4a ~
Partly Cloudy and Warmer
Coeds Gather 640
Quarts of Cherries
Harvesting Continues; Registration To
Be in Undergraduate Office Today
Doing better than was expected, the 13 Michigan coeds who volunteered
their services yesterday for cherry picking, gathered more than 40 crates-
640 quarts-while another crew of 15 left this morning for the orchard.
Because the weather has been mild the past two days, the orchard
reported that harvesting will continue and the. campus recruiting office
announced special registration from 2 to 5 p. m. today in the Undergradu-
ate Office of the League.
Kenneth Russel, supervisor of the project for the County Agent's
office emphasized the need for immediate additional aid stating that "this
unexpected break in the weather gives us a chance to save the crop."
T d ' 1....L ________________________
.'odays registration o1 vlunteer
student help will be for work to-
morrow and trucks wil leave the
Nonth University entsance of the
League at 8:30 a. m. tomorrow for
the orchard. Students going out on
the project are advised to pack a
light lunch.
The harvesting is being done in the
Herman Franzblau orchard four
miles east of Ann Arbor and the
work done by University coeds yes-
terday was termed "highly success-
Russell was enthusiastic in his
praise for the work done yesterday
and termed it "better than we would
expect for the first day" and urged
more students to come out tomorrow
to "really get the job along".
"About hasf of the orchard re-
mains to be packed," he said, "and
we are working against the weather
as well as the labor shortage. Given
more labor and fair weather, we
should manage to save most of the
crop," he added.
Although most of the girls came
back to campus yesterday afternoon
a bit weak and weary from their
day's picking, they one and all agreed
that it was a woithwhile project.
As one coed put it-"My arms ache
and my back is tired but it was fun
and I'm glad we were able to help."
Japs Suffer
Heavy losses
On New Guinea
By the Associated Press
July Ji4-The 45,000 Japanese trying
to break out of a British New Guinea
trap northwest of Wewak have suf-
fered heavy losses, headquarters an-
nounced today.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said a
large enemy force moved west Wed-
nesday to attack Aitape and smash-
ed into Yank outposts.
The wording of this report tended
to indicate that the Yanks may have
given ground at their advance posi-
tions 20 miles below Aitape).
As the big scale battle built up,
Bostois, Mitchells and Beau-fight-
ers of the far eastern airforce spray-
ed 53 tons of explosives among Nip-
ponese concentrations.
Yesterday MacArthur had a-
nounced the bypassed 18th Army for-
ces of Gen. Hatazo Adachi opened
the attack Monday. These Japs ap-
pear to be in a hopeless position in-
asmuch as they are more than 600
miles behind the most advanced Yank
positions on Noemfoor island off
north Dutch New Guinea.
Ahead of them are massed blocks
of Yank invasion forces at such
points as Aitape, Hollandia and Maf-
fin Bay.
French Bastille Day
Is Saluted by FDR
WASHINGTON, July 13-(AP)--
President Roosevelt tonight saluted
"the heroic people of France" in a
Bastille Day statement in which he
expressed confidence that within a
year hence they will be "liberated
alike from the invader and from the
puppets of Vichy."
The statement commemorating the
national fete day of France follows:
"Once again I salute, on Bastille
Day, the heroic people of France.
"July 14th this year is different,
for we hope that it is the last 14th of
July that France will suffer under
German occupation. With full con-
fidence, I look forward that the
French people on July 14, 1945, will
celebrate their great national fete on
French soil, liberated alike from the
invader and from the puppets of
"For the great battle of liberation
Turks Expected
To Join Allies
In Near Future
Participation in War
Would Hasten Victory
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 13.-Turkey
is moving rapidly towards the Allies,
it was learned authoritatively today,
and may take a concrete step in sup-
port of the United Nations war effort
v ithin a matter of days.
Talks have been going on for three
weeks between the Turks on one side
and the United States, Britain and
Russia. The conversations are con-
tinuing and the outcome will deter-
mine the next m ve.
While there is no indication that
Turkey will declare war immediately,
that is the direction in which present
developments seem to point. Tur-
key's entrance into the war would
open an entire new front against
Germany, and could cause complete
German collapse in the Balkans.
Other results of a Turkish declara-
tion of war which could hasten Allied
victory are:
1. Opening of the Dardanelles and
thus of a direct sea route t: an all-
year Russian port.
2. Obtaining nearby bases to bomb
vital Balkan oil fields and industrial
installations, including strategic
Ploesti in Romania.
3. Opening of several good Turkish
ports for Allied war use.
4. A short route for flying lend-
lease planes into Russia all year
5. Control or capture of several
thousand Nazi agents sprinkled
through the middle east.
Dewey Assails
ALBANY, N.Y., July 13.- ()-
Governor Thomas E. Dewey assailed
today what he said is a recently-
developed concept that the executive
branch of the federal government is
"above the people" and pledged his
efforts to "bring the people closer to
the practice of self-government.
"That we shall succeed in restoring
government that is close to the peo-
ple I have no doubt," the Republican
presidetial candidate declared in an
address to the Empire Girls' State, a
government training conference held
annually for New York's high school
The speech topped off a busy day
with state affairs for Dewey, in the
course of which he declined to
receive a large delegation which
came to Albany to urge that he
approve use of the federal war bal-
lot in New York.
The delegation seeking Dewey's
approval of the federal ballot, claim-
ed by its leaders to number more
than 700 from throughout the state,
was headed by Moss Hart, New York
City playwright and chairman of the
Non-Partisan Committee for the Ser-
vicemen's Vote.
Yanks Win
Lajatico In
Hard Fight
Troops Battle Oni
Way to Gothic Line
By the Associated Press
ROME, July 13-American troops
have captured the German strong-
hold of Lajatico, 17 miles inland
from the Italian west coast, in some
of the bitterest fighting in weeks and
tonight were reported battering their
way slowly down the Era valley
toward the Arno River, first great
obstacle in the enemy's "Gothic
Line" defenses.
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's dough-
boys cleaned out the last German
suicide squads in Lajatico yesterday,
taking 150 to 200 prisoners, and
pressed on northward in their drive
to flank the big port of Livorno,
whose strong defenses virtually have
stalled an American push directly up
the coast for the past week.
Late dispatches placed the flank-
ing forces less than a dozen miles
from the point where the Era river
empties into the Arno northeast of
Livorno, whence the broad Arno val-
ley stretches westward to the sea
between Livorno and Pisa. There
was no indication that American
troops on the coast had progressed
beyond their last reported position
eight miles from Livorno, where they
had encountered withering enemy
artillery fire from the hills.
The bitterest fighting in this sec-
tor was for Hill 218, two miles south-
west of Poggibonsi, which the French
won two days ago. The Nazis coun-
ter-attacked recklessly yesterday in
an attempt to regain the height, but
the Colonials held their positions
stubbornly and inflicted heavy losses
on the enemy.
Third Of feringc
of cThe Damask
Chee' Is Today
"The Damask Cheek," described as
"an amusing frolic in the family al-
bum" will be presented for the third
consecutive time by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Included in the cast are Mrs. Clar-
bel Baird, who will playrthesleading
role of Rhoda, Blanche Holpar, who
will portray the domineering Mrs.
Randall, and Patricia Meikle, who
will take the role of the errant ac-
tress. Donald Hargis is cast as the
cousin about whom the play re-
Other members of the cast include
Barbara Greenberg as Miss Pinner,
Jean Loree as Nora, Miriam Ruge as
Daphne, Byron Mitchell as Michael
and Charles Benjamin at Neil.
Prof. Valentine Windt, head of
dramatics in the speech department,
is the director of the production.
"The Learned Ladies," one of Mol-
iere's most noted plays, will be the
second offering of the players and
will be presented Wednesday through
Spaniard Will
Lecture Today
Prof. Ignacio M. de Lojendio, head
of the Department of Political Sci-
ence and Law at the University of
Seville, Spain, will speak on "The
Crisis of European Liberalism" at
11:00 a. m. today in Rm. 1035 in
Angell Hall.
Professor de Lojendio has been in
the United States for four months
and is making a lecture tour of this
country under the auspices of the
Carnegie Institute.
He has received degrees from the
universities of Madrid, Paris and Ox-
ford, and is a personal friend of
Ambassador Hays.
Red Army Less
From Germany
Yanks Coninue Advance on St.Lo
M * #
* * *
Nazis Prepare
Final Defense
In RUnS of City
By the Associated Pss
July 13.-The American First Army,
advancing behind artillery fire so in-
tense it left the Germans stunned
and sickened in their foxholes, seized
high ground a mile and a half east of
St. Lo today, dominating escape roads
and clearing the way for the early
fall of this key to enemy defenses in
the lower Cherbourg Peninsula.
The Germans threw in rear echelon
troops in an attempt to prevent a
breakthrough, a staff officer said,
but the positions in St. Lo were
threatened with encirclement in an
advance all along a 30-mile flaming
battlefront that placed them less
than three miles north of the central
anchor of Periers, and two miles
north of the coastal strongpoint of
Last-Ditch Defense
Threatened on the southeast, fac-
ing a frontal attack from the north,
and an encircling column coming
down from the northwest, the Ger-
mans were reported. digging into the
ruins of St. Lo for a last-ditch de-
The Americans drove around to the
east of the city today after having
reached a point a mile and a half
away to the north on Wednesday.
Now the Americans can fire into
the town at point-blank range and
sweep the roads radiating out to the
south, and the only reason for the
enemy remaining in 'St. Lo is for
delaying action, front dispatches said.
Nazi Lines Ponded
The artillery barrage pounding the
German defenses to bits far over-
shadowed the robot -bombs, which are
being lobbed into American positions
in Normandy, censorship disclosed.
The robot bombs' inaccuracy and the
lack of massed targets made this
pot-luck counter-barrage seem insig-
Soviet Movie
To Be Shown
'Battle for Russia' Is
Beginning of Series
"Battle for Russia", the first film
in a series of movies, lectures and ex-
hibitions sponsored by the Summer
Session Committee to acquaint the
University community with Soviet
Russian civilization, will be shown at
8:30 p. m. today and tomorrow in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The documentary movie, made in
the Soviet Union, was first shown to
United States Army units
Other films which will be given
durin'g the Summer Session are
"General Suvorov", on July 21 and
22, "Childhood of Maxim Gorki", on
August 11 and 12 and "We Shall Re-
turn" on August 18 and 19.
An extensive exhibition of photo-
graphs of Soviet industry and col-
lective farms and Russian war post-
ers is now being shown in the after-
noon and evening in Rackham Build-
Prof. Andrew Lobanov of the His-
tory department, will speak on "Rus-
sia and the War" in the first lecture
of the series at 4:10 p. m. on Wed-
nesday in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Russian and Soviet Literature
will be discussed by Professor Sim-
mons, chairman of the Slavic depart-
ment at Cornell University, on July
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broken line distance indicators show space between Red Army drives
and several major objectives. Heavy broken line is approximate battle
American Task Force Continues
Seaborne Attack on Guam, Rota
Little Resistance Shown by Japanese on Islands
As Planes and Ships Unite in Pounding Defenses
Than 30 Miles
Wilno Falls;
By the Associated Press
July 13-The sustained seaborne at-
tack on Guam and Rota Islands,
southern rungs of the Marianas
Island ladder pointing toward Ja-
pan, was carried well into the sec-
ond week by American task force
smashes reported today by Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz.
Cruisers and destroyers of a speedy
and powerful fleet shelled Guam
Monday and Tuesday, making four
consecutive days of naval bombard-
ment of that American island lost
early in the war.
Guam, Rota Strafed
Carrier aircraft bombed and straf-
ed Guam and nearby Rota Tuesday,
and Wednesday, carrying the aerial
attack through the ninth straight
day on Guam and eighth on Rota.
The continuity and weight of the
assaults were suggestive of the bomb-
ing and shelling that preceded Am-
erican invasion of other Japanese
islands in the Central Pacific.
Gun emplacements, blockhouses
and warehouses were hit by the naval
shelling of Guam and five barges
were sunk, Nimitz reported. There
was no damage to American ships,
indicating that previous air and sea
attacks may have knocked out the
enemy defense batteries.
Fires Are Started
Defense installations, runways and
other military objectives were the
targets for carrier aircraft. Many
fires were started on Rota. Again
there was extensive use of rockets,
as reported by nearly every com-
munique since the current series of
attacks was launched.
Piti, on the central western coast
of Guam, apparently was a major
objective. Military installations there
were hit and gun emplacements
In the two days of aerial slashes
one plane was lost, presumably to
the moderate ground fire reported.
Again there was no mention of aerial
interception, further indication that
the enemy's airfields may have been
made unusable.
Yank Bombers
Smash Targets
InMunich Area
LONDON, July 13.--(P)- Com-
munications and other war targets
concentrated around Munich lay
twisted and smoking tonight, ham-
mered into wreckage during the day
by more than 1,000 American heavy
bombers which smashed against this
fourth largest German city for the
third day in a row and finally forced
the German air force to come up and
The great fleet of Flying Fortresses
and Liberators, completing an un-
precedented 60-hour assault on in-
stallations confined to such a small
area, also pounded Saarbrucken, 200
miles west of Munich, as the Allies
pressed a gigantic campaign to iso-
late the German homeland from
battle fronts on all sides.
Today's American losses compared
with Tuesday's 20 bombers and two
fighters and Wednesday's 26 bombers
and no fighters.
The daylight blow against southern
German followed night assaults by
more than 1,300 RAF bombers which
blasted railroad yards at Tours and
Culmont-Chelindry, 100 miles south
of Paris, flying bomb bases in France,
and industries in the Ruhr.
Wee kwEnd -May
Find Russians
On Reich Soil
By the Associated Press
LONDON, July 13.-The old Polish
city of Wilno, gateway to the Baltic,
sell to the Red Army today after five
days of bloody street fighting, Mar-
shal Stalin announced tonight, while
new advances to the southwest placed
the Russians less than 30 miles from
the new borders of East Prussia.
The smoke-smothered city of 200,-
000 was a scene of horror and de-
struction as Gen. Ivan D. Cherniak-
hovsky's Third White Russian Army
finally liquidated the German garri-
son, which had been vainly reinforced ,
by parachutists.
Fierce Resistance
The Germans were reluctant to
yield the city, which is a communica-
tions center linking White Russia,
Poland and the Baltic states, but
from the very inception of their fero-
cious house-to-house resistance, they
were by-passed by large Russian for-
ces which sped past the city in a swift
westward drive that gave prospects
tonight of Soviet soldiers fighting on
German fatherland soil by the end
of the week.
Meanwhile, strong forces had re-
mained to clean out Wilno. Only
Thursday morning a Red Star corre-
spondent wrote that the remaining
Germans were 'in a state of agony,"
and described common soldiers as
striving to surrender, only to be shot
down by storm troopers and Gestapo
men. Repeated parachute reinforce-
ments were shot out of the sky or fell
on power lines and roofs, he said.
Heavy Casualties
Stalin's order did not disclose the
accounts from Moscow indicated the
total of Nazi casualties, but the day's
were heavy, one Russian broadcast
saying, "Those who do not surrender
meet with death in their own lairs."
The prisoners taken had orders
from Hitler to fight to the death for
the city, Russian accounts said.
East Prussia Approached
Past Wilno, Moscow dispatches
said, Russian armor was bearing
down through Lithuania in the wid-
ening and deepening bulge towards
East Prussia, while massive artillery
pieces were being wheeled up to shell
the border defenses.
On the remainder of the White
Russian front in old Polish territory
that Russia took in 1939, Moscow
accounts said a terrific tank battle
appeared in prospect as the Red
Army slugged nearer to the Grodno-
Bialystok-Brest-Litovsk line..
The continuing campaign against
the Finns in the far north was almost
entirely overshadowed by the gigantic
developments on the central front,
but Moscow dispatches predicted that
the general Russian offensive soon
would spread to every area from the
Barents Sea to the Black.
Gen. Roosevelt
Dies in France
Fought in Battles in
North Africa, Sicily
NORMANDY, July 13.-()-Brig.-
Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., 56-
the soldier son of a soldier father-
who braved death in three invasions
and many battlefields in North Af-
rica, Sicily, Italy and France, died of
a heart attack last night at 11:45 as
he rested quietly in a captured Ger-
man truck.
'Beloved' General
The son of the former President
was assistant commanding general
of the fourth infantry division. He
died two hours after a visit with his
son, Quentin, who is a captain in the
Fighting First Infantry division in
which the General served as deputy
commander earlier in the war.
Tomorrow Roosevelt, one of the
best beloved generals in the Army, is
to be buried in the fourth division
military cemetery and his body will
rest in the soil of the same country
where his brother Quentin was killed
in the last war.
Led a Strenuous Life
Although stricken with a slight
heart attack four days ago, Roose-
velt-whos knnhhd ane wide grin
Supreme Commander Keeps in Touch With All Allied Fronts
Representing the combined
American Press
POST, July 13-(AP)-There's no
such thing as a "typical" day in the
life of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
supreme commander of the Allied
forces. He is likely to be in any
.,- .f rlnn Afrrp + Tin'se-
reading reports of the Allied
progress toward 6aen. Finally,
when word of the capture of the
city came, he ,nodded satisfaction
and went to bed.
At 8 a. m., July 10 he was back
at his desk reading an important
message from Gen. Montgomery
during the night. Then he went
n his nersonal caravan for bacon.
Four reporters stationed here as
representatives of the combined
British and American press were
received by Eisenhower at 11 a. m.
He came out hatless to meet us,
led us into his tent, and told us to
grab chairs. ;
The general talked an hour and
a half, leisurely and quietly dis-
cussing the present situation, fu-
apparent interest to a long recita-
tion of our problems and offered
some suggestions.
Eisenhower's Chief of Staff,
Lieut. Gen. W. B. Smith, arrived at
1 p. m., with the Earl of Halifax,
British Ambassador at Washing-
ton, who was a luncheon guest.
Holds Telephone Conference
After luncheon the supreme
mail arrived. There was a let-
ter from the General's brother,
President Milton Eisenhower of
Kansas College of Agricultural
and Mechanical Arts, and a note
from the Earl of Halifax thank-
ing him for the aid American
soldiers have rendered London
victims of the flying bombs.
Another long dictation session