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July 14, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-14

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Fair and waurmer today;
tomorrow partly cloudy.


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Mr. Roosevelt's
Pledge .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Four Named
By Committee
For Summer

Parley Keynoter




Hobbs, Preuss, Parker,
Morgan To Be Keynote
Speakers At Sessions
American Poicy
Will Be Discussed
The four keynote speakers for the
Summer Parley on "This War We
Live In," which opens Friday at 4:1
p.m. in the Union Ballroom, were
named last night by the parley com-
mittee, headed by Helen Corman.
They are: Professor-Emeritus Wil-
liam Hobbs, of the geology depart-
ment, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department, Prof.
DeWitt Parker of the philosophy de-
partment and Kenneth Morgan, di-
rector of the Student Religious As-
Professor Hobbs, recognized as a
leading world geology authority, will
consider the possibilities and value
of United States' active aid to Brit-
Will Discuss Limited Intervention
Professor Preuss, who will discuss
limited intervention, is a noted au-
thority on international affairs. In
two recent lectures he declared
strongly for a hemisphere defense
policy for this country.
Third keynoter, Professor Parker,
will present the non-intervention
view at the Parley and also speaks
Wednesday in the American culture
serieson "Trends in American Aes-
To Give Pacifist's Opinion
The pacifist's opinions of this war
we live in, will be presented by Ken-
neth Morgan, director of the SRA.
Panel sessions will open Saturday
afternoon at 3:15 p.m., with con-
claves on religion, education, civil
liberties, and the national election.
The meetings will reconvene in the
evening at 7:45, followed by a gen-
eral closing session at 9 p.m.
'Grand Illusion'
Will Be Shown
By Art Cinema
French Film To Be Given
At 8:30 P.M. Today
In Rackam Auditorium
The Art Cinema League will pre-
sent the French film "Grand Illu-
sion" at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham School auditorium.
This is the second of the four
programs to be given this summer
by the Cinema League.
'ySelected by the National Board of
Review of Motion Pictures as the
best film of 1939 to be produced in
any country, "Grand Illusion" was
written and directed by Jean Renoir,
son of the famous French painter.
Starring in the picture are the
French actors, Eric Von Stroheim,
Jean Gabin, Pierre Fresnay and Dita
A war story with no battle scenes,
"Grand Illusion" is based on Director
Renoir's own experiences in World
War prison camps. The dialogue,
in French, German and English, will
be supplemented by sub-titles in
English. Short subjects will also be
Dita Parlo, a refugee from Ger-
many's Third Reich, pla'ys one of
the most moving parts, that of a
widowed German mother who gives
shelter to two French soldiers who
have escaped prison camp. Fresnay
and von Stroheim, as French and
German aristocrats respectively, por-
tray the passing during the war of
the old European hierarchy of the
classes, each serving the army of
his country. Gabin is cast as a man

of the people, whose escape from
prison camp is bought at the price
of Fresnay's life and who finds love
when sheltered by Miss Parlo.
Laws Of .motion Bow
On Physicists'. Holiday
Physical theories received the wa-
ter test yesterday when members of

Chicago Begins
To Get Crowd
Of Democrats
Delegates To Convention
Determined To Push
'Draft Roosevelt' Move
CHICAGO, July 13.-(AP)-Demo-
crats determined to "draft Roose-
velt," some happy and some unhappy
about it but nearly everyone con-
vinced he will accept the nomination,
poured into this convention city to-
day to join in a carnival prelude to
next week's national convention.
Bushels of red and white and blue
buttons bearing the motto "Just
Roosevelt," and the silhouette of a
rooster rampant adorned hundreds
of lapels, proclaiming in advance
the keynote of the big party gather-
Big Shots Present
Familiar big shot faces from
Washington, cabinet members, mem-
bers of important boards. and com-
missions, Senators and House lead-
ers were commonplace in the gay
hotel lobby throngs. Men who no
longer ago than yesterday said good-
bye to each other in the capital
stopped to shake each other's hands
and gather in groups to resume a
briefly interrupted discussion of the
one question mark of the conventiont
whether the President, would' accept
the nomination.
Two ;nen knew, and they, secreted
in the fastnesses of the huge Ste-
vens Hotel, the convention head-
quarters, were in busy conference
with their aides and casual callers.
The two-Chairman James A. Far-
ley of the Democratic national com-
mittee, who has been averse to a
third term for the President; and
Secretary of Commerce Harry L.
Hopkins, the President's confidant
and personal convention representa-
tive-in fact went into conference
with each other during the day.
Hopkins called on Farley.
Interesting Chatt
"We had a very interesting chat
about the pending situation," Farley
jovially told a press conference later.
"He said Farley was running all
Farley is a candidate, and one
whose name is to go before the
convention whether the President's
is presented or not. He has been
planning to relinquish his post as
national chairman. However, much
pressure was being exerted upon him
to continue for a time, as a gesture
toward party harmony.

On Education
To Convene
Round Table Discussions,
Talksr By Eminent Men
To HighlightConvention
Exhibits To Clarify
Different Phases
Convening here tomorrow for the
eleventh annual summer Education
Conference Week, teachers and ed-
ucatorsfrom the Midwestuwill at-
tend the Conference on Guidance
and Adjustment of Youth, Book-
Week Conference, Teacher Education
Conference, and Reading Conference
featuring the newest materials in
each of these fields presented by ex-
hibits and outstanding educators.
Addressing the members of all con-
ferences Friday Dr. Eugene B.
Elliott, state superintendent of pub-
lic instruction, will speak on Mich-
igan's Program for Out-of-School
Youth." Prof. H. Y. McClusky, now
serving as associate director of the
American Youth Commission, will
describe the educational implications
of the Commission's work while Prof.
Stuart A. Courtis of the School of
Education will lecture on "What
Youth Should Be Taught About De-.
The first meeting of round-tables
on guidance and reading will open
at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Univer-
sity High School. Preceding these
sessions H. B. Masters of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation will speak on
"Utilizing Community Resources in
a Program of Guidance" at 10 a.m.,
and Prof. Isving A. Anderson of the
School of Education will discuss the
"Psychology of Teaching Reading
and Remedial Reading" at 2 p.m.
Continuing the round table discus-
sion Dr. Russell A. Beam, educational
director of the CCC of the Sixth
,Corps Area, will lead the considera-
tion of "Guidance of Out-of-School
Youth"; Dr. Henry Beaumont of the
University of Kentucky, "Techniques
of Handling Emotional Conflicts";
Prof. George E. Carrothers of the
education school, "The Use of the
Cooperative Study"; George H. Fern.
assistant state superintendent of
public instruction in charge of voca-
tional education, "Occupational Ad-
justment of Youth"; and Dr. F. G.
Macomber of the University of Ore-
gon. "Curriculum Revision for Ef-
fective Guidance in the Secondary
School" at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
At the same time Prof. Irving H.
Anderson of the education school
(Continiued on Page 2) f
Excursionists Visit
War-Time Canada
With No Fatalities
(Special to The Daily)
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., July 13-
Without even a dirty look from offi-
cials, the Summer Session excur-
sionists here on the sixth excursion
of the season passed today into war-
time Canada and out again, no fa-
talities recorded.
The Canadian trip included nu
merous points of interest including
the Horseshoe Falls, largest of Niag-
ara's two divisions.
Tonight the group has been amus-
ing itself by watching the varied-
colored lights play on the cascading
waters of the American Falls pro-
ducing an effect as beautiful as it
is awesome.





2B In Viehigan
Bein Tooro

CAA Names
Nine Students
For Training

Course Will Last
For Two Months
Advanced training for 20 select
graduates of the CAA primary train-
ing program in Michigan will begin
here and at the Wayne County Air-
port tomorrow Prof. William W. Gil-
bert, director of the program, an-
nounced here yesterday.
Named by CAA officials for ad-
vanced training are nine Michigan
students; the remaining 11 students
will be trasferred here from Wayne
University, Kalamazoo College, Bay
City, Flint and Jackson.
Selections Listed
University students selected for the
advanced training are: James E. Ke-
hoe, '42E, of Wawatosa, Wis.; James
E. Monahan, '41, of Oshkosh, Wis.;
Warren R. Robinson, '42E, of Chi-
cago; Richard G. Fogg, '42E, of
Moylan, Ja.; John E. Starr, '41E, of
Portland, Mich.; David P. Spengler,
'41, of Altoona, Pa.; Jerry G. Mich-
ael, '42E, of Geneva, Ill.; Harold A.
Eisele, '42E, of Fowlerville, and John
K. Williams, '41E, of Buffalo.
Scheduled to begin tomorrow, the
chous will terminate on Sept. 15.
Organized to give sufficient train-
ing for a commercial pilot's license,
the training program includes work
in aerobatics, precision maneuvers,
night flying and cross country navi-
gation. The basic training 50 horse-
power planes used in the primary
course will be replaced by Meyers bi-
planes and Ryan trainers, rated at
about 120 horsepower.
Ground Work Here
Ground work for the advanced
course will be given, here during the
evenings, but actual flight work,
totaling 50 hours for the entire
course, will be concentrated at the
Wayne County Airport. Students
selected for the program have been
named for flight scholarships covi
ering all expenses, including room
and board. Housing for the course
will be in Williams House in the
West Quadrangle.
A teaching staff of five experts in
various phases of aviation has also
jeen announced. Prof. Henry L.
'ohler of the automotive engineer-
.ng department will give instruction
in aircraft engine design and main-
tainance; Leslie Trigg, '41E, will be
in charge of aerodynamic and air-
.raft; Jack Cline, '41E. will instruct
in navigation and radio work; Mr.
Chamberlain, professional pilot and
Link Trainer instructor, will direct
training in navigation and instru-
ments, and Glen C. Togue of Flint
Junior College will teach meteorol-
32 Ships Enter
Mackinac Race
Sixteenth Contest Began
Under Good Conditions
PORT HURON, July 13. -()-
Barring unforseen developments, the
vanguard of the 32 sailing craft that
left here at 2 p.m. today in the six-
teenth running of the Port Huron-
to-Mackinac Island yacht race was
expected to be somewhere off the
mouth of Saginaw Bay by Sunday
A 15-mile-an-hour breeze was
blowing out of the northeast today
as the skippers maneuvered their
charges across the starting line, and
the sky was clear. The weatherman
promised fair weather for Sunday
but would not predict what kind of
wind the sailors would encounter.
Considerable tacking for position
was expected to develop during the
night as the various crews settled
down to the 249-mile grind. First

over the starting line was Eddie
Wunch's Minx, a sloop flying the
colors of the Bayview Yacht Club,
This was in the racing cruiser race.
Close behind the Minx came the
Royono, owned and sailed by J. B,
Ford, Jr., of Grosse Pointe.

Six German Raiders Said
To Be Sent Down Into
Straits During Air Battle
12 Planes Felled
Set AsDay's Total
(By the Associated Press)
LONDON, July 13-Britain's dash-
ing and cocksure air fighters sent
six German raiders spinning to de-
struction into the Straits of Dover
in an afternoon air battle today and
Britain's leaders proclaimed the is-
land's air defenses had proved them-
selves stalwart and deadly.
The British straits triumph, re-
ported in an Air Ministry communi-
que, raised the day's total of felled
Nazi planes to 12, six fighters and
six bombers.
At the end of another week of
ceaseless air bombardment, Britons
confidently claimed that repeated
Nazi raids to "soften" Britain for
invasion had failed and .that British
power to resist had grown with each
In all, official statistics showed
the Nazis have lost 91 planes from
July 4 to tonight.
Three bombers were shot down
earlier today in raids which have
become part of the daily pattern
along British coasts in the Nazi
effort to starve and frighten the
nation into impotence.
Two were downed during the
morning, one falling into the Eng-
lish Channel, and another this after-
noon in a fierce sky fight in clouds
high over a southwest coast town.
Summing up the results of a week's
air attack, British authorities said
the Germans had lost more than
$4,000,000 worth of aircraft and had
inflicted only "slight" damage on
shipping, the British Achilles' heel.
"The German high command com-
muniques are systematically mini-
mizing German air losses," an
authoritative British source com-
Recounting British reprisal raids,
authorized sources said about 20 tons
of heavy bombs were dropped on
docks, factories and oil storage plants
at Emden, causing many fires and
U. Of Iowa Acting
President Named
IOWA CITY, Ia., July 13.-(P)-
Dean Chester A. Phillips of the
University of Iowa College of Com-
merce has been named acting pres-
ident of the University, it was an-
nounced here today. He will suc-
ceed Eugene A. Gilmore, who re-
tired as president July 1, until the
State Board of Education appoints
a permanent president.
Dean Phillips is at present at the
University of Indiana where he has
been giving a series of lectures.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Uni-
versity of Michigan had previously
been offered the presidential post,
and had declined it.

Rice's 'Two
Ott, ArtIsland'
To Re Given
A cast of 67, headed by David D.
Itkin, Virginia Baka and James Moll,
will be seen at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
in Elmer Rice's drama of New York,
"Two on an Island."
The play, which is presented un-
der the auspices of the speech de-
partment, deals with the struggles
of a young couple, Mary Ward,
played by Miss Baka, and John
Thompson, played by Moll, who try
to acclimate themselves to live in
the big city.
Itkin, a former director of the
Moscow Art Theatre and guest di-
rector of the Michigan Repertory
Players this season, portrays Law-
rence Ormont, a fiery excitable pro-
Other leading roles will be played
by John Schwarzwalder as Samuel
Brodsky; Truman Smith as the
sight-seeing guide; Vincent Jukes as
William Flynn; Betty Gallagher as
Mrs. Dora Levy; George Shapiro as
Frederic Winthrop; Ray Pedersen as
Heinz Kaltbart; Norman Oxhandler
as Clifton Ross; Vivi French as Helen
Ormont; Nancy Bowman as Mrs.
Ballinger, and June Madison as Mrs.
Prof. Whicher
To Open Third
Week Of Talks
To Address Culture Group
On 'Native Impulses
In American Literature'
Opening the third week of lectures
and round table discussions of the
Graduate Study Program in Amer-
ican Culture and Institutions, Prof.
George F. Whicher of Amherst Col-
lege will speak at 8:15 p.m'. tomor-
row on "Native Impulses in Amer-
ican Literature."
Professor Whicher took his A.B.
degree at Amherst in 1910 and his
A.M. and Ph. D. degrees from Colum-
bia in 1911 and 1915 respectively. A
university fellow at Columbia in
1913, he became instructor of Eng-
lish at the University of Illinois in
1914, and in 1915 went to Amherst,
where he is now professor of history.
Author with George M. Whicher
of a book of verse, "On the Tibur
Road," Professor Whicher has also
written "The Life and Romances of
Mrs. Eliza Haywood." He was editor
of the Amherst Graduates' Quarterly
from 1919 to 1932, and is a con-
tributor to the Cambridge History of
American Literature, Dictionary of
American Biography, and of articles,
verse and reviews to ;various period-

German High Command
Says Enemy Blockade
Is LargelyIneffectual
Announce Capture
Of Valuable Ships
BERLIN, July 13.-. 'P)-Germany
claimed today to have successfully
challenged Britain's greatest histor-
ic weapon-the navy-in "successful
operations overseas" by the Nazi
The high command formally as-
serted that these operations-pre-
sumably directed from Norwegian
waters-had resulted in the capture
of valuable prize ships, and military
commentators declared this proved
the British blockade to have become
"ineffectual in a high degree."
But while that blockade is being
torn apart, they added, the German
counter-blockade is becoming "more
perceptible day by day."
Navy Now Can Operate
"Units of the German navy now
can operate on the high seas without
the English fleet being able to pre-
vent the Germans from conducting
the trade war in Atlantic and other
waters," they said.
In the same connection, responsi-
ble quarters ridiculed the announce-
ment of the British Admiralty that
it had cut off Germany from the
Atlantic by a mine belt from the
Shetland Islands, near the Norwe-
gian coast, to Greenland.
"Besides," these quarters added,
"the British apparently have over-
looked the fact that we are in pos-
session of an extensive stretch of
the Atlantic coast since the collapse
of France."
The high command reported the
sinking of 24,767 tons bf "enemy
cargo space" by one submarine, and
it was added semi-officially that
40,000 tons of British shipping were
damaged yesterday by the air force
Other Sinkings Listed
German planes also were said to
have sunk a patrol boat and a 2,009-
ton merchantman, and to have
greatly damaged five other merchant
Nazis already had claimed the
sinking since the start of the war
of a total of 4,320,213 tons of "enemy
merchant shipping or shipping space
usable to the enemy," a figure more
than half of Britain's aggregate
losses in the entire World War.
Italians Claim Planes
Have Split British Fleet
ROME, July 13.)-( - Italins
claimed tonight that their war planes
have rubbed out Malta as an of-
fensive threat to Italy after blasting
with bombs a British Mediterranean
battle fleet which split into three
parts under punishment from the
Fascists said also that constant
Italian air bombardment over far-
flung fronts in the Mediterranean
and Africa was preventing some
1,300 British planes there from ever
being used in the defense of the
British Isles against a German on-
Virginio Gayda, the editor who
often speaks for Mussolini, wrote
that the British, under renewed
bombing of Malta, had withdrawn
their heavy warships from that for-
tified island, which is only about 55
miles from Italy.
The big men o' war have been sent
to Alexandria, said Gayda, and Malta
now is only a temporary §helter for
lighter craft.
* Malta's airfields were reported
heavily damaged.
Gayda went on to say that Italy's
share in the axis war plan is four-
The first objective is Malta, the
second such British bases in Egypt

as Alexandria; the third to paralyze
British sea power in the Mediter-
ranean by scattering warships and
convoys and fourth, to protect Ital-
ian shipping and communications
between the mainland and East
If Britain lost Egypt, Gayda said,

English Navy Is Reported
Hard Hit By Nazis, Italy;
British Claim Air Victory


University Fresh Air Campers
Prepare For Campaign Tuesday,

HihSchool B and Clinicih To Gie
First Summer Concert Today
A program of 11 numbers, rang- Fillmore, dedicated to former Mayor
ing from Bach to Sousa, will be Wilson of Cincinnati is fourth on the
featured at the first summer concert program, followed by "Dream Pan-
of the High School Band Clinic at tomime" from the opera "Hansel and
4:15 p.m. toda yin Hill Auditorium. Gretelk by Englebert Humperdinck.
Under the direction of Prof. William This is the theme used by the Ford
D. Revelli, the Fifth Annual Band Sunday Evening hour.
Clinic comprises 136 high school A quick-step march, "Cincinatus,"
musicians, representing nine states, by H. A. Vandercook will be followed
now enrolled in the three week course by "King John" by R. L. Moehlmann,
here sponsored by the School of a tone poem portraying all the ma-
Music. jestic pomp of an English court.
Guest conductors today will be "American Army" -by Gernardo
Cleo G. Fox of Kalamazoo and Dale Iasille, a spirited six-eight march
C. Harris of Pontiac. dedicated to the United States Army
Opening selection of the afternoon by the eminent Italian composer,
program will be "High School Cadets" and "Crusader" by Forest L. Buch-
by John Philip Sousa, Americas tel, a tone interpretation of the ro-

The "Welcome Mat" was hung out
at the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Canip at Patterson Ldke today,
as its peacetime army made last-
minute preparations to attack Ann
Arbor in its annual Summer Tag
Day drive Tuesday.
Prof. Allen Sherzer, of the engin-
eering college will show colored
movies of his trip to Craig Harbor,

campus and downtown Ann Arbor
Tuesday selling the familiar tag pic-
tured on this page. The campaign
will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m., after which the boys will at-
tend a free movie as guests of the
Michigan Theatre.
The first four week camping period,
which is accommodating more than
140 boys, ages 9 to 17, from cities
in southeastern Michigan will close
Friday, with 140 more boys coming
for the second half of the season,
starting July 22.
This unique project in human en-
gineering accepts boys to the camp
with no regard to race, color or creed,
and offers them all a full program
of clean, outdoor living. The boys
are guided in their work by 35 grad-
uate student counselors, who are en-

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