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July 14, 1948 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-14

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Slight Case of Cancer

THE AMERICAN Medical Association is
sick. It is afflicted with a malignant,
cancerous growth known as racial discrim-
Three weeks ago a group of New York
doctors, having presented thyir diagnosis
to the association, proposed that an opera-
tion be undertaken immediately. The pa-
tient, refused to submit to the scalpel, insist-
ing that, in t)1e first place, surgery was not
a practical solttion, and that, in the second
place, no growth existed in the first place.
The New York doctors let the patient
have his way without argument-hardly
orthodox medical procedure.
Racial discrimination in the AMA op-
erates in this way: No doctor, regardless of
his qualifications, can join the organiza,
tion directly. He must obtain membership
through his county medical society. In the
South, these societies are just about as
"lily white" as the Ku Klux Klan, and a
Negro practitioner has nearly as much
chance of being accepted into the ranks
of one as the other.
It is probable that the cultural and social
life of the Negro doctor would suffer very
little from this exclusion. One might say,
as a matter of fact, that, along these lines,
exclusion is a distinct advantage. There are
other factors to be considered however. They
1. In most counties, doctors can't get hos-
pital staff positions or courtesy privileges
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

unless they are members of the local med-
ical society.
2. Doctors can't enter most medical spe-
cialties without such membership.
3. Doctors can't get malpractice insur-
ance without membership in the local so-
4. Usually, non-members are not even al-
lowed to attend medical meetings-a restric-
tion which limits their skill and professional
The New York delegation was not the
first to bring this deplorable condition
to the attention of the AMA. Time and
again it has been pointed out, and, time
and again it has been ignored.
Dr. R. L. Sensenich, new president of AMA
explained the latest display of apathy in a
statement saying that the Association is a
federation in form and cannot "dictate"
to its members (no surgery) and that the
AMA has no knowledge of county societies
refusing admission to doctors on racial
grounds (no cancer in the first place).
Both claims are so manifestly false as to
actually cast doubt on the good doctor's sin-
The AMA is a strong organization.
Strong enough, at least, to hold its con-
stituent societies strictly to the line on
the issue of National Health Insurance. As
for refusal of admission on racial grounds
-the southern affiliates have been doing
just that since the District of Columbia
society voted in 1870 to bar all Negro
physicians from membership.
The AMA will not fight its disease either
with the scalpel of constitutional amendment
or the specific of open and honest discussion.
And as long as the disease persists, many
of America's doctors will be unable to ever
attain medical proficiency or financial se-
-Ivan Kelley. -

Neat Joke
PHILADELPHIA-If he were a different
sort of man, one would suspect Justice
William O. Douglas of having purposely tak-
en his revenge on the man who denied him
the opportunity of becoming Franklin D.
Roosevelt's heir four years ago. That is the
effect, at any rate, of what has happened
in the last forty-eight hours.
Too few people now remember that Pres-
ident Roosevelt's choices for the Vice-Pres-
idency in 1944 were William O. Douglas
first and Harry S. Truman second. At that
time, however, the Northern leaders-Ed
Kelly of Chicago, Ed Flynn of New York,
Frank Hague of New Jersey and David Law-
rence of Pennsylvania-wanted Truman, as
a "safer" organization man. They were
joined in this by Robert Hannegan, then
chairman of the National Committee. The
Douglas junta was managed by amateurs,
mainly Thomas G. Corcoran, and Harold
Ickes. The ailing Roosevelt did not actually
insist on Douglas. And the professionals
simply rolled over the amateurs and nomi-
nated Truman:
Now these same professionals, plus Tru-
man, have spent forty-eight hours trying
to get Douglas to take another vice-pres-
idential nomination. Douglas wanted it
very much in 1944. He did not want it
this time. But he took just enough time
making up his mind to place the President
in a fairly humiliating position, and to
disclose publicly the bankruyrtcy of the
Democratic party. All this adds up to one
of history's neatest little jokes, if you like
to look at it that way.
There .is more to it than that, however.
What has happened, in the first place,
permanently removes Douglas, the most
promising of all the progressive Democrats,
from active political life. His friends still
think his "chance will be in 1952." But in
sober truth, his last chance was now.
Douglas telephoned his refusal to the
President a little after nine Monday morn-
ing (which means that he rose before
dawn Pacific coast time.) The President,
who had expected another answer, was
both bitterly disappointed and very angry.
At the same time, what has happened
should not wholly cast down the progressive
Democratic groups. The point to note is that
the chieftains of the Northern organizations,
who picked organization man Truman in
1944, now sadly rue that hollow triumph.
And they were the principal Douglas men
this time.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc)


Letters to the Editor ..


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Democratic Disintegration

PHILADELPHIA - We are seeing the dis-
integration of a once major political
party here this week, and that is the story of
this convention. It is not only the opposition
to Truman which discloses this disintegra-
tion; strangely enough the support for Tru-
man reveals it even more strikingly. For
it is a scared support, engendered by fear
of the party's disintegration, and, in its own
way, testifies startlingly to what it would
You see men rallying around Truman, and
you know it is not because they want Tru-
man, but because they want to rally. The
story here is not that Truman is bossing
this convention, but that the convention can
find no other symbol; the trouble does not
come from the top, it comes from-below, and
is organic. To put it another way, there is
such a famine of leadership here that Tru-
man is accepted. The vote for him is going
to be like one of those frightened votes of
confidence in themselves that parliaments
pass when the enemy is ten miles away.
Indecision throbs through this place in
a kind of wave motion. The liberals who
came here to try to nominate Douglas
wander over to the Benjamin Franklin
Hotel, where the Southerners hold forth
in a meeting against civil rights; they
listen for a while, appalled, and then you
can almost see them beginning to like
Truman, as if the tones and overtones
in him had been altered by being posed
against this background.
But they do not really like Truman, after
all, and they walk around, telling each other
to have courage and to take decisive action.
There is an almost stunning shortage of de-
cisive action. Senator Pepper has contribut-
ed some in announcing his candidacy, and
there has been gratitude toward him for
this, and scattered support has begun to ac-
crete around him, enough, perhaps, to keep
Truman's nomination an embarrassing dis-
tance away from unanimity. Through the
vapors and rumors of this hot week, it be-
gins to seem to some of the liberals that just
to keep Truman's nomination from being

unanimous would, of itself, be a victory. In
other words, to give something that is al-
ready formless a little less form is about
the most that is hoped for; positive hopes
wait for more to feed on.
Here is high-lighted the chief problem of
the party and the convention, .which is a
lack of ability to take on form. It is like
a loss of function; the party resembles a
mass of matter which has for some reason
lost the ability to crystallize, except in that
formless imitation of form which is the
Truman drive.
With some Southerners talking of hold-
ing a rump convention if civil rights creep
into the platform, and with the liberals
concentrating on blocking moves, one has
a feeling that you could hold a conven-
tion more unified and hopeful than this
one by picking a thousand delegates at
random out of a baseball crowd at the
Yankee Stadium. The dolefulness here goes
deep, the signs of hopelessness are many,
and this strange convention to which ma-
jor labor leaders have not even bothered
to come, and in which more than one con-
servative admits cheerfully that the party
is going to lose.
At this point one has the sudden feeling
that perhaps the process taking place here
this week is necessary and inevitable. One
even hesitates on the brink of using the
word "desirable." No, perhaps not desirable,
but the inability of this party to take on
structure makes one feel that this disinte-
grating process has to be, that perhaps the
irreconcilables have to part company at
last, so that some time later there can be
a temporarily' smaller but more unified
party, which can really serve America by
providing a true rallying place. It is a break-
up which had to come, and what looks so
chaotically like an end could be a beginning.
But such deep changes seem pleasanter
when you read about them in the history
books than when they are happening, in a
week of ordinary Mondays and Tuesdays
in which it is hard to feel anything but
each separate hour, with its own hurt and its
own delay.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)


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Current Movies


Ii '1

(Continued from Page 2)
Courses dropped prior to this date
will be listed as dropped but no
grade will appear."
"The Graduate Aptitude Ex-
amination will be offered Wed-
nesday, July 14th, 5 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall for gradu-
ate students who have not previ-
ously taken this examination or
the Graduate Record examina-
Students should purchase ex-
amination tickets in the Cashier's
office and present the Recorder's
stub to the Examiner at the time
of the examination as evidence
that the $2 examination fee has
been paid.
Veterans may have a requisition
approved in the office of the
Graduate School before going to
the Cashier's office for the ex-
amination fee ticket."
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information:
The Public Schools of Anchor-
age, Alaska, are in need of teach-
ors of the following subjects: Kin-
dergarten; Industrial Arts; Early
Elementary Grades; Later Ele-
mentary Grades; Art; English-
Speech - Commercial; English -
Jouirnalism; Science-Mathemat-
ics; Social Studies; and an Ele-
mentary Principal. For further
information call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Mechanical, Industrial-Me-
chanical & Civil Engineering Au-
gust 1948 Graduates:
Mr. W. K. Brown of Standard
Oil Company of Indiana will in-
terview students in these groups
on Tuesday, July 20, for prospec-
tive positions with that Organiza-
tion, in Room 218 West Engineer-
ing Building. Interview schedule
is posted on the bulletin board at
Rm. 225 W. Engineering Bldg.
Mechanical & Industrial-Me-
chanical Seniors, Graduates:
Students should fill out their per-
sonal record card immediately and
watch the bulletin board for fu-
ture interviews. These cards are
kept on file in the Mechanical
Engineering Office permanently
and are very important for future
reference as well as for interviews
by industrial representatives.
Visitor's Night, Department of
Astronomy-Fri., July 16, 8:30 to
10:30 p.m., in Angell Hall, for ob-
servation of Moon. Visitor's Night
will be cancelled if the sky is
cloudy. Children must be accom-
panied by adults. (The second
and last Visitor's Night during the
Summer Session will be held on
July 30).
All men students in the School
of Business Administration inter-
ested in serving as "Group Lead-
ers" for the School of Business
Administration during the coming
Fall Orientation Week may apply
by appearing at the Student Of-I

fices of the Michigan Union be-
tween eight and nine o'clock, Wed.
night, July 14, 1948. Those unable
to apply in person at this time
fay telephone the student offices
of the Union during the same pe-
riod. Those accepted will be given
two meals per day during Orienta-
tion Week.
The third Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Friday, July
16, 1948. Discussions begin at 8
p.m. in the Main Lodge of the
Fresh Air Camp located on Pat-
terson Lake. Any University stu-
dents are interested in problems
of individual and group therapy
are invited to attend. The discus-
sant will be Mr. Herbert J. Booth
of the Flint State Child Guidance
Clinic, Flint.
Approved Social Events Weekend
July 16-17, 1948
July 16, 1948
Robert Owen Coop, Wallace
Progressives, Wilcox House.
July 17, 1948
Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sig-
ma Phi, Congregational-Disciples
Guild, Delta Tau Delta, Lambda
Chi Alpha, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
Recognized Student Organiza-
tions active during the summer
term 1948 are as follows:
American Veterans Committee,
Le Cercle Francais, Chinese Stu-
dents' Club, Christian Science Or-
ganization, Flying Club, Inter-co-
operative Council, Inter-racial As-
sociation, Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, National Lawyers' Guild,
Roger Williams Guild, Student
Legislature, Unitarian Student
Groups, United Nations Council
for Students, Wallace Progressives,
Young Democrats Club, Young Re-
Linguistic Institute Luncheon
Conference. Lecture by Prof. Jo-
seph K. Yamagiwa, department of
Oriental languages, "Post-War
Reforms in Written Japanese."
Wed., July 14, Union Building.
Luncheon 12:10, Anderson Room;
Lecture, 1:00, Rm. 308.
Speech Assembly: Prof. Edgar
Willis, Department of Speech, San
Jose State College, San Jose, Cali-
fornia, will speak on the subject
"Using Radio to Teach" on Wed-
nesday, July 14, at 3 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Open to
the public.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "Linguistic and Cultural
Change," by Professor Harry Hoi-
jer, Professor of Anthropology,
University of California at Los An-
geles. Thursday, July 15, 7:30,
Rackhom Amphitheatre.
Dean V. A. Tan, College of En-
gineering, the University of the
(Continued on Page 5)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication insthis column, subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Status of Fraternities
To the Editor:
I heartily second Sraig Wilson's
endorsement of Beta Sigma Tau,
the inter-racial national collegiate
fraternity, in his Saturday edi-
I just as heartily resent his snip-
ing at Greek-letter fraternities in
general. He stated, in so many
words, that they are evil-ridden
with hazing, secrecy, high fees,
snobbery and racial and religious
discrimination. His accusations
were unjust and indiscriminate,
and they made no allowance for
sincere attempts by many fra-
ternities to rid themselves of out-
dated customs and attitudes.
Superficial investigation would
have revealed that hazing is slow-
ly dying out, that-secrecy is not a
shield for diabolical conspiracy,
that "high" fees are necessary to
maintain a chapter house and
support a national office and that
snobbery is considered askance by
many fraternities. Furthermore,
many fraternity men have a gen-
uine awareness of the problem
presented by the racial and re-
ligious rules of their organizations.
It is unlikely that the urgings of
these men will bring overnight
changes, but the influx of new
men will eventually force these
Thegreal basis for Mr. Wilson's
sniping is a bad habit of thinking
which 4ften features Daily edi-
torials, that is, feeling sorry for
people who have absolutely no
need ordesire for the pity which
is lavished upon them. Mr. Wil-
son evidently assumes that every-
body wants to join a fraternity.
Thus, he reasons that everybody
should belong to one. I venture
that the huge majority of men
students on college campuses have
no wish to join a fraternity. The
resentment which many of these
students may feel toward frater-
nities is inspired not by the ac-
tions of the fraternities but by
unwarranted comments such as
Mr. Wilson's.
-Lee H. Clark
Alpha Sigma Phi
Beta Sigma Ta
To the Editor:
I wish to join Craig Wilson in
hailing the new inter-racial fra-
ternity which is making its ap-
pearance on the country's cam-
puses, and I agree that such a
group is needed at many colleges.
I am thinking of the schools where
a Greek-letter affiliation is es-
sential in the established forms of
college life, and where segrega-
tion, and the narrow views that
come with it, were formerly part
of the price paid for social ac-
ceptance. In such places Beta
Sigma Tau is not that of intro-
those who refuse to pay that price,
and by setting an example which
cannot reasonably be ignored, it
will affect the attitudes of others.
At Michigan, the need for Beta
Sigma Tau is not that of intro-
ducing the idea of inter-racial liv-
ing. The co-ops introduced it 15
years ago, and have demonstrat'ed
that it works. Besides nullifying
the barriers of race, they have
also overcome those between eco-
nomic strata. And while enjoy-
ing what some persons call "fel-
lowship," they have managed to
open their minds to world prob-
lems, and their activities to com-

munity participation.
In co-ops, several hours work
per week are required from each
member to supplement the low
room room and board rates. For
those who cannot find time to do
this, the new fraternity will be a
welcome addition to the local
scene. And the existing fraterni-
ties, having already outgrown such


customs as pledge-hazing, will
come to realize that their own dis-
criminatory practices are now
ready to be abolished.
-Werner Blumenthal
Students for Slosson
To the Editor:

Every once ,in a great while
students have an opportunity to
play an important part in poli-
tics. Today we students at the
University of Michigan have such
an opportunity.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department is a candidate
for Congress from this district.
He has been a recognized author-
ity on international affairs since
1920 when he worked as an aide
to President Woodrow Wilson in
the founding of the League of Na-
tions. He has the historian's ca-
pacity for the critical evaluation
of political problems, be they do-
mestic or international, as he has
demonstrated on a weekly radio
program for several years.
Preston Slosson is recognized by
men in all parties as top caliber
talent. He stands easily head and
shoulders above the other candi-
dates from this district. Once in
Congress we can confidently ex-
pect that Slosson, with his depth
of background and breadth of
vision, will risento national and
world stature in the solving of
contemporary problems.
But, running as a Democrat in
what has been a predominently
Republican district, Slosson faces
a hard race. He is no professional
politician, he has no "big money"
backing. He is the candidate of no
pressure group. He can be elected
only by the efforts of individual
citizens interested in the future
of their country and the world
who are willing to work inhis be-
Here is a challenge to Michigan
students. There are thousands of
eligible students who can register
to vote this fall. There are rallys
to plan and money to raise to bring
Slosson and his program to the
students and to the Second Con-
gressional District. Seldom have
Michigan students had an oppor-
tunity to contribute so directly to
the welfare of the country.
If you are interested in helping
out, please contact me at 508 S.
Division, phone 2-7816.
-Tom Walsh
Fifty-Eighth Year




At the Michigan . ..
ALL MY SONS, with Edward G. Robinson,
Burt Lancaster and Mady Christians.
"ALL MY SONS" is that rarest of all films,
a fine motion picture transcription of a
fine play. Most producers, when confronted
with a good play, are content to, literally,
photograph the play. The result is usually
disastrous, since there has never been two
hours of dialogue written that would hold
interest on the screen under the limitations
imposed by the play. By the skillful use of
flashback, careful editing and good deal of
camera movement, you never realize that
"All My Sons" really consists of two hours
of talk. Such wonderful talk, though, that
it is gne of the most powerful films ever
The acting, with a couple or exceptions
in the supporting cast, is just about all that
could be desired. And a good deal of intel-
ligence and taste was employed in the
production, with a special nod to the "real-
thing" sets. For me, though, this was Edward
G. Robinson's picture. Mr. Robinson made
the mistake of never giving a bad perform-
ance in his life, so that we have come to
take his acting for granted. But this is great,
even for Robinson. This is the highly-styl-
ized Robinson-the gestures, the scowl, the
fury. This is Robinson on fire, guilty, in
his own mind, of nothing but the preserva-
tion of his family. This is the arrogant Rob-
inson finally humbled by his son, brought
to the realization that his family consists
of all mortals, that they are all his sons. It
is something memorable-an actor's actor
with a role he can give both barrels.
--Jack Sokoloff.
* * *
At the State...
"T-MEN," with Dennis O'Keefe.
IF YOU SAW "To the Ends of the Earth"
and liked it as well as your reviewer did,
dig up the price of admission to this one.
But make sure your money is the "real
O'Keefe," for where Dick Powell chased a
narcotics racket around the world, Dennis
O'Keefe is tracking down the boys who print
pretty pictures in competition with the
Treasury Department.
The photography and acting are of the
same praiseworthy caliber of other recent
documentaries, and the scenes shift from
California to Detroit and Washington as


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Stafl
Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor
Joseph i walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James......Business Manager
Harry Berg......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights ofcre-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press









acoustical conditions, is the story of the
third program in the Faculty Concert Series
presented Monday evening at Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The much too tone-absorbent
auditorium, was filled almost to capacity
by a warmly appreciative audience present
for the occasion.
Beethoven's first quartet, that in D major,
Op. 18, No. 3, was the opening work on the
program. An ensemble consisting of Gilbert
Ross, violin; Emil Raab, violin; Bernard Mi-
lofsky, viola; and Oliver Edel, cello; gave
this work a very spirited reading, marked by
vigorous rhythm and clean phrasing. Off
to a nervous start, the playing at the outset,
tended to sound tense, rather than intense.
There ivere also several passages in the
first movement marred by poor intonation.
The scond movement was given a rather
warm reading, in which the use of possibly
a little too much vibrato resulted in an over-
emotional tone, somewhat in the "schmaltz"
trdiin fa. Snk-w 'P rn pr- lu ia

ence of jazz on contemporary art music.
Rhythm rules the roost. For those who
like their music jazz "hot," one might add
that this work really had the "joint
An outstanding feature of the first move-
ment, was a highly rhythmic concerto grosso
type ritornello. The second movement was
mostly melodic and harmonic in interest,
while the final movement reverted to
rhythmic invention. Once again this was
in the vigorous insistent form of the jam
session orgy.
Mr. Palmer's Quartet is an interesting
work, although not as successful on first
hearing as that of Mr. Finney. For this,
possibly one might note an apparent infer-
iority in craftsmanship and paucity of
harmonic material. The ensemble gave this
work an exceptionally fine performance. The
balance was very good, which indicates the
wisdom of leaving the piano top down for
concerted works performed in this hall.
Beethoven's Trio in B flat major. Op. 97.


Grandma! There's no place set for
Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather-
.We didn't expect him. Mother, we don't
I'll get another plate- encourage him in
this nonsense-

Barnaby. Come back here-
l better see
what's delaying
Mr. O'Malley-

I 1 70 T ". fl I I I i V 7 ,


Barnaby! I never dreamed your
grandmother is a patron of the
ors! Look, the barn's; equipped
as a theater! A complete stage!
Everything! ... No runway, but-

-° I

eG1CmO 0

' -A


-.- 1 -1 - -.- , . . I . I. . ;:AllwlMm I I

Yes, didn't tfell you? An acting
group from the city converted the



The troop expects another successful
season this summer. If all goes well.

What fun! I
wish we were

Yes, we impresarios always have our
lunch brought into the theater while




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