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July 14, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-14

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WEDNESDA, JMY 14, 1946

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Junior Circuit
Wins Eleventh
All-Star Game
Capacity Crowd Sees
American Leaguers
Whip Nationals, 5-3
(Continued from Page 1)
Washington Senators, whose selec-
tion by manager Joe McCarthy wps
somewhat of a surprise.
But after Stan Hack and Billy
Herman had singled and a fly by
Stan Musial had brought Hack home,
Leonard baffled the Nationals until
he gave way to lefty Hal Newhouser
of Detroit at the start of the fourth
inning and except for Vince DiMag-
gio they stayed bewildered for the
remainder of the struggle.
The Pittsburgh Pirate star, one of
the famous DiMaggio brothers of big
league fame, came into the contest in
the fourth inning with a single and
engineered the National League's two
closing runs with a triple in the sev-
enth and a home run in the ninth,
both off Cecil (Tex) Hughson of the
Boston Red Sox.
Although Leonard received credit
for the victory, the pitching star of
the game and favorite of the fans
was lefty Johnny Vander Meer of
the Cincinnati Reds, who was the
National League's winner in the 1938
All-Star game, the year of his double
no-hit feat.
Vandy came to the rescue of Coop-
er with one run in, one on and one
out in the third. He proceeded to
strike out six and catch two in a dou-
ble play to account for eight spec-
tacular outs.
His performance gave him a total
of 11 strikeuts in all-star competi-
tion and tied a record made by Carl
Hubbell of the New York Giants.
Yet even Vander Meer did not
emerge unscathed in the scoring, for
in the fifth inning he walked George
Case, the Washington Senators'
speedster, who raced to third on a
single by Vernon Stephens. of St.
Louis and tallied an unearned run
later on an error by Billy Herman,
the Brooklyn second-sacker.
It was a tough personal blow for
Vander Meer for, after walking Case,
he fanned en Keltner of Cleveland
and Dick Wakefield, the Detroit
rookie sensation, in succession. Case
was running when Stephens singled
to left and might have been nailed
trying to reach third if left fielder
Stan Musial of the Cardinals had
made a good throw.
U.S. To Plan
Relief Body
WASHINGTON, July 13.- (/P)-
The United States may propose to
other United Nations creation of a
joint body to mobilize the agricul-
tural resources of all to swell the
amount of food available for increas-
ing war and relief needs, and also
develop production strategically soE
that a minimum of transportation
will be required.
The idea, advanced by a food study
group, is under consideration by the
administration. It is based on the
premise that the United Nations are
not now holding their own in food
production, and'4 that the United
States cannot alone make up the
prospective deficit even though it
hopes for a record harvest next year.
The United States' 1944 food
planting goal was set by Food Ad-
ministrator Marvin Jones today at
380,000,000 acres, an increase of 16,-
000,000 over that for 1943. He also
asked that meat, dairy and egg pro-

duction be maintained at high levels.
"Every crop acre and every farm-
ing facility in the nation should be
mobilized for its most productive
use," Jones said.
The suggested United Nations War
Food Body would be separate from
an international agency proposed at
Hot Springs, Va.

'G;etting Up'EL2xercses

Carrying full field equipnent, these Fort Custer soldiers move like
flies on a huge spiderweb in climbing up, over and down this 25-foot
landing net. Such drill is part of the 'toughening up' training given
military police units at the fort.
New Zedland Girls Are Most
Rem t4 f 0 in W rld, Cadet Says

Leveling a deflating blow at coed
morale, Lewis Wheeler, a member of
the naval V-12 training program,
said yesterday that the girls in New
Zealand are the most beautiful in
the world.
"They're almost perfect," he ex-
plained. "And they wear no makeup!"
And Lewis ought to know. He's been
Pilot Makes
Recor(I Jump
NORTH AFRICA, July 12- .(/P)
Twenty-four year old Lieut. Robert
Emile Armstrong of Knoxville, Tenn.,
is wearing a black eye and a slightly
cut forehead as the only souvenirs of
his fourth and most, exciting victory
over enemy aircraft plus a 35,000-foot
parachute jump which probably set
a record for the North African thea-
Armstrong was flying a spitfire
when he attacked a well-armed
Junkers-86 Reconnaissance Plane
at 35,000 feet. His cannon jammed
so he pursued his victim at short
range firing machinegiins.
He got in a killing blow but not
before a cannon shell from the Junk-
ers hit his canopy windshield, knock-
ing off his oxygen mask and helmet
and disabling the spitfire.
Dazed, but aware of the danger
from the loss of oxygen, Armstrong
bailed out and dropped 10,000 fet
before pulling the ripcord to open
his parachute.
The wind began to blow him to-
ward a lake and he tried o steer
away by slipping his parachute but
failed. The wind changed, however,
and enabled him to land safely. He
hiked three miles to a highway where
an army engineers detachment Look
him to a field hospital for examina-
There will be a meeting of all fra-
ternity presidents at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the Theta Delta Chi
house on South State. It is impera-
tive that every house which plans to
open after the war have a competent
representative there, Dick Emory,
'44, IFC president, ~iid yesterday.

at sea with the Navy for three years
and eight months.
Wheeler recently left a senior
petty officer rank in Australia to
come aground for the college naval
training program here. His ex-
perience in the Navy has varied
from patrol squadron duty off the
coast of California to aerogra-
pher on a mine sweeper.
Fromnnaval air stations at Pensa-
cola and Corpus Christi, Wheeler
made his first trip at sea to Honolulu,
then transferred ~o the U.S.S. Peli-
can as an aerographer, weather fore-
caster to the laymen. It was his
second ship, the U.S.S. Altahamar,
Indian for "the leaky canoe," that
brought him to New Zealand for the
first time,
That's the home of the best
milk, cream and butter," he added,
"and there we became a part of
the southwest Pacific fleet flag."
"The rest of my time abroad
was spent in Australia, with a few
short expeditions to Caledonia and
New Guinea," Wheeler said. "It has
not been very exciting," he said;
"most of the excitement I saw was in
Australia-the' rivalry between the
Americans and returning 'Aussies,'
And I can't see any reason for that,"
he added. "as there are about ten
girls to every man there!"
Leave for Air
C.orps Trainin
Commissioned a lieutenant, j.g., in
the Naval Reserve, Mr. Leonard S.
Gregory, instructor and assistant
secretary of the School of Music, will
leave today for aviation training.
As an aviation volunteer specialist,
Lt. Gregory will report to the Naval
aircraft recognition school at Ohio
State University, Columbus, O. He
received his commission and orders
July 7, having enlisted in the Naval
Reserve April 28.
Lt. Gregory has been a member
of the music school faculty since
1936. He received his bachelor of
music degree in 1935 from Wayne
University and the Detroit Insti-
tute of Musical Art. Lt. Gregory
took his master's degree at the Uni-
versity in 1939.
For three years Lt. Gregory was
music critic of the Ann Arbor News.
A rmy Platoons
To Escort Sub
Two Army platoons from campus
accompanied by the band of the
Army Air Forces' weather school and
Co. A's bagpipers will escort the
two-man suicide Jap submarine
when it parades Ann Arbor streets
Because of the outstanding record
made during the recent Bond drive
the usual admission charge of war
stamps and bonds will not be charged
to examine the sub after the parade.
There will be booths near the sub-
marine for the sale of stamps and
bonds. While is has been on display
the sub is credited with selling more
than $22,000 worth of War Bonds for
every hour it has been on display.

140 Firemen
Attend Annual
Fire College
Prof. Patterson Talks
On 'Handling of Men'
At Opening Session
24FBIT FIRE p. 4 Ralph M2
Enrollment in the fifteenth annual
Michigan Fire College sponsored by
the University of Michigan Exten-
sion Service which opened yesterday
morning totaled 140 firemen from
all over the State of Michigan.
Dr. C. A. Fisher, director of the
Extension Service in a talk to the
firemen indicated the scope of ex-
tension courses. He listed about 15
courses which the Extension Service
offers of which the Fire College is
only one.
Patterson Talks on Fire Fighters
Prof. Ralph M. Patterson of the
Department of Psychiatry talked on
"The Handling of Men". The whole
theme of his speech was on the two
different types of leaders of fire
Mr. Rogers, who is also chief en-
gineer, Fire Prevention Department,
Western Astuarial Bureau, Chicago,
is in charge of the direction of the
direction of the school. The war
emergency has placed additional re-
sponsibility and public trust on the
fire departments of the state. The
fire college provides a clearing house
of information, not only an efficient
fire department practices but on ob-
taining full value fmrom auxiliary
departments and equipment.
College Is in Third Year
This is the third year that the
Michigan Fire College has been con-
ducted by the Extension Service,
This activity is being directed by the
firemen of the state through repre-
sentatives of their different organi-
The program is particularly de-
signed to appeal to the departments
which have not had regular training,
its purpose being to present, in prac-
tical form, the latest information on
fire prevention, fire fighting, and
training with the view of improving
the fire services throughout the
Yanks Renew
Kiska Attack
WASHINGTON, July 13.-- (/P) -
Three new air attacks on the Japan-
ese base at Kiska island were report-
ed today by the Navy, and Secretary
Knox left without confirmation a
report that American planes ranging
far west of that Aleutians outpost
had struck at the enemy stronghold
on Paramushiro Island.
The newest raids on Kiska, Ja-
pan'sonly remaining position in the
Aleutians, were reported in a com-
munique which said that the specific
objectives were the enemy's installa-
tions at North Head and the main
camp areas.
Air Corps To ParaIe
In Honor of Col. Rogers
More than 500 Air Corps students
on campus will parade at 4:45 p.m.
today on Ferry Field in honor of Col,
Frederick C. Rogers, commandant of
the Army forces on campus, and his
The Air Corps students, accom-
panied by the school band, will be led
by student officers.
Fruit Shortage Seen
CHICAGO, July 13. --(A')- Labor
shortages are precipitating a curtail-
ment of agricultural production, par-
ticularly of fruits and vegetables, in
Michigan and Illinois, agricultural

experts said today.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request

Gen. Alfredo Gozzoni (above)
commands Italian forces in Sicily,
and London military sources said
that he apparently was leading the,
defense of the island against the
Allied invasion, with the Awo Ger-
man field marshalls sharing in the
general command from Italy.
450 Donors
To Give Blood'
oed Cross
Student Volunteers
Fill University Quota,
227 Sign on Campus
When the Red Cross mobile unit
from Detroit makes its monthly
call here tomorrow and Friday, 450
volunteers from the University, Ann
Arbor, and Washtenaw County will
donate blood.
Of the minimum of 200 pints of
blood an afternoon, 40 pints high-
er than last month's quota, 26 will
be given by the Judge Advocate
General's School. Of the 227 stu-
dent volunteers, 108 women have
signed up to give blood.
Quotas for both men and women
students were filled early, due to the
excellent student response. Regis-
trants are urged to keep their ap-
pointments promptly, as otherwise
they will not be able to donate blood.
Ann Arbor resident and organiza-
tions have also responded to the call
for blood donors, Mrs. Palmer Chris-
tian, chairman of the Washtenaw
County blood donors, said yesterday.
The Cook Spring Co. has signed
up for 30 pints. The Neighborhood
War Clubs, Kiwanis, and the
lion's Club are also donating
Two doctors and ten nurses will
arrive with the mobile unit, and set
up ten to twelve beds in order to
accommodate 260 pints per day.
After the blood is taken, it is packed
in ice and sent to the Parke-Davis
laboratories in Detroit, where the
plasma is processed.
All dormitory, sorority and league
house presidents are requested to
turn in their weekly sign-out sheets
of their house together with the
composite sheet which is to be com-
pletely filled out by Tuesday, it was
announced yesterday by Ann Mac-
Millan, '44, chairman of Judiciary

"Do I miss the old country? Oh,
no," sighed Sgt. Rudi Landmann, of
the Language Area program, a na-
tive of a Bavarian town near the
French border, "but I do miss the
"But that's the only complaint I
have to make about Ann Arbor,"
he laughed, "It is a lovely town."
Sgt. Landmann, who came to the
United States in 1927 at the age of
27 to visit his brother in Mexico,
liked it so well he stayed here and
never did get to Mexico!
Landmann Became Citizen in '34
"I went back to Germany the next
year and that convinced me that I
wanted to become an American Citi-
zen," he said, "so I returned to the
States and got my citizenship papers
in 1934."
Jokingly asked if he had ever
regretted the move, Sgt. Land-
mann said defiantly, "Sorry? I
enlisted, didn't I? And it makes
me very proud to be a soldier in
the United States Army."
"I was home last in 1938," Sgt.
Landmann said," and everything at
my home was quiet then. My town,"
and he carefully spelled the name,
Schifferstadt Rheinpfalz, is very
peaceful. The population was about
15,000 before Hitler brought in immi-
grants from the North, and now it's
about 25,000," he said.
Relates Greatest Thrill
In an accent more British' than
Col Smith To
Address JAGS
On War Board
A law graduate of the University,
Col. Hugh C. Smith, JAG, President
of the War Department Board of Ap-
peals will speak today to the com-
bined classes at the Judge Advocate
General's School on the relationship
of the Board to the Judge Advocate
General's Department.
Assistant The Judge Advocate
General from 1934 to 1937 inclu-
sive, Col. Smith served as Acting
The Judge Advocate General dur-
ing extensive periods of those
three years.
Commissioned a major in World
War I while First Assistant United
States Attorney for the Western Dis-
trict of Missouri, he was therfter
in the office of the Judge Advocate
General of the AEF at General
Pershing's headquarters, Chaumont,
After the war he was appointed
a lieutenant colonel in the Regular
Corps Area Judge Advocate for
the Philippine Department assist-
ed the Philippine Attorney General
in the trial of the "board of con-
trol" cases, as well as participating
in drawing the briefs in the Su-
preme Court of the United States.
In 1929 Col. Smith headed amili-
tary commission investigating Ger-
man Austrian patent claims arising
out of the war. Since recall to active
duty in 1940, Col. Smith has been
in contract work and claims work in
the office of the Under-secretary of

Italian Commander

Sergeant from Bavaria
Prefers Life in States

German, Sgt. Landmann related hi
greatest thrill in his country:
"I visited the Pennsylvania Dutch,"
he explained, and I found that these
people, whose ancestors came over
here more than 200 years ago, have
kept the dialect of the home-land
completely intact. It may not sound
like very much to you, but it really
gave me a thrill."
"Since I've been in the States,"
Sgt. Landmann said, "I've covered
the whole country, including Alas-
ka. The only large city I've missed'
is Boston; how, I don't quite
"The most significant thing I no-
ticed in my later visits to Germany
was the replacement of French by
English as the international lang-
uage. Long before the war France
was losing her position as social
leader of Eorope to England,", he
Rie--Rallies To
Be Given Again
WAA Will Sponsor
Informal Gatherings
"The informal entertainment of
the WAA Rec-Rallies last semester
proved such a success among the
servicemen and students that the
commttee has decided to sponsor a
summer series," Betty Perry, '46A,
chairman of the project said yeste-
Featuring sports and dancing, the
first rally of the summer will be held
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday
on Palmer Field and in the Women's
Athletic Building.
"Servicemen, University students,
and coeds Will be welcome at the af-
fair which will offer an opportunity
for them to meet people as well as
to enjoy an evening of pleasant social
recreation," Miss Perry said. A group
of hostesses will be on hand to enter-
tain the guests, and refreshments
will be served.
Equipment for archery, softball,
tennis, volleyball and horseshoes will
be set up on Palmer Field. "The out-
door recreation will continue until it
gets dark," Miss Perry states, "and
then there will be dancing and in-
formal games in the W. A. B."
Two Engine Groups
To Hold Meetings
Two engineering societies have
meetings planned today and tomor-
row at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Prof. Edward Young of the Col-
lege of Engineering will lecture on
Camp Davis, University surveying
station in Wyoming, at the meeting
of the American Society of Civil En-
gineers today. Colored movies of the
camp will also be shown. All civil
engineers are invited to attend.
All University students and serv-
icemen are invited to attend the
meeting of -the American Society of
Mechanical 'Engineers tomorrow.
Movies of the Michigan-Notre Dame
football game last fall will be shown.

I-, .iI

We Know
6 Good Reaos..
..why the Michigan Daily should be the

IJ)ichif ait I ten at Wa-'

Serviceman's paper.

It contains

The University is sending its share
of men to Maxwell Field, Ala., with
twenty-three ex-students recently
reporting there to the Army Air
Forces Pre-Flight School for pilots
from the Nashville Army -Air Center
to begin the second phase of their
training as pilots in the U.S. expand-
ing air force program.
These men are Aviation Cadets :
Hilbert H.Anderson of St.CClair,
Walter R. Boris of Amsterdam, N.Y.,
Elmer F. Born, Jr. of Detroit, Ralph
T. Boyd also of Detroit, Raymond A.
Burdick of Utica, N.Y., George H.
Clippert of Detroit, Robert D. Col-
lette of Springfield, 0., Gordon M.
Dunfee of Cranford, N.J., and Hu-
bert C. Fones of East Aurora, N.Y.
Also included in the group are
Orval L. Gearhart, Dixon, Ill.;
Russell J. Harvey, Iron Mountain;
tar,., ... r . VX 1 - 5k ....tt -

These aviation rade s will re-
ceive nine weeks of itesive physi-
cal, military and academic in-
struction at Maxwell Field, prep-
aratory to their actual flight train-
ing at one of the many primary
flying schools located in the Army
Air Forces Southeast 'Training
Harry P. Consa l, Jr , Toledo, 0.,
on June 23 graduated from the Navy
Air Training Center, Corpus Christi,
and received his enrign wings. A
former student of the University, lie
was a member of Phi Delta Theta,
Two former graduate' of the
University, George Crocker, Sag-
inaw, and Bennett Saliman, Col-.
umbus, 0., received their gold hars
when they were commissioned se-
ond lieutenants .une 2 in the
Medical Administrative Corps at

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Film Loads---For 36 hour service
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Ii I

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