Rasehi Hits, Pitches
A. L.
All- Stars
Yankee Ace Wins Own Ball Game
with 2-Run Si ole; Evers Homers
Box Score:
Raschi Becomes First All-Star
Hurler To Win His Own Game
In the past it is probably true that sports-writers have been over-
critical of certain yon- ,ports figures and in the case of Bob Feller
there was no justification for former criticism, which took the form of
scoffing at his youth and naivety.
However this year sports-scribes seem entirely justified in tearing
this very self-satisfied young man apart.
To Get Reported $80,000 >
Bob Feller is reported to be re-
ceiving in the neighborhood of 50,-
000 salary this year plus a cut of
the gate on days that he pitches,
totaling over $80,000. This should
mean that he is without doubt
the best pitcher in the major
leagues today. Let's look at the
Last year Feller won 20 and lost
11 for an average of .645.. Al-
though not a record to be laughed
at, Frank Shea had a .737 aver-
age; Allie Reynolds, .704; Dobson,
6.92; and Marchildon of the low-
ly A's won 19 and lost 9 for .679.
Topped by Chandler
It is true that Feller had an
earned run average (2.68) second
only to Spud Chandler in the
American League, but three big
winners in the National League
(all won over 20 games) had bet-
ter earned run averages than the
mighty Bob: Spahn, 2.23; Black-
well (won 22 lost 8-.733), 2.47;
and Branca, 2.67.
Nevertheless most writers didn't
say much until Fellerkbegan to
+' look less and less like $80,000
worth of pitching talent.
Rapid Robert, in spite of his no-
hit and one-hit games (Johnny
Vander Meer pitched 2 no-hitters
in a season but was never consid-
ered a great pitcher) has at the
time of this writing won 9 and lost
10 with a ball club that is in first
place and is playing over .600 ball.
If this were the only gripe
against this very self-centered,
but admittedly sometimes very
effective young pitcher the pan-
nings would be unjustified, for it
is expected that any pitcher may
have an off year.
Too Important for All-Stars
But, when Mr. Feller feels that
he is too important to risk him-
self in the All-Star Game as he did
NEW YORK, July 13-(P)-
The final hurdles of finances
and team makeup cleared, the
United States Olympic squad
of 341 picked athletes was
ready tonight for the trip to
London and the 14th modern
Olympic Games July 29 to Aug.
last year and this, it becomes in-
creasingly evident that sports-
writers are not too far off base in
assuming thatsFeller, cocky and
conceited, deserves all the pan-
ning that he has and will receive.
Bucky Harris has shown that
newspapermensdon't have a mo-
nopoly on ill feeling toward Feller
when he stated this year that if
he, Harris, has anything to say
about it (and the Yankees are fre-
quently pennant contenders) Fel-
ler will never pitch on an All-Star
Team. So much for the young
pitcher who has been so relent-
lessly razzed.
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Made to give many
seasons of easy com-
fort and wear.
Come with pleats and zip-
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Louis, July 13-A)--Vic Ra:chi i
a strong silent newcomer to the
All-Star ranks, slugged andk
pitched the aching-back Ameri-c
can Leaguers to a 5-2 victory overp
their "cousins" from the National
League today to take an 11-4 edge
in the lopsided series.
This powerful 29-year-old right-
hander from Manager Bucky Har-
ris' own New York Yankee staff,
came through with a two-run sin-
gle that broke a tie game and
shattered National League hopes
in the fourth inning.
Then he rounded out three
scoreless innings by striking out
rookie Richie Ashburn of the
Phillies with the bases loaded in
the sixth frame.
Raschi's performance was the
highlight of this festival of torn
muscles and frayed tempers that
passed for the 15th All-Star con-
test. A capacity throng of 34,009
paid a net gate of $93,447.07 intof
the players' pension fund for the
privilege of sitting through a typi-
cally humid July afternoon on the
banks of the Mississippi.
The victim of Raschi's tie-
breaking single was Johnny
Schmitz of the Chicago Cubs,
second of four National League
Pitchers to face the music.
Schmitz was tagged with the
Schmitz took over in the fourth
with the score tied. He got the
ftrst man viho faced him but
dished out singles to Ken Keltner
and George McQuinn before walk-
ing Birdie Tebbetts to load the
Raschi then came up to hit for
himself and after swinging wildly
a couple of times he lashed out a
liner into left field for the blow
that put his side ahead to stay.
Schmitz, who had followed a
three-inning sting by Brooklyn's
Ralph Branca, gave way to
Johnny Sain of Boston. Joe Di-
Maggio, kept out of the starting
lineup by a leg injury, then
scored Tebbetts from third with
the final run of the game on an
outfield fly.
Ewell Blackwell of Cincinnati
replaced Sain, after the latter
gave way to a pinchhitter, and
hurled shutout ball the rest of the
way. His effort was matched by
Joe Coleman of Philadelyhia, who
came on to hurl the last three
frames for the American League.
Despite the epidemic of aching
arms and backs and the with-
drawal of Cleveland's Bobby Fell-
er, Harris was able to keep Leo
Durocher's Nationals in check
with only three pitchers. Washing-
ton's Walt Masterson started, giv-
ing up both runs on Stan Musial's
370-foot homer to the pavilion
roof after Ashburn singled.
Joe Coleman of the amazing
Philadelphia A's followed Raschi's
with another three-inning string
of zeros. They gave up eight hits
to six off Nationaluhurlers but
they didn't give up any big ones
after Musial's poke.
Even the cripples of the Amer-
ican side swung into action as
pinch hitters or runners. Di-
Maggio drove in a run with a
fly and Ted Williams of Boston,
who was not supposed to swing
a bat, walked as a pinch bats-
man. Surprisingly enough, De-
troit's ailing Hal Newhouser,
bursitis and all, ran for him.
The old American League
whammy seemed to have lost its
power in the first when Musial
bounced his long drive off the roof
into Grand Avenue. Ashborn had
nicked the bespectacled Masterson
for an infield "leg single" to lead
off the ball game. Even after Mu-
sial's belt, Masterson still was not
out of the woods. Johnny Mize
singled and Ehos Slaughter
walked, but he weathered the
Back came the wnile-suited
Americans with one in the second
on a home run drive by Detroit's
hung a line drive single to center. of New York.
Rouge Pools Disappoint Over
300 SwimmingContestants
Hoot Evers off starter Branca
into the left field seats.
Branca, who started out like a
ball of fire by whiffing Pat Mullin
of Detroit and Tommy Henrich of
New York, the first two men to
face him, ran into heavy going
in the thirdrdue to a wild streak.
Mickey Vernon of Washing-
ton, hitting for Masterson,
worked the Brooklyn righthand-
er for a walk. Mullin strolled on
four straight balls. As Tommy
Henrich of New York, one of
four American Leaguers to play
the entire game, struck out,
Vernon and Mullin worked a
double steal. Lou Boudreau,
scrappy Cleveland manager, hit
a long fly ball to Enos Slaugh-
ter of St. Louis in right, deep
enough to permit Vernon to tie
it up at 2-all.
After the big American fourth,
and an uneventful fifth, the na-
tionals, threatened to get even
with Raschi in the sixth. With one
gone, Bob Elliott dropped a single
to left and Phil Masi of Boston,
The darkness of the approach-
ing storm added to the drama of
the occasion as Raschi walked
pinch hitter Eddie Waitkus of
Chicago to load the sacks after
retiring Buddy Kerr of the Giants.
Ashburn, the kid from Class A
who had been a spring sensation
in the majors, was really on the
spot. He worked the count to 2-2
and then backed away from a
fast curve that hit the inside
corner of the plate. That was
Raschi's last hitter and actually
it also was the ball game.
Ten National League runners
were stranded by the Americans
who left eight.
Durocher used 21 of his 25-man
squad, resting only pitchers Harry
Brecheen of St. Louis, Elmer
Riddle of Pittsburgh, third base-
man Sid Gordon of New York and
catcher Clyde McCullough of Chi-
cago. There were 19 American
Leaguers in the game. All saw
action except four pitchers, in-
jured third baseman George Kell
of Detroit and Catcher Yogi Berra
Mullin (Detroit( rf 1
d DiMaggio (N. Y.) 1
Zarilla (S. L.) rf 2
Henrich (N.Y.) If 3
Boudreau (Cleve) ss 2
Stephens (Bos.) ss 2
Gordon (Cleve) 2b 2
Doerr (Boston ( 2b 2
Evers (Detroit) cf 4
Keltner (Cleve.) 3b 3
McQuinn (N.Y.) lb 4
Rosar (Phila.) c 1
Tebbetts (Bos.) c 1
Master'n (Wash.) p 0
e Vernon (Wash.) 0
Raschi (N. Y.) p 1
f Williams (Bos.) 0
g Newhouser (Det.) 0
Coleman (Phila.) p 0
Totals ........ 29
0 0
0 0
2 0
1 0
2 0
0 0
1 2
0 3
0 0
14 0
5 1
0 0
0 0
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 1
27 14
Ashburn (Phila.) cf 4 1 2
Kiner (Pittsb.) If 1 0 0
Schoend'st (S L) 2b 4 0 0
Rigney (N.Y.) 2b 0 0 0
Musial (St. L.) if-cf 4 1 2
Mize (N. Y.) lb 4 0 1
Slaughter (S.L.) rf 2 0 1
Holmes (Boston) rf 1 0 0
Pafko (Chicago) 3b 2 0 0
Elliott (Boston) 3b 2 0 1
Cooper (N. Y.) c 2 0 0
Masi (Boston) c 2 0 1
Reese (Brooklyn) ss 2 0 0
Kerr (New York) ss 2 0 0
Branca (Brook.) p 1 0 0
a Gustine (Pitts) 1 0 0
Schmitz (Chi.) p 0 0 0
Sain (Boston) p.. 0 0 0
b Waitkus (Chi.) 0 0 0
Blackwell (Cin.) p 0 0 0
c Thomson (N Y) 1 0 0
Totals ........35 2 8
a-Struck out for Branca in 4th.
b-Walked for Sain in sixth
c-Struck out for Blackwell in 9th
Louis, July 13-(AP)-It hadn't oc-
curred to Vic Ra-,chi that he was
the first pitcher to win his own
All-Star game with a base hit.
"Hasn't it been done before?"
he wondered aloud, above the mild
chaos of back-slapping in the
American League dressing room
after the game this afternoon.
Then he flashed the warmest
smile in the room.
In Batting Slump!
He said he had "been in a bat-
ting slump" up to this game, but,
across the way at another row of
lockers, manager Bucky Harris
said he never had the slightest
idea of pulling Raschi for a
pinch-hitter in that fourth inning
when the Yankee pitcher -slapped
a line drive just over the third
baseman's head and brought in
two runs.
The score at the time was tied,
"That boy's liable to poke one
at any time," said Harris.
Two innings later, Raschi saved
his victory margin by striking out
Richie Ashburn of Philadelphia
with the bases loaded ending the
threat. Ashburn had already hit
two singles, but this time he was
fooled by a curve ball.
Nationals Disappointed
Over in the National League
dressing room, the vanquished
players were naturally disappoint-
ed over the outcome but appeared
to be something less than broken
"We had our chances," said
r- --JEAN w0tEA BU'
Fri., Sat. English Titles
Hill Auditorium
Sitting in the press section at
Brennan Pools this past weekend
and watching some of the greatest
swimmers in the world perform
was supposed to be awe-inspiring,
but instead I sat there and
watched the great disappointment
written across the faces of almost
all of the 350 swimmers partici-
They came from all over the
country to take a crack at the
coveted trip to London and a
chance to swim against the world's
greatest tank stars and all most of
them got was heartbreak and a
chance to congratulate the 38
lucky athletes. Yes, only 38 out of
over 350 swimmers will make the
trip to London.
Why is it that others that are
equally deserving were forced to
return home and start where
they left off. From four to
twelve months of training went
by the boards as these 300 odd
athletes left Rouge Pools and
said goodbye to what was for
many their last chance at the
To this reporter it seems that
there aren't enough events to give
everyone a' fair chance of captur-
ing a berth. In track and field
there are well over 20 events that
are open to contestants, whereas
in swimming there are six
swimming and two diving events
for men and only four swimming
andtwo diving events for the
Some of the most standard races
in the country are neglected in
the Olympic games and those spe-
cialists must find other outlets in
which to try their hand and skill.
The men have only the 100-meter,
400-meter, 1500-meter and 800-
m'eter rell y in the freestyle and
the 100-meter backstroke and 200-
meter breaststroke.
In addition to these there
should be an individual medley
relay, which is internationally
recognized, a medley relay, one
of the most beautiful and excit-
ing races from the spectator
viewpoint and both a 200-meter
backstroke and 100-meter
The addition of these events
would have given such specialists
as Jose Balmores of Hawaii, an
excellent individual medleyist, but
only a fair breaststroker a chance
to make the London jaunt.
A great star like Marilyn Sah-
ner of Los Angeles, who excells in
the longer distance freestyles is
completely out of luck because of
the great lack of events. Or an
athlete like Michigan's Matt Mann
or Ohio State's Halo Hirose, who
turn in performances that are
slightly below what they have
done should not be depiived of the
chance to go.
The Olympic committee should
judge a swimmer or any athlete
for that matter on a basis of
what he has done over a period
of time. Two excellent places
to judge a swimmer would be
the NCAA and AAU meets dur-
ing the year.
From their performances in
these meets, the cream of the crop
should be chosen and given auto-
matic finalist berths in the trials.
Then the others who have been
second best all this time should
be given one last chance to de-
throne the champions in each
Then and only then will the
U'nited States have fulfilled its
obligations to its athletes. When
everyone that is entitled to make
this coveted trip is on the boat for
the Olympics then it may be said
that the Olympics are a true rep-
resentation of the best athletes
throughout the world, not merely
the best under the extreme pres-
sure of the trials.
Ewell Blackwell, the Cincinnati
hurler who worked the last three
innings. "We had men on the
bases but we just couldn't get any
base hits when they counted,"
Johnny Mize of the New York
Giants, who played the entire
game at first base, summed up the
general feeling of the National
League stars that Raschi was the
fellow who beat them.
"How are you going to figure on
a thing like a pitcher getting the
big hit of the ball game?" Mize
asked. "If Raschi had struck out,
then DiMaggio's fly would have
ended the inning. And they never
came close to scoring after that."
When Hoot Evers parked one of
Ralph Branca's pitches in the
second he became the second All-
Star freshman to hit a homer the
first time up.
I-M Softball
Delt'a Tau Delta 14, Theta Chi
Gamma Delta 17, Alpha Chi
Sigma 13.
Psi Upsilon 11, Theta Delta
Chi 10.
Hot Papas 15, Fletcher Hall 7.
Chemistry 12, Robert Owen
Co-op 1.
Goosers 6, Hell-Cats 4.
Hardrocks 12, Chiefs 4.
Let us style a personality
or crew cut to your features.
Today! !
7 Barbers - No Waiting
Air Cooled
Between State and Mich. Theatre
d-Flied out for Mullin in 4th.
e--Walked for Masterson in, 3rd.
f-Walked for Raschi in 6th.
g-Ran for Williams in 6th.
NATIONALS 200 000 000-2 8 0
AMERICANS 001 300 00X-5 6 0
Winning Pitcher-Raschi.
Losing Pitcher, Schmitz.
Home Runs-Musial, Evers.
Stolen Bases-Ashburn, Vernon,
Mullin, McQuinn.
Americans 8.
Runs Batted In-Musial 2, Ev-
ers, Boundreau, Raschi 2, DiMag-
Pitching Summary:
Masterson 2 runs 5 hits in 3 in-
Raschi 0 runs 3 hits in 3 in-
Coleman 0 runs 0 hits in 3 in-
Branca 2 runs I hit in 3 in-
Schmitz 3 runs 3 hits in 1/3 in-
Sain 0 runs 0 hits in 1 2/3 in-
Blackwell 0 runs 2 hits in 3 in-
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