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July 14, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-07-14

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Personal Development Is Theme.
Of Program Presented This Week

El zabeth Macdonald Osborne To Givec
Lectures, Conferences for Al I Women

* * *

Personal development will be the
theme of the special program of con-
ferences and lectures by Elizabeth
Macdonald Osborne. which will be
open to all women on campus this
Miss Osborne will be available for
conferences at 9 a.m. tomorrow and
will be located ir the Social Direc-
tor's Office of the League every day
this week.'
Appointments May Be Made
Organizations and residence halls
desiring to obtain Miss. Osborne's
services for informal talks should
contact Miss Ethel A. McCormick,
social director of the League. Al-
ready scheduled is a talk before the
Women's Education Club at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday at the WAB.
Sponsored by a well-known cos-
metic laboratory, Miss Osborne visits

university campuses throughout the
United States delivering lectures on
personal appearance, voice, and per-
Concrete suggestions on posture,
poise, expression, health, grooming
and selection of clothes will be in-
cluded in her program, which is built
on the proposition that a woman's
success in domestic or business life
hinges on the impression she leaves
behind her.
Has Had Long Experience
Miss Osborne is a graduate of
Mount Holyoke College and has had
professional experience in teaching,
designing, and fashions. For several
years she was a member of 'the staff
of Woman's Home Companion and
had her own consultation office in
New York City for six years. Since
joining the staff of the laboratories,

Elizabeth Macdonald Osborne I

Miss Osborne has appeared on
campuses. This is her first visit
the University.


° s
brigh t u r e ofor
b Eyes light vp at a glimpse of
De Liso Debs' gleaming Patents...
- . prettifying as candlelight and (bright thought in an
era of fewer shoes).. .the one shoe 95
that does most for all costumes, all colors.
designed by Spa &6d f
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685

Summer Staff
Of Four Directs
Sports Activities
Headed by Dr. Margaret Bell,
chairman of the Department of
Physical Education for Women, the
summer session staff of the depart-
ment includes one visiting instruc-
tor in addition to two regular staff
With the exception of Dr. Bell, all
are assisting in the administration
of the newly instituted program of
recreation and athletic instruction
offered to all women this summer.
Marjorie Cowden, visiting staff
member, will instruct classes in el-
ementary swimming, elementary
golf, tennis, and bdminton. Young
Mrs. Cowden regularly teaches
junior high school women's phys-
ical education in Mansfield, Ohio.
She received her bachelor's degree
from Ohio State University.
Josephine Yantis, regular member
of the department, will teach pos-
ture, figure, and carriage, tennis,
dance, intermediate swimming and
lifesaving. Miss Yantis joined the
staff in the fall of 1943, and prev-
iously taught women's physical edu-
cation at Colorado State College of
Agriculture and Mining. She has
also instructed on the summer staff
of the University of Colorado at
Boulder and at Fort Collins High
School in Colorado. She received her
bachelor's degree from the University
of Colorado and her master's degree
at the University of Oregon.
Corinne Crogen, also on the reg-
ular staff, will instruct classes in
elementary and intermediate golf,
tennis, and archery. Miss Crogen
came to the University staff in the
fall term of 1945 from Eastern
State Teacher's College in Charles-
ton, Ill. She has held other teach-
ing posts at Indiana University, at
high schools in Minnesota and at
summer camps. Miss Crogen took
her bachelor's degree at the
Teacher's College in La Crosse,.
Wisc. and her master's at Welles-
ley College for Women.
Dr. Bell, who is in her 23rd year
at the University, is the head of
women's medical service at the
Health Service as well as chairman
of the physical education depart-
ment. Acting head of the Service for
the summer, Dr. Bell is relieving Dr.
Warren G. Forsythe.
Before coming here, Dr. Bell taught
internal medicine at the University
of Chicago, where she received her
bachelor's degree. She also studied
at Sargent Normal School of Phys-
ical Education in Boston, and re-
ceived her M. D. at Rush Medical
School in Chicago.
Any woman enrolled in the sum-
mer session is eligible to register
for the sunmer program. No. ad-
ditional.fee w,,e charged for in-
struction. Womnen not enrolled in
the summer session may register
through the Pixtension Service. All
others should register as soon as
possible in Office 15, Barbour Gym.
Although classes are in session,
late registrations will be accepted.
A medical release must be obtained
from.Health Service to participate
in any activity.
The summer program was set up
to meet the needs and interests of
women interested in teaching phys-
ical education and recreation as well
as those interested in participating
in organized athletic activity.

Coeds To Visit
Percy Jones
At least 40 women are urgently
needed to make up a group to visit
Percy Jones Hospital in Battle Creek
Sponsored by the local chapter of
the American Red Cross, the trip is a
continuation of the program in effect
during regular terms. Coeds made
scheduled trips to the hospital last
year, presenting special entertain-
ment and visiting with patients in
the wards.
No talent qualifications are neces-
sary for this trip. Women will talk
with patients, play cards and other
games with the veterans confined to
the hospital. Persons who can play
the piano, dance, or do imitations are
especially urged to make the trip.
Transportation will be furnished
by the Red Cross. Busses will leave
the campus at 3:30 p.m. and return
at 8 p.m. Saturday. A hospital com-
mittee will brief women on how to act
before they enter the wards.
Women who are interested should
contact Miss Ethel A. McCormick
any time this week in the Social Di-
rector's Office of the League.
Vet Wives Plan


FOR whatever color you choose to wear (and you
wil wear many this season) Miss Arden with
he- proverbial sense of fashion has created a spirited
shade to enhance tt and make you feet well dressed.
RADIANT PEONY, a deep. dark, exciting shade.
STOP RED, a pure red: becoming to everyone
EVENING CYCLAMEN, an "ntense blue-red without any
harshness MONTEZUMA RED a deep red. vibrant
and glowing ... a few swift strokes spell glamour.
Famed satiny ipsticks that stay on so well,
1 00 and 1.50 Refls, .75 (Prtces p >us taxes)



/' l ' L

with Fashion-
Consciou Color

Sports Party

A mixed sports party from 8 p.m.
to midnight Saturday, July 20, at
the Women's Athletic Building will
be the only social event sponsored by
the Veteran's Wives Club during the
summer term.
All married veterans and their
wives are urged to attend the in-
formal affair whether they are mem-
bers of the club or noc, according to
Mrs. Douglas Wilson, chairman of
the event.
All of the facilities of the build-
ing will be available for the party.

Read and. Use The Michi'jan Daily Classifieds

.. .'.
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Show-off SHORTS

Cut Like

A Little Boy's,

In Sleek

Block Poplin


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....*- ... .
.............~ .4...'
..t'... .......

Muses galore

y .. rt ytJ y' t ..
tom} .':":{ t
, ' k
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They're satin-backed rayon
poplin, sharply creased and
cuffed. Smooth show-off for
lean, tanned legs in fashion's
favorite black. Also in sand,
natural, navy and aqua.
Misses sizes.

kE THEY ARE - those exceptional little "dress-up"
ses that can go anywhere and are always a welcome
tion to your summer-weary wardrobe.
erseys, cottons, sheers, rayons, nets and eyelets
short, long, cap, peasant or balloon sleeves.


Pastels, stripes, and polka dots.

Priced from-

2.70 &r

.b }«
, : .
X + i 1i" . f f, W. ,

At 29981

T-strap sandals with low wedge
heels in red and white, all red or
beige leather. Also, ankle strap and
sling pump styles in brown or black
duck with sturdy rope soles.

t tlto d a clrfl accer-nt to youti r



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