I, JULY 14, 1944
Fielding H. Yost Reminisces
On Former Gridiron Seasons
Les Etters Takes Over
Naval Trainees
Duties o Fred DeLano ea ummer
0 :hCage Turnouts
Crisler Puts Michigan Candidates Throe xh
Football practice opened July 5
and newspapers all over the country
devoted various amounts of space to
the event, but the battery of sports-
writers and photographers which in-
vaded Ferry Field for the opening
workout overlooked one small inci-
dent which probably carried greater
significance than many of those
This event, inconsequential Is it
may seem, was thegappearance .of
Fielding H. Yost at the drill. As this
writer wended his way out to the'
field where the candidates and staff
were perspiring through the workout,
he met Mr. Yost just returning from
his first view of the 1944 edition of
Michigan football.
Spirit of Wolverine Football
Up until this instant it was just a
routine assignment, but with the
appearance of the "Grand Old Man'
the real significance of the scene
developed. For it was not a mere
practice session now, it was the spirit
of Wolverine football, rising again
after lying dormant during the win-
ter months.
Yost's presence seemed to typify
the glorious tradition of Michigan
athletics, for it was Yost who was in
large measure responsible for the
fostering and growth of that tradi-
tion. And upon rememberin that
the 73-year-old coach and athletic
director has been on hand for the
opening of every Michigan football
season since 1901, the realization
came that this was something more
than a mere football practice. !
Yost Moulds Tradition
Yost is, in a sense, the living spirit
of Wolverine athletics. In his long
and brilliant career as head football
coach and later as Athletic Director,
Yost built up that halo of driving
spirit and fighting aggressiveness
which has typified Wolverine teams
Third Rejection
For Sitnkwich
CLEVELAND, July 13.- (/P-
Frankie Sinkwich, former University
of Georgia All-America football play-
er, was rejected for military service
today the Army induction center
Sinkwich, a member of the Detroit
Lions professional football team, had
been honorably discharged from both
the Marine Corps and the Maritime
Service for physical reasons.
The football star, originally regis-
tered with an Athens, Ga., draft
board, recently requested transfer to
a board in Youngstown, O., his home.
He reported to the center yesterday.
Valdine Foe Wins Race;
Equals American Record
CHICAGO, July 13-(AP)-The
sun briar colt, Valdina Foe, won by
four lengths in Arlington Park's
$10,000 added Grassland handicap
today, finishing in 1:51 to equal the
track and American record for the
mile and an eighth race over tge turf.
Valdina Foe carried the colors of
John Marsch, Chicago contractor
who has become famous as an own-
er of futurity- winners.
ever since. And the mere sight of him
out on the field must have caused
more than one spine to tingle among
the aspiring candidates, some of
whom were getting their first taste
of Michigan football.
As this reporter stopped to gain
Yost's impressions of what he saw,
the "Mr. Football of Michigan" raised
his arm to indicate the field on which
the boys were drilling. "My first
team played its games right there,"
he mused, and the gleam in his eye
told of vivid thoughts in the remote
past when the famed "Point a Min-
ute" elevens were churning up the#
The History of Ferry Field
"Yes," he went on, "that's where,
we played all of our games back then.
The rest of Ferry Field was just a
swamp. We drained it and built the
stadium up there," this time pointingj
toward the decrepit stands behind
the Intramural Sports Building.
"After awhile," he continued, "the
big stadium over across the way was
built. Quite a difference from the
did days."
On being asked what he thought
of this year's prospects, Yost showed
that he still retains the attitude- of
the typical coach. He grinned and
said, "It's too early to tell yet. Ask
me later." Then he turned and slow-1
ly walked off, having given that air
of "being official" to the opening of
the 1944 football season.
Second Consecutive Scrimmage Session
Michigan's gridmen, stepping up
the tempo of their drills, were sent
through the second consecutive
scrimmage of the week yesterday
under the watchful eyes of head
r ..coach H. O. "Fritz" Crisler and his
staff of four aides,
Simultaneously with yesterday's
workouttcame the announcement
E } that Les Etters has been appointed
athletic publicity director for the
Univer sity of Michigan. Etters suc-
ceeds Fred Delano, who is now work-
* ing on the Chicago Tribune sports
Etters has had much experience in
college publicity work and at present
he is finishing up his duties with the
><Associated Press and the Fadeli Pub-
lic Relations Co. Etters is expected
to arrive in Ann Arbor as soon as his
present activities are completed.
r::::Divide Up Team
In yesterday's scrimmage the squad
:rwas divided into Red and Blue teams.
. Frequent substitutions were made in
the Blue lineup which operated on
offense, bud the Red team's personnel
remained fairly intact.
r to their participation in the National Clay The starting backfield for the Blues
hips at the Detroit, Michigan; Tennis Club, consisted of burly Joe Ponsetto at
Los Angeles, the defending champion, and quarterback, flashy Bill Wenzlau in
the wingback spot, speedy Bob Nuss-
Des Moines, Iowa, try their hand at wheeling
-~Zeller Presents
baumer at the tailback post, and bat-
tering Bob Wiese at fullback. This
quartet performed very efficiently.
In addition to these four backs.
three other men, Ralph Chubb, Bill
Culligan and Eugene Derricott, show-
ed a lot of class in the Blue backfield.
Chubb. a former Ann Arbor High
School star, displayed plenty of
power at the fullback slot, and he
seemedto be running very smoothly.
'Culligan threw many passes and hit
his receivers most of the time. Derri-
cotte, a freshman from Defiance, 0..
showed a great deal of speed and has
excellent running form. His high-
stepping tactics make it difficult to
stop him.
Make Frequent Substitutions
Substitutions were made in the
line at frequent intervals and it ap-
pears as though line coach "Biggie"
Munn will have a well balanced for-
Alard line to work with.
Those playing in Tne line were
Clem Bauman, George Burg, Bruce
Hilkene, Art Renner, Dick Rifenberg,
Marvin Shebel, Quentin Sickels, Dick
Smith, Charles Wahl and Harold
Crisler's comment on yesterday's
scrimmage was that "there is still a
lot of work to do, but the boys have
come a long way and have showed}
much promise in the first two weeks
of Michigan's summer football prac-
State To Play Basketball
chigan State College basketball team
announced its return to competition
Thursday with the scheduling of
three games, two with Ohio State
and ,one with University of Iowa, for
the 1944-45 season.
Three Marines and
Lone Civilian Make Up
Rest of Prospects
A high-spirited, embryo group of
cagers have been working out for
the past two weeks under the all-
encompassing eye of Assistant
Basketball Coach Bill Barclay.
Among the men practicing are
Tommy King. Bob Stevens, and Robb
Ruttledge who are, so far, the only
members of last year's squad that
have reported. However, as this
group consists almost one hundred
percent of Naval and Marine train-
ees, and some of last years players
are practicing with the football
squad, no one, at the present time
can predict the number of returning
cagers Michigan may have.
There are several promising candi-
dates in this contingent of 23 men,
consisting of 19 Navy men, 3 Ma-
rines, and one lone civilian. Keith
Harder is a former University of
Virginia star player and considered
one of the outstanding southern per-
formers of last year.hBob Champion,
the lone civilian, who played frosh
basketball at Northwestern several
years ago and Don Mullaney. a Chi-
cago high school star, are some of
the outstanding candidates so far.
Basketball practices are held every
Monday, Tuesday,, and Wednesday
in the I-M building. Coach Bill
Barclay stated that these drills stress
the fundamentals of the game.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615
Court tennis champions
Pauline Betz (left) of
Joanne Dunn (right) of
the court marker.
Major League
lg ers Scalp Ghisox 9-1
A s Wakefield, York Star '
St. Louis ..... ........45 34
Boston ................43 37
New York ............40 36
Washington ...........38 39
Chicago ...............34 37
Cleveland . .............37 41
DETROIT............36 42
Philadelphia ..........35 40
Chicago at Detroit, incomplete.
New York 4-4, Boston 2-8.
St. Louis at Cleveland, first game,1
Chicago at Detroit.
St. Louis at Cleveland.
Boston at New York.
Philadelphia at Washington.
DETROIT, July 13-(AP)-Lanky
Dick Wakefield returned to the De-
troit Tiger lineup tonight in a twi-
light game before 12,185 spectators
and contributed two hits and drove
in two runs in a 9 to 1 victory over
the Chicago White Sox.
The Sox, who hadn't lost a game
at Briggs Stadium this season, were
stopped with three hits by Pauli
Trout, who gained his 11th victory
of the season. The Tigers made it
easy for Trout by hammering Orval
Grove for eight runs on seven hits$
in the second inning for Detroit's
biggest scoring splurge of the season.
York Again in Cleanp Spot
The real batting hero was big
Rudy York, who celebrated his re-
turn to the No. 4 spot in the batting
order by smashing a home run, his
ninth of the season, and a double.
Both hits came in the big second in
which the Tigers sent .13 batters to
the plate.
Only one of the three hits off
Trout was an honest-to-goodness
safety. That was Ralph Hodgin's
line single to left in the fourth. Joe
Haynes, who pitched one-hit relief
ball for six innings, looped a single
to right in the eighth.
The only sox run came in the sec-
ond when Thurman Tucker walked
with two out. Tommy Turner flied
to short center where Jimmy Outlaw
and Chuck Hostetler let it fall be-
tween them for a double. Outlaw re-
placed Roger Cramer in center in
a lineup shift.
York promptly got that run back
by belting a line drive into the left
field seats for his homer. That start-
ed the parade.
Glove Forces in Run
Wakefield singled off Skeeter
Webb's glove and Chuck Hostetler
walked. Both advanced on Joe Or-
engo's infield roller, and Grove pass-
ed Bob Swiftintentionally, filling the
base. Then he walked Trout to
force in a run.
An ti-Farm -Plan
Scheme To Prevent
Chain-Store Baseball
NEW YORK, July 13-(AP)-One
of the liveliest topics of discussion in
baseball circles is the "anti-farm"
plan presented to the major leagues
by Jack Zeller, Detroit general man-
ager, at the Pittsburgh meetings and
tabled by them after some discussion.
Zeller's proposal, newest of a ser-
ies he has evolved to curb chain-store
baseball, would prohibit major league
clubs from signing free agents who
had less than one year's experience
in class A or higher baseball and
would permit them to buy minor
league players only through the draft
To compensate minor league club
owners for the loss of occasional
big sales, Zeller set a draft price of
$12,500 for the first player selected
from a club by the majors and a
descending scale of prices for oth-
ers taken. In the same way, the big
minors would draft players from.
those of lower classification.
Although this plan apparently
gained considerable support from
clubs that do not operate big farm
systems, many baseball men raised
the question: would it work?
Zeller said that only two clubs had
opposed the plan when it was dis-
cussed at the American League meet-
ing. The Zeller Plan would permit
each major league club to send out
15 players on option, who could be
recalled when needed.
Some doubts also were expressed
as to whether minor league clubs,
deprived of direct support from the
majors, would be successful and
whether there would be as much
effort made to find and develop new
players when the major league clubs
could not keep strings on them.
St. Louis
New York ...
Brooklyn ...
Chicago ....
Boston ......
.....51 21
.....40 30
.....42 33
.....37 39
... .32 41
.....33 43
.....29 41
.....30 46
19 L
*Games behind leader.E
Pittsburgh 3, Chicago 2.
New York at Philadelphia, night.
Cincinnati at St. Louis, night.
Only games scheduled.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
Only games scheduled.
Yainks Split Twin Bill with Sox
A Swagger Sp t Casual
.h.a..................[C..Vi: .......t
; :;
=f'' r 4
r /q
NEW YORK, July 13.-(A')-The
New York Yankees and the Boston
Red Sox split their twin bill today,
the Yankees winning the opener, 4-2,
and the Red Sox copping the night-
I cap, 8-4, before 14,626 paying cus-
Yank Terry held the Yankees to
six hits in the second game giving up
all the runs on two homers by Nick
Etten and Johnny Lindell, to retain
second place for the Red Sox. The
victory was Terry's third straight
after having lost his first six starts.
A costly error by George Stirnweiss
in the second inning paved the way
for four Boston runs and the removal
of Atley Donald. starting and losing
pitcher. Hal Wagner ended the Red
Sox scoring with a two-run homer in
the ninth inning off Al Lyons, who
had relieved Donald.
The Yankees spotted the Red Sox
two runs in the first inning of the
opener, when the first three batters
singled to score one run and the other
followed on an outfield fly.
A two-run homer by Bud Metheny
tied the score in the fourth, and the
Yankees scored another on a longs fly',
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Today and Saturday--
1 / Diana LYNN
Charles SMITH
A Paramount 'idure
Coming Sunday
by Oscar Grimes with the
The final score came in
when Lindell tripled and
i Etten's fly.
Boston .0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 2-8 12
N.Y. ...000300001-4 6
bases full.
the sixth
scored on
Boston ....200000000-2-6
New York .0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 x--4-8
Barrett, Iyba and Partee (Bos-
ton) ; Bonham- Hemsley (N.Y.).
colliP ollol 1
foY OT al -Iu10 gv
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