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July 14, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-14

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SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945

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AnFity igan BaYeyr
Fifty-Fifth Year

Mud, Sweat and Fears Epic






Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer ,Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Managing Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school yearby car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc
College Pulishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
America Asleep?
national Cooperation rally Thursday proved
something about this campus. There are more
than seven thousand students in the University-
about 125 were at the rally. Most of the 125
undoubtedly understood without attending the
rally the purpose of the SOIC and the need for
cooperation between youth the world over. The
more than six thousand who did not put in an
appearance probably do not.
At the rally a student from China described
the impossible conditions under which educa-
tional institutions in China function. Similar
things about universities - for the most part
nonexistent in the physical sense - in Russia,
Poland, Greece, Holland and France were told
by people who have been there recently, people
who have seen the chaos that is this world,
people who have faith that through education
a better world can be built.
Jack Gore told of the people he had met at
the Washington Youth Conference,' the youth
from all over the United States who see and
understand the profound problems that will ulti-
mately be dropped in their laps. Goretried to
impress it on us that youth all over the world
must work for themselves and each other or they
will inevitably fight each other again. He said
that "America is asleep."
It is a little thing for us to adopt a foreign
university, and when we do, we must not stop,
say it's a job well done, and go have a coke.
As youth today we must plan the world of
tomorrow, and we cannot plan it each in an
isolated shell.
The SOIC wants to be Michigan's contact with
students in foreign universities. Our first job
is to help those students, to.help them financially
to rebuild their demolished schools. We must
help them spiritually by showing them that we
are with -them, that as youth we recognize that
we are part of the better world all youth must
Adopting aforeign university is a small be-
ginning, but a good one. We would not be
the first to do it ... four California universi-
ties have already adopted the University of
Belgrade; Sweet Briar has adopted a Chinese
university. We must do our part too. The
SOIC is trying. It needs the support of every
-Eunice Mintz
China's Dual Fight
THE CHINESE were still doing it last week as
they entered their ninth year of war.
As victory was at last in sight; Chinese troops
were closing in on four air bases and extending
their front on the Indo-Chinese frontier. These
troops have been fighting a continuous defensive
war for longer than those of any other nation
of this war. The people have undoubtedly under-
gone more total suffering than any other people.
General Ciang Kai-shek, speaking to China's
national advisory forum in Chungking, said
that the government had two obligations to
discharge; first, "to do its utmost in accelerat-

ing the destruction of the enemy," and, second,
"to inaugurate constitutional rule."
However great China's struggle in war has
been, there are indications that her struggle for
peace will be even greater andperhaps far longer.

UP FRONT, by Bill Maudlin. Henry Holt & Co.,
1945. 228 pages. $3.00
American dogface (infantryman) is done by
Ifliinie Says
EDITOR'S NOTE: From time to time ministers of
other denominations will contribute to Dominic Says,
usually written by Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor
in religious education. Today, Dr. Edward H. Red-
man, minister of the First Unitaian Church is guest
columnist. If youare interested in having any pai
ticular pastor contribute to the column, arrange-
ments can be made by communicating with the
Associate Editor.
ON OUR CAMPUS a significant portion of the
student body, and perhaps we should add of
the faculty, claim no interest in organized reli-
gion, but a much larger portion, claiming such an
interest, seldom demonstrate it. Indeed the chal-
lenge is hurled at the preacher, of whatsoever
faith, what good is the church anyway?
Such a malignant secularism, as this atti-
tude so widely held reveals, can be deplored by
some and applauded by others depending on
the underlying loyalties of each, and no
amount of argument will greatly alter the situ-
ation. To some extent the church itself may
be at fault for the increase in the attitude, but
the churches are in no small measure what
devotees make of them, and the burden of the
critic, if he is really serious in his criticism,
is to join with others in the accomplishment of
reforms and the revision of fundamental doc-
This is fundamental to the social and histori-
cal process. It is what makes a group of like-
minded people into a church, joining with others',
to attain agreed upon ends. The consistent
secularist would, I believe, be forced to forego
the pleasure of every kind of purposeful social
affiliation, and content himself exclusively with
his own private concerns.
Those who are committed to social causes in a
participating way, already subscribe to the fun-
damental unifying principle of a church, and
when particular causes lose the spontaneity of
their original aims, groups dedicated to them
tend more and more to take on a pattern of
ritual, substituting vicarious religious experiences
for real ones, as visitors to almost defunct IWW
chapters now report.
Various learned authorities in the field of
religion, of widely divergent confessions of
faith, have explored the uniqueness of Chris-
tianity, as opposed to other major religious
traditions, and we are reminded again and
again that the church is perfected by its re-
calcitrants. The heretic of today is the spiri-
tual hero of tomorrow. But these heretics and
.martyrs win respect not only by their heresies
but by their courage in confronting hierarchs
and tyrants, not remotely and from places of
safety, but directly before the very altars.
IF THE CHURCH TOTTERS in these days, and
the signs are ominous, all other social institu-
tions are endangered with it, for the weakness
lies in the hearts of the people. Truly a church
can become popular by utilizing the resources of
modern public relations, by becoming a place of
entertainment, and by setting all serious con-
cerns aside, or by pandering to the sentiments
of people. But the main role of the church is
too important to be sacrificed to that of a multi-
ringed circus.
The church must consist of a willing group,
zealous and courageous, striving to attain a
veritable Kingdom of God. This goal may be
taken literally or symbolically. The conditions
are not much different in either case, so' far
as the spirit of devotion of courageous mem-
bers is concerned. 'The Kingdom of God may
be other-worldly. Today, it may mean chiefly
the hoped-for brotherhood of man.
In terms of the spiritual goals of each church,
a polity, a liturgy, a body of sacraments, and a
pattern of relationships have evolved. The indi-
vidual may find himself inspired, encouraged,
and comforted within the tradition of his choice,
but the church would fail miserably in its task
if it did not hold before him a yardstick for the
measure of his virtue. goading his conscience,
pleading with him, and making him uncomfor-

table within himself for his willful failures and
Each church has such a manifold character,
and may be justified and regarded by the indi-
vidual as sufficient, when it serves in turn his
several spiritual needs. But for the individual
to receive these benefits he must first of all
prepare himself for receiving them. These
requirements of the individual, though simple,
are essential, and are summarized well as love
to God and love to one's fellow men.
-Edward H. Redman
Minister, First Unitarian Church



' Bill Maudlin, formerly staff cartoonist for the
Army newspaper Stars and Stripes. Mauldin's
book contains many of his best cartoons and also
a running commentary on the drawings and sub-
jects close to the dogface's heart. Mauldin deals
almost exclusively with the dogface in combat.
He presents the psychology of the combat man
in his drawings and text, through his famous
characters, Joe and Willie.
Mauldin celebrates the marvelous comrade-
ship which grows up among the Dogs. Theirs
is a fellow feeling born of mud and common
danger. One of the finest, most pathetic car-
toons is of Joe and Willie sitting in a ditch.
Joe has his shoes off and is washing his feet
in the mud puddle. Willie has his arm around
him and very soberly offers him a gift for sav-
ing his life. He says, "Joe yestiddy ya saved
my life an' I swore I'd pay ya back. Here's my
last pair of dry socks."
These drawings of Army life "up front" do not
stress the glamorized version of a soldier's life
nor do they present the stock humor of the fog-
1 horn-voiced top sergeant. Instead of glamor
there is mud, knee deep, with frightened soldiers
sitting in it. The main characteristics of Joe
and Willie are their numbness and fatigue. Their
minds and their hearts are partially benumbed;
their bodies are full of morphine-like shots of
sleepless nights and marches thru Boche infested
rugged terrain.
People have complained that these drawings
are too crude and harsh, that Joe and Willie are
more like beasts than human beings. If this is
so it is because war is like that. People have
said that these are just crude caricatures, that
Mauldin is too bitter, that his soldiers are too
dull and unconscious of the "things we are fight-
ing for."
People from behind the "rear echelon," like
you and I, don't know what we're talking about
if we criticize like this. If the dogfaces are
bitter, and if their morale doesn't stem from
clear-cut ideological convictions it may be our
fault, and the fault of an Army that doesn't
sufficiently educate its soldiers in the democ-
racy they are supposed to be fighting for.
IN HIS TEXT, Mauldin disposes of these rear
echelon and civilian ,complaints from brass
hats or doting, idealistic mothers. He attempts
to show America what the dogface is, and to
cheer up the dogf ace himself. For Mauldin these
wretched heroes are the "basic guys."
Furthermore he seeks to prepare America to
receive the returning combat man. We should
neither say it with brass bands, flowers or long
spiels on American democracy. We should say
it with understanding and jobs.
Mauldin, like the dogface he speaks for, is
quite an average GI himself, except for his
sympathy and ability with his pencil. He, like
the dogface, doesn't know about politics. He
knows strikes in war production, cheap, shoddy
goods sent over by some industrialist, and no
vote in the federal elections, make him mad.
He doesn't know what to do about these things.
Of fascism at home or abroad he knows little.
For a powerfully realistic account of the com-
bat man, the poor muddy, cold, hungry, hero
of our Army this book is excellent. I recommend
it for all civilians here at home to help them to
try and understand the boy grown man who is
returning to them.
Such an honest book will aid the civilian a
little in bridging the gap, the horrible gap, that
is modern warfare. It should also make us all
recognize what our debts and responsibilities
are to these boys with gray hair. The return-
ing dogfaces want peace and jobs. Will they
get them?
-- -- -=========----
£'' CPJ 10 t©hel & ldor
1N THE DAILY for Thursday, July 12, there
appeared an article on the U.S.O. center. The
article stated that the service center "is owned
by the Episcopal Church which acts only as
rentor." It is true that the Episcopal Church
owns the building now occupied by the U.S.O.
but it is not true that the church acts as rentor.
In the fall of 1943 the Episcopal Church

made an agreement with "the local U.S.O. com-
mittee for the use of the building RENT FREE
by the U.S.O. Inasmuch as there is some dis-
cussion at the present time over the future of
the U.S.O., it would seem only fair to the
Episcopal Church to have this fact publicly
Very truly yours,
Henry Lewis, D.D.
Rector, St. Andrews Episcopal Church

Stravinsky: Scenes de Ballet. Colum-
bia Album MX-245.
A Vladimir Horowitz Program. Vic-
tor DM-1001.
a) Saint-Saens, Danse Macabre.
b) Czerny, Variations on the aria,
"La Ricordanza."
c) Tchaikovsky, Dumka.
ONE of the .most worthwhile new
albums is the one containing
Stravinsky's music for the Billy Rose
extravaganza, "The Seven Lively
Arts." This sequence of ballet scenes
furnishes a much needed antidote
both for those who know Stravinsky
only by his early works, Firebird, Pe-
trouchka and the Rite, and for those
who think his later, "classical" period
to be formal and somewhat jejune.
If it is true that this new ballet
music is not "pure Stravinsky," in
the sense in which many people use
those words, it is also true that
Stravinsky seems to have taken
only the best from the classicists
and the most durable from his con-
UNLESS Vladimir Horowitz plans to
compete with Jose Iturbi in an
infiltration into the popular music
racket, it is difficult to see why he
was persuaded to make his latest re-
cording-"A Horowitz Program."
The task which this selection sets
for him is triply difficult: in the
first selection to make highly or-
chestral music pianistic, in the
second to make commonplace mu-
sic interesting and in the third to
make dull music sufferable. Inso-
far as anyone could succeed in
these undertakings, Horowitz has
done so.
One of the slow variations of the
Czerny is quite enjoyable, and' in
several of the others the composer
seems to exceed himself. The Danse
Macabre is interesting only as an un-
successful (though often enough
tried) experiment, but even at that
it must be admitted that Horowitz'
fantastic technique sometimes gives
the illusion of orchestral variety.
Such effects as the violin scraping
and bone rattling are, of course, lost.
Dumka remains, as might be ex-
plained, just Dumka
-Frank Haight
Jazz World .. .
one of the meccas of American
jazz music-52nd Street in New York
City. A favorite stomping ground
for musicians, New York City flaunts
most of its small-band jazz in the
midget-sized nite-clubs which line
both sides of this famous street.
By far the most exciting and
satisfying jazz star on 52nd Street
is vocalist Billie Holiday, featured
at The Club Downbeat. Billie sings
with delicate, inspired feeling and
impeccable taste, and her warm,
mellow, relaxed voice is gorgeous in
its subtlety. Billie's phrasing is
still the best in the business, and
her purposeful, slightly-flat intona-
tion is wonderfully effective.
The songstress is backed by the
very fine jazz trio of Al Casey. Casey
Metronome All-Star winner for gui-
tar, combines with bass and piano
to produce unusual effects and an
exceptionally clean beat. The leader
has the very desirable habit of sing-
ing half-alout the riffs as he plays
them, much like "Slam" Stewart,
featured bass man with Benny Good-
man. Each of the three musicians
seems to anticipate the ideas of the
other two, and the over-all effect is
The other big attraction on 52nd
Street is Ben Webster, former tenor

man with Duke Ellington, now
leading a small pick-up band at
The Spotlight. The only detract-
ing feature of Webster's playing
is his infrequent lack of spontan-
eity and inspiration, the quite na-
tural result of having to solo chorus
after chorus (sometimes 10 in. a
row) as spotlighted star of the
club's entertainment. The big sax
man blows a restrained, imagina-
tive horn, alternating between soft,
dreamy solos and lusty, hoarse take-
Billie Holiday, Ben Webster, and
Al Casey's Trio-all Negro, all on
52nd Street, all producing very fine,
exciting jazz.
-Irv Stahl

Publication in the Daily Official Bual-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30' p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 10-S
To all male students in the CollegE
of 'Literature, Science, and the Arts
enrolled in the Summer Term:
By action of the Board of Regents.
all male students in residence in thi
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has beer
effective since June, 1943, and wi].
continue for the duration of the war
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dear
of the College or by his represent-
ative, (3) The Director of Physica
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen and sophomore.,
to Professor Arthur Van Duren
Chairman of the Academic Counsel-
ors (108 Mason Hall); by all othe:
students tosAssociate Dean E. A
Walter (1220 Angell Hall.)
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will b(
considered after the end of the thire
week of the Summer Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
All men interested in trying out
for the staff of 'the Interfraternit
Council are asked to attend a meet-
ing of all tryouts in the office of the
Interfraternity Council on Monday.
July 16, at 3 p. m. (EWT). See your
House President for further infor-
mation, or call at the office of thc
Interfr'ater-nity Council during of-
fice hours.
To All House Presidents: Ther(
will be an important meeting of th(
Interfraternity Council on Wednes-
day, July 18, at 7:15 p.m. (EWT) ir
Room 306 Michigan Union. Pleas(
be present.
Linguistic Institute. There will be
a table in the League Ballroom Daily
at 11 a. m. CWT (12 noon EWT)
for members of the Institute and
their friends who wish to meet for
lunch. Note change of location.
Mail is being held at the business
office of the University for the fol-
lowing people:
Adams, Mrs. Mary Kendall, Nellie


Tuesday, July 17-Lecture: "In-
terpreting the News." Preston W.
Slosson, Professor of History; aus-
pices of the Summer Session. 3:10
p.m. CWT (.4:10 p.m. EWT). Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet on Monday, July 16, in Room
303 Chemistry Building, at 3:15
(CWT) or 4:15 (EWT). Professor E.
F. Barker of the Physics Department
will speak on "Infrared spectra and
molecular structure." All interested
are invited to attend.
Doctoral Examination for Mar-
guerite Watson Jeserich, Anatomy;
thesis: "The Nuclear Pattern and the
Fiber Connections of Certain Non-
Cortical Areas of the Telencephalon
of the Mink (Mustela Vison)," Mon-
Jay, July 16, 4558 East Medical, 2:00
p.m. Chairman, E. C. Crosby.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
-andidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Students who intend to take the
Language Examination for Masters'
Jegrees in History should sign up in
advance in the History Office, 119
Haven Hall. The examination is to
be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at
4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall.
The Regular Record Concert giv-
mn in the Ladies Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building will start at 7 p. m.
(CWT) Tuesday, July 17. The pro-
;ram will include a Fugue, by Bach;
Quartet No. 8, by Beethoven; Violin
Concerto, by Mozart; and Symphony
No. 5 in B Flat Major, by Schubert.
All Graduate Students are cordially
invited to attend.
Chamber Music Concert: The first
n a series of five chamber music
programs will be presented at 7:30
;. m. CWT, Tuesday, July 17, in Pat-
;engill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High
3chool. The program will consist
f compositions by Mozart and
Brahms, and will be played by Gil
bert Ross and Marian Struble Free-
man, violinists, Louise Rood, violinist,
Robert Swenson, cellist, Albert Lu-
coni, clarinetist, and Joseph Brink-
man, pianist.
Other programs in the series will
be heard at 7:30 CWT, Thursday
avenings, July 26, August 2, 9 and
16. All are open to the general pub-
lic without charge.
Faculty Recital: Several members
of the School of Music faculty will
be heard at 7:30 p. m., Thursday,
February 19, in Hill Auditorium, in
the regular Summer Session faculty
series. Those appearing on the pro-
gram will be David Blair McClosky,
baritone, Barbara Jevne, mezzo-so-
prano, Elizabeth Green, violist, Lynne
Palmer, harpist, and Benjamin Owen
and Marie Juleen Thiessen, pianists.
The general public is invited.
General Library, main corridor
,ases. Books printed in English be-
fore 1640.
Clements Library: Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
.60 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: The first

neeting of the Outing Club for the
summer will be held Monday, July
16 at 7:30 p. in. on the Outing Club
Room. There will be dancing and a
social hour, which will be followed
by the election of officers and the
program for the term will be planned.
All Graduate Students, Faculty, and
Alumni are cordially welcome to join.
Dr. Mischa Titiev, Professor of An-
thropology, will speak on "Nationali-
ties in the Soviet Union" at a meet-
ing of the Russky Kruzhok (Russian
Circle) in the International Center,
Monday, July 16th, at 8:00 (EWT).
Tea will be served following the
talk. Everyone interested is cordial-
ly invited.
Attention all students: The Post-
war Council will present a panel dis-
cussion Tuesday, July 17, at 8:00,
in the Union on the topic, "Is There
Enough Force Behind the San Fran-
cisco Charter?" Participating will be
Prof. Swinton, of Engineering; Prof.
Holmes, of the Sociology Dep't.; and
Prof. Dorr, of the Political Science
Ttn~.. nza a r rlalriti®7+

Baum, Oscar
Bellows, Rachel
Birkhill, Virginia
Blane, Arthur
Butler, Bancraft
Christy, Arthur E.
Dodge, E. W.
Due, Oliver
Dune, Professor
Gibbs, Mrs.
Gough, Elsie
Gustafson, Arthur
Hall, Harlow H.
Heldt, A.
Hiersch, F. A.

Ma, James
Maduro, Elma
Mayberry, T. O.
Mish, Alexander
Monroe, Dr. H. C.
Oden, E. Clarence
Phillips, F. L.
Ranta, . .
Rood, Helen
Smith, Ridgeway
Spalding, Thomas
Vibrans, Franc C.
Walker, Nancy
Wenzel, E. A.
Williams, Grace
Schmake, Miss G.

City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncement for Building Mainten-
ance Supervisor, $3721 to $4071 pe!
year, has been received in our office
Further information may be obtaineG
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Signed: University Bureau
of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information
Students who took registratiorn
blanks for registration with the Bur-
eau are reminded that they must b(
returned not later than a week fron:
the day they were taken out. Bureau;
of Appointments.
Signed: University Bureau
of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information
Linguistic Institute. Introduction to
Linguistic Science. "The Study of
Regional and Social Differences in
Speech." Dr. Hans Kurath, Profes-
sor of German. 6 p. m. CWT (7 p. m.
EWT), Tuesday, July 17, Rackham
Linguistic Institute Special Lecture.
"The Linguistic Position of Ugaritic,
a newly-discovered Semitic Lang-
uage." Dr. Albrecht Goetze, Laffan
Professor of Assyriology and Babylon-
ian Literature, Yale University. 6:30
p. m. CWT (7:30 p. m. EWT), Wed-
nesday, July 18, Rackhain Amphithe-

Some rare cases of aphasia
don't respond to magic wand cSwallowing your
treatment apparently , . ,Well, cigar must have
m'boy, I'll have to resort to been a shock to
the shock method after all- him, Mr. O'Malley.
L n-1

IT consult Doetor Pavlov's great
experiments with dog neuroses-
t -

By Crockett Johnson
Ca,-9H' 1445. Te e-~ae'PM, r"C O KC -
Never mind Doctor Pavlov!
Call the local veterinary!
Mr. O'Malley!
--- He can TALK!

I -- --



rnnr us: -r--

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