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July 14, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-14

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Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Qontrol
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ................................ Clyde Recht
University ........................... Natalie Bagrow
Sports .................................... Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Stafff
Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork
Telephone 23.24.1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited toit or.
otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
der, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
National Advertismg Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily.
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

+ BO OKS +



THE HUCKSTERS by Frederic Wakeman, Rine-
hart and Co., Inc. New York, 307 pages. $2.50
THE HUCKSTERS is Ferderic Wakernan's sec-
ond novel. His first, Shore Leave, was quite

Domine Says



Warsaw this week, augustly attributed the
Kielce pogrom of July 4 to "deterioration" in the
internal situation in Poland "due to Jews who
today occupy leading positions in Poland's gov-
ernment and try to introduce a governmental
structure which a majority of the people do not
"If there are fatal battles on Poland's politi-
cal fronts it is to be regretted that some Jews
lose their lives . . . ", he continued. As the
cardinal expressed his polite regrets, hkundreds
of Jews were reported by the Assciated Press
to be illegially crossing the Polish border into
Czechoslovakia. According to AP, "The ar-
riving fugitives told of thousands more within
Poland who are moving toward mountain
passes which to them meant security.'
Mountain passes are the avenues to security
for European Jews today. Mountain passes
which lead out, away from street battles, beat-
ings, and priestly hypocrites. ^There' is little
peace in peacetime Europe for the millions who
bore the worst of the Nazi oppression. Today
they bear the worst of post-war -misery as little
Europeans cast about for someone to step upon
in an attempt to restore the pre-war status quo.
The only hope of peace, of the slim half-freedom
of opportunity, is in escape.
American and British officialdom know about
the Jews. Everybody knows about the Anglo-
American commission's report. urging in the
strongest terms that Palestine be opened to 100
million hopeless European Jews. .But Britain
changed its imperial mind about their commis-
sion, when they heard its report. And Foreign
Minister Bevin assailed American demands that
Palestine be opened with a sneering, "They don't
want them in New York."
Americans were righteously indignant at the
time. New York's Senators Wagner and Mead
even sent a telegram of protest. But Bevin's
nasty remark referred not to a city or state,
but to a port and an immigration policy.
The same day the Jews were running for
temporary refuge in Czechoslovakia, Earl G.
Harrison, whom President Truman appointed to
investigate misplaced, persons -abroad, made a
rather startling statement in Detroit. According
to Harrison, Truman's December directive for
admitting a full quota of European refugees to
the United States has not been carried out.
As reported by AP, the Polish cardinal con-
cluded his statement with a remark which inci-
dentally, gives evidence of the shaky ground
contemporary moralists stand on. "The Catholic
Church always, everywhere, condemns murders
of all kinds, he declared." So, indubitably, do
Foreign Minister Bevin and -the-U.S. State De-
partment. Yet their, shall we say, hesitancy,
amounts to a toleration of last week's murders,
and to a complicity in next week's.
-Milt Freudenheim
Truman-Taft Contest
President Truman's OPA veto message was
the strongest state document he ever prepared.
It was temperate, sincere, and almost humble.
He knew that wrath and confusion would fol-
low. He knew that the easiest course was to
sign the bill. Hadn't that great and good man
Herbert Hoover signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Act over the protests of 1,028 economists, know-
ing full well in his heart how vicious it was?
. ..Whatever else is written, history will have
to put this down for Harry Truman. At a mo-
ment of great crisis, when the easiest thing to
do was to do nothing, when a more glamorous
figure might have yielded, when it was so easy
to shift responsibility and say "Yes" and betray
his country, he said "No." He said "No" res-
olutely. He said "No" with bells on it. And in
so doing it became clearer to some, perhaps,
what President Roosevelt may have been think-
ing in Chicago, in 1944, when he accepted Tru-
man as his running-mate.
" h Pn.r2-+ m,ar.taa hisfie rtimcunario at

TN OUR AGE men seem to need something
more than knowledge, power, wealth and free-
dom. All of these we Americans possess in a
large degree. Yet we are neither stable nor
happy. If we look at the statistics which show
20% of the 4-F's rejected in part because of
mental unfitness, 15% of the veterans being sent
to physicians of the emotions, and 50% of all
patients in hospital beds of the United States
having some contributing mental sickness, one
must admit that our culture has failed to deliver
either stability or happiness. We need security,
say the social scientists, safety from the ma-
chine, annual income, a world government effec-
tive in control of atomic energy, social security
distributing at one end of society what we can
extract by taxation at the other extreme. Not
freedom but security is the electric word in our
era. Give us that and both stability and happi-
ness will be ours. Yes, but that is inadequate.
The next group having a remedy are the
idealistic philosophers who advocate faith. Ralph
Flewelling, one of our ablest Personalists, re-
cently closed a treatise saying, "Religion as fait%-
upholds men in the deepest experiences, en-
abling them to face tragedy like gods." Except
for the faith which men of science exhibit in
an hypothesis, or engineers show in construc-
tions of their own design, or the financiers dis-
play in acumen to turn natural resources into
profit, faith is inconspicuous. Faith takes hold
on things that as yet are not seen and creates
them into reality. Faith of that sort is adequate
for our particular epoch, say the Theists.
But we recall that Goethe once declared
that, "He who possesses science and art also
has'religion." This is the third remedy with
real merit. Such observers as John Dewey
insist that human societies with all the stub-
bornness of established folkways have suc-
ceeded in criticizing and changing their own
behavior for all sorts of reasons. Some way,
man has come to be a self-critical and aspir-
ing animal "bent on becoming at home," says
Robert Calhoun, "in a world that includes
both things as they are and possibilities of
things as they ought to be." A complicated
animal, this man, says the Pragmatist. Hence,
each person must be studied as a specific unit
and we must draw a reaction profile of ap-
proximately sixty physical, mental and emo-
tional factors before we can save any mother's
son of the whole distorted human race.
In search of this undeclared satisfaction, the-
istic naturalists, our fourth resource, such as
John Boodin speak up poetically about creativ-
ity. "We must not forget that God is a social
God and that He is present with his creative
grace whenever men meet in sacramental devo-
tion and there creates a new bond. He is present
wherever men cooperate earnestly with th
whole abandon of their souls in any great hu-
man cause, guiding and making sane and fruit-
ful their counsels and endeavors." Then Boodin
ventures that, "He is a God that works in
human relations. Wherever kind, pure, and
wholesome bonds are created there He adds the
divine ingredient which sublimates their loyalty
and makes them nobler than they are. It is
the fruit of such relations which makes solitude
significant." In this the Prophets and Jesus
That idea is reinforced by two other scholars
who have written on God, Alfred N. Whitehead
and Henry N. Wieman. The former declared
that "There is a wisdom in the nature of things
from which flow our direction, our practice and
our possibilities of theoretical analysis of fact."
"It is grounded," says Whitehead, (Religion in
the Making, page 143) "upon two sources of
evidence: (1) upon our success in various special
theoretical sciences, physical and otherwise, and
(2) upon our knowledge of or discernment of
ordered relationships, especially in aesthetic val-
uations which stretch far beyond anything
which has been expressed systematically in
words." But as if that were not insistence
enough as to God and mutual relations, he says,
"Religion insists that the world is a mutually
adjusted disposition of things in value for its
own sake." "This is the very point," says the
Harvard mathematician, "that science is always
For Whiteheads God is (1) that function in
the world by reason of which our purposes are
directed to ends and (2) He is that element
in life in virture of which judgment stretched

beyond facts of existence to values of exist-
ence. (3) He is that element in virtue of
which our purposes extend beyond values for
ourselves to values for others, and (4) God is
that element in virtue of which the attain-
ment of such values for others transforms
itself into values of ourselves.
These are some of the ways I have learned
to reach for meaning and to grasp a measure
of stability and happiness.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

successful and those who read and liked it were
eagerly awaiting the publication of his second.
When The Hucksters appeared many of them
were disappointed, and with good reason.
The book is an indictment of the radio adver-
tising business and of the values of the people
in the field. The general public is only too well
acquainted with the results of the work of these
people. We have only to turn on the radio at
almost any time during the day to see what Mr.
Wakeman was driving at. He shows us how
these results are achieved from the inside. But
so much of the book is devoted to the pure
business-deal aspects that it becomes very boring
at times. And it seems as though the rest of
the book is devoted to showing the sexual cor-
ruption of most of the people involved. There
is little connection between these parts of the
novel and the parts describing the radio adver-
tising business. The one seems to be a come-on
to the public in the hope that the author's mes-
sage will get across unnoticed.
The Hucksters is written in fairly good Hem-
ingway style. Another sheep has entered the
fold, but he will lose his identity among all the
other Hemingway-imitator sheep, if he does not
get out. Then, too, there is very little depth to
his characters. Most of them are standard types
appearing in many of the current novels. Of
course, the book is hardly long enough to permit
character development. Its purpose is obviously
didactic, and much of the criticism is also very
obvious. Mr. Wakeman is not at all subtle in
his presentation, not necessarily a fault unless
one is partial to subtle writing. He undoubtedly
knows what he is writing about, but he has not
made a very good novel out of the material. It
is in general very superficial. On the other
hand, it is not so bad as some of the other cur-
rent popular choices.
-Margery Wald
General Library List
Camus, Albert
The Stranger, translated from the French by
Stuart Gilbert. New York. Knopf, 1946.
Chaikovskii, Peter Il'ich
The Diaries of Tchaikovsky: Translated from
the Russian, with notes by Wladimir Lakond.
New York. W. W. Norton, 1945.
Fowler, Gene
A Solo in Tom-Toms, New York. The Viking
1946. Wright, John Lloyd.
Gibbs, Philip Hamilton
Through the Years, New York. Doubleday,
Wright, John Lloyd
My Father Who is on Earth, New York, Put-
nam, 1946.
Political Lag -
os ANGELES - The debate over price con-
trol gave us, for a moiient, the appearance
of a people still deeply concerned with political
developments; but the sound waves are sub-
siding, and the death-like calm of the postwar
political lag begins to reassert itself. The coun-
try remains politically inert; the most that
comes up, from time to time, is a good-sized
twitch. Washington seems far away from the
rest of the land; and one-remembers, with a
desolate kind of feeling, hew close Washington
seemed to every city and town, not so long ago,
in the days of Roosevelt and Willkie.
With those two men alive, the debate over
price control would have been very different.
Yet their deaths alone do not account for the
difference. Something has gone out of Amer-
ican life with them, but it was perhaps al-
ready going before they died. What is this
quality which has been evaporating from
American life during the last few years. It
seems to me that it was a quality of concilia-
tion and hope, a feeling that there were
liberal-minded men who could act as media-
tors between right and left, who could separate
the two factions, and yet join them, keeping
them apart and also together, and helping us
to maintain an ultimate faith in unity, both
of men within nations and, on another scale,
between nations.
Americans who have always been anti-Russian,
have taken over the theoretical defense of our

foreign policy, while the Russians have eagerly,
almost gleefully, agreed to join battle. Those
liberal-minded Americans who believe in con-
ciliation and progress have been dropped by
both sides; they have been pushed out of posi-
tion by our Russophobes, and they obtain scant
comfort from Russia, whose recent public cri-
ticisms of the United States contain no recogni-
tion of the fact that we have vast numbers of
citizens who do seek a good and peaceful world.
We could expect our reactionaries to ignore
the American liberal movement, if they could.
What has done even more damage has been the.
casual Russian consignment of the American
liberal movement to political perdition, leaving
no operating base upon which to mount that en-
thusiasm for one world which made Roosevelt
and then Willkie. And if there is a political lag,
it is perhaps a sign of the ebbing of moderation,
as men who once were participants become, first,
uneasy spectators, and then turn away to small-
er and more manageable concerns.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

The YWCA is looking for women
graduate students and senior under-
graduates with sociology, group,
health and physical education majors
who would be interested in working
in an international, interracial and
inter-faith organization. There are
openings for teen age program direc-
tor, business and industrial health
education, and executive director. All
those interested in talking to Miss
Lois McColbch of the National Staff
call the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, ext. 371, for further in-
Phi Beta Kappa: New members
may obtain keys and certificates at
the office of the Secretary, Observ-
atory, on Monday and Wednesday,
2-4 p.m. Hazel Marie Lash, Secre-
tary-Treasurer Phi Beta Kappa.
Colton Storm, Curator of Manu-
scripts and Maps at the Clements
Library will give three lectures on
the Collecting -of Rare Books, July
22, 23, 24. In the Rare Books Room,
Clements Library, 5:00 p.m.
There will be a lecture by Mabel
E. Rugen, Professor of Health and
Physical Education on Monday, July
15, at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium. The topic
will be "Interesting Developments in
State Plans for Health Activities in
There will be -a lecture by O. W.
Stephenson, Associate professor of
the Teaching of History, on Tuesday,
July 16, at 4:05 p.m. in the Univer-
sity High School Auditorium. The
topic will be "New and Old Horizons
in the Social Studies."
Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor
of History, and radio commentator,
will give a series of discussions of
current events, each Tuesday, of the
Summer Session in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m. under the
auspices of the Summer Session. The
public is invited to attend.
There will be a lecture by Herbert
W. Briggs, Professor of Government,
Cornell University, Tuesday, July 16
at 8:10 p.m. on - the topic, "The
Problem of World Government." It
will take place in the Rackham Am-
"The Wagner Act, Its Meaning and
Operation": a panel discussion spon-
sored by the student chapter of the
National Lawyers Guild. David Kar-
asick, Woodrow J. Sandler and Harry
N. Casselman, senior attorneys for
the National Labor Relations Board
in Detroit, will be the speakers Wed-
nesday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in Room
120, Hutchins Hall. All students and
faculty interested are invited to at-
Academic Notices
The Institute of Public Administra-
tion of the University offers five re-
search assistantships in public ad-
ministration. The $500 stipend for
the academic year 1946-47 will be
given for work on selected projects
in the Institute's Bureau of Govern-
ment. This work will enable the stu-
dent to satisfy the internship for the
M.P.A. degree. Interested graduate
students should make application to
the Graduate School not later than
August 1.
Graduate Students: Courses may
be dropped with record from July 8
until July 27.
By a recent ruling of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School,
courses dropped after July 27 will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped after today

will be recorded with a grade of

(Continued from Page 2)
Division includes service to people
seeking positions in business, indus-
try, and professions other than edu-
It is important to register now be-
cause there will be only one registra-
tion during the summer sessions.
There is no fee for registration.
Lingnan University, Canton, China
has an opening in its Department of
English for the autumn semester.
Term of service is three years and
candidates may be either men or
women, but must be unmarried. A
Chinese teacher is needed for the
Department of Physical Education.
Detailed information may be had
upon request at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.

Library Tours: Library tours for
students in Education courses will
begin at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday and
Thursday, July 16 and 18. The group
will meet in Room 110 University
General Library for a short lecture
to be followed by visits to the de-
History Final Examination Make-
Up: Friday, July 19, 3 o'clock, in
Room B, Haven Hall. Students must
come with written permission of in-

Men's Education 'Club
series Tuesday, July 16 at
at South Ferry Field.

Chamber Music Program: The se-
cond in the current series of Sunday
evening chamber music programs
will include Schubert's Quartet in E-
flat major, Op. 125, No. 1, Sonata for
oboe, clarinet, and viola by Alvin Et-
ler, and Fantasie in C major, Op. 159
by Schubert. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m.,
Sunday, July 14, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, this program will be
presented by Gilbert Ross and Lois
Porter, violinists, Louise Rood, vio-
list, Oliver Edel, cellist, William D..
Fitch, oboist, Albert Luconi, clarine-
tist, and -Joseph Brinkman, pianist.
The entire series of programs will,
be open to. the general public with-
out charge.
Lecture-Recital:. Lee Pattison, pi-
anist, will continue his series of lec-
ture-recitals at 8:30 Monday even-
ing, July 15, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Entitled "Schumann and Liszt,*
a Study in Contrasts," Mr. Pattison
will discuss and play Schumann's
Kreisleriana-Fantasies, Op. 16, and'
Liszt's Sonata in B vinor.
Other programs are scheduled for
July 22, 29, August 5, 12, and 19. All=
are open to the general public with-
out charge.

Conference on Photographic Aids
to Research, July 19:
Faculty members and students in
the Summer Session are cordially in-
vited 'to attend the public lectures
on Friday, July 19, which will be
given in connection with the Confer-
ence on Photographic Aids to Re-
"The Economy of Photocopying"
by C., Z. Case, Vice-President of
Eastman Kodak Company, 4:10
Rackham Amphitheatre.
"Photography and Research-Post-
war" by V. D. Tate, Director of Pho-
tography, the National Archives.
8:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre.
An exhibition of microfilm, micro-
print, lithoprint, readers and projec-
tors -will be open for an hour after
each lecture in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
The Russian Circle (Russky Kru-
zhok) will hold its first meeting of
the Summer Session on Monday
evening, July 15, at 8:0-0 p.m. in the
International Center. Professor
Mischa Titiev . of the Anthropology
Department will speak on -"Nation-
alities of the Soviet Union." Follow-
ing the talk, tea from the samovar
will be served. Everyone interested
is invited to attend.

Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
No courses may be elected for credit
after today.
Laboratory Assistantship: There is
available for the Summer Session a
laboratory assistantship in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing. It is desired to obtain for this
position the services of a veteran
who has had experience in auto-pilot
installation or maintenance and
other types of instrumentation on
military aircraft. Interested and
qualified students will please call at
the office. of Professor E. W. Conlon,
Room B-47 East Engineering Build-

French Tea: Tuesday, July 16, at
4 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Mich-
igan League. Open to all students
interested in informal French con-
Summer Session Choir: There are
vacancies in the soprano section. All
qualified students on campus are in-
vited. Please report Room 315, Hill
Auditorium, at 7:00 p.m. TWTh.
Students in Business Education:
There will be a picnic at the Island
Monday, July 15. Meet in the park-
ing lot of University High School at
5:00. If you can go, and have not
been contacted by a member of the
committee, call Helen Walter at
Betsy Barbour House Saturday. The
price is $1.00 for a chicken dinner.
Phi Delta Kappa supper Tuesday,
July 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Michigan
Pi Lambda Theta guest reception,
Tuesday, July 16 at 7:30 p.m., in the
West Conference Room, Rackham

4:00 p.m.

Woodwind Recital: Approximately
20 students will participate in a r'e-
cital of compositions for wind in-
struments, at 8:30 Tuesday even-
ing, July 16, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. They will be .assisted by
Marvin Bostrum, Beatrice Gaal, and
Mildred Minneman Andrews, pian-
ists. Program will include Deuxieme
Suite by DuBois, Concerto No. 1 by
Brandt, Rigodon de Dardanus by Ra-
meau, Aubade by DeWailly, Quartett,
No. 2 by Maas, Fantasie Italienne by
Delmas, Sarabande and Allegro by
Grovlez and Concerto Grosso, Op. 6,
No. 11 by Corelli.
The general, public is invited.
Student Recital: Mary Fay Slaw-
son, pianist, will present a program
at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 17,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Given in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for' the degree of
Master of Music, MNiss Slawson's re-
cital will include Sonata in A ma-
jor by Bach, Prelude, Op. 32, No. 5
and Prelude, Op. 23, No. 3 by Rach-
maninoff, Postludium, Op. 13, No. 10
and Rhapsody, Op. 11, No. 3 by
Dohnanyi, and Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5 by Brahms. Miss Slawson is a
pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 3:00 Sunday afternoon,
July 14, on the Charles Baird Caril-
lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program will include compositions
by Bach, Fiocco, Brahms, Borodin
and a group of French-Canadian
Coming Events
French Club: Bastille Day will be
celebrated Monday, July 15, at 8 p.m.
in Room 305, Michigan Union. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
offer a reading of known French
works. Group singing and a social
hour. A special invitation to join
the club is made to students in
French 31, 32, 61, 83, 153, 159 and
in all French courses of literature.
Foreign students are also cordially
invited as well as any student inter-
ested in improving his oral French.
No charge.
Spanish Teas: Every Tuesday and
Friday, language tables will convene
in the League cafeteria at 4 p.m. for
informal conversation practice. On
Thursdays, the group will meet at
the International Center at 4 p.m.
All 'students interested in practicing
Snanish conversation are invited to

The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday afternoon at 3:30
at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309
East Washington Street, and leave
from there for a picnic supper at
West Riverside Park. A devotional
service will follow the supper hour.
Bible Study Class will meet Sunday
morning at 9:15 in the Center, 1304
Hill Street.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11:00 a.m. This Sunday the Rev.,
Alfred Scheips will have as his ser-
mon - subject, "Christian Personal-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will meet Sunday at 5:15 at
the Center, 1511 Washtenaw, for
supper and outdoor games.
First Presbyterian Church:
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser-
mon Sunday by Dr. Lemon, "When
People Grow Weary".
5:30 p.m. Summer Guild in the
Social. Roundtable and supper. Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. Stevens will be host
and hostess this evening. The group
at 7 p.m. will attend the Sum-
mer School Program of University
Churches. Dr. Lemon will speak on
"How Shall We Think of God?"
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division Street.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Sacrament."
Sunday School at 11:45.
A special reading room is main-
tained by thischurchrat 706 Wolver-
ine Building, Washington at Fourth
w ere the Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures," and
other writings by Mary Baker Eddy
may be read, borrowed or purchased.
Open daily except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Grace Bible Church, State and
Huron, Streets, Harold J. DeVries,
10:00 a.m. University Bible Class,
Edward G. Groesbeck, leader.
11:00 a.m. Morning Service. The
pastor will conclude a series of mes-
sages on the Person and Work of
the Holy Spirit, speaking on the sub-
ject: "Sins Against Him."
12:45 p.m. "Your Radio Choir",
a studio presentation over WPAG.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Ser-
mon: "The Two Resurrections."
First Congregational Church. State

It's a well-made tent, son. You and t
will steep in if one night. Do you likre i? n
i im~ n- rt-,.77

Despondent? Not a bit, Gus. The
J.J.O'Mailey Housing Project is
marking time. Until materials are
plentiful again- What, m'boy-

post war

By Crockett Johnson
achree! The
j .

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