to 12 a.m. to interview
chemists with a BS or MS degree.
Appointments may be made by
calling Ext. 371, or by stopping in
the office, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
The Seventh Region of the U.S.
Civil Service Commission (Chica-
go) announces an examination for
Actuary with the Railroad Retire-
ment Board in Chicago, Illinois.
The Lawson Air Force Base in
Fort Benning, Georgia, announces
a vacancy for a civil service dental
Additional information may be
obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Thursday, July 14, Rackham
Amphitheatre, 1:30, "Problems of
Bilingual Behavior," Professor Ei-
nar Haugen, Univ. of Wisconsin.

Materials and of the Theory of
Elasticity" will be presented
Thursday evening, July 14, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 311 West Engineer-
ing Building. At this time, Profes-
sor S. Timoshenko will speak on
"Strength of Materials at the Be-
ginning of the 19th Century; Work
of Navier and Thomas Young."
All who are interested are invited
to attend this meeting.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Professor R. C. F. Bartels
lectures on "Recent Developments
in Linearized Supersonic Flows,"
Thursday, July 14, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 147, West Engineering
Building. Everyone interested is
Education Conference: General
Lecture: "Vocational Education
and General Education," Arthur
Mays, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Vocational Education,
University of Illinois, 4 p.m., Audi-
torium, University High School.
The Departments of Aeronauti-
cal Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics are sponsoring two lec-
tures by H. M. Westergaard, Gor-
don MacKay Professor of Engi-
neering, Harvard University. The
first lecture entitled, "Brittle Fail-
ure of Plates of Ductile Steel;
a Problem of Plasticity in Three
Dimensions," will be held at 4:00
p.m., Friday, July 15; the second
entitled "Transient Elaitic Waves
in Bedrock," will be held at 11:00
a.m., Saturday, July. Both lectures
will be held in Room 445, West
Engineering Building. All who are
interested are invited to attend.
LECTURE. "Mbdality, Rhythm,
and Style in French-Canadian
Folk Songs," Dr. Charles Marius
Barbeau, Anthropologist, Canadian
National Museum, 4:15 p.m., Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Safety Education Conferences
and Demonstrations: Dr. Herbert
H. Stack, Director of the Center
for Safety Education at New York
University, will present a series of
lectures on Thursday, July 14,
and Friday, July 15. The sched-
ule for Dr. Stack's lectures is as
Thursday, July 14: 9 a.m., Pro-
gress in Safety Education, Room
20, Waterman Gymnasium; 11
a.m., The Place of Safety Educa-
tion in the Health and Physical
Education Programs-Room 2002,
University High School; 2-4 p.m.,
Recent, Contributions and Needed
Research in the Field, Room 20,
Waterman Gymnasium.
Friday, July 15: 9 a.m.,-What
Should the High School Curricu-
lum Do About Safety Education-
Room 2432 University Elementary
School; 11a.m., New Developments
in the. High School Driver Educa-
tion Movement, Including Testing
Demonstration, Inquire Waterman

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson...............Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin .......................Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones................... Women's Editor
Bess Young..........................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James.................Business Manager
Dee Nelson................Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison...........Circulation Manager
James McStocker ...............Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.

I(Thav.,',r, rll aroundrelh.c

Let's se. I'll invite the'1

And the Mayor. And

How would you like to join]

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