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July 14, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-14

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Fifty-Fourth Year


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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Pug1ications.
Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho
Peg Weiss

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
- Staff
Business Manager


Lee Amer

Telephone 23-24=1

National Advertising Service, Inc.
Coltege PbiisersRepresentativ
4204dADISON AVE. NEw,YoRK. N. Y.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
tqr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
Second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year y car-
rier, $425, by mail, $525.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
illing To Serve
RESIDENT ROOSEVELT has announced to
the nation that "if the people elect me, I
will serve," thus putting an end to all specula-
tion as to whether or not he will run against
Gov. Dewey.
fie will run again, for his nomination is
assured by the existence of a majority of
pledged delegates to the Democrat Conven-
tion at the end of this month. But the
President has made it clear that he will
not run in the ordinary sense of the word,'
In the "partisan, political sense." He has
said, "if the people command me to continue
in this office and in this war, I have as little
right to withdraw as the soldier has to leave
his post in the line."
This is good news to all who feel that in a
time of strife and trouble, as the war nears
its end, the only man to whom the responsi-
bilities of the nation's welfare could be en-
trusted is President Roosevelt. Reasons for
this feeling are the President's clear-cut policies
of cooperation with the other great nations
toward the building of a better world and his
understanding of the domestic situation, evi-
denced by his demands for higher taxes no
while we can afford them, by his support of
the soldier vote bill, by his opposition to the
anti-labor Smith-Connally Bill, by his unful-
filled demands for strict price control, coupled
with subsidies, to make wage stabilization effect-
But in his acceptance letter the President
phrased his position far better than anyone
else can:. "To win this war wholeheartedly,
unequivocally and as quickly as we can is
our task of the first importance. To win
this war in such a way that there be no
further world wars in the foreseeable future
is our second objective. To provide occupa-
tions, and to provide a decent standard of liv-
ing for our men in the armed forces after
the war, and for all Americans, are the final
The President has put first things first, and
his record in the past proves that he has a
definite point-of-view and program to accom-
plish these things.
-Kathie Sharfman
Polities and the G.I.
Vote Act has been termed inadequate, un-
constitutional or undemocratic depending upon
the speaker's views but there is one section that
particularly reflects the mistrust and unthink-
ing attitudes of many Congressmen.
One section of the act attempts to prevent
"political propaganda" from contaminating
the minds of citizen-soldiers. Several recent
books that have come under this thoughtless
ban are Bower's biography of Chief Justice
Holmes, "Yankee From Olympus," and
Beard's dialogues in "The Republic."
The power behind such action is found in
Title V of the act which states that "books
purchased by Government funds shall not coi-
tain political argument or political propaganda
of any kind designed or calculated to effect the
results of any election for Federal office. By

this reasoning one might even include the Dec-
laration of Independence or the Constitution in
the ban.
The net result would leave the prospect-
ive voter's mind a vacuum. Some textbooks
and correspondence courses of the U. S. Armed

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"Don't Tell Me I'm Not Constitutional"


Realistic Program for Unity

NEW YORK, July 13-We need national unity
during a war, but it has to be unity about
something, unity for something.
The candidate who surrounds himself with
a smoke screen, with a cloud of ambiguity,
offers only a worthless substitute for true na-
tional unity. "Come into my cloud," he
says to the voter. He offers a little bit of
internationalism, a dash of isolation, a hint
of reform, a whisper of reaction. He gets
customers, as any well-stocked five-and-ten'
cent store will.
Muddle, But Not Unity
To blur eevry public question, to dull the
edges of every dispute, to "throw things in to
make it harder," to say yes and no to all comers,
may produce a kind of temporary, befuddled
political coalition, but it will not produce na.
tional unity.
The valid approach to unity is to set up a
sharp, clear, but limited program, about which
a majority of the people can unite, and about
which they will unite because they know what
it means, and not because their pet prejudices
have been stroked.
As Through a Dark Wood
Such an approach would be offered by the
candidate who says, in simple, straightforward
fashion: "I have certain definite political be-
liefs, as all men know. But we are in a war.
Ahead of us lies a length of road which, it
seems, we must travel together. We must get,
through the forest and into the clear space:
We must protect each other on our march
through that forest. I offer myself as an
executive officer to all men who agree that we
really do have to fight our way through the
forest; to men who agree not to make evil use
of dark corners on the way, in order to dispose
of those whom they do not like, or to gain
relative advantages for themselves.
That is the substance of unity in wartime;
it is unity for something. A liberal or a
conservative could, equally, offer that sort of
unity. Neither need be under the necessity
of pretending to be not a liberal, or not a
conservative. Mr. Churchill has given Britain
that kind of unity, and Mr. Churchill is a
conservative. No man need deny his essen-
tial beliefs to be a sound war-time leader; he
need only declare, in frank and manly style,
that he will not fight for his special brand
of politics at the expense of a war, and that
he will yield to any change necessary to win
the war. Such a man can build unity, not
because he is all things to all men, but be-
cause, for the period of crisis, he is one
thing to all men.
contagious disease, censoritis," which is appear-
ing throughout the country. It indicates fool-
ishness and shortsightedness to deprive men in
the armed forces (and thus voters and office-
holders after the war) of the necessary political
and social stimulation to think about public af-
-Dorothy Potts

Where we get into trouble is with the candidate
who is all things to all men. He cannot build
war-time unity, because it is part of his plan
to make men hot about irrelevancies. He offers
a bargain ride thropgh the forest, with sleeping
cars for those who want to doze, and bicycles
for those who prefer to pedal; he offers higher
wages to labor, and he also offers lower war
costs and less taxes 'to business; you may ride
any way you wish on his line, including back-
wards. Such a man does not weld a fighting
unity; he piles up a fermenting agglomeration
of yens and discontents, a most unhappy and
unstable mixture.
It may all be untrue, and Mr. Dewey may
know precisely where he is leading us. But his
platform did not say. And so men turn to
Chicago again, hoping that another meeting
may try to bring the American people together,
as with trumpets; and not try to catch them
with sticky paper, and the promise of a gift
in each and every box.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
ging in some sectors, cutbacks have resulted
in idle men and machines elsewhere This has
increased the pressure for immediate recon-
versions of unemployed facilities to the pro-
duction of much-needed civilian goods . It has
also led to a tense situation in Washington,
where Chairman Nelson of the War Produc-
tion Board is at loggerheads with most of the
vice-chairmen, with the army and navy, and
with the War Manpower Commission. On June
19 Nelson signed orders making available ma-
terials for the construction of working models
for post-war production, canceling limitation
orders on the use of aluminum and magnesium
-now plentiful-and permitting manufactur-
ers to purchase machinery, tools, and dies wher-
ever possible without interference with war
production. Shortly afterward the WPB chair-
man became ill, and in his absence these orders
have not been put through. According to Sen-
ator Truman, who is strongly supporting Nel-
son's proposals, the opposition from within
the board is inspired by the large corporations
which are still fully engaged on armament
work and fear small competitors may be allow-
ed to get ahead of them. The army, navy,
and War Manpower Commission are concerned
with the severe labor shortages in certain vital
production fields, including foundries, coal
mines, tank arsenals, tire plants, and shipyards.
They believe that unemployment elsewhere
might be a helpful factor in steering labor to
the shortage areas. It is not clear, however,
that aircraft workers who lose their jobs on
Long Island can be persuaded to migrate to
Akron to make tires. And it is certain that the
problems of reconversion will be multiplied
if we wait to start until all war contracts are
completed and everyone can turn to civilian
production simultaneously.
-The Nation

G.O. P
THEIDEA that the Republicans
have chosen to nominate a young
man for president brings up an inter-
esting contradiction in terms . . . the
idea of a "young Republican." The
policies of the republican Party are
as old as the first reactionary, who
said, "If it's good enough for my
great-grandfather, it's good enough
for my great-grandchildren." ,'Re-
publicanism as the philosophy of a
political party has come to stand for
protection of property rights above
human rights, opposition to the will
of the people, a narrow-minded view
of the position of the United States
in the world of nations.
I this particular election year,
GOPism is allied with opposition to
internationalism in the form of a
world court and a world police
force, with opposition to the Sol-
dier Vote Bill, the GI Bill of Rights
and the Wagner-Murray-Dingell
Social Security Bill, with opposi-
tion to the Anti-Poll Tax Bill, with
"economy" on the budget books
and extravagance in the mistreat-
ment of citizens in the matter of
federal housing, price control, sal-
ary limits.
The Republican idea started out as
a young man's organization based on
the principles of a couple of young
Presidents: Tom Jefferson (elected
President at 66), and Andy Jackson.
( And its first nominee was a young
man, Abe Lincoln, (51 in 1860), with
young ideas about democracy and its
relation to involuntary servitude.
"UT the party aged rapidly, until,
under Mark Hanna and McKinley
in 1896 it appeared almost as old as
Methuselah in its firm opposition to
e Gtl Otr
blythe trust in Dewey is truely a
beautiful thing to see. It is indeed
optimistic to find him searching for
someone to lead him onward and up-
ward. Mr. Dewey will take him for
a ride, but unfortunately not in eith-
er of these directions.
Mr. Shepard employs a somewhat
corrupt version of the syllogism first
used by Socrates (who, Mr. Shep-
ard, is even OLDER than president
Roosevelt!). This is the little game
he plays:
Old men are inclined to be conser-
President Roosevelt is an older
Therefore: President Roosevelt is
a conservative man.
Were we giving points in the
presidential election for chronalo-
gical age, Mr. Dewey would win
Mr. Shepard's game, but it would
seem that Mr. Shepard is con-
cerned with youth of ideas. There
is no reason to believe that Presi-
dent Roosevelt has lost any of the
idealism which lay behind his so-
cial legislation. This idealism is
present today in %is eager sup-
port of UNNRA and the Bretton
Woods Conference.
What plan has Dewey offered that
would further our progress toward
Mr. Shepard's dream of a peaceful
world. None! While President Roose-
velt acts, Mr. Dewey does not even
suggest. In fact Dewey cares so
little for youth or its dreams that he
refuses to give the greater part
of the fighting youth of New York
state an opportunity to vote for him-

self or for anyone else. The "vigor-
ous, intense, realistic, energetic" Mr.
Dewey won't accept the Federal bal-
Even more important than the
personal failings of Dewey to ful-
fil the ideals of Mr. Shepard, is
the tragically static group of'-men
that would follow Mr. Dewey into
office. He has already publically
expressed satisfaction in being sup-
ported by the Chicago Tribune.
Just as rabidly nationalistic as
the Tribune is Dewey's running
mate, Gov. Bricker, who was the
first choice of Gerald K. Smith.
(nice company you keep, Mr.
Shepard.) Nor can we forget to
mention the Honorable Ham Fish
who would step into the chair-
manship of the vital Rules Com-
mittee in the House of Represent-
atives. These men and others like
them would be helpfully helping to
carry out such items in the Re-
publican platform as the one which
seeks to "establish and maintain a
fair protective' tariff on competi-
tive products."
Alas, Mr. Shepard, I'm afraid that
the stars you're reaching for are a
bit besmattered with mud.
-Gloria Rewoldt

the income tax, trust-busting, "popu-
lism," free trade, and in its imperial-
istic ventures in the Spanish-Ameri-
can War. Due to a fluke, a youngish
man became President under the Re-
publican banner, Teddy Roosevelt,
but he in due course left the party,
and it became again solidly old and
respectable. It brought to the White
House William Howard Taft (father
of the Senator Taft now important
in GOP circles), who there, and later;
on the Supreme Court, expressed the
most backward views on the social
development then taking place in this
From 1912 till 1920 the party, out
of the White House, aged again to
give birth to the Three Old Men:
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover,
whose policies of do-nothing-till-
you-hear-from-Wall-Street helped
this country to the crash in '29.
Unemployment which reached two
million in the middle of the twen-
ties, was left alone. Housing, medi-
cal care, community recreation fa-
cilities, public power projects, labor
conditions, child labor, the high
cost of living, the condition of mi-
gratory laborers; the faulty eco-
nomic structure of the banking
system, international cooperation
in the World Court and the League
of Nations, recognition of the Sov-
iet Union, opportunities for em-
ployment for youth . . . all these
problems were Untouchables to the
Old Old men in the presidency.
ing the intervening 12 years, had
washed itself clean of these influen-
ces, and made itself a truly young

'. Breeds Them Old

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 8-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
slimmer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. in. of the day precediig its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
To Those Who are Saving Dailies
for the men in service: Please con-
tinue sending them to Ruth B. Bu-
chanan at the University Museum
Stu dents, Summer Session: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for
credit after the end of the second
week. Saturday, July 15, is there-
fore the last day on which new
elections may be approved. The
willingness of an instructor to admit
a student later will not affect the
operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
To all Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all.male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Summer Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
Open House for Servicemen, Wives,
Families: The USO is open at all
times to the servicemen and their
wives and families especially on
Sundays. There is plenty of
room to visit, write letters, read,
play cards or just relax. If you like
classical music, there is a very com-
plete Classical Music Library and a
quiet music room with a radio-vic
combination where you may enjoy
good music.
The Federal Civil Service Commis-
sion are recruiting for various Fed-
eral agencies in the State of Michi-
gan in Administrative and Profes-
sional Fields, Engineering and Allied
Fields, Clerical and Skilled Trades.
Salary ranging from $1,560 to $7,128.
For further details stop in at 201
Mason Hall. Bureau of Appoint-
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are requested to pick up membership
report forms for the Summer Term
in the Office of the Dean of Students.
Student Organizations are request-

for signing up for Golf and Tennis
tournaments. The sheets for entries
will be posted in Barbour Gymnasium
and the Women's Athletic Building
until Wednesday, July 19th.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women
Monday, July 17. Dr. Haven Emer-
son, Nonresident Lecturer in Public
Health Administration in the School
of Public Health and Professor Em-
eritus of Public Health at Columbia
University, will speak to public
health students and other interested
individuals from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock,
in the School of Public Health Audi-
torium.The title of Dr. Emerson's
address will be "Civilian Health
Needs in Wartime".
Henry F. Vaughan, Dean
Tuesday, July 18, Professor Preston
W. Slosson. "Interpreting the News."
4:10 p. m., Rackham Amphitheater.
The public is cordially invited.
Wednesday, July 19. A. Lobanov,
Visiting Professor of Russian History
from the University of California,
will speak on "Russia and the War"
at 4:10 p. m., Rackham Amphi-
theater. The public is cordially in-
Academic Notices
Make-up Final Examination for
Geology 12 will be held today at 9:00
a. m. in Room 2051 Natural Science
The Qualifying Examination for
the M. A. in English will be given
today at 4-6 in Room 3223 A. H. for
those who did not take it at the
prescribed time and who have been
given make-up privileges.
N. E. Nelson
School of Education Students
Changes of Elections in the Summer
Session: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, July 15;
no course may be dopped without
penalty after Saturday, July 22. Any
changes of elections of students in
this school must be reported at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. Arrangements made with
the instructors are not official
Carillon Recital: Professor Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, will
play a group of French songs at
12:00 noon today in commemoration
of Bastille Day. Professor Price will
present the usual Friday evening
carillon recital at 7:00 p. m.
Student Recital: Harriet Porter,
soprano, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 p. m., Sunday, July 16, in the
First Methodist Church, State and
Huron Streets. She will be accom-
panied at the piano by Ruby Kuhl-
man, and at the organ by Howard
The public is cordially invited.

and vigorous group, Dewey might
then be considered the candidate for
youth, and a young man himself.
But the pattern is the same today.
Vice-Presidential candidate Bricker,
and the men who back Dewey and
who, at least in part, control Repub-
lican policy; the nationalist Col. Rob-
ert McCormick; the industrialist
Henry Ford; the religious Father
Coughlin and Rev. Gerald L. K.
Smith; the manufacturers Pew and
DuPont; the Congressman: Earl
Michener-69, Ham Fish-56, Clare
Hoffman--69, Arthur Vandenberg-
60, Homer Ferguson-55, and the
Grand Old Man Hoover-70. . .
these are Old Men with Old Ideas,
incapable of dealing with the "dy-
namic, difficult future."
There are men in the Demo-
cratic Party who are chronologic-
ally old, and some of the southern
Democrats have been old donkey-
phants for years. But Roosevelt is
still a young man, as are Henry
Wallace and Vito Marcantonio and
Robert Wagner and Jimmy Byrnes
and Claude Pepper. They see that
the world is always changing, and
they are wise enough to be willing
to change with it. They have sound
objectives, which include the pur-
suit of happiness-for all groups,
and they have a program to put
them into action.
The point now is for young people
-of whatever number of birthdays-
to decide to vote in the final elections
in November, as they so completely
failed to do in the primaries Tuesday.
And to vote against the Man From
Owosso who has been using old politi-
cal tricks to put over tried and false
ideas on the American people.


fi get the 0irate treasure
in spite of thot Davy Jones! I'll show
I'm off, m'boy, to charter a Mom the

By Crockett Johnson

Hello, little felow. Been out digging JOHNSON
for Captain's Kidd's treasure? Ha-ha

Pieces )f Eight!
n nn

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