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July 14, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-07-14

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Expert Diploma Maker Says
Lack of Muslin Hinders Work

A muslin shortage this season is
holding up output of framed sheep-
skins for university degree holders,
according to James B. Saunders who
for the past half-century has spec-
ialized in mounting diplomas for
graduating students.
Once the shortage is ended, Saund-
ers expects to resume his chores
which always pile up shortly after a
semester ends. Later his handiwork
will appear on the walls of law, engi-
neering, dental, medical and phar-
maceutical offices.
A picture-framer by trade, Saund-
ers was born here in. 1876 and at the
age of 16 began learning his craft.
He has no idea of how many diplo-
mas he has mounted and framed
(Continued from Page 1)
system would require vast over-haul-
ing of present procedures and prob-
ably would take several years before
'completely effected.-
Indiana and North Carolina have
launched such integration schemes.
Other states have also unified their
higher education administrative con-
trol through establishment of over-
all administrative and policy-making
boards with the result that "stream-
lining" and subsequent savings have
been evolved, observers pointed out.
Keniston Favors Study
In Michigan, lack of such control
may lead to unnecessary waste of
money and general confusion in the
higher education circles during forth-
coming expansion, according to Dean
Hayward Kenston of the literary
college, who strongly favors an ex-
tensive study of integration.
LOST: Ruby and Diamond Cocktail
ring, probably at Willow Run Vil-
lage, Wednesday night. Reward.
eall 2-4471, Rm. 567 Jordan. (23
WANTED: Sewing-alterations and
refitting of young women's cloth-
ing. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divi-
sion. 2nd floor, front.
MARRIED VETERAN desires one or
two furnished rooms for fall se-
mester. No children. Excellent re-
ferences. Junior in Engr. College.
Address, W. Burmeister, 403 Doug-
las Ave., Elgin, Ill. ' (3
20 miles): Wife, 2 children, and .I
want furnished house, apt', or lake
cottage with modern plumbing. We
will occupy for 6 months starting
9 Sept. Write Dick Petticrew, 309
W. Bancroft, Toledo, Ohio.' (23
FOR SALE: Tuxedo, single-breasted,
size 36, excellent condition. Call
Palmer at 2-3171. (22
cabin with 2-story living room and
cobblestone fire place completely
furnished. 11/2 acres overlooking
Mackinaw Island. Ready to move
in. Complete book of pictures
available. A bargain. Don't miss
this one. Inquire Wm. G. Kirby,
Realtor, 500 Michigan Bank Bldg.,
WANTED: Girl student to share 3-
room apartment on campus. Phone

2-3246 daytime. (20
able until Sept. 1. Four rooms and
bath. Call 2-3343 after 5:30 p.m.
WANTED: Sewing-alterations and
refitting of young women's cloth-
ing. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divis-
ion. 2nd floor, front.
WANTED AT ONCE. The names and
addresses of all Alpha Kappa Alpha
women on campus and in Ann Ar-
bor. Call 9247 at once. Roberta
Ellis Britt. (19
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
-tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
"WHY PAY MORE than $3.00 for a
tennis restringing," said over 50
happy customers. Ph. 2-7360, Dean
McClusky, 417 8th St. (6
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4

since a day in 1904 when he pre-
pared one for a young attorney,
Frank E. Jones. Since then he has'
become a consultant in treating aged
or ailing sheepskins.
From all parts of the country come
wrinkled or warped diplomas, cer-
tificates and other documents for
him to smooth over and straighten
out. Not long ago, he said, he re-
ceived a dried-out sheepskin from
somewhere in Texas, but it had been
exposed to an arid climate so many
years that no restorative effort could
stop it from crumbling.
In his travels around the country,
Saunders often calls on Michigan
graduates and looks at their diplomas
with a craftsman's eye of shrewd ap-
praisal. He says he's been informed
about Michigan diplomas hanging in
offices in such c'ountries as Turkey,
China and India.
The University still obtains its
sheepskin supply from England by
way of a Philadelphia Bank Note
Company. The skins are still pre-
pared by ancient, time-consuming
methods ofadrying, curing and dip-
ping handed down through countless
Diploma clerks say no modern
speed-up technique has been devel-
oped for turning out sheepskins of
the quality the University demands.
When a supply arrives at Ann Ar-
bor, Dwight Gadberg begins hand
inscribing them with the name of
the school or college, the graduate's
name, the name of the degree and
the date of its award.

Christman Hits
Bonus Backers
'Lone Dissenter' Calls
Bill 'Buck-Passing'
(Continued from Page 1)
the present time. Mustering-out-pay,
proposed terminal leave pay, the GI
Bill of Rights, and unemployment
compensation protect the veteran
sufficiently now.
"The veterans I have contacted
have been more convinced that the
state should establish a fund to be
used in future years, when it is really
needed, to help the vet obtain easy
loans for building a home, a farm
or starting a business," Christman
He added that all were agreed that
funds will be required to help maimed
veterans and that steps should be tak-
en to provide for them first. Christ-
man proposed that the $50,000,000
vet trust fund built up during the
war by the state be used to "earn
more money," and eventually be util-
ized if a bonus is required.
This fund is controlled by a five-
man veteran committee appointed by
Gov. Kelly anc is being used for
needy vets and their families.
Christman, who described himself
as an old-time Republican, voted in
opposition to the rent control bill
allowing 15 per cent increase in rents.
"I'm opposed to government re-
strictions and felt- that if there has
to be any further regulation, it should
be handled on the local level through
the circuit court commissioners," he

Leaders Meet
At Higgins Lake
HIGGINS LAKE, Mich., July 13-
(P)-Twenty prominent conservation
leaders will meet here for four days
beginning tomorrow to formulate a
postwar program of restoration and
development of the nation's 600,-
000,000 acres of tree-growing lands.
The group's recommendations will
be submitted for national considera-
tion at an American Forest Congress
to be held in Washington, D.C., Oct.

To Speak Here
Lawyers To Discuss
Wane' Act ii Panel



Official U. S. Navy Photo
west speed record was set by this new Navy Neptune patrol bomber, a
two-motored Lockheed P2V, when it sat down at Burbank Field. Calif.,
9 hours 23 minutes and 2 seconds after its take-off from Floyd Bennett
Field. This sliced 39 minutes off the previous best speed, despite poor
flying conditionsthat forced the plane 150 miles offtcourse. The Nptune
was piloted by Commander Thomas D. Davies, of Chevy Chase, Md.,
and carried three naval crewmen and two civilian passengers.
WPAG To Carry Broadcast
ByProf. and Mrs. Bromnage

Aspects of "Total War and the Pre-
servation of Democracy" will be dis-
cussed by Prof. and Mrs. Arthur
Bromage in a WPAG radio program
presented by the Ann Arbor Citizens
Council, which will include a read-
ing of the "Curd Seller" by Gunvant


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
b ers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be &ent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 9S
Dependents Schools Service:
Representatives from Headquar-
ters, United States Forces, European
Theatre, Dependents Schools Service
will be in the office of the Bureau of
Appointments on Monday and Tues-
day, July 22 and 23. They will inter-
view candidates for teaching posi-
tions in Germany. Candidates are re-
quired to have two years of teaching
experience and should have in hand
the following information:
1. Proof of citizenship, personal
data such as age and marital status,
photograph, and any requirements
for the procurement of a passport.
2. Complete statement of school-
ing, giving dates,' degrees, honors,
majors, etc.
3. Description of teaching experi-
ence, giving dates, location of schools,
age levels taught, characteristics of
groups, typical as well as unusual
instructional procedures employed
in directing classroom activities.
4. Brief description of self, stres-

sing personality traits, health status,
hobbies, reading interests, social and
community activities.
5. References and letters of re-
6. Copies of teaching certificates.
For appointment, call the Bureau
of Appointments - Extension 489,
Miss Briggs.
Service Women interested in dis-
cussing plans for the formation of a
social organization to serve their in-
terests are invited to attend a brief
meeting Monday evening, July 15,
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League.
Interested Service women, unable to
attend, may call Anne Dearnley,
phone 2-4561 if they desire to be in-
formed of future meetings.
The Museum of Art presents "Pio-
neers of Modern Art in America."
an exhibition from the Whitney Mu-
seum of American Art, at the Rack-
ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and
7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores-
try, Music and Public Health. Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by August 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in

order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Housing for Women Students for
the Fall Semester;
(1) Women students now enrolled
who have dormitory applications on
file in the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men will be notified during July of
their assignments.
(2) Those who have applied
through this office for supplemen-
tary housing and been referred are
advised to sign contracts with the
individual League Housemothers.
(3) Those who are enrolled for the
summer session who still need to ap-
ply for housing for the fall semester.
are advised to call at the Office of
the Dean of Women immediately
provided their admission is not limit-
ed to the summer session only.
Job Registration material may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, during office
hours (9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to
4:00) through Friday of this week.'
This applies to August graduates as
well as to graduate students or staff
members who wish to register and
who will be available for positions
next year. The Bureau has two place-
ment divisions: Teacher Placement
and General Placement. The General
(Continued on Page 4)

M. Shah, of Bombay, India at 7:30l
p.m. today.
Prof. Bromage, of the political sci-
ence department, was a member of
Governor Murphy's Commission for
the Reorganization of State Govern-
ment and prior to the war was ac-
tive in state and community pro-
grams. He has served on the Com-
munity Fund Board .and during the
war was Administrator and Local
Government Officer with a Region-
al Military Government Detachment
for the State of Bavaria. Prof. Bro-
mage taught at Harvard, of which
he is a graduate, before coming to
the University.
Mary Bromage is Assistant Dean
of Women and has also long been as-
sociated with civic affairs. During the
war, Mrs. Bromage gave up her posi-
tion with the Department of Eng-
lish to train overseas personel for re-
lief work in the Balkans for UNRRA.
Prior to the war she was president
of the local Community Fund, a
member of the Board of Family Ser-
vice and is at present with the Pub-
lic Health Nursing Program and the
The Ann Arbor Citizens Council
has added three newcomers to its
radio staff to handle the production
and announcing for its weekly Sun-
day broadcasts. The new staff mem-
bers are Ted Heusel, Arnott Tait and
Phillip Woodruff, all Ann Arbor resi-
Heusel and Tait are in charge of
announcing and Woodruff manages
the program direction and script pre-
paration. Woodruff is an English
major at the University. Heusel, who
is enrolled at Michigan State Nor-
mal College, and Tait, a student at
the University of California at Los
Angeles, are both majoring in speech
and radiB.
Hold Your Bonds

The meeting here was called by
directors of the American Forestry
A_.sociation to point up a program
of state, regional and national action
which is said to be necessary to re-
pair war drains upon the forest re-
source and to speed progress in bring-
ing the nation back to a position of
forest plenty.
"The war has brought home with
dramatic emphasis the importance
of forests as an essential national
resource," said W. S. Rosecrans, pres-
ident of the association.
Postwar demands for products of
the forest are vividly underscoring
that fact. The American people need
and want desperately a forest pro-
gram that will assure them and their
children forests adequate to their
"Our country has all the tree-
growing lands necessary to meet
these needs. What is urgently and
critically needed, now that the war
is over, is a coordinated program of
public and private action to bring
these lands under productive man-
agement as rapidly as possible.
Plan Commission
Sees Scenic Detroit
DETROIT, July 13 -(Y)-One of
Detroit's dream projects, a scenic
highway flanking the east side's wa-
terfront, was portrayed by the City
Plan Commission today as a $28,000,-
000 development.
The Commission, recommending
immediate steps for acquisition of
privately owned property along the
proposed route, pictured an ' area
complete with parks, swimming
pools, boat harbors, apartment sites
and recreation centers.

David Karasick, senior attorney
with the Detroit branch of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board, will
speak on "The Wagner Act, Its
Meaning and Operation" at 8 p.m.
Wednesday in Rm. 120 Hutchins Hall.
Karasick will deliver the second
lecture of the student chapter of
the National Lawyers Guild at a
panel discussion.
Participating with Karasick in the
discussion will be Woodrow J. Sand-
ler, and Harry N. Casselman who
graduated in 1937 from the Univer-
sity Law School. Both are also sen-
ior attorneys with the NLRB in De-
Interested citizens, students and
faculty members are invited to at-
tend and to ask questions during the
discussion period.
CIO Workers Announce
GM-Fisher Strike Notice
DETROIT, July 13-(P)-Officials
of the CIO United Auto Workers an-
nounced today that strike notice ap-
proval has been voted by a Local
representing plant protection workers
in seven General Motors Corp. and
Fisher Body plants.
Harry Hildebrand, vice-president
of the Local, said the Union's com-
plaints included the company's fail-
ure to grant wage increases during
a negotiation period, refusal to in-
stall a 40-hour week, failure to re-
strict supervisory employees from
performing plant protection work,
and insistence on a two-year no-
strike, clause.
North Main Opposite Court House
--- Today thru Tuesday -
Eric Von Stroheim in
plus -
Bill Elliott in
News and Serial






On the Air
7:00 A.M. to
8:15 P.M.
In July
Dial 1050


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30c to 5 P.M.









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